Black Hawk Down
Aden, Sheik Haji Mohamed Iman, 72, 73
Aden Adere Compound, Shiek, 25
Afghanistan, 110
AH-6 Little Birds, 4–5
Ahmed, Ismael, 279
Aidid, Mohamed Farrah, 3, 109
aftermath of battle, 310–12
the assault and, 20–23, 28
code name of, 25
death of, 333
Durant and, 309, 311–12, 327–30
Howe and, 90–96
popular support for, 230, 278
previous attempts to kidnap, 22, 26–27
UN and, 71–73, 75, 344
Airborne rescue teams, 5, 49, 135–37
Air force, 49, 135–37, 151
Alamo, the, 199–258
critical solutions, 229–31, 254–58
darkness and, 215, 219–20, 247
Howe and, 204–209, 231–35
Little Birds and, 215–16, 254, 256
Perino and, 209–14, 232–43
resupply of, 230–31
Steele and, 232–44
Wolcott crash site, 201–203, 215
wounded soldiers, 210–14, 220–25, 231–45, 248–55
Albright, Madeleine K., 27, 93–94, 311
“Alcohol,” 111
Ali, Mohamed Sheik, 179–81
Ammunition, 45–46, 208, 235
Anderson, Specialist Steve, 324
described, 157–58, 159
emergency convoy, 159, 162, 164
giant rescue convoy, 267, 276–77, 295–96
Armed forces radio, 155
Armor plates, 140
Aspin, Les, 310, 311, 331, 334, 335
Assault, the, 1–67
capture of Aidid’s top men, 21, 22, 32, 50
ground convoy to withdraw troops and prisoners, 50–57, 61–67, 99
launching of, 3–8, 29–30
rules of engagement, 18, 35, 46, 49
Somali spies and, 23, 25–29
Somali view of, 30–32, 56, 98–99
Atto, Osman, 27, 96
Atwater, Sergeant Chris, 245, 298
move to crash site, 179, 185–87
Awale, Abdi “Qeybdid” Hassan, 28, 32
attack on home of, 71–74, 94–95, 98, 319
Awale, Mohamed Hassan, 32, 327, 329, 334
Bakara Market, 20–21
Barre, Abdullahi Ossoble, 73–74, 95
Barre, Mohamed Siad, 7, 72, 92, 93, 109, 179
Barton, Sergeant Alan:
the Alamo, 203, 216, 219, 246–47, 249
Black Hawk crash, 168–69
Battle of the Black Sea, 331
see also Task Force Ranger
BBC, 319, 321–22
Beckwith, Colonel Charlie A., 205–206
Beckwith, Connie, 206
Belda, Sergeant Mark, Black Hawk crash and, 144, 145–46
Belman, Specialist John, 144
the Alamo, 203
Berendsen, Private Anton, the assault, 65–67
Berger, Samuel R., 311
Blackburn, Private First Class, 4
evacuation of, 54–57, 63, 103, 147, 157–58
injury to, 15–20, 43, 99, 104, 178, 228, 323
Black Hawk down, 71–131
consequences of, 83–84
convoy to aid, 100–101, 103–107, 112–31
crash of Durant, 103, 107–108, 113, 118, 123–24
crew view of, 77–79
Little Bird rescuers, 85–87
overrun, see Overrun
Ranger view of, 67, 76–77, 80
Somali view of, 71–76, 80–83, 108–12, 143–44, 180–81
Black Hawk helicopters, 48–49
described, 88, 107, 109–10
Black Sea neighborhood, 20–21
Boorn, Staff Sergeant Ken, 39
wounded, 210, 295
Bosnia, 334, 335, 342
Boswell, Sergeant First Class John, 252
move to crash site, 176
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 71, 72, 91
Bray, Staff Sergeant Jeff:
the Alamo, 204, 257
the assault, 49–50
Briley, Chief Warrant Officer Donovan “Bull”:
Black Hawk crash, 79, 85, 87–88, 141, 142–43, 338
death of, 249–51, 295
Brown & Root, 97, 98
Bullock, Sergeant First Class Bart:
the assault, 18
move to crash site, 178, 187
Burns, Sergeant John, 324, 325
the assault, 62
rescue convoy, 116–19
Busch, Staff Sergeant Daniel, 324
Black Hawk crash, 86–87
described, 86, 152
Bush, George, 91, 309
Byrd, Robert C., 310
Capture of Mike Durant, 193–97, 229, 230, 261–315
Firimbi and, 309, 312–13, 318–20, 327, 328–29
keeping a record, 326–27
letters, 320–22
maverick mooryan and, 261–63
medical care, 308–309, 329
Night Stalkers Don’t Quit, 320–22
ransoming of, 309
release of, 311–12, 327–30
videotape, 307–308
visitors, 320–21
Carlson, Private Tory, 104
rescue convoy, 114, 115, 120, 128
Carter, Jimmy, 96
Cash, Sergeant Raleigh, 59, 300
emergency convoy, 159, 162, 163–64
giant rescue convoy, 270, 296
Cavaco, Corporal Jim, 153
death of, 117, 243, 296, 301
Cawale, Ali Mohamed, 112
CCTs (Combat Control Technicians), 49, 100
Christopher, Warren, 310, 311
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 23
Cleveland, Staff Sergeant Bill, 87, 326
Black Hawk crash, 107, 148, 190, 261, 280
Clinton, Bill, 91, 93, 263, 329
Carter and, 96
OK’s Delta Force, 95
release of Durant, 311–12, 327
surprised by operation, 304, 308, 334
as unfit leader, 343
victims and families, 317, 325, 343
Washington politics, 309–11
CNN, 154, 306, 314
Coleman, Specialist Jason, 203
Collett, Specialist John, 153
the Alamo, 225, 226, 235, 252–4
move to crash site, 182, 183, 185
run back to base, 287
Collins, Staff Sergeant Mike, wounded, 248, 250
Communications between air and ground, 112–13, 123–24, 161, 282, 284, 286
Conner, Private Brian, 275
“Cook Platoon,” 265, 270
Coultrop, Captain Bill, the Alamo and, 204, 217
CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) team, 5, 49, 135–37
Dai-dai, 109
Darod clan, 71, 72
David, Lieutenant Colonel Bill:
giant rescue convoy, 264–65, 269–71
lost convoy, 147, 264
DeJesus, Specialist Melvin:
the Alamo, 225–27
move to crash site, 184
Delta Force (D-boys, “Dreaded D,” operators), 5, 9, 137
described, 33–35, 59–60, 136, 140, 151–53, 164–65, 172–74, 180
helmets of, 140, 172
Howe’s request for, 94, 95
killed and wounded, 324–25
mission of, 13–14, 20–22
Rangers and, 32–35, 171–74, 182, 233–4, 238–43
rank in, 152
scandal involving, 24–25
snipers, 148, 164–65
Diemer, Specialist Dave, 152, 173, 302
the assault, 15, 66–67
Digfer Hospital, 290
DiTomasso, Lieutenant Tom:
the Alamo, 203, 209, 212–13, 226, 231–32, 236, 246, 249
the assault, 43, 45, 47, 76
Black Hawk crash, 80, 84–85, 86, 166, 168
Dowdy, Sergeant Ray:
Black Hawk cr
ash, 77–79, 201–202
wounded, 202, 293
Downing, General Wayne, 263, 341
Drew, Elizabeth, 304
“Drone zone,” 299
Durant, Joey, 89–90
Durant, Lorrie, 89–90, 321–22, 329, 330
Durant (Chief Warrant Officer) Mike, 300
the assault, 6, 90
Black Hawk crash, 87–90, 101–103, 338–39
capture of, see Capture of Mike Durant
D-boys trying to rescue, 148, 164–65, 189–95
described, 88–90
emergency convoy, 163
overrun crash site, see Overrun
shot down, 103, 107–108, 113, 118, 123–24, 178, 188–90, 280
Eastabrooks, Specialist David, 274
Elliot, Sergeant Chuck, 297
the Alamo, 204, 209–11
the assault, 43
move to crash site, 177
Elmi, Abdi Mohamed, 289–90
Epilogue, 331–46
Eretria, 96
Errico Private Vince, wounded, 183, 185, 226, 244
Esswein, Master Sergeant Chuck, 272
the assault, 54, 55, 57
Ethiopia, 96, 109
Eversmann, Sergeant Matt, 303
the assault, 3–19, 43, 63–67
Black Hawk crash, 104–105
rescue convoy, 113, 114, 118, 125, 236
wounded men of, 265–66, 302, 323
Fadikudirir, 74
Fales, Master Sergeant Scott:
the Alamo, 202, 220–21, 222
Black Hawk crash, 138–39, 141–42
wounded, 141–42
Falkland Islands war, 227
Farah, Ibrahim Roble, 344
Farah, Mohamed Hassan, 71, 73–74, 95
Field, Sergeant Tommie, 87
Black Hawk crash, 107, 148, 193, 261, 280
Field dressings, 129–30
Fillmore, Sergeant First Class Earl, 60, 152
death of, 176, 182–83, 186, 225, 233, 240, 243, 252, 253, 254, 286, 315, 324
move to crash site, 176
Floyd, Private First Class David, 302
the Alamo, 217, 225–27, 240, 244, 252–54
move to crash site, 181–84, 186
run back to base, 288
“Fog of war,” 99
Foreman, Sergeant Mike:
the assault, 32
rescue convoy, 126–27, 130–31
Frank, Chief Warrant Office Ray, 87
family of, 305–306, 325–26
shot down, 107–108, 147, 148, 188–89, 193, 230, 261, 280
Frank, Willi, 305–306, 325–26
Fuller, Chief Warrant Officer Gary, 231
Galentine, Sergeant Scott, 4, 37–38, 39, 119
the assault, 63–67
described, 64
wounded, 323, 325
Gallagher, Platoon Sergeant Bob:
the assault, 53, 54–55
rescue convoy, 119, 129–30
Galle, Hobdurahman Yusef, 30
Galliette, Sergeant Ron, the Alamo and, 248
Garrison, Major General William F., 5, 6, 11, 58, 89, 96, 135, 271
aftermath of battle, 307, 309, 333
the assault, 20–30, 50
Black Hawk crash, 83, 147
described, 23–25
destroyed career of, 334, 336–41, 342
deteriorated mission, 227–31
giant rescue convoy, 263–64, 285, 286
memorial service, 325
U.S. government and, 263
Gay, Signalman Chief John, 105
the assault, 53
rescue convoy, 115, 131
Giant rescue convoy:
APCs and tanks in, 269, 270, 271
assembly of, 135, 242, 264–65, 268–71
concerns of pinned-down troops, 272–74
described, 263–64, 268, 269
as “gagglefuck,” 269–71
linkup, 282
loading wounded and dead, 282–86
NODs and, 268, 272, 273, 275, 277, 280
problems with foreign troops, 271
regular Army units and, 264–65
return trip, 286, 292–93
Somali view of, 278–79
sound of, 246, 247, 248, 253, 257, 261, 272–73
split in, 271, 279–80
troops left behind, 286–89, 294
under way, 272–82
wrong turn, 274
Gile, Brigadier General Greg, 242, 264
Goffena, Chief Warrant Officer Mike:
Black Hawk crash, 107, 147–49, 164, 165, 190–93
crash landing of, 192–93
Good, Private First Class Mark, Blackburns’s injury and, 16–19, 54
Goodale, Sergeant Mike, 154, 157, 239, 324
the Alamo, 245, 254–55, 256
the assault, 40–42
giant rescue convoy, 283–84, 285
move to crash site, 175–79
wounded, 177–78, 187–88, 209, 226, 238, 240, 244–45, 254, 296, 298
Gordon, Master Sergeant Gary, 230
Black Hawk rescue, 148, 164–65, 189–95
death of, 280, 300, 306, 315, 324
Gosende, Robert, 27
Gould, Specialist Gregg:
Black Hawk crash, 145–46
wounded, 248, 295
Green Room, The, 250
Grisham, John, 44
Gulf War, 78
Habr Gidr clan, 3, 20–21, 28, 92, 96, 109, 333–34, 342
UN and, 71–73
Hackworth, David, 336, 341
Haiti, 335
Hale, Sergeant Jon, 252
Hall, Master Sergeant Mason, 165, 192
Hallings, Sergeant First Class Brad, 60, 164
Black Hawk crash, 148
wounded, 324–25
Hand, Specialist Aaron, 229
rescue convoy, 115, 127–28
Hangar, base camp, 149–55, 206, 322–23
Harosky, Private Joe, rescue convoy, 129
Harrell, Lieutenant Colonel Gary, 5, 101, 135, 149–50, 295
the Alamo, 230, 232, 236, 239–42
the assault, 11, 12
Black Hawk crash, 112–13, 148, 164–65
giant rescue convoy, 272, 284, 286, 294
rescue convoy, 118, 130, 178, 187
Harris, First Sergeant Glenn, 301, 303
Hassan, Abdullahi “Firimbi,” 309, 312–13, 318–20, 328–29
Hassan, Bint Abraham, 188
Hassan, Hassan Adan, 292
Hassan, Howa, 188
Hazardous Duty (Hackworth), 336
Heard, Private First Class Brian, 39
the Alamo, 204, 211, 215, 218–20, 223, 236, 284
move to crash site, 175, 176
shooting down, 110–12
see also specific types of helicopters
Henry V (Shakespeare), 325
Herse, Abdi Yusef, 50
Hoar, General Joseph, 26, 28, 341
Hofstadter, Suzanne, 32
Hooten, Sergeant First Class Norm, 152, 174
the Alamo, 209, 252
the assault, 13, 14, 50
Fillmore’s death and, 182–83
move to crash site, 176, 178, 179, 185–87
Houston, Sergeant Cornell, 274
Howe, Admiral (ret.) Jonathan, 72, 310, 328, 335, 342
Aidid and, 90–96
Black Hawk crash, 90–91, 97
Howe, Sergeant First Class Paul, 152, 166–67
aftermath of battle, 299–300
the Alamo, 204–209, 211, 217, 218, 231, 231–35, 237, 242, 256–58
the assault, 14, 32, 50
described, 35, 205–206, 233–34
disdain for Rangers, 33–35, 206–208, 232–34
giant rescue convoy, 284, 286
move to crash site, 170–71, 174–77
run back to base, 288
Huband, Mark, 321
Hussein, Ali, 56, 112
Hussein, Sadd
am, 94, 334
Hutchinson, Sergeant First Class Don, 229
Indian troops, 97
International Committee of the Red Cross, 95, 320–21, 326, 329
Islam, 110, 180, 291
Italian troops, 97, 206
James, Specialist Erik, giant rescue convoy, 275–76
Jilao, General Ahmen (Somalia), 27
JOC (Joint Operations Center), 11, 112, 135
command center, 20
“Joint” operation, 137
Jollata, Dan, crash landing of Black Hawk, 138–39
Jones, Chief Warrant Office Keith, Black Hawk crash and, 85–87
Jones, Chief Warrant Office Randy, the assault and, 12
Journalists, death of, 95
Joyce, Sergeant Casey, 169, 316–18
the assault, 15, 18, 19, 20, 54
Black Hawk crash, 103
death of, 115–16, 118, 119, 120, 131, 158, 243, 266, 296, 301, 302–304, 317–18, 323
Joyce, DeAnna, 315–18
Joyce, Larry, 316, 317, 343
Garrison and, 335–41
Kallman, Private Ed:
the assault, 62–63
giant rescue convoy, 277–78, 295
rescue convoy, 120–21
Kennedy, John F., 334
Kerr, Private First Class Jeremy, the assault and, 51
Khat, 21, 51, 109, 179, 216
Kowalewski, Private Richard “Alphabet,” 266–67
death of, 127–28, 229, 243, 296, 301
Kurth, Specialist Mike:
the Alamo, 245, 252
move to crash site, 185
Lake, Anthony, 93, 263, 309–11
Lamb, Sergeant First Class Al:
the Alamo, 248–51
Black Hawk crash, 144–46
wounded, 275
Laughter, 169
LAW (Light Antitank Weapon), 168–69, 177, 184
Lechner, Lieutenant Jim:
the assault, 17, 29–30
move to crash site, 179, 185–88
wounded, 187–88, 225, 226, 235–36, 240, 244, 295, 324, 325
Leonard, Paul, 325
Lepre, Specialist Phil, giant rescue convoy and, 280–82
Letters from home, 59
Lincoln, Abraham, 341
Little Bird helicopters, 340
the Alamo, 215–16, 254, 256, 272
Black Hawk crash, 85–87
described, 4–5, 109–10
Lost convoy, 147, 159, 162–64, 227–29, 236, 264, 265, 268, 270, 323, 324, 325
Lycopolus, Staff Sergeant Steven, Black Hawk crash and, 145–46
Mabry, Sergeant First Class Bob, Black Hawk crash and, 142, 201–202
McCain, John, 310
McClellan, General George, 341
Macejunas, Sergeant John “Mace”:
the assault, 54
described, 153, 158
giant rescue convoy, 272, 279–80
returns to battle site as a civilian, 307
McKnight, Lieutenant Colonel Danny, 266
the assault, 12, 51, 54
Black Hawk crash, 100–101, 104
rescue convoy, 113–19, 123–24, 128–30, 164, 171, 324
McKnight, Lieutenant Colonel Dave, 23
McLaughlin, Sergeant Jeff, 296