Confessions of a Prayer Slacker
I can honestly say this book is the direct result of some holy nudging on the part of God. Over and over, He showed me why I needed to share my story, to the point I finally tossed aside the novel I was writing and began to write what He had put on my heart. For any life that may be touched by these pages, I give Him all the glory.
To Fred and Cathy Weisbrodt and Rick and Beth Herrin, thank you for your friendship and asking the tough questions along the way. We love doing community with you!
To my pastor, Pete Wilson, thank you for inspiring not only me and our entire church family at Nashville’s Cross Point Community Church, but also thousands more throughout “the uttermost parts of the earth” through your blog and always-colorful tweets. Thank you for always being the real deal. And for the record, it’s obviously not in your DNA to be bland or boring. You’re the best.
To Joy DeKok who helped get the first version of this book into print. Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration through these last couple of years. How I thank God for you!
To my daughter Hannah who designed the original cover and gave it such a beautiful exterior. We weren’t allowed to use it this time around, but I’ll never forget the passion and talent that went into that design. I hope you like the new one . . . I love you, sweetie!
To my son, Ben, thanks for believing in me and showing me by example how passion for something can propel you to accomplish your goals in life—whether it’s on the golf course or in the pages of a book. I love you, buddy!
To my YaYa’s—Debbie Church, Carol McFarland, and Teresa Nardozzi—thank you for being my own personal cheerleaders along the way and reminding me to never, never give up. Love you, Sistahs!
To my real-life sister, Morlee Maynard, thank you for being my lifelong friend and ever-faithful sounding board. Do you know what a hero you are to me?
To Glenn and Anita Hale, my precious parents who raised me on a solid foundation of faith and taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. How I miss you, Mom.
Every writer needs a buddy in the trenches, and I’m thankful beyond words for Sally Wilson. Sally, thanks for your wonderful friendship, honest critiques, hilarious sense of humor, and all our coffee breaks at the Red Tree in Kingston Springs. I thank God for crossing our paths in Houston so many years ago. Who knew a name tag at a writer’s conference could spark such a cherished friendship?
And last but not least, I dedicate this book to Ken—my husband, my best friend, and the love of my life. Thank you for not only believing in me and helping me to see this dream come true; but more important, for your quiet and humble example as a godly man who begins and ends each day on his knees in prayer. How I love doing life with you!
1. Whittaker Chambers, Witness (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1978), 16-17. All rights reserved. Reprinted by special permission of Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Chapter 2—My Journey Continues
1. Reprinted by permission. Fresh-Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul, Nicole Johnson, ©1999, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Nashville, Tenn. All rights reserved. Page 38.
2. Ibid., 41.
3. Ibid., 48.
Chapter 3—Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
1. Reprinted by permission. Just Give Me Jesus, Anne Graham Lotz, ©2000, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Nashville, Tenn. All rights reserved. Page 10.