A Malevolent Manner (Patrick Pierce #1)
Though the footsteps in the hallway were faint, his hunter trained senses were easily able to discern their approach. As they got closer their whispered voices became audible, though only with extreme concentration. He remained in his fortuitous hiding space once he recognized the owners of those voices.
“And you believe her my Lord?”
“I have no reason not too,” responded a cool voice. “She was too afraid to cross me.”
“Then why have her exiled?”
“She had outlived her use to me where she was,” the voice replied with the hint of an implied threat. “I couldn’t have Lodge killed, nor am I sure that is what I want. However by sending her with him, she might again prove useful.”
“She’ll wish to regain your favour and continue to play Lodge for a fool?”
“Precisely,” he said, stopping and looking around for any eavesdroppers.
“I have to say I am somewhat sceptical that he told her the truth when he said he would jump at the first opportunity to leave the Manor and return home.”
“She can be very persuasive and appear trustworthy to simple men. I also believe that when he said those things, he believed it would be a difficult and lengthy task.”
“But instead we have created the opportunity for him,” observed Drummond. “So we are to open the door and he will leave us of his own will, never to return?”
“That Drummond, is a necessity,” ordered Cleaver. “However it must be non-violent. I cannot risk the death of a Hunt member. It must be his decision to leave.”
“Understood my Lord. Whom shall we send with him?”
“Send one person he trusts and someone he has already met. However inform both those members of Pierce’s wish to leave. I don’t want any heroic attempts to bring him back.”
“It shall be as you say my Lord,” obeyed Drummond following Cleaver as they continued their journey through the Manor.
Tiberius emerged from the servants’ passage behind a Norman tapestry hanging in the corridor. He checked to see if his emergence was observed, then continued down the ornate corridor in the opposite direction of the conspirators. His plans for a quiet night by the fire were now impossible after hearing the devious conversation. He quickly formulated a plan as he negotiated the halls of the Manor towards his room. He needed to get some supplies, a change of clothes, and a key to the North Tower as quickly and quietly as possible.
Chapter 11