Paradise World
Chapter 23 - Farewell To Thee My Noble and Learned Friend
I slept in late, the first time since my resurrection. When I finally did get up, I saw that the sun was already high in the sky. I slipped into my day robe and hurried over to Harry's bedroom. The door was closed, so I knocked gently on the door. No reply. I knocked once more. Still no reply. I gingerly opened the door but found only an empty room. Considering the lateness of the morning, this came as no surprise. Yet, something seemed amiss. There was always a stack of notes lying on his table. Now there was only one. I picked it up and commenced to read:
Dear David,
We must now go our separate ways. However, before I depart, I wish to see you one more time. Last night, after you and your family had gone to bed, I surreptitiously took what little belongings I had and made my way up to Mount Anastasis. There I will be waiting for you, and will explain what I can, although not everything. I cannot. I do not fully understand myself, and I have absolutely no idea what other mysteries life will yet reveal to me. Already so many strange and incredible events have transpired during these last four weeks that, as you are well aware, I had great difficulties in accepting them as being true. To some extent, I still do, as cherished and lifelong paradigms are not easily swayed. However, I have been forced to accept that life and our universe are far grander and more mysterious than I would have ever imagined.
PS Come as quickly as you can, and please come alone.
I stared at the note and again wondered why he was being so mysterious. Thus, still clutching the note, I walked back to the living room and showed the message to my parents.
"I think he's trying to go to Australia, although he doesn't say that in his note," my father said, only confirming what I already had suspected.
"Oh, he's such a strange man!" my mother added.
I shrugged. "He's different to us, that's all. He's a real Jekyll and Hyde. But I'll still miss him. Anyway, maybe upon Anastasis we'll again get some sort of direction, maybe even how he'll get to Australia, especially that part where his mother had been resurrected. Although there doesn't seem to be anymore oceans to cross, even so, Australia used to be a big country, almost as big as America." I patted Cory, then told him to remain as I walked off towards Mount Anastasis.