Nikki Powergloves and the Power Council
Chapter Twenty: Power kids have to stick together
Nikki had spent most of the last week in the Power City with Spencer and her friends. Making plans. Only two days had passed in Cragglyville. Nikki went home for dinner each of those two days. She slept at home. But she also slept in the bunkroom in the mountain. It was weird, like she was living two different lives. She was, sort of. Nikki Nickerson the normal girl and Nikki Powergloves the superhero.
While Nikki knew Naomi and Jimmy and Peter would be back, she tried not to think about them. Her focus was on rescuing Samantha.
Somehow Nikki had become the new leader of the Power Council. Or at least the leader until they rescued Samantha. Nikki didn’t want to be the leader, but she knew she had to be. Freddy and Mike were really good superheroes, but they were so used to Samantha making the decisions that they didn’t know how. None of the sidekicks could be the leader—it needed to be a superhero. So Nikki was the only one left.
She had assigned the sidekicks to do research. For hours they had been trolling through mountains of information on the internet, trying to find out about government organizations. They also looked for news stories about suspicious kidnappings.
While the sidekicks researched, Nikki, Freddy and Mike practiced using their powers. Nikki learned that amongst the other powers she already knew about, like his ninja skills and turtle shell, Freddy could impersonate voices and read people’s thoughts, too. Besides turning into rubber and spinning like a tornado, Mike could grow a huge dinosaur tail and also drive any type of vehicle, from a monster truck to a space shuttle to a motorcycle and everything in between.
They were practicing using their skills now, in the training room, when Spencer burst through the small door. “I think we found a lead! Huzzah!” he yelled.
All three power kids froze. Nikki said, “Tell us, Spence.”
After he told her, Nikki called a conference in the room with the purple couches. When all the superheroes and sidekicks were seated, Nikki spoke. She was nervous, but also excited. Because finally they could try to rescue Samantha. She said:
“Members of the Power Council, it is time to save our friend, Samantha Powerbelts!” Spencer and Dexter clapped wildly. “Thanks to the sidekicks, we now know about at least two other power kids that might have been kidnapped by a secret government organization called STING—the Superior Technology & Information Needs Group. They have an office located in my hometown, Cragglyville. That’s where we will start our search.
“Before we begin, I just want to say how much Spencer and I have enjoyed our time with you. We already think of you as close friends. No matter what happens during our mission to save Samantha, we must always remember one thing. We have to stick together, to help each other, to support each other, no matter what. Power kids have to stick together!” she shouted.
All the kids cheered. Spencer stuck two fingers between his teeth and whistled loudly. Freddy and Mike high-fived. There was excitement in the air.
Nikki was ready for her next adventure.
THE END (of this Adventure)
Hero Card
Hidden Identity: Nikki Powergloves
Birth Name: Nikki Nickerson
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 67 pounds
Sidekick: Spencer Quick, certified genius
Known Allies: Samantha Powerbelts, Freddy Powersocks, Michael Powerscarves
Source of Power: Gloves
Glove Color---Glove Picture---Power
White---Snowflake---Create ice
Red---Flame---Create fire
Black & Yellow---Lightning bolt---Control the weather
Green---Leaf---Super-grow plants
Purple---Muscly arm making a fist---Super-strength
Gray---No picture---Invisibility
Brown---Paw print---Transform into an animal
Pink---Tarot card---See the future
Gold---Clock---Freeze or slow down time
Peach---Two identical stick figures---Transform into someone else
Hero Card
Hero Name: Samantha Powerbelts
Birth Name: Samantha Jane McKinley
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 6 inches
Weight: 77 pounds
Sidekick: Dexter Chan, excellent booby-trapper
Known Allies: Nikki Powergloves, Freddy Powersocks, Michael Powerscarves
Source of Power: Belts
Belt Color---Belt Picture---Power
Brown---Dancing teddy bear---Make objects come to life
Peach---Girl with six arms---Ability to grow more arms and legs
Multi-colored---Paintbrush---Temporarily change objects’ color
Silver---Shield---Create a dome of protection
Gold---Key---Open any door or lock
Bright red---Smile---Make people laugh uncontrollably
White---Gum---Shoot sticky stuff from fingers
Blue---Snorkel---Breathe underwater
Orange---Rope---Shoot ropes from hands
Clear---Diamonds---Turn rocks to jewels
Green---Walking trees---Make trees come alive
Yellow---Spider---Climb walls like a spider
Hero Card
Hero Name: Freddy Powersocks
Birth Name: Frederick Nixon
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 5 inches
Weight: 95 pounds
Sidekick: Chilly Weathers, amateur magician
Known Allies: Nikki Powergloves, Samantha Powerbelts, Michael Powerscarves
Source of Power: Socks
Sock Color---Sock Picture---Power
White with black polka dots---Dog barking at a boy---Ability to speak to animals
Camouflage---Chameleon---Camouflage himself or objects
Gold---Wristwatch---Change rates of time in places
Black---Nunchucks---Ninja skills
Peach---Girl slapping a boy---Distance slap
Pink---Brain---Read people’s thoughts
Brown---Shovel---Dig huge tunnels
Black and yellow---Bumblebee---Turn into a bumblebee
Purple---Microphone---Impersonate voices
Green---Turtle shell---Grow protective shell
Fuzzy brown---Monkey---Control a horde of monkeys
Hero Card
Hero Name: Mike Powerscarves
Birth Name: Michael Jones
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 67 pounds
Sidekick: None
Known Allies: Nikki Powergloves, Samantha Powerbelts, Freddy Powersocks
Source of Power: Scarves
Scarf Color---Scarf Picture---Power
Black---Car tire---Ability to turn body to rubber
Blue and Gold striped---Tall pole---Leap high into the air
Gray---Hammer---Ability to build anything
Green---Ice cream cone---Create food from thin air
Brown-striped---Tornado---Spin fast like a tornado
Red and Yellow polka dots---10 stick figures---Break up into 10 little Mike’s
Black and White---Magnifying glass---Turn sideways and disappear
All colors checkered---Plus sign---Boost other kids’ powers
White---Steering wheel---Drive any kind of vehicle
Brown and Black checkered---Minus sign---Decrease other kids’ powers
Orange---Hovercraft---Ride a hovercraft
Green and red polka dots---Dinosaur tail---Grow a long dinosaur tail
Villain Card
Hidden Identity: Jimmy Powerboots (previously known as Jimmy- Boy Wonder)
Birth Name: Timothy Jonathan Sykes (nicknamed Jimmy)
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 65 pounds
ick: unknown
Known Allies: Peter Powerhats, Naomi Powerskirts
Source of Power: Boots
Boot Color---Boot Picture---Power
Black---Cracked ground---Powerstomp
Purple---One leg on each side of a wall---Walk through walls
Orange---Floating banana---Move objects with his mind
Red---Boots with flames---Rocket boots
White---5 identical stick figures---Clone himself
Yellow---Half-boy here, half-boy there---Teleport
Blue---Wall of water---Control water
Brown---Big ear---Super-senses
Green---Computer---Computer hacking
Red/Blue/Yellow---Wires---Skills with electronics
Gray---Yellow pages---Find anyone in world
Gold & Black checkered---Clock---Speed up time
Villain Card
Villain Name: Peter Powerhats
Birth Name: Peter Hurley
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 10 inches
Weight: 100 pounds
Sidekick: unknown
Known Allies: Jimmy Powerboots, Naomi Powerskirts
Source of Power: Hats
Hat Color---Hat Picture---Power
Bright---Gold Powerchest---Ability to find lost powerchests
Neon Green---Strong Man---Grow big and strong
Black---Cannonball---Turn into a cannon ball
Gray---Stones---Make stones form on things
Red---Bull horns---Transform into a raging bull
Peach---Big hand---Grow big hands
Blue---Big wheels---Drive a monster truck
Orange---Mouth and fire---Burp fireballs
Green---Fingers holding nose---Stinky farts
Purple---Strawberry jelly---Turn body into jelly
Brown---Porcupine---Body covered in prickly spines
Clear---Tears---Make people cry
Villain Card
Villain Name: Naomi Powerskirts
Birth Name: Naomi Lee
Age: 9
Height: 4 feet, 0 inches
Weight: 55 pounds
Sidekick: unknown
Known Allies: Jimmy Powerboots, Peter Powerhats
Source of Power: Skirts
Skirt Color---Skirt Picture---Power
Yellow---Sun---Travel on beams of light
Green---Ogre---Turn into an ugly monster
Blue---Three skirts---Change powers rapidly
Black---Light bulb---Control electricity
Brown---Mud---Create gobs of mud
Pink---Gymnast---Gymnastics skills
Purple---Mirror---Mix up the world
Gray---Foot on water---Walk on anything (water,etc)
Orange---Closed eye---Laser-winks
Pink and Black striped---Skateboard---Skateboarding skills
Black with green polka dots---Plant with arms---Grow fighting plants
Turquoise---Pigeon---Use a flock of attack pigeons