For Rowdy Christians Everywhere
Lumen Christi
The most persistent stumblingblock is pride; the last
heresy that holds us is our faith in ourselves.
The age-old fable speaks: “Simply practice kindness
and you are saved.” The worm still whispers: “By helping
others, you help yourself to heaven.” Some accept
these sayings, turn from Christ, and stagger into night.
We have a choice: pray for the light of Christ each night,
or trust our own lights, which dim and do not last.
But which will show us truth? Weak wills, prone to accept
what pleases? Fickle feelings, wrapped up in ourselves?
Base appetites, screaming for a second helping?
Untrained minds, which count each fad of thought a kindness?
Or shall we leap as God’s voice tells of true kindness;
Laugh, as Lumen Christi leads safely through the night;
Sing, to find the Holy Ghost is with us helping;
See far and walk sure, following the First and Last;
Smile down straight paths, led by One wiser than ourselves;
Thrill to find truth which all who see it must accept?
Christ spoke hard sayings, and difficult to accept.
How can good people be left out of God’s kindness?
We must cease from measuring ourselves by ourselves:
None are pure next to God. All hide sins in the night.
All are unworthy. Would you really come at last
before the throne of God, without Jesus helping?
What would you say there? “I spent a few hours helping
others, gave some money, loved one or two. Accept
me?” Shall angels tremble, to see you there at last?
There is a great gulf, bridged not by our own kindness,
but by His! He gives joy for mourning, day for night,
when we simply offer Christ, instead of ourselves.
There still remains a place for denying ourselves.
Our souls are still fed by giving, loving, helping.
But we offer these things like a child’s prayers at night:
gestures of love and obedience, for God to accept
as tokens, not as payment. Only Christ’s kindness
redeems us. Without the cross, the first shall be last.
By ourselves we can achieve nothing that will last.
But like the cool rush of night, God shows His kindness--
He sends a helping of His Spirit, and we accept.