Cretaceous Clay and The Black Dwarf
A bedraggled Jazz studied a fern. “Hi, honey bear,” she said. Purple bags sagged around her bloodshot eyes, and rumples spread over her usually crisp uniform.
“Hi sweetpea,” Clay hugged her, and she squeezed him. “You’re exhausted.”
“We’ve taken two ships from the Moon, and we expect another from Elysium just after midnight.” Leaning back, she gazed up at him, and said, “What if we go to war? What will we do?”
“Hope I don’t get drafted? I’m still on call in the reserves.”
“You’re already drafted, silly. Inspector Lestrayed has taken over your life, and he’s going to keep you until he nails the Zodiac killer. And I want you to help him.” She poked him. “I meant what will Clay-players do?”
“Miss rehearsals.” Jack shrugged. “Not much we can do.”
“What?” She looked puzzled. “What did Corman say?”
“Do you want the bad news or the good news?”
“This can’t be good.” Jazz frowned. “What’s the bad news?”
“The Circus cancelled all of our performances and rehearsals. I can’t help it. No one’s playing the Circus until the Crown says so.”
Taking his arm, she drew him in and put her arms around his waist. His arms engulfed her lithe shoulders and he hugged her. She was thin and petite even for an elf. “Don’t worry, honey bear. I’ll stay with you no matter what. I won’t leave you even if you have to be a birthday clown.”
“Ha,” he said. “We’ll play Iron Mountain. Corman will pack the show and send the roadies on ahead to Iron Mountain. We’re taking everyone in the crew who wants to go, and their families.”
“What about the spring show, we’ve worked so hard on it.”
Jack shrugged, “We’ll do it at the Grove. It’s a little theatre built into Iron Mountain. It’s too small, but we can work around it. There’s no helping it. Corman will make sure we have what we need for a good show.”
“Corman’s a sweetheart.”
He held her close, and set his chin on top of her head. “Corman didn’t even know we’re on the verge of a war until Wynn called him to tell him the Circus was closing. How can you function when you’re world stops at Broadway and Jackson? If it’s not happening in west, Upper Nodlon, it’s not happening at all.”
“The theatre is his life, and he knows everything about it. Did you know there’s a name for every light we use?”
“Yeah, that’s why I hired him. He’s a savant of everything on stage.”
“I’m sorry about your show.”
“Does it matter? It’s for the best. The Crown probably fears an attack and ordered the Circus closed. If the Martians murdered five thousand teenage biots during my show, I don’t think I’d be able to look myself in the mirror. Even the soccer moms would come down out of the mountains with pitchforks.”
“What about the Zodiac killer?”
“We have a lead. All hush, hush for now though. We found another missing dwarf. I can’t say for sure it’s the same …”
“Jack, the boy’s all over the news! His name’s Evan Labe. Chesterton said you found a bloody Zodiac sign in his apartment. Was it a Capricorn?”
“Can’t keep any secrets can we? Yes, it is the constellation of Capricorn. It was drawn in blood on the boy’s vid. Gumshoe still thinks it‘s magic, but I think it’s some new paintball technology. We also met a character – the boy’s dorm resident who warned us.”
“Jack, the girl had a witch didn’t she? Isn’t that two?”
“What? Are you thinking of Molly? I don’t remember saying anything about her.”
“She was on Radiophone. Shaw interviewed her. Didn’t you see her?”
“Yes, but it’s just a coincidence. She shared a few tid-bits, but nothing of much substance.”
“Don’t you think it’s odd that you’ve met two characters on this case?”
“No, I know it’s strange to you, Jazz, but my whole life is strange. Remember, I’m a magician. I meet characters on a regular basis.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a magician. If two creepy characters show up, I think it is significant.”
“Yeah, but you’re normal. Strange coincidences are par on my course.”
Shaking her head, she huffed. “What about the boy, Evan?”
“Gumshoe fears for his life. We can only hope. Just between us, we think his chances are slim.”
“You have to solve the murders and find those missing dwarves. I know you can do it.”
“I’m just helping. Gumshoe’s the homicide detective, and he’s been a cop as long as I’ve been alive.”
“That’s why I like you Jack Clay.” She squeezed him. “You keep your feet on the ground except when you don’t.”
His arms enfolded her, and they held each other for a moment longer.
“Will Shotgun be recover?” she asked.
“Dr. Forest thinks he’s just sleeping off the poisons they gave him. Speaking of Shotgun, Jazz, I need a favor. When you go to Iron Mountain, can you take Goldie and the girls?”
“Yeah, that’s easy. The hospital wants us to take our vehicles, and they’re asking for volunteers. Goldie will fit right in. She can work with the hospital staff. Since her agency released her and the girls. They can stay with us when she’s not working.”
“Great, can you call Goldie, and give her an update? She’s at my place.”
“No problem, I’ll let her know when we’re leaving.”