Gonkers Visit the Saints
The Gonkers and Brody spent several hours walking the streets of Asissi. At length Lily felt they should be getting back so she asked him if he would mind saying a Mass for them.
“I'm not a priest!”
“But you're a saint,” Lucien gave him the dimple treatment. “Doesn't that count?”
“I wish you would stop saying that, and no, it doesn't count.”
“If you don't mind me asking,” Logan was looking at his own hands as he spoke, “why aren't you a priest?”
“Because it's not up to me, my dear Gonkers.” He looked a bit wistful as he said, “God never called me to the priesthood.”
“You must feel that a priest is the most special person you can be,” Lily said.
There was a pause. Then he said solemnly, “If I came face to face with an angel and a priest I would bend my knee to the priest before the angel.” St. Francis hauled himself to his feet and clapped Logan on the back. “C'mon, kids, I know where a daily Mass will start in a few minutes.”