The End of Texas
Appendix VII
“Republic of Texas” Quotes
Quotes from “Republic of Texas” Members 1836-45
Mirabeau Lamar, President of the “Republic of Texas”-
"The proper policy to be pursued towards the barbarian race is absolute expulsion from the country. The white man and the red man cannot dwell in harmony together. Nature forbids it."
Texas General Thomas Rusk to Cherokee, Shawnee, and Delaware leaders-
"The wild Indians and Mexicans and we are enemies…If you remain will be destroyed…."
James S. Mayfield, Secretary of State for the “Republic of Texas”-
"The true policy and prosperity of this country (Texas) depend on the maintenance [of slavery.]”
Stephen Austin, colonist leader, August 1835-
“Texas should be fully Americanized…I wish a great immigration…passports or no passports.”
“[This struggle is] a mongrel Spanish, Indian, and Negro race versus civilization and the Anglo-American Race.”
Sam Houston, President of “Republic of Texas”-
“Will you bow under the yoke of these half Indians?”
(Referring to the Mexican government. Though Houston was himself adopted by Cherokees and had a Cherokee wife he abandoned before coming to Texas, he chose to appeal to Texas colonists by invoking hatred against Indians.)
James Fannin, Insurgent Commander at the Battle of Goliad-
“What can be expected for the fair daughters of chaste white women [from Mexicans]?”
(Fannin was appealing to the racist stereotype of darker races supposedly desiring to rape white women.)
William Travis, Insurgent Commander at the Battle of the Alamo-
“[I fear] the pollution of wives and daughters [by Mexicans].”
(Another appeal to the racist stereotype of darker races supposedly desiring to rape white women.)
Creed Taylor, member of Texas Army- “I thought I could shoot Mexicans as well as I could shoot Indians, deer, or turkey.”
David Burnett, Interim President of “Republic of Texas”-
“One general fact may account for all, the utter dissimilarity between the two people, the Texians and the Mexicans. The first are principally Anglo Americans, the others a mongrel race of degenerate Spaniards and Indians more depraved.”
“Half-Indian!” (Burnett said this to Sam Houston. Houston, one of the few Texan leaders to not be racist towards Indians, was an adopted Cherokee and had a Cherokee wife he abandoned shortly before coming to Texas.)
William H. Wharton, Texas Insurgent Leader-
“The Justice and Benevolence of God will forbid that the delighted region of Texas should again become a howling wilderness trod only by savages or that it should be permanently benighted by the ignorance, superstition, anarchy, and rapine of Mexican misrule. The Anglo American race are destined to be forever the proprietors of this land…THEIR laws will govern it…This is inevitable for the wilderness of Texas has been redeemed by Anglo American blood.”
Wolf Hunters, Anglo-American Terrorists from Tennessee- [Swear to stop] imbecilic oppressive priest ridden semi barbarous [Mexicans].”
Texas Colonist H Bundy of Pleasanton-
“You will hear many say you should treat [Mexicans] like dogs, but that depends upon how you treat your dogs.”
Constitution of the Texas Republic, Sections 6, 9 and 10:
“All free white persons who emigrate to the republic...shall be entitled to all the privileges of citizenship.”
“All persons of color who were slaves for life previous to their emigration to Texas, and who are now held in bondage, shall remain in the like state of servitude... Congress (of Texas) shall pass no laws to prohibit emigrants from the United State of America from bringing their slaves into the Republic with them...nor shall Congress have the power to emancipate slaves; nor shall any slaveholder be allowed to emancipate his or her slave or free person of African descent either in whole or in part shall be permitted to reside permanently in the Republic without the consent of Congress."
Critics of the “Texas Republic”
Frederick Law Olmsted, Journalist and Social Critic- “Wherever slavery in Texas has been…Mexicans, it has been found necessary to treat them as outlaws…The whole native population of county after county has been driven by planters (slave owners) from its home and forbidden, on pain of instant death, to return.”
Mexican General Teran, Describing Anglo Colonists in Texas-
"Most of them have slaves, and these slaves are beginning to learn the favorable intent of Mexican law to their unfortunate condition and are becoming restless under their yokes…."
Teran went on to describe the cruelty of these slave owners.-
"They extract their teeth, set on the dogs to tear them in pieces, the most lenient being he who but flogs his slaves until they are flayed."
Quotes from “Republic of Texas” Militias
Richard McLaren, leader of the ROT militia, sentenced to 99 years for kidnappings which led to a standoff with Texas state police-
“We're the militia of the Republic of Texas, and we've come to take you prisoner and seize your house.” (Said to kidnap victims.)
"I guess you boys didn't learn anything from Waco and Ruby Ridge . . . and you fools are going to come here and kill me, huh, and overrun this mission." (Statement to Texas state police during standoff)
"We didn't start it. We're just the (keepers) of the 1836 constitution."
(Statement to reporters after the end of the standoff.)
ROT Militia Declaration of War email sent in June 1998 to President Bill Clinton, the FBI director, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, the US Attorney General, and their families:
``Your [government] employees and their families have been targeted for destruction by revenge....Non-traceable, personal delivery systems have been developed to inject bacteria and/or viruses for the purpose of killing, maiming, and causing great suffering.''
“Somebody shoot me, I don’t care....Come on....Mr. Donaldson, the wrath of the public is coming,”- ROT militia member Rick White to Odessa County Sheriff Mark Donaldson during September 2010 standoff.
Jonathan Gray, former ROT militia member in a ten year standoff with police, has had these hand painted signs outside his home-
"We Are Militia And Will Live Free Or You'll Die"
"Militias Are the People"
"Vaccinations Equal Annihilation."
Hanging from a tree is a noose and a sign: "Solution To Tyranny"
"There's two people that family looks up to: Mel Gibson and Chuck [Norris],"-family friend of the Grays.
Describing why he left the ROT militia- "They was not of God. They did not go of God's ways."
Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw-Turner Goston El-Bey, leader of the Washitaw Moors or Muurs, a militia/cult with whom the ROT militia has a “treaty.”-
"I was born in my placenta...I kicked out of it on my own, and then [the placenta] rolled up on my head like a crown."
"Are you aware that you are from Mu? Are you aware that your beginning was with Queen Mu? She was actually Empress Moo....Muu is the name taught to all nations by the Creator. All over the planet, the cattle teach the same name, Muu.”
The Washitaws also have active militia groups in Texas. They and the “Republic of Texas” militia frequently work together in schemes to issue phony bonds and checks, for which both militias have several members imprisoned.
Their ideology is a mix of Black supremacy (though they claim to be American Indian) and militia movement-sovereign citizen-freemen. Though they allow white members, they profess hatred for actual American Indians as “Chinese imposters.”
Quotes from Other Texas Secessionists, Separatists, and Traitors
None of the following groups or individuals advocates violence or engage in known criminal activity.
Larry Kilgore, frequent secessionist
candidate for public office in Texas-
[Pointing to the American flag]"I hate that flag up there....I hate the United States government. ... They're an evil, corrupt government."
Robert M. Smith, Texas Nationalist Movement-
“The forecast for liberty, personal freedoms, and justice is just as grim, bleak and hopeless. The fact that the US government has hundreds of detention facilities standing empty and ready to open for business, along with the US Military preparing for civil unrest in the US, speaks volumes.... Stop the oppression, the theft, and the abuse of the Federal government and the Banksters at the Federal Reserve.”
Cary Wise, Texas Nationalist Movement-
“Fellow Texans, our illustrious Governor has now declared his bid for the President of the United States....
Well Governor Perry, here is a heads up from the Texas Nationalist Movement! First of all, many of us have read your book "FED UP". A good book, if any of it was true, and you had at least done one thing to stave off the federal government that you talked about in the book. The second thing is that Texas belongs to the people, not B. Obama. You were spineless and much less than a Texan when you failed now twice to confront him, and follow through with the false statements contained in your book, about maintaining Texas sovereignty! That at first bothered me until I recently heard; you are a Texan, but an American "first".
Well Mr. Perry, there are a whole lot of Texans that are going to throw the "bull****" card on you now, and please, let me be the first. Your aid, ex-senator Armbrister, sat right in front of myself and Daniel Miller and swore to us that you would never, ever, run for President. I guess the lying goes deeper than just, your office. Your pathetic efforts with Obama were a complete embarrassment to the people of Texas. Your rhetoric now of changing Washington and downsizing government, is just that, rhetoric from a guy whose ambitions have now left Texas, to deal with his own future of power and fame! ....Mr. Perry, your rhetoric is old and worn out. Maybe you better check with the Bilderbergs and the UN, and with NAFTA officials before you get too deep into promises you cannot, and will not keep....
Gov. Perry, you now begin to fill the people of America with the same rhetoric and BS you have fed the people of Texas for years. You did not fulfill your duty to Texas, and you will not do anything for the people of America, but let them down. You sir, are a fake! You sir, are a false prophet! I will, with every ounce of energy and the very last dollar I have, do everything I can to make sure you do not become President of the United States! You won't make it happen for Texas, you sure as hell won't get it done for America.
Wake up Texas! We are left on our own! We must let America know that this man is a fake who only looks to benefit himself!
....And by the way Mr. Perry, just so you know. I did indeed vote for you twice for Governor. But now, I have been lied to and fooled enough. YOU LOSE!”