Rise of a Legend
Chapter 45
“You made the right decision. I still don’t think Lee did it,” Tanya said as she gazed into the fire. They were both sitting on Orion’s couch three days after Orion had been attacked. Orion had been struggling with his decision of letting Lee go. Lee was the only one Orion could think of who held a grudge against him. Tanya sighed and leaned over onto Orion, laying her head on his shoulder.
“Well, he’s never really liked me,” Orion pointed out, “Ever since I took an interest in you, and then when I saved Nunu.” He put his arm around her.
“That’s true,” Tanya admitted, “but you don’t really know Lee that well. I can’t see him trying to murder someone - even someone he hates - without a fair fight. He’s the only son our old chief had. Since the chief died in the wreckage, Lee was supposed to become our new chief. He had been taught about fairness and justice, even with those who would kill everyone in sight just to prove a point. I just can’t see him killing someone who couldn’t defend himself.” Orion looked down. He knew she was trying to explain her view about Lee, but the idea that Orion was completely helpless to fight off his attacker cut him deeply. All his life, he had worked hard to become a warrior, so that he could help defend those who couldn’t defend themselves. Now he was one of those who needed protection. He couldn’t even run away! But that’s going to change, he thought, Once I can levitate long enough to stay afloat for hours on end, I’ll finally be rid of this stupid chair.
His gaze shifted from the fire to the beauty sitting beside him. His thoughts about being a warrior, having been attacked, and the wheel chair melted from his mind to be replaced with thoughts of Tanya. She looked up at him as he stared at her, her bright pink eyes sparkling like gems in the noonday sun. He leaned closer to her, closing his eyes, waiting to feel her lips touch his. Closer... closer...
A loud knock startled them both. “Come in!” Orion called irritably as he sat back against the cushions of the couch.
“Hey, bro!” Rick said cheerfully as he bounded over to where Orion and Tanya sat, “How are you feeling? I mean after that attack, you know. That was a close call. It’s a good thing Josh had taught you fysimae on Lunspae, huh?”
“Yea, good thing,” Orion mumbled. He wasn’t too happy about being interrupted. He hardly had any time alone to be with Tanya, and when he finally found a few minutes, Rick just had to barge in.
“What’s eating you, bro?” Rick asked, plopping himself down between Orion and Tanya. She obligingly scooted over to make room. “Josh has been giving you physical therapy, right? Orion nodded. “Any progress yet?”
“No,” Tanya answered, looking at her hands. “He can’t do so much as wiggle his toes.”
“That’s too bad,” Rick said, sympathetically. “Hey! How about I make some tea for you two? To, you know, cheer you up a bit? I’ve got some beestripe leaves with me. They make excellent tea, believe me. How about it?”
“Sure, Ricky, that would be nice,” Orion sighed indifferently. In fact, Orion hadn’t actually been too happy since the last attack. He had been high strung and on edge, waiting for the next attack. Joshua kept pushing Orion past his previous limit every night with levitation practice. He could use a pick-me-up.
Rick got up and pulled some dull yellow leaves with black stripes from a black leather pouch attached to his belt. He fysimaed a teapot out of nothing, and proceeded to the washroom for some water. He crumbled up the beestripe leaves in the teapot as he went. Tanya scooted closer to Orion after Rick got up. Rick emerged from the washroom and set the teapot gently on the burning logs, using a firepoker so he didn’t burn his sleeves. When the teapot began whistling, he stirred it a bit, and poured it into two cups he created out of nothing, one for Orion and the other for Tanya. Setting the teapot on a table, Rick squeezed between Orion and Tanya again, forcing her to make room or be sat on.
“Don’t you want any?” Tanya asked, taking a sip.
“Nah, I’m good,” Rick answered cheerfully.
“Does it look like he needs tea to make him happy?” Orion asked irritably between sips. Tanya rolled her eyes.
“He’s got a point, you know,” Rick chuckled. “Listen, I’ve got things to do,” he said, filling Orion’s nearly empty cup, “So I’ll see you two later, okay? No getting attacked while I’m gone, alright Orion?”
“Sure thing, Ricky,” Orion smiled wide as Rick left. The tea was making him lighthearted and lightheaded. He had heard of beestripe tea while he was on Lunspae, but had never tried it before. He glanced at Tanya as he took another sip. The tea seemed to be having the same effect on her, too. He forgot about everything as he finished his second cup and gazed into her eyes. She hiccuped and fell into his arms, dropping her empty cup. Orion tried getting up to make room for her, but his legs didn’t want to obey. It took a minute for him to remember that he was paralyzed, and wouldn’t be able to move his legs. He satisfied himself with twisting around to face her so that she was laying on top of him. He felt her hand trace the contours of his chest muscles as he held her head to his shoulder. He leaned back and sighed, his vision growing dark as he passed out.