Kingpin Wifeys Volume -1-3
"Just a few things I ordered for T. J. from Zappos."
"So when is me and Mr. T. J. gonna get acquainted?"
Starr said,"I hope so" and disappeared into the bathroom. A few moments later she came holding a long blond stand of hair. "Trey what the hell is going on? Why is this in my bathroom? You had that bitch here didn't you?"
Trey just stood there looking dumb wondering what he was going to say. It was obvious Jessica had been there. How was he going to explain this without looking guilty? He said, "Babe, Jessica was here but nothing happened."
Starr said, "You expect me to believe that shit?" She headed to the bedroom and gathered her things and walked toward the door before he blocked her path.
Chapter 12
Shamari said, "Hey, when did you buy this watch?" Shamari asked. He held up the Cartier, admiring the sparkling diamonds.
"What are you doing with my things?" Jada said.
"First of all, we live together, so your things are my things. Secondly I was looking for the extra key to my truck that I'd put in your drawer months ago."
"Why are you getting so defensive over something that I paid for?"
Jada didn't know how to answer him. It was clear that he thought he had bought the watch.
She said, "Not defensive, I asked you a question."
He said, "But I asked you a question first."
"I've had this watch for a long time."
"Yes, really. I brought this watch over a year ago."
"Why haven't I seen it?"
"I don't know. Maybe if you paid more attention to me, you would notice things.
He said, "That watch looks like it cost about 20 grand at least."
"Something like that."
"How much did the watch cost?"
"What difference does it make?"
"He said"Bitch, it makes a lot of difference, and let me remind you, it's my money you spent on this."
She said, "So if you give me money, it's still yours?"
"Jada, how much did the damn watch cost?"
"I've never heard you want to know how much something cost. Is there something you want to tell me?"
He looked away, but didn't answer her.
"Shamari, why are you tripping about this watch?"
"I haven't seen the watch, that's all."
"There are a lot of things you haven't seen, I've never seen you act like this about the cost of something."
He said, "I just gotta watch my money that's all."
She said, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"What do you think it supposed to mean?"
"Question with a question," she said and took the watch from him.
He said, "Listen, the money is getting a little low."
"How did that happen?"
He sat in a chair that is in the corner of the bedroom. "Well before Don got indicted, I'd given him four kilos. I don't know if the Feds got them or not, but he told me they'd gotten the drugs when they picked him up. Then I paid Tony for the job. And then paid for his attorney, not to mention I bought 16 keys that was absolutely garbage, I've lost about 400,000 in the last month."
"So how much do you have?"
"Maybe about fifty grand."
"Well I don't know yet."
"So we're broke?"
"Do you want me to sell the watch?" she asked, though Craig had given her the watch, she'd been with Shamari for years. He'd looked out for her and her family so many times. She would gladly sell the watch.
He said, "Not yet."
"But we're broke," she said.
He said, "Damn near."
She tried to hand him the watch. He refused it and she was glad. This was not what she signed up for. She wanted to leave him. Not because he was broke but because she was pretty sure the Feds were on his ass, but if she left him now everybody would swear it was because he didn't have as much money as he'd had before. Damn.
Lani sat by Chris's bedside when MichaelMike called. "Mike, what's up?" she asked.
"Do you know who Rodriguez is?"
"No. Why?"
"He was the last person who Chris texted. He'd given him directions to a home. I think this dude knows exactly what the fuck happened to my brother, and I intend to get to the bottom of this shit."
"But you don't know him, how are you gonna find out what happened?"
"The streets talk, and if I find out this motherfucker had something to do with my brother getting hurt-"
"Mike" Lani cut him off. She didn't want him to say too much over the phone.
"Seriously, Lani, somebody is gonna get hurt."
"I understand but careful what you say."
Mike was breathing hard on the phone, barely able to contain himself. He said, "Any changes in bruh's condition?"
Lani glanced over at Chris. His eyes still shut and sleeping like a baby. She loved him and she wanted him to get well. She wanted to find out what happened to him just as bad as Mike did, but she didn't want Mike to get in trouble. God, that's the last thing their parents would need, one son in jail and the other in the hospital.
Lani said, "No change. When are you coming back to the hospital?" She wanted to calm him down.
"No time soon, my first order of business is to find out where the fuck Rodriguez is. Somebody has to pay for this."
To be continued?..
Part III
By: K. Elliott
Urban Lifestyle Press in association with
P.O. Box 12714
Charlotte, NC 28220
Chapter 1
"You ain't going no fucking where." He stood in front of Starr and she was trying to push him out of her way.
"Trey, move before I call the police on your ass! I know you don't want that."
"Listen, Starr. Jessica was here. She popped up when you weren't here. Gave me that bullshit that we needed to be together and I dismissed her ass."
"Yeah you dismissed her right after you fucked her." She pushed Trey. His muscles were rock solid and he wasn't moving. She couldn't move him.
"I didn't fuck nobody! She used the bathroom."
"And the bitch put her hair in the sink? Yeah right, Trey." She pounded his arm. Still unable to move him.
"I didn't have sex with that woman. I swear to you."
"Well did it ever occur to you that you should have called me, or at least told me she'd been over here?"
"Starr, goddamn it, it slipped my mind, I didn't think it was an issue."
"Your baby's mama at our home while I'm not here, and you think it's not an issue? Come on, Trey, do you think that I think you're that fucking stupid?"
He stepped aside and she didn't attempt to walk by him. He stared at her knowing she was furious. Wondering what she was going to do next. He didn't want her to leave. He had to convince her to stay.
"Trey, you're a grown ass man. How many times am I going to have to forgive your silly ass?"
"Babe, it's not like I made another mistake."
She shook her head. "Another mistake? Should I expect another kid to pop up?"
"Cut it out, you're being stupid now."
"Am I?"
"Insecure as hell."
"First of all, I ain't insecure about shit. I trusted you."
"I know and I fucked up, but if you're gonna keep holding that shit over my head, you can go."
"It's that easy huh? That easy to kick the goddamned woman that you just proposed to out?"
"Ain't shit about this easy. It's just that I can't take being accused of some shit that I didn't do."
"I told you she came over talking about how we need to be one big happy family. I told her ass to take a hike."
"Real talk?"
"Real talk." He kissed her forehe
ad then pulled her into him. They locked lips and he scooped her up and took her back to the bed. He removed her blouse as she pulled down her jeans revealing a pair of pink boy shorts that bear hugged her ass and lifted it. She peeled her bra off revealing small but suckable tits. He loved them. He kissed her neck before dropping his jeans. His cock standing at attention.
She gripped his penis then and whispered, "I missed him."
"What about his owner?"
"Of course I missed you, babe."
"I don't want you to ever leave me again."
"Don't ever give me a reason to leave."
"I love you."
"I love you too." She kissed him again and between breaths she asked. "Are we still getting married?"
He said, "Have I ever lied to you?"
She gave him a funny look and then said, "Actually no, but you damn sure withheld some information."
They laughed. Then she took his manhood deep into her mouth. He stood her up and pushed her on the bed and said, "I want to pleasure you. I owe you."
She was lying on her back and he dove between her legs. He sucked and licked her clit until she screamed, "Put it in me please!"
He sucked her clit vigorously and she continued to scream. He placed a finger inside her then switched alternate fingers until she had multiple orgasms. He stood and walked over to the window. He dropped the blinds to make it completely dark. His penis still standing at attention. She lay on the bed in a fetal position trembling, very much satisfied. He positioned her until she was lying on her back then he entered her. She yelled, "Goddamn, nigga, you're an animal!"
He grinned then kissed her and she bit his neck hard while clawing his back. She loved feeling his bulging muscles. He was so big and he made her feel so safe. She felt like a little girl and he was her protector. The feeling was turning her on. He flipped her over on her stomach and entered her from behind, slapping her ass. "Goddamn it, you know I love that shit!"
"Call me daddy."
She really didn't like calling him daddy. In fact she hated that shit but it seemed to turn him on and she wanted him to be satisfied too.
He said, "I love you so much."
Tears trickled down her face. She loved him too and there was no place she would rather be.
She came two more times before he finally exploded and wiped his cum all over her big beautiful ass.
Chapter 2
Lani met Starr and Jada at the bar in the W on 16th Street. They sat in a comfortable little sectional in the corner. Jada and Starr had a martini while Lani nursed a Long Island Ice tea. Starr remembered the last time she was at the hotel, a couple of days ago, when she had seen Jada with the white dude. She was reminded of just how scandalous this chick was. She tried not to think about it, but she knew she had to keep an eye on Jada. She was the type of bitch that would sleep with your man if given the chance.
"I'm so glad you convinced me to come out, I was really feeling guilty about going out having fun while my man is in that damn hospital."
"You need to be out. You've been in that hospital for three days straight."
"I just feel so guilty about me out here having fun while he's basically fucked up." She started to tear up. "Somebody beat my baby bad."
Jada placed her hand on Lani's knee and said, "Starr is right. You can't live your life in this hospital. Chris would understand."
Starr was sure that if Jada's man was in the position Chris was in, that she would be out partying, doing all the things that she had done before. Starr was convinced she was not a good woman.
"Don't beat yourself up. You know this is the game. You gotta take the good with the bad and pray and keep your faith in God. He will work it out," Jada said.
Starr said, "Chris is a good man."
"I'm sure he will." Lani said.
Starr turned to Jada. "Is everything okay with Shamari? Did he ever get out?"
"Out? Where has he been?" Lani said.
Jada felt bad that she hadn't spoken with Lani, but she had so much going on the past few days she didn't have a chance to speak to her about Shamari.
"Shamari got picked up by the Feds, but he's out."
Lani gave her the side eye.
"Hey he didn't get charged," she found herself saying. Knowing that him getting out of jail sounded strange to them. Nobody got out of jail once the Feds picked them up unless they talked.
"What happened?" Lani said.
"Shamari's friend Tony murdered somebody and they just wanted to know if Shamari knew anything about it. Shamari told the Feds that he didn't so they let him go."
"Thank God. Nobody wants to be down for a murder." Starr said.
"Yeah, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do," Jada said.
Starr turned to Jada and said, "What's up with you and the white dude?"
"What white dude?"
"The one I saw you with in this lobby the other day?"
Jada bristled, thinking about the nerve of this bitch trying to put her on blast. If she'd wanted to know about the white dude, why didn't she ask the other day?
"He's just a friend," Jada said.
"Really? Looks like it was more than a friend to me."
"Who is she talking about? Dr. Handsome? Lani said.
"Yeah, we met here the other day for drinks." Jada said.
"While your man was in jail." Starr said.
Jada said, "Why the fuck are you all up in my business, bitch?"
Starr said, "Cuz that was some trifling ass shit, I just don't appreciate trifling bitches."
Jada stood up and slid her shoes off. She was used to bitches coming at her like that because she looked like a Barbie Doll, but she could fight like a dude. Growing up in the projects she had to fight every day.
Starr said, "You don't wanna go there, trust me."
Jada said, "Bitch, trust me!"
Starr said, "Nobody can trust your ass, not even the man you claim you love." Starr was upset when she thought about Jessica and how she'd been sleeping with Trey. Jada was the kind of chick that would play the side bitch role gladly, and she didn't like women like that.
"You know y'all are my two best friends. Please both of y'all have a seat." Lani said.
"I just ain't gonna stand here and let somebody disrespect me." Jada said
Starr said, "But you disrespecting ya man. A nigga that's out here hustling so you can wear designer shit; so you can drive foreign cars. Trust me when you fuck that up, it's over."
"Whatever, bitch."
"You can think that white man wants you if you want to. That white man don't want nothing from you but ass. Believe that. You're nothing but ass to him."
Lani put her hands over Starr's mouth. "Will you just stop it?"
Jada was about to say something and Lani said, "My man is in the hospital fighting for his life. Can you just shut the fuck up?"
Jada sat back down and finished her martini off without saying a word. Damn she wanted to give Starr a beat down. Staring down at the watch that Dr. Craig Matthews had bought her. Was she nothing but ass to him?
Chapter 3
When Lani entered the hospital room, Chris was sitting up in the bed, alert flicking back and forth between Sports Center and the NFL network. Lani ran over and hugged him. "Baby you're ok!"
The nurse entered the room and said, "Yeah, came to a couple of hours ago. We tried to call you on your cell, but it kept going to voice mail."
Chris smiled at Lani and they made eye contact and they kissed.
"I still don't remember what happened." Chris said.
The nurse said, "His short term memory is gone."
When the nurse left the room Lani said, "You got robbed, baby. Somebody beat you up, robbed you and dropped you off at the hospital."
She looked at him and wondered how much of his memory had been af
fected. How could she explain why he'd gotten robbed?
"Look I know I'm a hustler, so you don't have to look at me strange. My memory ain't that shot, I was just wondering why would somebody rob me?"
She laughed at him and said, "That's what Mike wants to know. He thinks some dude named Rodriguez had something do with it."
"Bitch assed Rodriguez?"
"I don't know him."
"He's a real bitch, trust me, and if I find out he had something do with this, he's gonna be dealt with."
His cousin, Cassie, entered the room and she and Lani exchanged pleasantries.
Lani said, "Why didn't you tell me about your gorgeous cousin?"
Chris said, "I've told you about Cass before."
"I don't remember."
"I told you about my cousin that went to Spelman."
Lani said, "Yeah, but you were so vague about it, just saying that you had a cousin that went there."
"Men are always vague." She passed Chris the soda and kissed him on the cheek.
The kiss made Lani a little uneasy, but she was his cousin. But damn they were grown. Did grown cousins kiss?
"So how are y'all related?" Lani asked.
"My daddy and her mom are brother and sister." Chris said.
"Oh okay." Lani said.
"Her mother made sure me and Mike knew Dad's side of the family after he passed when I was eight years old." Chris said.
"That was nice of her." Lani said.
"I want to get the hell out of here." Chris said.
"The nurse said they're going to keep you until morning. They're waiting on some tests to come back." Cassie said.
"No hell they ain't! I'm leaving here tonight," Chris said.
Cassie shrugged.
"You know your cousin, if he says he's gonna leave tonight, you better believe he's leaving tonight." Lani said.
"Unfortunately" Cassie said.
Chapter 4
Two Mexicans sat in the living room with Shamari, when Jada arrived home. Shamari kissed Jada on the cheek. Jada stared at the Mexicans wondering why they were there, but she didn't bother to ask. One was short and dumpy and looked as if his meals consisted of mostly bean burritos and the other one was kind of tall and looked almost like a white man his name was Fred. The tall one did most of the talking. Jada excused herself. When she was in the other room, she eavesdropped on the conversation.