Colin and The Rise of The House of Horwood
“So, why not just ask her,” said Spike with a mouthful of food. “I mean if she’s up to something, you’ll be able to tell, or maybe you can ask Sergeant Peary.”
The boys were eating their evening meal together. Ofelia and Melissa had both excused themselves from eating supper, as they were not feeling well.
“I don’t know,” Colin said cautiously. He rather liked Ofelia and didn’t feel like putting her in the position of having to tell a lie. “Maybe Sergeant Peary would be a good idea.” He glanced at the big grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging back and forth. The minute hand had touched the top of the hour and the big chimes began to sound. The door just below the clock face slowly opened. A black night on a black turtle rode out, flourished its sword around his head six times and then rode back.
“I’m going to be late!” exclaimed Colin. “Are you sure you don’t want to come? I mean you can’t be much worse than me!”
Spike made a sour face. “Nah, I was planning on doing something else,” he said rather evasively. “How long do you think she’ll be asleep?”
“I don’t know, but Ofelia thinks I gave her too much of the powder.”
Spike hesitated, “I think I’ll go for a walk, maybe watch some birds or something.”
Spike quickly looked away from Colin and turned all his attention to his slice of pumpkin pie and began to devour it. Colin was now sure Spike was up to something. He was no bird watcher.