Busch, Noel F.
Bush, Vannevar
Business Week
Butler, Hugh
Butterfield, Roger
Buxton, Ethel Lee
Byrd, Harry Flood
Byrnes, James
atomic bomb and
blacks and
defense spending and
HST’s difficulties with
HST’s Senate reelection and
on Interim Committee on S-1
Japan and
at Potsdam
railway strike and
resignation of
Resolution 71 and
as Secretary of State
Soviet Union and
On Stalin
Truman Committee and
as vice-presidential candidate
Wallace’s New York speech and
Cadogan, Alexander
Cahn, Albert
California, University of
California, University of, at Berkeley
California and Oregon Trail, The (Parkman)
Callas, Maria
Call Me Madam
Campbell, William J.
Canfil, Fred
at Potsdam
Canin, Stuart
Cannon, Pat
Canol Project
Capehart, Homer
Capone, Al
Capra, Frank
Carnegie-Illinois Steel
Carpenter, Donald F.
Carr, Albert Z.
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, John Franklin
Carthage Hydrocel, Inc.
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Cather, Willa
Catledge, Turner
Caudle, T. Lamar
CCC (Commodity Credit Corporation)
Celler, Emanuel
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Intelligence Group
“Certain Aspects of the European Recovery Problem from the United States Standpoint” (Kennan Report)
Chambers, Whittaker
Changing Times
Chapman, Oscar
Charles, Prince of Wales
Chase, Salmon P.
Chavez, Dennis
Chiang Kai-shek
MacArthur and
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame
Chicago Sun
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Tribune
child care
Childs, Marquis
Chiles, Elijah
Chiles, Henry
Chiles, James J. “Jim Crow” (uncle)
Chiles, Morton, Jr.
Chiles, Sarah Ann “Sallie” Young (aunt)
Chiles, Sol (cousin)
civil war in
Marshall and
Soviet Union and
see also Formosa; Manchuria
China, People’s Republic of:
inauguration of
Korean War and
China Lobby
China White Paper
Chinese Communists
see also China, People’s Republic of
Chinese Nationalists (Kuomintang)
see also Chiang Kai-shek; China; Formosa
“Chorus from Ajax” (Sophocles)
Chou En-lai
Christian Science Monitor
Christina’s World (Wyeth)
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, Jenny Jerome
Churchill, Mary
Churchill, Sarah
Churchill, Winston
Acheson and
background of
Berlin tour of
death of
election defeat of
HST as seen by
HST on initial meeting with
HST’s admiration of
HST’s Berlin crisis letter to
“iron curtain” speech of
map room of
on Marshall
at Potsdam
in return to office
Roosevelt and
Stalin and
World War II history written by
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
see Mormons
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Cieplinski, Michel
Citizens Security
Civil Aeronautics Act (1938)
civil rights
anti-lynching legislation and
black vote and
HST’s Harlem speech on
HST’s Lincoln Memorial address on
HST’s private vs. public views on
HST’s senatorial reelection campaign and
sit-ins and marches for
southern Democrats and
“Turnip” congressional session and
Civil Rights Commission
civil service
Civil Service Commission
Civil War, U.S.
Lincoln’s problems with McClellan in
Clark, Bennett Champ
HST attacked by
as HST’s choice for President
Milligan supported by
in World War I
Clark, Champ
Clark, John L
Clark, Tom
Clay, Lucius D.
Clayton, William L.
Cleveland, Grover
Clevenger, Cliff
Clifford, Clark
background of
on Bess Truman
character and appearance of
coal strike and
government post left by
on HST
as HST’s legal counsel
HST’s presidential reelection campaign and
on loyalty issue
Marshall Plan and
as naval aide
Palestine issue and
preparation in work of
report on U.S.-Soviet relations by Elsey and
Clifton, Chester
Clinton, J. H.
coal mines
coal strike (1946)
Coates, Willa
Cochran, John J. “Jack,”
Coffelt, Leslie
coffinmakers’ strike (1946)
Cohen, Ben
Cold War:
Acheson’s view of
Berlin Airlift and
Churchill’s “iron curtain” speech and
Clifford-Elsey Report and
containment policy and
end of
HST’s view of
Kennan’s “Long Telegram” and
as 1948 election issue
origins of
Truman Doctrine and, see Truman Doctrine
U.S. atomic bomb monopoly ended in
in Wallace’s campaign
see also Soviet Union
Cold War, The (Lippmann)
Colgan, Emma Truman (aunt)
Collado, Emilio
Collazo, Oscar
Collins, Joe
Collins, Lawton
Combs, Freda
Commager, Henry Steele
Commerce of the Prairies (Gregg)
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Communists, communism
in China
civil rights movement and
Eisenhower on
fear of infiltration by
Forrestal and
in Greece
HST on democracy vs.
HST’s Loyalty Program and
J. Edgar Hoover’s warnings about
in Korea see also Korean War
McCarthy’s charges and
Marshall’s speech and
Nazism compared with
Progressive Party and
Taft-Hartley Act and
see also House Un-American Activities Committee
Community Savings and Loan Association of Independence
Compton, Arthur H.
Compton, James V.
Compton, Karl T.
Conant, James Br
Confederate Army
Congress, U.S.:
aid to Turkey and Greece approved by
civil rights messages delivered to
“do-nothing” description of
farm support and
House committees of, see House Un-American Activities Committee; House Ways and Means Committee
HST’s presidential “honeymoon” with
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Korean War and
Lilienthal confirmation and
Marshall confirmation and
national health insurance proposals and
1946 Republican electoral victories and
1950 Republican electoral victories and
postwar domestic program and
presidential papers and
presidential pensions and
Senate committees of, see Senate, U.S.
southern Democrats in
special “Turnip” session of
Truman Doctrine speech delivered to
Congressional Record,
Conkling, Roscoe
Connally, Tom
Connelly, Matthew J
Constitution, Twenty-second Amendment to
consumer credit
containment policy
Conway, Rose
Cooke, Alistair
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, James Fenimore
Copeland, Royal
Corcoran, Thomas “Tommy the Cork,”
Costello, Frank
Council of Foreign Ministers
Cowherd, William S
Cox, Eugene
Cox, James
Crawford, Kenneth G
Crim, Howell
Crisp, Colonel
Cronkite, Walter
Crump, E. H. “Boss Ed,”
Crusade in Europe (Eisenhower)
Culbertson, Jerry
Curley, James Michael
Cutting, Bronson
coup in
Dahlberg, Edward
Dailey, David
Daily Telegraph (London)
Danford, Robert M
Daniel, Clifton Truman (grandson)
Daniel, Elbert Clifton, Jr. (son-in-law)
Daniel, Elbert Clifton, Sr
Daniel, Harrison (grandson)
Daniel, Hawthorne
Daniel, Mary Margaret “Margie” Truman (daughter)
attempted kidnapping of
birth of
character and appearance of
childhood of
children of
Constitution Hall concert of
diary of
engagement and marriage of
first full-length concert appearance of
health of
on her grandmother
at Hollywood Bowl
HST’s biography written by
HST’s death and
Daniel, Mary Margaret “Margie” Truman (daughter)
HST’s letters to
HST’s presidency and
HST’s reelection campaign and
HST’s relationship with
Hume’s review of
Independence summers of
piano of
plays put on by
radio debut of
Roosevelt’s death and
singing career of
White House quarters of
Daniel, Thomas (grandson)
Daniel, William Wallace (grandson)
Daniell, Raymond
Daniels, Jonathan
Daniels, Josephus
Daughters of the American Revolution
David, Daniel H
David Copperfield (Dickens)
Davidson, Joseph
Davies, Joseph E
Davis, James J
Davis, John W
Davis, Manvel
Dawson, Donald
Dean, William F
Deane, John R
“deep freezers,”
Defense Department, U.S.
see also War Department, U.S.
Defense Plants Corporation (DPC)
defense spending
Byrnes and
contracts in see also Truman Committee
Forrestal and
Korean War and
Delaney, Denis W
Delano, Laura
democracy, HST on communism vs
Democratic National Committee
Democratic National Conventions:
of 1944
of 1948
of 1952
of 1956
of 1960
Democratic Party
Dixiecrat split in
Jewish votes and
Progressive Party and
southern faction of
see also election of 1948; elections; specific individuals
Denver Post,
Depression, Great
Deschler, Lewis
Des Moines Register,
Des Moines Register and Tribune,
Detroit Free Press,
Detroit Symphony
Detroit Times,
Dewey, Frances
Dewey, John
Dewey, Thomas E
background of
character and appearance of
as district attorney
film on
as governor
HST compared with
Lippmann and
presidential campaign of (1944)
presidential campaign of (1948)
as presidential candidate
presidential election defeat of (1948)
speeches of
train incident and
Dewey, Tom, Jr.
Diaz, Armando
Dickens, Charles
Dieterich, William H.
Dill, John
Dillard, Harrison
Dillinger, John
Dirksen, Everett
Displaced Persons Act (1948)
Dixon, Frank M.
Doherty, Jim
dollar-a-year men
Doniphan, Alexander
Donnelly, Eugene
Donnelly, Nell
Donovan, Robert
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Doohan, John
Dougherty, Charles, Sr
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Douglas, Paul
Douglas, William O
Downs, Joseph
DPC (Defense Plants Corporation)
draft, military
railway strike and
Drescher, George
Drury, Allen
Dryden, Mildred
Dubinsky, David
Duchamp, Marcel
Dulles, John Foster
Dun, Angus
Duncan, Dick
Dunham, Walter L
Dunn, James
DuPont Company
dust storms
Earle, George
Early, Steve
Easley, Harry
Eaton, Charles
Eban, Abba
Eden, Anthony
Edgar Thomson Works
Edgerton, Glen E
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Arthur
Eisenhower, Dwight David
death of
Forrestal and
HST and
inauguration of
Korean War and
McCarthy and
Marshall and
as NATO commander
as presidential candidate
reelection of
retirement of
on Stalin
vice-presidential candidacy declined by
Eisenhower, John
Eisenhower, Mamie
election of 1948:
Barkley as vice-presidential candidate in
/> Clifford’s role in
Democratic Convention and
Dewey’s campaign in
Dewey’s candidacy in
Dewey’s defeat in
Eisenhower considered in
HST’s campaign funds for
HST’s campaign in
HST’s election in
Republican Convention in
Ross’s role in
Thurmond and Dixiecrats in
Wallace’s candidacy in
of 1910
of 1912
of 1924
of 1932
of 1934
of 1936
of 1940
of 1944
of 1946
of 1948, see election of 1948
of 1950
of 1952
of 1956
of 1960
see also specific candidates
electrical workers’ strike (1946)
Elsey, George M
on HST
HST’s reelection campaign and
at Potsdam
report on U.S.-Soviet relations by Clifford and
Employment Act (1946)
England, Clarence
Eniwetok Island
Epstein, Elihu
Equal Rights amendment
Ethridge, Mark
Etzenhouser, Madeline
European Recovery Program (ERP), see Marshall Plan
Evans, Tom
Evening Standard (London)
“Everyman in the White House” (Crawford)
Ewing, Thomas
excess profits tax
Fair Deal
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Fairless, Benjamin F
Farley, James A
farmers, federal support for
Farm Tenancy Act (1937)
Farrell, Thomas F
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Dewey campaign aided by
HST’s distrust of
see also Hoover, J. Edgar
Federal Employees Loyalty and Security Program
Ferdinand Magellan,
see also Whistle-stop Campaign
Ferguson, Homer
Fermi, Enrico
Field, Lyman
Fields, Alonzo
Fields, W. C
Fillmore, Millard
Finklestein, Paula
Finklestein, Sam
Finklestein, Siegfried
Finletter, Thomas K
Finnegan, James P
Fired On (Remington)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzpatrick, Daniel
five percenters
Flanner, Janet
Flavin, John
Flintom, A. D
Floyd, “Pretty Boy,”
Flynn, Edward Joseph
Foch, Ferdinand
Folliard, Edward T
Forde, Margaret Ann
Ford Motor Company
Foreign Affairs,
foreign policy, see specific countries, individuals, and issues
MacArthur’s views on
U.S. defense of
see also China; Chinese Nationalists
Formosa Strait
Forrestal, James
atomic bomb and
Berlin crisis and
criticism of
Dewey and
resignation of
as Secretary of Defense
suicide of
Fort Leonard Wood
Lend-Lease and
Franco, Francisco
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin Roosevelt Library