A Malevolent Manner (Patrick Pierce #1)
The Manor was unusually silent as Tiberius strode along the gallery overlooking the main entrance hall. His boots echoed within the large chamber as each sole rhythmically landed. He enjoyed prowling the halls on most nights, never sure who he would run into or what scenes he would witness. Many of those chance encounters had proved useful to his continued employment. Not due to blackmail, but a healthy respect of his knowledge by those around him. This fact, along with being one of the longest serving members of the staff made him an imposing figure within the walls of the Manor.
He knew the emptiness was due to the Reminiscence that would be starting within the hour. The Members would all be in their rooms, being groomed and dressed by their maids or valets. Downstairs the staff would be rushing to ensure the dining room was equally prepared. The cooks would be the busiest of all, preparing a multitude of dishes, representing food from the many members’ own time and country. Having arrived at one of the many passages that connected the upstairs with downstairs, he took a breath and dove into the chaos of the Manor staff.
The passage led into a wide hallway that connected the kitchen to the dining rooms. Immediately he was thrust to the side by a progression of silver domed carts that would have done the Rose Bowl parade proud. Servers pushed them quickly by without even glancing at him, keeping step with those in front.
Once they passed, Tiberius fell into step with some of the staff returning from the dining room to the kitchen. This group had just deposited the china to the dining room and were now ready to collect the silverware. The silver room was manned by the butler and one of his assistants, who Tiberius discreetly nodded to as he passed.
Due to his position within the Manor, most of the kitchen staff ignored his passing through their space as they worked. He was known to wander throughout the entire building at will, usually on some important errand or duty.
He poked his head into the small office of the kitchen manager, grabbing an apple from a bowl she kept stocked.
“Everything progressing well? No problems?” He inquired congenially, then taking a bite of the pilfered apple.
“The only problem I have is people interrupting me,” she responded absently without raising her head from the notes she was reviewing.
“Message received. Good luck.”
“I don’t need luck. All I need is …”
Her voice trailed off as Tiberius had already started walking away, the din of the kitchen filling his ears. There was a cacophony of sounds; knives on chopping boards, steel on copper, shouts and orders, and feet shuffling. It was the perfect place for a quiet chat, sure to be unheard by anyone outside of two feet.
He took a position in the corner, well out of everyone’s way and far from any doors, windows or halls that could hide an eavesdropper. He chomped away at his apple, quickly becoming part of the kitchen scenery.
Within minutes the assistant butler made his way over to him, taking time to speak to the odd person along his route. He approached as if he were surprised to see Tiberius there, smiling and holding out his hand.
“Be quick I haven’t much time,” he said smiling as the hand shaking ended.
“I need some info on food shipments sent to any of our buildings on the island.”
“Why don’t you ask the head Cook or the Kitchen Manager?”
“Because I don’t trust them and you owe me a favour.” Tiberius replied, still smiling like his companion.
“Very well. What do you need to know?”
“I need to know the location of any shipment that contained cod, cornmeal, and cucumber.” He slapped the Assistant Butler on the shoulder and walked towards a nearby door that led towards the back courtyard.