Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors
Curious about Evan’s progress, Jon and Julia stand in the hallway, looking through the large window into his room.
A member of Daniel’s staff walks by and looks into Evan’s room. Walking over to Jon and Julia, he says, “Hello, my name is Treysen. Your friend seems to be resting quite well at this time.”
“We’ve noticed that he looks like he is rather calm, yet still alert. Thank you for all that you have been doing for him.”
“You’re welcome. Remember though, he has quite a few life experiences that he still needs to work through. So be patient. Everything will happen in its own time.”
Smiling at Treysen, Julia says, “Yes, Daniel has told us the same thing. Jon and I will be here for as long as it takes.”
“I guess I’ll see you again as I continue to make my rounds. If there is anything that you need in between time, please be sure to let me know.”
“We will. Thank you so much.”
As Treysen leaves, Jon and Julia turn their attention back to Evan. “Jon, can you believe this, pictures of Evan’s, life projected onto a screen in living color, accompanied by sound, and reflecting his emotions.”
“What a wonderful machine, Katherine. How is it possible that this machine projects his feelings so that we aren’t guessing what he means; we understand his purpose, the moment he says or does anything.”
“Yes, we can feel the intent of his heart, Jon.”
“It’s amazing! I never would have imagined that such a machine ever existed.”
“Me, neither….”
Jon and Julia are mesmerized as they watch Evan’s life unroll like a movie, on the Image Sensitivity Monitor that is positioned about a foot above his head. At this time, Evan has returned to his life as a young boy.