The Skull of the World
Theurgia: a school for acolytes and apprentices.
Tìreich: land of the horse-lairds—most westerly country of Eileanan, populated by nomadic tribes famous for their horses and ruled by the MacAhern clan.
Tìrlethan: Land of the Twins; once ruled by Faodhagan and Sorcha, twin sorcerers. Called the Spine of the World by Khan’cohbans.
Tìrsoilleir: The Bright Land. North-east land of Eileanan, populated by a race of fierce warriors. Was once ruled by the MacHilde clan, descended from Berhtilde, one of the First Coven of Witches. However, the Tìrsoilleirean have rejected witchcraft and the ruling family in favour of militant religion. Have dreams of controlling Eileanan.
Tòmas the Healer: boy with healing powers; formerly apprentice to Jorge the Seer.
The Towers of the Witches: Thirteen towers built as centres of learning and witchcraft in the twelve lands of Eileanan. The Towers are:
Tùr de Aisling in Aslinn (Tower of Dreamers)
Tùr na cheud Ruigsinn in Clachan (Tower of First Landing; Cuinn’s Tower)
Tùr de Ceò in Arran (Tower of Mists)
Tùr na Fitheach in Ravenshaw (Tower of Ravens)
Tùr na Gealaich dhà in Rionnagan (Tower of Two Moons)
Tùr na Raoin Beannachadh in Bléssem (Tower of the Blessed Fields)
Tùr na Rùraich in Rurach (Tower of Searchers)
Tùr de Ròsan is Snathad in Tìrlethan (Towers of Roses and Thorns)
Tùr na Sabaidean in Tìrsoilleir (Tower of the Warriors)
Tùr na Seinnadairean Mhuir in Carraig (Tower of the Sea-singers)
Tùr de Stoirmean in Siantan (Tower of Storm)
Tùr na Thigearnean in Tìreich (Tower of the Horse-lairds)
trictrac: a form of backgammon.
Tuathanach the Farmer: One of the First Coven of Witches. (See Bléssem).
two moons: Magnysson and Gladrielle.
uile-bheist; uile-bheistean (pl): monster.
uka: Khan’cohban word for ‘demon’ or ‘monster’.
ulez: a woolly coated horned creature of the Spine of the World.
unza: Khan’cohban word meaning all that is dark and unknown.
The White Gods: nameless, shapeless gods of the Khan’cohbans, and greatly feared and revered by them.
winter solstice: the time when the sun is at the most southern point from the equator; Midwinter’s Eve.
World’s Mouth: a cave at the Skull of the World leading deep into the mountain.
Yedda: Sea-Witches.
Yeomen of the Guard: Also known as the Blue Guards. The Rìgh’s own personal bodyguard, responsible for his safety on journeys at home or abroad, and on the battlefield. Within the precincts of the palace, they guard the entrances and taste the Rìgh’s food.
It has been a dark and dangerous journey that we have travelled with Isabeau and the witches of Eileanan, and you may be forgiven for fearing it is a journey without end. The three books you were promised in the beginning have turned into six, testing all of your patience and persistence to the limits. This I can promise you, though: the sixth book in the series, The Fathomless Caves, shall be