Revenge - A Jessie Carr Novel #1
I was pissed, “You cocksucker you knew they were going to try and kill us, and did nothing. So you on my list mother fucker.” He was in a total panic, blaming it on everyone and his brother. I told him, “I don’t give a fuck whose fault it is.” In reality I was really screwed now. I had no idea who the supplier was and what he knew about me. Now I really had to find out who he was before he took me out. Buckle needed to tell me who this person was. I needed him to talk. “I’m on my way now and you going to wish Rufus would have killed you and your wife. Remember Allen, he suffered for hours, now it’s your turn.” I had to convince him his only way out was through me. I kept adding more gory detail on top of gory detail. He was scared shitless. He began to cry. What an asshole. He sets us up to be killed and he is crying. He finally blurted out a name, Sammy Perroni. Sammy Perroni, the guy with the pistol in the park.
He continued to cry, “Sammy Perroni, he’s the guy. He’s connected to some cartel or something. I swear, please don’t hurt me, I didn’t want to do it.” Oh boy, just what I needed, a drug cartel. Would this guy Sammy come to do his own dirty work? He either liked it or didn’t trust the hired help to get it done. Whatever the reason, he had paid with his life. At least I didn’t have to go searching for him. I told Buckle I would be in touch and hung up. We got back on the road, but I had no idea what to do next.
Back on the road, with Shelby driving, I began digging through the two men’s wallets again. Perroni had several business cards for Perroni and Associates, importers. I now knew what they were importing. There was an address on the card in Hoboken, NJ. Would there be anyone else at Perroni and Associates who would come after me. I was just a middle man and I didn’t know anything about them. I didn’t think they would bother hunting me down, unless it was revenge for Perroni’s death. The only way to be sure was to go to Hoboken and tie up those loose ends. We turned the car around and headed north.
We arrived in Hoboken around 6 PM the following day. The address on the card was on 14thStreet. It turned out to be a waterfront bar named Sammy’s. Shelby parked up the street and I walked into the bar. It was a dump. I went to the bar and ordered a beer. When the bartender brought it I asked “I need to speak to Sammy, I got business.” He looked at me and shrugged, “Sammy ain’t here and I don’t know when he’s coming back.” I shrugged also, “Well that’s too bad, I got a package for him and hate to take it all the way home. I’m looking to complete my business with Peronni and Associates, so how about one of the associates?” He nodded and told me to wait. He went to use the phone behind the bar.
I had a 9mm tucked into the small of my back and hoped I wouldn’t need it. Shelby came in and took a seat near the end of the bar where he could cover me and the door. A tall dark headed man came from a back room. “What do you want?” I smiled at him, “I have a package for Sammy I want to deliver, that’s it.” He didn’t identify himself, but looked a lot like Sammy from the park, only a little older. “Look man, I just want to deliver this package and haul ass, that’s it. I had an appointment with Sammy, but something went wrong and I still have the package.” He knew I was full of shit but listened anyway. “Sammy is away on business.” I laughed, “Yea, and I know what business. Here’s the strait scoop. Sammy ain’t coming back. He tried to kill me. He didn’t make it. So now I have this package and a message. I just want to deliver both and l get the fuck out of here.”
He smiled, “OK, take a walk to the back office, we can conduct business there.” I smiled and shook my head, “Look man, I’m not stupid. We do our business right here right now or I’m gone.”He looked at the bartender and told him to set up two beers, then he sat on a bar stool. “Sammy is my cousin, or I guess more correctly, was my cousin. Sammy and I had different ideas about how the business should be run. Sammy was a hot head, did shit without thinking.” I nodded, “So where does that leave us. Sammy is dead I killed him, so what now?” He took a swig of beer, “I had a feeling he was going to do something stupid. Buckle called and said you wanted out. I don’t give a shit. You’re a delivery boy. I can get plenty more of those. Although I must say, you guys were the best. Nobody and I mean nobody wanted to fuck with you. But look, I don’t care, I’ll take the package and you’ll be on your way. No hard feelings either way.” I got the feeling this guy was relieved that Sammy was gone.
Something just didn’t sound right, this was too easy. I agreed to deliver the package and give him the cash. I walked to the car and brought back the money bag. He took the money, said that was it, and wished me good luck. Something was wrong, it couldn’t be this easy.
I left and waited near the car for Shelby. He waited one half hour then met me. We drove to a local motel and checked in. We both agreed something was up. I didn’t want the guns or the dope on me. I just had a bad feeling. We took turns standing watch that night but the night passed without incident. The next morning we drove to the waterfront. I dumped the dope, guns, and all our other gear in the river. We now had no guns or dope on us, so we headed south.
We were on I-95 just before the Delaware River when we were pulled over by three New Jersey State Police cars. They told me I was speeding, which I wasn’t. They asked if they could search my car. I said sure and they commenced to tear it apart. They found nothing and were very upset. I asked what the problem was. They said a car like mine was used in an armed robbery, another lie. My guess was Perroni had his money and was setting us up. Good thing we off loaded everything. The cops apologized and told us we could leave. I was hoping this would close the chapter on New Jersey. Perroni had his money and had no other reason to come after us. He knew we could take care of ourselves.
Chapter 33
We drove south on I-95 in silence. Shelby broke the silence by asking if I had a plan. I started laughing, I had no idea what to do next, all I wanted was out and on every turn I seemed to get deeper in. I didn’t know what the gang in New Orleans would have to say about no more drugs. I was sure they wouldn’t be happy. We took our time and rested a night in a motel. We arrived in New Orleans and immediately tried to contact Buckle. He didn’t answer his cell, home, or office phone. I went to his office and it was locked up. Maybe he made the trip out of town because I was looking for him.
I tried to be as honest as possible with Rachael. I didn’t want to tell her I had to kill again, but in the end told the truth. She took it in stride. What else could she say, I was honestly trying to quit, as least that’s what I told myself.
Sunday morning the paper had a big story about a high powered lawyer found dead. There had been a home invasion and he and his wife were stabbed to death. Several black men were seen leaving the area. I tried to feel some emotion for the death of Buckle, but I couldn’t. He had been in this dirty business and then tried to have us killed. He was just a dirty as us, Rufus, and Perroni. There was no doubt in my mind, Rufus had taken care of Buckle and now would be looking for me. We needed to get some firepower.
The Sunday Classified was loaded with hunting equipment. We managed to pick up two twelve gauge shotguns, one 9mm pistol and one 40 Cal pistol. We also bought a Weatherby 7mm Magnum rifle complete with Leopold scope. We couldn’t locate any assault rifles in the paper so we picked up two more 12 gauge shotguns. We modified the shotguns in the usual manner.
I wasn’t sure if Rufus knew where I lived, but I had no doubt he could easily find out. We packed up some gear and drove to Slidell, about an hour north. We checked into a hotel under fake names using cash. I had no idea what I should do now. I had a contact number for Rufus, which I had never used. I decided now was the time. I called and it was answered by a man. I assumed it was Rufus, “This is Jessie, is this Rufus?. He laughed, “I been expecting your call, you have something belongs to me.” I had to think fast, “Listen Rufus, I’m out, I got nothing for you, I’m finished. I don’t want any problems, just leave me alone.” He laughed, “It don’t fucking work that way dude. I gave your partner money, now I wants my product, you got that?” I had to try and
bullshit may way through this, “Hey, take that up with Buckle. You gave him the money, not me.” He knew Buckle was out of the picture but was smart enough not to admit anything. “Listen white boy, I want my stuff, you got that?” I looked at Shelby and raised my eyebrows. “Rufus, you ain’t listening. I don’t have anything. The supplier double crossed me. All I got is a pile of sugar. You want that, you can have it.” If he could have reached through the phone and strangled me he would have. He needed the product now and there was no other option. This was going to go nowhere good. “You not listening Rufus, I don’t have anything. Fucking holler all you want, it ain’t going to help.” He almost growled, “You mother fucker, I don’t get my product, I’m going to kill you and all you mother fuckers.” I laughed, “Well, why don’t you just go fuck yourself then?” I hung up the phone.
Three minutes later my phone rang. “I wants to meet with you.” I laughed, “You must think I’m stupid. Rufus I already told you, I got nothing for you.” He answered, “OK, I just wants my money back, I needs that money back. You made plenty of money all them times you been doing this. Just gives me back my 200 and we square.” I knew he was full of crap, the money was minor he needed the drugs to maintain his power. I agreed, “OK, I’ll give you some of my money, but that’s it. I got no product and I walk.” He would take all the money I had but he wanted more than that, he wanted me dead.
I was in a major jam but the last thing I wanted to do was wait for him to hunt me down. I needed to go on the offensive. Taking out just Rufus would slow them down, but I didn’t think that would be enough to keep them at bay. We needed to put a major dent in their organization. First I needed a car that wasn’t recognizable to anyone in the projects. I found one on a used car lot not far from my hotel. A Cadillac Escalade, lots of them riding around New Orleans. It had dark tinted windows and was purple. Who else but a drug dealer would drive this thing? Shelby made the purchase, paid fifteen thousand cash, and drove it to the hotel. We used Sammy Perroni’s driver’s license for the purchase, at least Perroni’s picture showed a dark skinned man. We cleaned and checked all our weapons, then loaded them in the car. Both women now were fully involved. There was no way to hide our intentions. I still didn’t have a plan but I knew whatever it was, it was going to be bloody. We just couldn’t go and shoot anyone we thought might be a banger so we needed to draw as many out as we could. I decided to try and draw Rufus out with money and drugs.
I called Rufus “Look Rufus, I don’t need this shit man. I’m give, you can have everything I got. I don’t want t end up like Buckle. I got ten packages and three hundred grand. I just need you to back off. I’ll make the delivery just like before at the usual place.” He would be on his home turf. This was going to be risky but I didn’t see any other way out. I needed two more things.
I had purchased the Escalade but needed another car. I didn’t want to use my car because after this it would be hot. I found a local private owner in the newspaper and paid cash with the promise of changing titles the next day. I went to an army surplus store and purchased two practice grenades. These are metal grenades the same weight and shape as live grenades, except these are inert. I took a shotgun and pistol in my new car and Shelby loaded all the other firepower in the Escalade. I had the fake drugs we had prepared in the trunk of my car. We also filled a bag with bundles of newspaper. Unless you opened and checked it could pass for money. I wasn’t planning on giving Rufus time to check. Before we rode out I had the women move our stuff and check in another hotel, no sense getting comfortable in one place.
At 11pm I was parked in my usual spot in the Calliope. Shelby was parked about a block away in the Escalade. My insides were shaking, I knew it was about to get ugly. A car pulled up behind me and turned the headlights off. Rufus got out and when the interior light went on I could see others in his car. He opened my door and sat in my passenger seat. He told me to drive, I refused. He pulled a pistol. I took out a grenade and pull the pin. I am hoping he couldn’t tell it wasn’t real. I threw the grenade pin out the window. I smiled at him. “Rufus, put the pistol away now.” “ He hesitates, I smile and say, “Go ahead, shoot, I drop this thing you can’t get out fast enough.” He puts the gun back in his belt.
I use the electric button and close all the windows in the car. Then I put the lock button on so he can’t open it from his side. I hand him the grenade. “Hold this, you let it go and it’s all over.” I take out a second grenade, pull that pin, and toss the pin in the back seat. I hand him that one also. “OK, here is what’s going to happen. The money and junk are in the trunk. You can keep the car. I’m getting out and leaving. After I’m gone you can get the pins and put them back in.”
I had caught him off-guard. He doesn’t know what to do. While he is hesitating I open the door and get out. I glance at the car still parked behind me and can see the silhouettes of several people in it. They aren’t sure what to do either. Shelby pulls up next to them. I swing the twelve gauge from under my coat and open up on the car. Shelby has rolled the window down and opened up on the car with his twelve gauge. Shelby empties one shotgun into the car and the pulls up another. They didn’t have a chance. I jump back in the car and Rufus is frozen in fear. The grenades in his hands and a shotgun pointing at his head. I take the pistol from his belt and one of the grenades from his hand, and unlock the car door. “Get out of here Rufus.” He does as he is told and is staring into the barrel of Shelby’s shotgun. I drive off and as soon as my car is clear Shelby empties his shotgun into Rufus.
We both drive off leaving him dead in the street with his buddies shot up in the car. I don’t look back. I drive toward the Florida Ave Projects. Shelby is in the prearranged location and ditches the Escalade in the Florida projects leaving the keys in the ignition. He throws the guns in the backseat of my car and we haul ass. The Escalade was purchased in Perroni’s name and with cash. We drive to an exit on I-10 that is not used and partially blocked off. Rachael is there in my car. We throw the weapons in the trunk of my convertible. I empty the 2 gallon gas can I had in the back seat inside the car and toss a match in. There is a gigantic whoosh, and the car goes up in flames.
Rachael slid over to the passenger seat and I drive toward Slidell and our new motel. By the time we get there Jasmine has the TV on and there is news of gang violence in the Calliope Projects. Looks like a gang war. My hope is they find the Escalade in the Florida and blame it on the Florida Ave. gang. The news said four men, all with known gang ties, are dead.
I don’t know if we solved anything or not. All I can do now is hope the shock and speed of the violence will run off the dogs. We packed our stuff and headed for home.
Chapter 34
Detective Ryan Thibodeaux
Detective Ryan Thibodeaux and his partner were just leaving Building 23, apartment 206 of the St. Thomas Housing Projects. They had been investigating a murder that they had caught 3 days before. Two prostitutes had been murdered in the French Quarter. The only connection between the two had been their ex-pimp, Sugar Bear. Thibodeaux and Greyfield had investigated Sugar Bear’s murder two years prior, and the case was stilled unsolved. The apartment had been a crash pad frequently used by hookers working the edge of the Quarter. The killer had already been apprehended, but he wasn’t talking and Thibodeaux was working hard trying to establish his motive. Other than two dirty mattresses on the floor and some used condoms the apartment was empty.
As they were walking toward their car they received a radio call for H13, their call sign. They were told to meet marked units on South Johnson St. in the Calliope projects. Details were sketchy but at least one body had been found when a marked unit responded to a shots fired call. Homicide Division assigns murders on a rotation basis. As you are assigned a new case your name is rotated to the bottom of the list. The next name at the top was Thibodeaux. He already had 5 unsolved murders in his caseload and was about to get another. He looked at this partner and just shook his head.
The driv
e to the Calliope took only ten minutes. They turned on Earhart Blvd, took a left onto South Johnson and was greeted with a sea of blue lights. They parked behind the last marked unit and climbed out of the car, Greyfield spotted a uniform cop he knew, “What we got”.
The uniform smiled as he said, “Somebody decided to take the Calliope boys out all at once.” Greyfield had been in the Gang Unit before transferring into Homicide. He looked at Thibodeaux and shrugged. They put on gloves and shoe covers before approaching the scene. The New Orleans Health Department was already on the scene and working someone lying next to a car. They noticed the car was shredded with holes and there was blood and broken glass around the area. There was another body lying next to the car with bloody bandages and discarded gloved next to it. They carefully approached the car just as one of the Paramedics stood and took off his bloody gloves. He looked at Thibodeaux and shook his head. His meaning was clear, that one was gone.
Greyfield bent and looked at the face of the two men on the ground. “Holy shit, this is Demond Jones, he is number two man in the Calliope gang. The other is here is Darnell, don’t know his last name. Another high ranking member. Demond there is Rufus’s brother. He’s the head of this bunch.” The Paramedic pointed to another body in the driver’s seat. “We didn’t bother with that one, I figured since his head was gone there was no sense working him.” Thibodeaux and Greyfield stooped and looked inside the car and sure enough, a torso was sitting in the seat with the head completely gone. “Well fuck me,” was all Thibodeaux could think to say.