Saturna and the Battle for Zard
Walking quickly to the barracks, they entered, and were immediately taken to Anton’s cell at the very rear of the prison. Upon Saturna’s orders, the ancient lock was cut with a laser. When the old metal door creaked open their eyes fell on Anton, still in uniform, lying on his bunk with a single blanket wrapped about his shoulders. His lips were cracked and his eyes sunken and although he tried to rise upon seeing Saturna, he was physically unable and instantly fell back onto the bed.
"Please lie still," ordered Saturna.
The doctor was summoned and while sips of water were given orally by the guard, the doctor started an intravenous fluid replacement. Saturna hovered overhead, disgusted at the filth and smell in the cell, not realizing that Detis had placed Anton in a part of the prison which was never used anymore. Saturna had only once been in the lobby of the barracks and had no idea where prisoners were kept.
"How is he Doctor?" she asked.
"He’ll be fine after a few days of fluid, food and rest. It was the lack of fluid that caused the problem."
Yuko had given Saturna a quick rundown of Anton’s personal and military history. With Anton’s outstanding record, it was unclear why Detis would have had him arrested.
"Take the officer to the royal quarters and ask my servants to wash and feed him please," commanded Saturna. "And Yuko, I’d like a further tour of this place now!"
"As you wish, My Queen," he replied following her into the corridor.