Paradise World
Chapter 31 - The Mysterious Cave
We entered the cave's entrance and, for just a second or two, saw only a large, dark and empty cavern. Then, before our very eyes, the cave miraculously transformed itself into a fully furnished home, a home that was in every way identical to our home in Deer Park.
This totally unnerved my mother. "I...I ca...can't believe it!" she stammered.
Dad too was shocked, as we all seemingly were. However, my father quickly regained his composure, and even his sense of humor. "And I thought we built houses quickly in Deer Park!"
"But it looks exactly like our living room!" my mother almost shrieked.
"But this is exactly what I saw in the vision," George exclaimed, "right down to its last detail!"
Dad placed his arm around Mum's shoulder. "See, hon, it's all okay," he soothed. He forced a chuckle. "And it's even warm in here."
"But is it real, or is this only a vision we're all having?" I asked. Then, to satisfy my curiosity, I walked over to my mother's landscape. It certainly looked identical to the one at home.
I lifted it off its hook and then showed it to my mother. She hesitated for a moment, then held it before her.
"This is my painting!" she gasped.
I slowly shook my head. "I don't think so. Remember, I told you that when I first woke up in the Resurrection Sanctuary, I thought I was still in the bedroom of our apartment in New York. Everything looked the same, but I was here in Paradise!"
Carlos nodded in agreement. "God performs these miracles to help certain people to adjust." Carlos paused for a moment, then added, "I think that God has performed this miracle here also for our sake, to help us feel comfortable, and maybe to help us to have faith in the work we are supposed to do."
Mum looked up at Carlos and smiled nervously. "Yes, I guess you're right, but...." Her sentence faded. She sighed then shook her head. "Oh, I wish I was back home in Deer Park!"
"But this is our home, at least for now," Flo said. "And you sure have a fine looking place, and that rocking chair certainly looks inviting right now." She strode towards the rocker and eased herself into it. "Ah, that feels so good!"
Dad gave Mum a gentle squeeze. "See, everything is fine. It's just like being at home." He then led her to the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards: "Hey! How about that! It's full of food, and not just nuts and berries either!" He chuckled. "See, Carlos is right. God is looking after us, even here in the Wilderness!" Mum forced a feeble smile. Dad led her then by the hand to their bedroom, where again everything was identical to our home. "Come, honey, you lie down and rest. Meanwhile, I'll make us a nice dinner." Mum readily agreed, and within seconds, she was soundly asleep.
Dad looked at me, smiling faintly. "These last couple of days have been hard for your ma."
"And for me!" I replied.
My father patted me on the shoulder. "Ah, you'll be all right, son. Nothing that a bit of food and rest won't fix!"
Whilst my father prepared the dinner, we made ourselves comfortable in our replica Deer Park home. Our guestroom had two beds for George and Flo, whilst my bedroom now also had an extra bed for Carlos. Being also comfortably warm within the miracle cave, we changed back into our normal robes. Seeing a replica of my guitar, Carlos urged me to play a song. Therefore, I started to play a moderately slow but rich and sonorous etude in D minor by Fernando Sor. It was full of successive sixth chords, which I plucked forcibly to add to the dramatic mood of the music. Both George and Flo came to listen, and were seemingly moved by the melancholic sound that came out of the guitar.
Carlos only grinned after I had finished. "Ah, very nice, but so sad. Perhaps play something a little more cheerful, my friend." I nodded and played Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.
Shortly after, my father had dinner prepared. Whilst restoring body and soul with paradise white, fried potatoes and roast leaf, we discussed tomorrow's plan regarding Ron Bristol, who according to George's vision, dwelt even further up Mount Eleos. It was agreed that I would accompany George tomorrow, and it was hoped that the sight of seeing me alive, and forgiving him, would be the first step in his repentance and spiritual growth. On the second day, George would take Flo, who would then thereafter, using her professional skills, act as a therapist and counselor in his rehabilitation and assimilation into Paradise. My parents and Carlos would also be introduced to Ron, probably after the first few days. It was then hoped that after a week or so, Carlos, my parents and I could return to our homes, whilst George and Flo would remain until Ron was finally ready and allowed into Paradise.
It all sounded so easy as we sat around the dinner table. However, all the optimism had gone out of me as I laid awake in bed that night. I dreaded tomorrow, and I hated the idea of confronting my killer once again. Several times I relived that fateful night of my death, that cold malicious look, the gun, and the sharp pain in my chest. Over and over the images flashed before me, and with it, all the emotions associated with them. For just those few moments, I viewed him as evil incarnate, and I wondered why such a monster deserved to be brought back to life again. However, after a while, I became ashamed of my thoughts and prayed for forgiveness. The effect was at once both stupendous and instantaneous - I was again immersed in blessed tranquility. I thought of Jenny, and soon thereafter, fell asleep, dreaming of my beloved wife.