Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq
The views we have expressed are ours and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.
Tom and I wanted to tell a story of battle command and the good-news story of what our Army and our soldiers have done in service to the nation. It was never our intention to invite controversy. Yet I did get a lot of incoming fire when I was still on active duty, and I was not at liberty to return it. So if anyone is offended, we meant nothing personal. What happened, happened. I believe we are all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts. We accept responsibility for facts we used; if we are in error, it is an error of omission and not intended. Quotations are as accurate as I recall them to be or as our notes would indicate. The sense, if not the actual words, I believe to be correct.
I have many to thank for this book.
Let me begin with my immediate family. My wife, Denise, of now almost thirty-eight years. My best friend. An Army wife who always lent an ear to listen and a heart to care. Whose goal in life has always been to make people feel better about themselves. A woman of incredible courage and toughness. Who has been patient with me beyond belief over the two years' work on this book, day after day. I do not have enough of a lifetime left to thank her enough. Our daughter, Margie, who is a mother of three--Jake, Mick, and Denise--and an Army wife. Who has her own brand of courage. Who is also a talented and published author. And who reviewed and helped with the manuscript. To her soldier husband, Lieutenant Colonel Greg Bozek, former Blackhorse, SAMS graduate, and friend, who helped me with my memory of events and with manuscript review.
To Tom Clancy for his friendship and for the opportunity to tell this story with him; who has coached me in my attempts to be a writer; and who challenged me again and again to open up and talk about command to my fellow soldiers and to those who send America's Army their sons and daughters. To the editors at Putnam, most particularly publisher and editor in chief Neil S. Nyren, for advice on book organization, patience with my sometimes military prose in portions of the book, and for listening to my arguments on voice and on relevance of material. To Mr. Tony Koltz, writer in his own right, and daily collaborator, writing counselor, and whose questions drove me to greater depths of thought on command and maneuver warfare. To Mr. Marty Greenberg for advice and counsel. To our agent at William Morris, Robert Gottlieb, who helped me navigate this publishing terrain and get to this objective.
To my parents: Dad, now in his eighties, and Mom, gone now but never forgotten, for getting me and my younger sister, Frances, and brother, Farrell, started right in life. My hometown, West Wyomissing, near Reading, Pennsylvania, a great place to grow up and where the values of duty and teamwork ruled over self, values vital to my own later command beliefs. My uncle, Harry Franks, who taught me and a bunch of kids in hand-me-down jeans (dungarees in those days) a life's lesson in how to compete and win, when we won a county baseball championship in 1950 over a better-uniformed but less-skilled baseball team. That fierce desire to win, gained from sports, was also valuable to me as a commander. Denise's mother, Eva, and her dad, Harry, also gone now but both remembered for their support in our Valley Forge days. The best man at our wedding, my lifelong buddy and high school teammate, Dr. Carl Hassler, whose continuing courage in battling cancer three times in quiet dignity and with steel will reflects the best qualities you could ever find in a person and a friend. He and his wife, Betsy, were there for us in those dark days of our Valley Forge, and have been since.
My bigger family, the United States Army, which let me remain on active duty and continue to serve, despite the loss of my left leg below the knee. Those who helped me do that and gave me encouragement. Those soldiers and leaders in the VII Corps, JAYHAWKS; Blackhorse, 11th Cavalry; Brave Rifles, 3rd Cavalry; 7th Army Training Command; 1st Armored Division, Iron Soldiers; and TRADOC, who asked only that I do my duty as a commander for them and never let me look back. I was inspired by their sense of duty and the intense loyalty born of service in peace and war together. To my many mentors: soldiers, NCOs, and officers who underwrote my mistakes and helped me be a better soldier. Current Army leadership, Secretary of the Army Togo West and Army Chief, General Dennis Reimer.
Those of my fellow soldiers who gave me advice and helped with material.
Colonel (Ret.) Dr. Rick Swain, whose insights on the manuscript and research help were invaluable and whose own book, Lucky War, remains the best history with commentary on the Gulf War. Colonel Mark Hertling with manuscript help, battle accounts, maps, reference compilation, and sound cavalryman advice. My VII Corps G-3, Brigadier General Stan Cherrie, who read manuscripts and helped with facts. Some references proved particularly valuable: the Army's Certain Victory; archives in the U.S. Army Combined Arms Research Library at Fort Leavenworth and Mr. Harlan Crause; Steve Vogel and his excellent interview series in Army Times; and Toby Martinez's and Russ Mulholland's journals and notes.
My JAYHAWK major unit command team from Desert Storm. U.S. division commanders, Butch Funk, Ron Griffith, Tom Rhame, and John Tilelli, who consented to interviews and helped me remember facts and decisions and even read manuscripts. Together with Rupert Smith, they made a talented team of division commanders who led from the front and did all I asked of them and more. Don Holder, who provided the rich source of 2nd ACR materials and who led his fast-hitting "Dragoons" into combat. Bob McFarlin, VII Corps logistician, who provided logistics accounts and whose COSCOM did a remarkable job supplying the corps. VII Corps Command Sergeant Major Bob Wilson, whom I first met in those early 1960s days in the Blackhorse.
My separate brigade commanders in VII Corps: Johnnie Hitt, Rich Pomager, Sam Raines, Jo Rusin, Russ Dowden, John Smith, and Rich Walsh, who provided perspective and material. Corps artillery commander, Creighton Abrams. Close members of my VII Corps personal staff, Toby Martinez, Violet McInerney, Russ Mulholland, Dave St. Pierre, and Lance Singson. VII Corps Base in Germany: Major General (Ret.) Roger Bean and Brigadier General Jerry Sinn.
What a command team!
There were many others in the Department of the Army and the Defense Department who reviewed manuscripts or who provided their own accounts or information on their part of Desert Storm. Some are cited in the list of references; some here. I regret if we missed anyone.
Logisticians Cary Allen, Jim Chambers, Bob Shadley, and Mike Stafford. Intelligence help from Colonel Keith Alexander, Colonel John Davidson (VII Corps G-2), Brigadier General John Smith, and Major General (Ret.) John Stewart. My great planners, Colonel Tom Goedkoop and Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Bob Schmitt, who helped my memory stay accurate. Colonel Mike Kendall, John Yeosock's wartime executive officer and to whom John referred me for accuracy in relating my dealings with him and Third Army. Steve Arnold, G-3 Third Army (and lieutenant general who went on to command Third Army until his recent retirement), who drove the CENTCOM planning work until January 1991, and who devised the Third Army two-corps attack plan. His interview and source material that included perspectives on planning and conduct of the war were invaluable. Brigadier General Jack Mountcastle and Mr. Robert K. Wright at the Center of Military History, U.S. Army. U.S. Army Public Affairs, especially Brigadier General Gil Meyer, Colonel Gene Thornton, Ms. Pamela Carter, Mr. Jim Hill, and Lieutenant Colonel Carl Kropf in Washington and Colonel George Stinnett at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Army SJA, especially Brigadier General Walt Huffman; and Colonel (Ret. and former VII Corps G-5) Art Hotop. Our VII Corps TAC CP team.
Blackhorse Vietnam veterans: Max Bailey, Brigadier General (Ret.) Grail Brookshire; Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Ray Burkett, Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Don Horn, Miles Sisson, Colonel (Ret.) John Barbeau, Gus Christian, Doug Farfel, Allen Hathaway, Chaplain (Ret.) Larry Hayworth, and John MacClennon; Steve Bourque (whose official history of VII Corps will soon be published); Tom Carhart and his book, Iron Soldiers; John Sack and his book, Company C; Mr. Art Hughes; Dr. John Romjue; Mr. Charley Cureton; Dr. Susan Canedy; Colonel (Ret.) Skip Bacevich
; Colonel (Ret.) Bill Smullen; Mr. Jim Blackwell; Lieutenant Colonel John Scudder; Colonel Mungo S. Melvin (G-3 in 1UK Armoured Division in ODS); Colonel Charles Rogers (battalion commander, Staffords, UK); Ms. Laura Alpher; Colonel Steve Robinette; Colonel John Rosenberger; Colonel (Ret.) Rosie Speed; Chaplain (Ret.) Dan Davis; Colonel Mike Kain; Brigadier General Jerry Sinn; Ms. Sigrid Stanton; Mr. Harold Koehler; Major H. R. McMaster; Major Joe Sartiano; Colonel Greg Fontenot; Colonel Taylor Jones; Major General Rob Goff; Major General Leon La-Porte; Major General Randy House; Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Frederick Wiggans; Mr. Leigh Tallas; Master Sergeant Phil Johndrow; and Major General Tim Sulivan (UK). Members of the media: Peter Copeland (who rode with the 42nd Artillery Brigade); Sam Donaldson for capturing on video on 21 February 1991 the best of America's Army; and James Sterba, who was at Snoul 5 May 1970.
Many others who stopped me on the street, in airports, at ceremonies, at Army posts, and offered help and assistance and encouragement. Their genuine interest and concern that the story of the JAYHAWKS be told kept me at this.
To my Third Army comrades and fellow U.S. corps commanders in Desert Storm, Gary Luck and the soldiers and leaders of XVIII Corps on our west flank and Walt Boomer and the U.S. Marines in the east. Especially my Third Army boss, John Yeosock, for his loyalty and support, and for his selfless performance of duty from August 1990 to May 1991. To the leadership in Germany, General (Ret.) Butch Saint, the mobile armored warrior himself, and General (Ret.) Jack Galvin, for orchestrating the European deployment. To the leadership in Washington. General (Ret.) Carl Vuono, 31st CSA, for his friendship, the opportunity to serve, and leadership in DA during Desert Storm. General (Ret.) Gordon Sullivan, for his friendship and letting me work on change, present and future, at TRADOC. General (Ret.) Colin Powell, who reached out to me when I needed it, and whose decisive force goals reunited trust and are exactly right for America. Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, for his straightforward focus and genuine integrity we could all feel. President Bush, for his iron will and unwavering determination in seeing our strategy of defeating aggression through to victory.
VII Corps combat actions speak for themselves. Arguably, the armored day-night attack by our combined U.S.-UK VII Corps from A.M. 26 February through P.M. 27 February was the largest concentrated armored attack in history. Was our operation perfect? No, but then most things rarely are. But it was a helluva lot closer to perfect than anything I have ever been associated with in thirty-five and a half years in the Army.
We did all that in VII Corps as a team. We have attempted to mention as many of that team as we could. Of course, it was not possible to mention everyone. But you know who you are. I hope this book makes you prouder of what we did together.
We remember this day and every day those who did not return, and also remember their families. To that end we have formed a VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association to honor their memory; provide scholarships for next of kin and soldiers; sustain fellowship and remember the realities of land warfare; and assist those who might need it because of Gulf War-related illnesses or other needs. A portion of proceeds from the sales of this book will be given to that cause, as well as to the Blackhorse Vietnam Veterans Association, whose goals are similar for those who fought in Vietnam.
I had a full and rich life as a soldier. I was helped in that in more ways than I will ever know. My everlasting thanks to our nation, which I was privileged to serve wearing the uniform of the United States Army, and to the magnificent American soldiers in whose ranks I was proud to be through times of peace and two wars. They are proof that America surely is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Bibliography and References
In addition to the hundreds of hours of interviews with General Franks, and dozens of other individuals who played important roles in the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars and in the development and rebuilding of the United States Army and its doctrine, we relied on a wide variety of books, articles, monographs, field reports, and newspaper accounts. In addition to those listed in the body of this bibliography, we would especially like to acknowledge interviews with Denise Franks and Marjorie Franks Bozek, along with Margie's book manuscript, A Soldier's Daughter, A Soldier's Wife (1992), and her essay "Walks in the Sunshine" (1996). We would also like to thank the large number of brave Army men and women who shared their memories with us, but whose names do not appear below.
Note that a number of the citations were helpful in more than one area, particularly those dealing with military history and doctrine.
Brickhill, Paul. Reach for the Sky. New York : W. W. Norton and Company, 1954.
Carver, Field Marshal Lord. The Apostles of Mobility: The Theory and Practice of Armoured Warfare. New York: Holmes and Meier Publishing, 1979.
Chander, David G. The Campaigns of Napoleon. New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1966.
Clausewitz, Carl Von. On War. Edited by Michael Howard and Peter Paret. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976.
Colby, John. War from the Ground Up: The 90th Division in World War II. Austin, Tex.: Nortex Press, 1991.
Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Big Horn. New York: Harper and Row, 1984.
Donnelly, Tom, and Sean Naylor. Clash of Titans: The Great Tank Battles. New York: Berkley Books, 1996.
Doughty, Robert A. The Seeds of Disaster: The Development of French Army Doctrine, 1919-1939. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1985.
Dupuy, Colonel R. Ernest. The Compact History of the United States Army. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1956.
Fehrenbach, T. R. This Kind of War: A Study in Unpreparedness. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1963.
Fuller, J. F. C. Generalship: Its Diseases and Their Cure. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Services Publishing Company, 1936.
Griffith, Paddy. Battle Tactics of the Civil War. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.
Guernsey, Alfred H., and Henry M. Alden. Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War. New York: The Fairfax Press, 1866.
Heinl, Colonel (Ret.) Robert Debs, Jr. Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations. Annapolis, Md.: United States Naval Institute, 1966.
Heller, Charles E., and William A. Stofft, ed. America's First Battles, 1776-1965. Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 1986.
Henderson, George F. R. Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1968.
Ketchum, Richard M. The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War. Narrative by Bruce Catton. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1960.
Ruppenthal, Roland G., ed. Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I: May 1941-September 1944. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, 1953.
Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels. New York: Ballantine Books, 1974.
Sherman, William T. Memoirs of William T. Sherman. New York: Appleton, 1875.
Slim, Field Marshal the Viscount William. Defeat into Victory. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1961.
Stackpole, General Edward J. Chancellorsville: Lee's Greatest Battle. 2d rev. ed. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1988.
Truscott, Lt. Gen. Lucien K., Jr. [1954] 1990. Command Missions. Reprint, Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 1990.
Weigley, Russell F. History of the United States Army. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984.
------. The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973.
Woodward, Admiral Sandy, and Patrick Robinson. One Hundred Days: The Memoirs of the Falklands Battle Group Commander. London: Harper-Collins Publishers, 1992.
Young, Desmond. Rommel: The Desert Fox. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1950.
Government Documents
U.S., Army Materiel Command. Theater Logistics and the Gulf War, by Major John J. McGrath and Michael D. Krause. Alexandria, Va.: U.S. Army Materiel Command, 1994
U.S., Center for Military History. The U.S. Army's Transition to the All-Volunteer Force, 1968-1974, by Robert K. Griffith, Jr. Washington, D.C.: U.S., Center for Military History, 1996.
U.S., Combat Studies Institute. Selected Papers of General William E. DePuy. Compiled by Colonel Richard M. Swain. Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1994.
------. Studies in Battle Command. Compiled by the Faculty, Combat Studies Institute. Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1995.
U.S., Headquarters, Department of the Army. Field Manual (FM) 100-5: Operations. Washington, D.C., 1 July 1976.
------. Field Manual (FM) 100-5: Operations. Washington, D.C., 20 August 1982.