A Modern Love
Chapter 16
It was beautiful sunny afternoon, a Thursday if I recall correctly, and David walked towards his car for the leisurely drive home. It was a good work day, not too stressful but with just the right amount of hard work to keep the day moving along at a strong pace.
David had pleasant things on his mind as he approached his car. Things like a nice walk this evening, some violin play, maybe some piano too; he might even treat himself to a pizza as he's been extra good lately. Good moods are not to be taken lightly, David thought, it's not that they are few and far between but hey, take'em when you can get'em.
As David got in the car and peered through the windshield he noticed a large smear of bird excrement right in his line of sight. He had a good laugh at this and didn't let it spoil his mood. He got some tissue from the glove box and got out to wipe it off, as his windshield sprayer had been broken for several years. Oh the excitement of a small town, maybe later he'll watch the grass grow or the cars rust. The drive home was pleasant.
Not too far away Jennifer was making her way to her car as well; luckily for her there were no bird incidents though. An equally good day for her with only one real emergency, well as far as library emergencies go. There was a lost book that was supposed to be on hold for a lady that had the patience of a toddler. In fact the child she had with her behaved better than she did. Jennifer stood there and took the tongue lashing with grace and poise. The irate lady even raised her voice to a disturbing level; in a library no less. However, after a little consoling and a heartfelt apology Jennifer had the lady calmed down and on her way without hard feelings. Jennifer thought she handled the situation pretty well but it still weighed on her mind a bit; that was until she stepped out of the library and saw what a beautiful evening it would be. Her drive home was nice and as she pulled into The Villa so did this handsome young man.
As David pulled in right beside Jennifer's car he immediately noticed the new face, a pretty face. He didn't do much thinking, which was probably a good thing since therefore there was no time to get nervous about saying hello.
"Hi, how are ya? You must be new to The Villa," David said as he was closing his car door. For some reason he sounded a little out of breath.
"Yes I am," Jennifer smiled. "I've not been here too long now; I'm Jennifer."
"Well welcome; I think you're going to like it here. I've not been here all that long either but I've really enjoyed it so far." David thought, well except for the butt chewing by Frank about the damn parking spots and the odd times spent with Amy Helmer. He drifted off for a second in his self pity but quickly came back to provide Jennifer with his full attention.
"Oh I'm sure I will," replied Jennifer with a positive friendly tone. Jennifer found herself looking at David with delight. Now she really only looked in silence for a couple of seconds but in those couple of seconds it felt much longer. Her mind raced thinking wow things have gone so well to date here in Owensboro with the new job and new apartment, could it really get better by meeting a nice guy. What a nice welcome, he seems so polite.
Due to the fact that Jennifer held social graces in such high esteem she was way over blowing the importance of this simple hello how are you. But, in a world with plenty of rude people (and yes I know, also some nice people) sometimes the polite ones stand out; especially the ones that you also find physically attractive.
I think in these modern times it's probably hard for a young person to find another "nice/polite" young person to converse with; maybe more so if they're of the opposite sex. It just seems to me that modern love is made up of acting cool, which can equate to rudeness, while pretending you really don't like the other person as much as you do. It's kind of like constantly leaning back to make sure you don't tip your cards in a high stakes poker game. I'm not sure but I think that's the way it goes these days.
After just a bit more pleasantries David and Jennifer made their ways to their respective apartments. As Jennifer entered her front door she realized she didn't even catch his name.
As Jennifer set about making her dinner she let her mind wander a bit. Being such a fine cook, or at least an efficient one, she was able to go through the motions of cooking her vegetable and rice dish without much thought. Oh and she also had some fruit cocktail and a garden salad as well with a nice glass of ice water. Very healthy meal I'd say. Anyways where was I? Oh yah.
She let her mind wander to her introduction to the nice boy in the parking lot. Well, she thought, he's not a boy he's a man, but he has this sweet boyish quality. A charm that shows through in his smile and his overall demeanor; he seems to have good etiquette and an understanding of proper civil communication. Jennifer was impressed. She found herself smiling and singing along to her radio she had turned on to a contemporary pop station.
After several minutes of pleasant feelings Jennifer thought carefully through how she didn't catch his name. Did he give it and I just missed it? Maybe he said his name while I was staring at him with starry eyes? No I'm sure he didn't give his name.
At this point a small bit of worry crept into Jennifer's mind. She thought back to her discussion, or more of a warning really, with Amy Helmer. Could this boy ? umm, young man that is ? be the famous David that Amy girl was talking about. Jennifer found herself laughing right out loud. She spoke out loud as well, "wouldn't it just be fitting if of no fault of my own I've just stepped into that wasp's nest?" In this instance laughing was simply Jennifer's way of covering up the concern she felt inside. She was not certain that she would pull back on the reigns of her feelings in regards to this young man, but she didn't really want a feud with Amy either; certainly not so early in her arrival to her new home here at The Villa.
As Jennifer was mulling over the "what ifs", David was playing his violin while letting his mind drift elsewhere. He was thinking about how he was not in the least bit nervous, as well as did not stammer or stutter, and didn't feel uncomfortable with Jennifer as he had at the beginning of his first meeting with Amy. Jennifer was not the imposing figure like Amy. It came to David's mind that Amy Helmer wants to be the imposing figure; the proverbial eight hundred pound gorilla in the room so to speak. While Amy tries to force her opinions or desires for the way a conversation, or relationship maybe, are going to go; Jennifer seemed to have more tact. Jennifer seemed to understand what makes for a cordial conversation. She seemed to understand the subtle nature of a first meeting; that it wouldn't include sexual innuendo and over-flirtatious behavior.
David kind of felt bad about this last thought. After all Amy may have taken the lead in the pool side flirt, but David played along as a willing participant. And I liked it, he thought. I really enjoyed the attention and the naughty behavior she was showing me. I guess that makes me an accessory to the crime? Probably ? well no one's perfect. David was doing his best not to completely blame Amy for the downfall of their short-term romance.
It's not as if I led her on really, David continued his line of thinking. I mean if anything she led me on; led me right to her bedroom! David let out a hearty laugh. Well just for the sake of comparison I'd have to say my first meeting with Amy was over-stimulating and over-sexed as well; while my introduction to Jennifer was far more casual and wholesome. Is wholesome the right word to describe it? Hmm. Maybe appropriate is a more apt description. I mean the first introduction should be relaxed and casual, not in your face and sex laden.
I have to agree with David on his thoughts here. I couldn't imagine what I would have thought of Elizabeth if she would have come on to me, in our first introduction, as strong as Amy did to David. I certainly doubt I would have thought of her as marriage material. I'm not judging Amy, and I really don't think David is either, but there is just a certain civil way to meet someone for the first time, and it would appear Amy had crossed the line of civility; at least in retrospect.
Maybe I should talk to Amy before I start thinking of other girls, thoug
ht David. At least let her know we won't be seeing each other anymore. We can always remain friends. But something tells me she won't take the news well. Something tells me she will be angry as hell. Gosh, it's not like we are an "official" couple or something. We had a flirtatious first meeting, and awkward first date, I'll admit with a great goodnight kiss; then a disaster of a second date that ended up in the sack. I mean that last part was great and all but it really wasn't the right thing to do; probably.
David was really letting this get to him. It's not usually like him to procrastinate so much but he could foresee a really bad outcome. That is he could see Amy blowing up and being furious with him no matter how soft he let her down. No matter what he planned to say to her, David could not figure out a way to ensure he wouldn't suffer the wrath of little Ms. Helmer.
That's life buddy, I mean things aren't as simple as written plans and pros/cons lists. No matter how you boil it down there's always that unknown factor; that human factor, even more so that woman factor. I'm sure women think of it as "that man factor" as well and probably have every right to do so. God knows we can all be difficult can't we?
David put down his violin and walked into the kitchen. As he filled his glass with water he peered into the mirror over the sink. Looking right into his own eyes as if seeing threw himself into the living room behind him, he thought: it would be the gentlemanly thing to do ya know; to let Amy know it's over before I start up with another girl. I mean we didn't see each other much, but we did sleep together. David wondered whether sleeping with someone really meant anything deep down to Amy. He seriously doubted it and so decided to once again save the Amy situation for another day. Mistake?