Awaken Me
THE WORDS WALK AND SWIFTLY weren’t in Iva’s vocabulary. Instead, ‘run like your life depended on it’ was more her style. Iva ran in front of me. Her hair was swishing back and forth. I was still a little dizzy from the “bond” I had had with Derek and his father. So, trying to keep up with Iva proved to be a bit challenging.
The skinny, stuck up girl known as Beth was sitting in her usual post, the front desk. She eyeballed us as we ran toward her. She didn’t look afraid, but she probably thought we suffered from some sort of crazy meltdown.
"Beth, is Rosemarie available to speak with us? It’s urgent, regarding her daughter," Iva said.
"Lady Rosemarie," she corrected, "is in a meeting, I’m afraid. I could tell her you stopped by, though,” Beth said with a smirk. She looked at us happily, gloating that she had authority over us.
"I don’t care if she is in a meeting, this community or whatever you call it could be in danger," I said, tapping the glass desk. “And she is my mother.”
Nothing changed with this girl; her beady eyes just narrowed on me. I wanted to punch that smirk off her face. Iva placed a hand on my shoulder, as if to calm me down. My mood had changed so quickly; maybe this old Teeker man really knew what he was talking about. I looked into Iva’s eyes and they widened. That proved the eye change for me.
"Brown?" I asked
She just half smiled. My worrying started to get the better of me. I had to sit, taking deep breaths and resisting the urge to rip my hair out and scream. This uncontrollable anger really was annoying, I could flip the switch instantly on the anger part, but calming down was a bit more perplexing.
I felt aggravated as I sat, helpless, on the bench. Iva was still talking to Beth, who wasn’t budging on letting us in. What is her problem? I asked myself. If Alec were here he would be able to get us into that room. And, just like that, as if I had spoken his name aloud, his tall form came around the corner. Beth immediately changed her expression; she was pleased to see him. But then again, what girl wasn’t happy to see Alec? He did have an effect on the ladies. He didn’t look at me. But he gracefully walked up to Beth and turned on the charm. I could tell he used compulsion on her. She would have done anything for him at that moment. I could see it on her face, glazed eyes and everything. Sweet! Iva wasn’t lying about that, I thought to myself.
"Ready, ladies?" he asked, half grinning at his accomplishment. I couldn’t help myself; my grin was from ear to ear. I was relieved.
"Show off," I said, under my breath. I was really happy that he was there. He looked quite sexy, as usual. I really liked the gold metal beads in his hair, they popped out when he brushed back some of his hair.
Iva and Alec stood in front of me as we approached the door. My father, Ralph, came out. We hadn’t really talked at all since I’d been back and honestly I wouldn’t have known what to say to him. His tall form cast a shadow over me. His grey eyes bore into mine.
"What brings you here?" He asked, amused, looking at the three of us.
"We need to see Lady Rosemarie. It’s important," Iva said.
He eyed us happily.
"Her meeting just finished. The door is unlocked." He moved aside to let us pass him.
Without hesitation, Alec and Iva opened the door. Rosemarie sat at her desk, organizing the papers before her. Her face had stress written all over it. As she saw us enter, her eyebrows rose up.
"Is everything all right?" She was about to stand but Alec motioned her to stay seated.
"Aimee and I found out some things that we wanted to tell you," Iva said, motioning me to begin speaking. I went closer to her with a push from Iva. I imagined it was supposed to be an encouraging push.
"Today, while Iva and I were eating, I had a dream invasion. Derek and his dad, Nathan, came into my head and spoke to me. They are looking for me. We saw Teeker and he told us it’s because of a bond I have with Nathan and his family. It happened when they erased my memory.” I paused, thinking about how to phrase my next statement. “Maybe I should leave and go somewhere else so he doesn’t come here again with the other Rogues," I said, breathless.
Rose sat there calm and without a hint of concern on her face. She just looked tired and stressed.
"Nathan will not be getting anywhere near us. We have high security and you most certainly will not go out and hide in some cave or wherever." She looked strained and this argument wasn’t going to move forward. So I figured there was no point in continuing it.
"So, you don’t see a threat with this bond thingy?" I asked.
"I don't. And once you awaken then this will no longer pose a threat to you."
Once I’m awakened? I didn’t make that choice yet, and Teeker didn’t know how my body would react to being awakened. Especially after my mind being erased.
"Is there anything else on your mind, Aimee?" Her eyes were soft and she was sincere. She just wasn’t being very motherly. I guess six years changes people. I changed, and I still am changing.
"No ma'am. I’m sorry I wasted your time," I was looking at the ground and didn’t hear her chair move; her hand lightly touched my shoulder.
"I’m here for you Aimee, we all are. Trust me when I tell you, you’re safe." She kissed my forehead and nodded at Iva and Alec. And with that, our conversation ended. What a waste of time, I thought.
I walked in silence as Iva and Alec were speaking to one another. My room was two doors away. My mind was in a whirl. I couldn’t sleep. I had to do something about this. I didn’t care what everyone would say or what they thought. Their lives could be at risk. Derek and his family already had broken in once. They could do it again. How had Derek not realized I was here, in the same place that he took me from to begin with? I looked up to see Alec standing in front of my door, still in conversation with Iva.
Alec still hadn’t said anything to me. He was making me feel awkward around him, especially after that heavy kiss he planted on me nights ago. Iva was just being nice when she said he wasn’t avoiding me, when in fact, he was. It was clear as glass. My heart was aching; that kiss felt more alive than any kiss or moment I ever shared with Derek.
Alec stood with his back to me. His dark brown wavy hair was in my face; I wanted to touch it. I wanted to touch him. I felt as though I could still feel his lean body pressing against me. I felt anger growing inside me, anger with myself for being so caught up in this nonsense.
"Would you like me to stay with you tonight?" Iva asked.
Alec was also looking at me.
"No, I’ll be fine. Really," I said, unsure if I was trying to convince myself. I was certain I wasn’t fine and I didn’t want to be alone. Actually, I found that I hadn’t wanted to be alone all that much since the discovery of my new life.
I could tell that Alec knew I wasn’t fine; his eyes seemed to look into my soul, making me feel scrutinized under his stare.
“We both can stay with you," Alec said.
He wouldn’t be alone with me. That was a fact. But I wanted him being present.
Almost like Alec knew my unspoken thoughts, he just nodded, and held my door open for me. I passed him, looking into his eyes, feeling the tingle of electricity course through my body.
Who was this Aimee? I thought. I never have been the weak one. I never needed people to be around me at all times. This clearly was not me. Things are certainly changing.
Lying in bed, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but instead, a now-familiar dizzy sensation came over me.
The classroom was empty and dimly lit. The chalkboard had that day’s lesson written on it. It was being ignored because of more dominant things. Things like his soft hands caressing my arm so gently. His lips traced my jaw. Alec and I were in the empty classroom. He sat on the desk opposite me. His blue eyes took my breath away. My heart raced every time he touched me. My body ached for him. I had never felt such a strong emotion. It was more than lust. It was pure love. The kind of love that never faded, the
kind of love you would die for. I sat there, soaking him in. It was the highlight of my day, seeing Alec and holding him. We would meet in secret because we knew my dad would never approve.
"School is almost over and we both will awaken together.“ He was telling me this wistfully, excitement lighting his features. "I know we are young, Aimee, but I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted to spend my life with you." Alec spoke confidently. I knew, for a fact, he was telling the truth. I felt it, too.
I must be dreaming! Or maybe this was a memory. My present mind was trying to make sense of it. This proved challenging because it was Alec with love pouring out of him. I liked it. There weren’t any complications with life at this moment. Just me, him and the classroom. I wanted to be with him, not a doubt in my mind. At least this is how I was feeling.
He took my hands into his. “I love you," he said. And I could feel that he really did. I could imagine what my face looked like. Shocked, happy, complete. He then pressed his lips against mine, he tangled his hand in my hair and I wrapped myself around him, I was trying to breathe him in. My senses came alive at his touch. There was that burning within me, a fire. He kissed my neck and slowly moved down.
I woke up abruptly, gasping for air and brushing my hair away from my face. Did I actually have sex in a classroom? I wouldn’t know, I guess. What a way to wake up! I was sitting up trying to even out my breathing, when a movement in the corner caused me to stiffen up.
"Did you have a bad dream?" Alec asked. His voice sounded anxious. I had forgotten that Alec was in the room with me.
Bad dream? HA. It was great; I wish I could’ve finished it. My eyes adjusted to the light he turned on.
"No, I had another memory," I told him. His posture became straighter, expecting me to tell him what it was about. I didn’t want to tell him. I leaned back into my pillow and placed a hand over my heart. I sighed deeply. My heart was still pounding in my chest. Remembering what I had just seen, sent a shiver of happiness deep within me. I literally watched the memory unravel before me. It was a strange feeling to see yourself in the past, yet still feel every feeling and emotion I was experiencing at that point. It was intoxicating; I could live in that moment of pure bliss, and happiness.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly.
Considering that I didn’t want to make things between us more awkward, I said, “I’m fine. Really tired." I scanned the room for Iva, but didn’t see her.
"Iva is sleeping on your couch over there." He pointed to the other side of the room. Iva looked so peaceful. Iva really did care about me. My heart expanded at that thought and I smiled as I snuggled back into my bed, pulling the covers closer to my chin. Derek suddenly came into my mind. Actually my thoughts, is really what I should say. I stared at the ceiling.
"Did you know Derek was a werewolf that night you found me on the dock?" I don’t know why that popped into my head but it did. And I knew he knew. I just wanted him to tell me.
He shifted slightly, leaning more into the chair, covering his face in his usual shadows.
"I knew a lot of things, Aimee."
"Like what?"
“Your friend Krissy is a Yurnling."
I didn’t see that coming.
“Was,” he corrected himself.
“Derek killed her,” I said, with the memory still burning in my brain.
I had known Krissy for about a year. She was the closest friend I had since being with Derek and his family. The thought of her truly being gone was really sad to me. Alec shifted his weight.
"And how did Derek or his family not know she was a yurnling?" I asked.
"Because they knew who you were and that, if anything, they would turn her, too. But I guess things went wrong.”
"Things did go wrong; she was murdered. I overheard the conversation they were having. She said she knew what he was. And then he killed her.”
“I know he killed her, Aimee. I could have stopped it, but I couldn’t just barge in. Krissy knew what she got into when I told her that I needed her with you," he said quietly.
I almost jumped out of bed. My eyes, I’m sure, resembled that of a deer caught in headlights. A mixture of shock, and a feeling of deep sorrow overtook me.
"What?" I said, as calmly as I could.
“Krissy was helping me out; she knew what I asked of her. She befriended you in Florida and kept an eye on you for me when I couldn’t be there. I couldn’t be in the sunlight."
The reality of what he just told me was sinking in slowly.
"So she was a fake friend?" I asked, even though at this point it didn’t matter. I just needed closure, or so I thought. I was surprised my feelings for Derek were still there and that might be, possibly, until I broke this bond.
"No, she was loyal to you. She really cared about you. You’re hard to resist. Please understand, I couldn’t let them turn you, Aimee. When I found you in Florida and saw you with him … I could smell him a mile away! Knowing what he was and what his family wanted to do to you, I couldn’t allow it ... I’m sorry I caused you pain."
I wasn’t in pain now. Just shocked that he was in Florida, the sunniest place on earth. Not to mention, he went there for me, to rescue me.
"How did you travel?"
"With difficulty; it’s always sunny. Lots of tint and hiding," he said. "Can you forgive me?" His face was unreadable in the shadows.
"There is nothing to forgive, Alec. You came to save me. And you did. I can’t be mad at that." Even though it hurt seeing Derek kill Krissy and most likely I would never forget it, what he did for me was romantic in a twisted way. I felt my ties slowly drift away as I looked at his silhouette. My heart expanded, a realization came to me. I still had those deep feelings for Alec within me. Hiding, and waiting to come out. They had never left me.
How was I able to have these memories now? Was it the familiar things, and being around Alec that triggered these memories?
"Do you want to know what memory I had?" I asked.
He sat quietly for a long moment before he answered me. “Only if you want to tell me," he said.
Alec was so calm and collected, I smiled to myself.
I did want to tell him now. I would tell him, then go to sleep. Hopefully.
I took a deep breath. “We were in an empty classroom," I said. The silence in the room became more evident, I think Alec even stopped breathing. He was so good at being still. Even in the shadows I could see his face in his hands. I felt happy about making him dwell on that thought. It was nice to get a reaction out of those superior ways of his.
“Goodnight, Alec." I said softly. Closing my eyes, I gave in to my need for sleep.
I WAS SITTING OUTSIDE IN THE sunlight, it was so wonderful. Iva had taken me to the sundeck, a lot of the Yurnlings would come here to soak in some sun and breathe the fresh air. It was pure bliss. I was alone today; the students were in class. I was the oldest Yurnling at this community. The decision to awaken was still something I wasn’t a hundred percent sure about. I knew I didn’t want to be a Rogue, but I would miss the sun. I glanced over my shoulder; Iva watched me from the inside of the viewing hall, through UV ray resistant glass. I waved at her.
The sun deck was large and open, overlooking the forest surrounding this underground community. Lounge chairs and tables scattered the surface, along with a large pool. I was surprised the deep mahogany floors didn’t wither away under the direct contact with sun and rain. I sat near a huge potted tree of some sort. It offered no shade for my pale legs; they were turning a slight shade of pink. It was nice to wear shorts. I could see my reflection in the glass wall that was overlooking the forests before me.
Over the last couple of days my mind was working out the constant thoughts of Derek, Alec and my mother. I was trying to appear calm and collected when, in fact, the inside was a battle within itself. I could barely control my constant anger, it was always ready to surface at any gi
ven moment.
Alec and I hadn’t talked since the night in my room, when I confessed the second memory I had, the one that was in a classroom alone with Alec. The wondering about if, in fact, I’d slept with him. How would I even begin to ask that question?
Frustrated, I stretched out like a cat on the lounge chair before I got up. The pool and Jacuzzi looked amazing and I defiantly wanted to use them at some point. It really was beautiful out. Not a cloud in the sky.
I was breathing deeply one last time before I left when a movement caught my attention. I noticed someone else outside. Marcus? HA! Iva couldn’t stop me this time. Marcus was by the edge of the pool. I was a little more excited as I slyly walked over to him. He was also enjoying the sun, looking very nice without his shirt on. Boy, was he ripped. Not in a scary way, but a kick your butt way, like he would ultimately protect you from a train or something, a real Clark Kent. After admiring him for a moment longer I tapped his right shoulder and hid on the other side of the umbrella.
"I know it’s you, Aimee. I saw you earlier," Marcus said, not flinching at all.
So much for my stealthy ninja skills. They cease to exist among the wolves and vampires.
This made me wonder how Derek didn’t hear me when I was on the yacht, when I caught him killing my best friend, Krissy.
"How’s it going?" I asked, taking a seat next to him. The sun really brought out the different brown colors in his hair.
His green eyes flashed, amused. "I should be asking you that. You know you have the scent," he said.
"The what?" I smelled myself quickly.
Marcus smiled and gave a deep chuckle. "You have a wolf scent."
"And what exactly does that smell like?" I asked, thinking about wet dog.
"Smells nice, like honey, and a warm day. Rich. It’s really nice with you because it’s also a bit mixed with the vamp smell. Or do you prefer the keepers of the night?" He laughed to himself.
Marcus was so chill, unlike Alec and Iva, who seemed to be waiting for a battle to appear in front of them, Marcus just enjoyed life, one day at a time.
"I don’t care what you call me. I’m neither," I said, with a bit of an edge.
He faced his body toward me. "Are you going to change? I mean awaken?"
"I don’t know what I should do. Teeker said he doesn’t know what will happen to me." And, frankly, it petrified me. Everything I’m learning about myself is a nightmare.
Lightly pushing me with his shoulder, he said, “Maybe you’ll be some fierce new race!"
“I did think about that. And that maybe I’d be permanently ugly or something. Who knows?” I paused, picking my chipped nail polish. “How can I smell wolfy if they only erased my mind? I’m still me.”
Marcus smiled at me. “I don’t … know if I should be the one giving you answers. I might not be right.”
I just squinted at him, and made my lips into a hard line. Still the same thing, no one wants to tell me what they know.
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, Aimee, I just want to make sure the facts are true,” he said, giving me a light punch in the arm.
“Sure, sure.” I said, looking at the smooth surface of the pool. “So how did you end up here?" I asked.
“Where? The pool?” he asked, sarcastic.
“You know what I’m talking about…”
Leaning his head back, the sun was directly on his face. "I didn’t want to be Rogue; we are all born into it. Only boys are born, woman we have to take from vampire communities before they are awoken into vampires. Some weird genetic thing.” Marcus sighed. “I watched my brothers tear people apart, human and vampires. Could you imagine growing up like that? I just didn’t want to live like that. I didn’t want to be thought of as evil and cruel. My pack was really savage; they thought I was the odd one. Some Rogues lived civilly, they still did terrible things, but they lived among humans, and weren’t detected … I left when I was old enough, I sniffed out this community and after being certain that this was a community that accepted werewolves, I was presented to Teeker. He was the first in this pack here." His eyes softened at the mention of him. It was safe to assume he thought of him as a father figure.
I couldn’t imagine living like that, or watching it. I was fortunate that I only saw Derek kill once, but still it had an effect on me.
"How old were you?" I asked.
"I was nineteen. It was the best choice I made ... I heard about you while I lived among the Rogues. The ones who took you, I never met that pack, but they are royal, and only want the best."
I didn’t know if he was paying me some weird compliment, but I decided to ignore it.
“I can’t imagine what you feel like, having your memory washed away and told you were involved in a car accident, to come to find out you are a Yurnling and the last six years have been a waste of life, of not knowing the truth," Marcus said as his eyes were closed and he was taking in the warmth of the sun.
Marcus was easy to talk to. And, I felt comfortable with him.
The truth, it wasn’t easy; everyday seemed to be some new thing I had to cope with. I will probably end up bald by the end of the year, from all the stress.
"It’s hard, but I’m learning how to deal with it every day. My friends are great and patient," I said.
“Yeah, Iva may be stuck up toward me but she is pretty hot..."
I sat up swiftly, excited about this new information. I was eagerly leaning towards Marcus.
“You have a crush on her." I said, my smile widening.
"Like it matters. She doesn’t even see me."
"Ooohh, I think you’re hard not to see. She isn’t blind, Marcus!" I couldn’t hold down the excitement in my voice.
Marcus sat up, and became serious. Which was a new look for him, and it was hard to listen when sweat was dripping from his muscled, tanned chest.
"Don’t say a word! I mean it!" his eyes flashed. I remembered that I couldn’t get him mad. I patted his arm.
"Your secret is safe with me, my friend!" I said.
He grinned his pearly whites at me, then relaxed back into the lounge chair.
"Well my friend I need to get going before Iva has a canary. She doesn’t like me to be too far out of reach." I said as I stood.
Marcus stood also; I gave him a half hug. And got bits of sweat on my shirt. The secret would most likely kill me.
Marcus eyed me as I walked to the entrance to go back inside.
Iva met me at the door, which was engulfed by darkness. Her arms crossed and a disapproving look was written on her face. I was calmly waiting for my sentence.
"Yes, I know, don’t talk to Marcus. I get that, but he is a nice guy." I put my hands on my hips. I could tell she tried not to smile at my stubborn expression but failed.
"Maybe you should be nicer to him," I told her slyly.
"And why would I do that?" Her grey eyes widened suspiciously.
"Because he is built and sexy. And you said that there are no guys you would date here, vampires that is." I said, planting the seed.
A hissing noise came out through her lips. “What exactly are you suggesting, that I run off with a Rogue?" she wasn’t mad, but definitely annoyed.
"I didn’t say it. And Marcus isn’t a Rogue; he is a werewolf, a sexy, single, strong one for that matter," I said, leaving her in the hall. It took her moments to be next to me again.
“You are crazy," was all she said. “There may be no cute vampires, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be the first to run off with a Rogue!” Her voice was high pitched.
“Okay, and that’s why you are talking about it…” I said.
Iva just glared at me.
I was becoming really curious about how I was before I was taken, and I needed to change the subject before Iva's patience waned.
“What was I like before ... I was taken?" I asked. She stopped walking, deep in thought. Her eyes softened.
"You really haven’t changed that much; you’re still the same stubborn talkative girl I knew before. Just now you’re more confused, and you have a new dark side that has been poking out." She laughed at the realization. “Your personality is still the same; you just have to figure things out now, which will take time and healing."
"Do you miss the old me?" I asked.
She tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear; turning to face me, she smiled. “You are the old you, just more complicated. Sure, we have to grow as friends again, and I miss how that was, but I still feel our friendship, the connection we always had."
I agreed with her, from the first time we met again I’d felt a connection. “I feel the same way ... you know, I’m remembering bits and pieces slowly. I had a memory about Alec the other night. He told me he loved me. I loved him, too," I said, nearly choking on the “love” part.
She closed her eyes as her grin widened. “How do you feel about it now?"
“I’m not really sure; I have always been attracted to him, physically. And I have this weird electric current run through me every time he’s near. But I’m not there yet....Maybe this bond thing with Derek will always hold me back from moving forward."
“Don’t shut Alec out, okay? Give him a chance. I know things are hard and strange for you right now, but try."
"Your team Alec, aren’t you?" I asked, laughing.
"Of course I am. He has been searching for you for six years; everyone told him to give up, that it was too late. He didn’t listen; he just knew you would be okay and not Rogue. He had so much faith in you. If you saw it.... His determination, love and passion.... Listen, all I’m saying is don’t give up yet."
I was considering her words. I could see Alec's determination and faith in me. Since the moment on the dock, I’d seen something in his eyes, a fire. He is still a mystery to me, a dangerous mystery. But could I give him what he deserved. My heart felt broken, I wasn’t even sure I could love. Not with this consistent anger intensifying deep within my being and not yet being done grieving for my lost relationship with Derek.
“Then you should give Marcus a chance." The words slipped out by accident.
“WHAT DOES THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ... ANYTHING?" It was the first time her voice had ever became loud.
"Sorry." I almost started cracking up laughing at her expression; she wasn’t exactly saying no to the idea of Marcus, and her face held the thought and she was clearly dwelling on it. The seed was planted.
Alone and bored, back in my room, I was folding some jeans, trying to stay somewhat organized. There was nothing else for me to do. A soft knock on my door startled me. Happily, I jumped up from the floor and ran to the door. I opened the door to see messy dark hair, the usual grey eyes, the boyish features. Anthony was smiling at me, looking cute in his jeans and black jacket with a tee under it, like he stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad. He leaned on my door crossing his arms, giving me a smoldering look.
"Would you be interested in coming to a party?" he asked.
Anthony always cut to the chase, he was not a play games type of guy. It was a nice change.
"You have my attention. Where is it?" I asked, intrigued.
"On the other side of court. Anyone who’s anyone will be there."
A party away from Iva and Alec's watchful eyes. I would be alone, truly. The idea piqued my interest, highly. Yet deep down, I felt a little bit guilty, considering I promised I wouldn’t sneak around. That moment of guilt quickly vanished, replaced by excitement.
“You have my interest. Give me a second so I can change," I said, and his smile broadened.
Closing the door swiftly, I began rifling through some clothes on a nearby chair, which soon ended on the floor. I found a cheetah print tank top, with skinny jeans and red heels. I brushed my hair quickly. Luckily, I had straightened it so it wasn’t too bad.
I opened the door; Anthony nodded in approval. I was mildly concerned about being caught. I could almost see Alec’s face and hear his disapproving voice. But it was easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission. Shrugging off the thought, I happily followed Anthony.
As we walked Anthony turned to me.
“Where’s your body guard tonight?” he asked, smiling. I could hear the hint of fear in his voice. He should be fearful, Alec had a dark side that I’m sure would come out when angered. I got a taste of it at the ball.
“I don’t know; hopefully you aren’t taking me around his room.”
He chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t do that.”
He didn’t say anything else about that night, and I was thankful; it was awkward enough. Not to mention that Alec and I basically made out in the hall when I was supposed to be angry. How that got twisted. I kept the laugh to myself, so I wouldn’t be questioned about why I was laughing.
Glancing around, I nearly forgot what I was doing, but then again my thoughts constantly consumed me. I didn’t recognize where we were. The hall we went down was in the opposite direction I usually went. Never having been on this side of the court, I noticed it was mostly young vampires, around the same age as me. It was still identical to the look of the hall that led to my bedroom, but they had their own community. Something like a college campus dorm area, except open with couches and a large flat screen TV on the far side of the room. I briefly glanced at the couples openly making out, and quickly passed a group of young vampires laughing.
I saw what looked like a keg along the back wall, but what came out was blood. I hid my disgust as a vampire poured himself a glass.
Anthony took my hand in his, and I allowed him to do so; he led me across the room. I noticed immediately a group of guys that were leaning along the back wall. As we approached them they quieted and their eyes widened at the sight of me. I casually pushed my hair back as we approached this staring group.
One blonde guy in particular was clearly shocked, and didn’t hide his facial expression.
"You actually brought her? I thought you were lying."
"I knew she was bored, being cooped up in her room under lock down. We need to show her a good time," Anthony said, elbowing the blonde guy.
"I’m Eli," the blonde one said, sticking out his hand to me. I shook it and his face lit up.
"Nice to meet you." I didn’t state my name, figuring he knew it already.
"Can I get you a drink?" Anthony asked.
Remembering the keg with the blood, I was a bit afraid, but didn’t want to exude that.
"Umm, depends on what it is," I said, not wanting to drink blood.
The guys rose their eyebrows and smiled to each other coyly, as if in on an inside joke. Ignoring the motion, I simply gave a half smile.
"We have a special drink, it’s not blood, but it’s pretty good. Gives a nice buzz," Anthony said motioning for his friend to bring the drink.
His friend, some dark-haired vampire, disappeared into the crowd, returning swiftly with some kind of drink in his hand.
Praying silently, I was feeling a little skeptical about being offered a drink by a group of guys. Date rape crossed my mind.
They handed it to me. I wanted to smell it, and to be sure it didn’t have some sort of pill in it or something. Not that I could smell that. It looked normal, it was clear and bubbly. Am I really being one of those dumb girls who takes drinks from random guys who thought I were cute? I guess my common sense went out of the window when I got into the car with Alec. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.
I took a sip; surprisingly it was tasty, almost like cherry soda but clear, with more of a fruity taste that popped on my tongue, leaving it numb. It was actually quite a pleasant feeling.
I began to feel uncomfortable as the guys watched me like I was an experiment. I glared back at them, almost challenging them.
"How do you like it?" Eli asked me.
"It is good. What is it?" I asked, examining it once more, as if I would find out from the cup.
bsp; "We can’t tell you all our secrets, now," the guy named Eli said as he laughed at me.
I didn’t want to stand around being a joke of some kind to these arrogant fools. I knew those types too well. And I was sure my fake smile was usually easily read, but when dealing with brainless men, I was unreadable.
My attention shifted toward the dance floor, The music was playing loud, and a big group of people were dancing and having a good time. I watched a bit longer and was met by Anthony’s hand again.
"Do you want to dance?" Anthony asked seeing my interest toward the dance floor. Did I ever.
I nodded at the group of cocky guys, and happily turned toward Anthony.
"Sure." I finished the drink; he grasped my hand and led me to the floor, more like where the other vampires were dancing.
Making our way into the middle of the crowd, almost tripping over a couple of girls who were just standing around the edges of the dancers, they just glared at me as I approached. They were clearly not happy that I was there. I simply smiled at them. In return they just rolled their beady eyes at me.
It was a remix of some sort and it was great; I was feeling like I was back in the masquerade ball, minus Alec’s watchful eyes. Freedom for the first time. It felt so wonderful to be out and have freedom.
I began to feel a little nauseous as I danced. The lights began to become fuzzy and my head started to spin. Or maybe I was spinning. I was still dancing close to Anthony, his hands creeping along my waist, making me a little uncomfortable. I was so disoriented I was unable to stop him, due to the spinning. I felt on the verge of throwing up. The drink they gave me did not mesh with my stomach. Before I knew what was happening I was being led away from the dance floor. My body was completely numb, a feeling like I was floating.
The people around me disappeared, when in reality I knew they were there. My eyesight was going in and out. We ended up down a hall, which was empty. Anthony roughly pushed me against the wall, his lips moving along my neck. I was trying to push him off.
“Stop!" I was saying, but the fool wouldn’t listen to me. Anthony, it would seem, tried that much harder to violate me. Thinking of Alec, I hated to admit it, but he was right. Anthony did just want to take advantage of me. But then again most guys that were young and wanted to “have fun” just wanted to have a hook up. Whatever he gave me to drink prevented me from moving, and he was stronger than me. I was alone, like I had wanted to be, and I was terrified. I could feel my heart racing inside my chest, like a bird trying to get out.
His lips pressed against mine as his hands touched me. The drink, what was it? My anger became evident and I began to feel the burning heat spread to my fingers, feeling it in the core of my chest, working its way up and out of me. I never felt this hot before, like I could be in flames. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it wasn’t pleasant. I felt it, like a rubber band. I could move.
"Anthony, take your hands off me!" My voice, I didn’t recognize it as my own. A growl in my chest came out. Anthony stopped this time, his face emitting confusion, his eyes narrowing on me. Did he finally grasp what I was saying? Anthony truly looked afraid as he watched me.
Were my eyes brown or something else? Shaking his head, he touched my boob. That did it. All comprehension returned in full force, snapping me out of it. All my strength was pouring out of me, readying me to attack. I narrowed my eyes on Anthony, who was oblivious to my anger.
I pushed him hard and he flew across the hall we were in, hitting the wall hard, leaving the wall more than cracked. He was now was on the other side of it, in someone’s bedroom.
I was in complete shock at what I just did to Anthony; yet, the fury still was burning in me, which hindered my thinking. I had never been this angered before. I wanted to rip his head off. It wasn’t an exaggeration; my body instinctively moved toward his unconscious body. I was so close when strong hands grabbed me; turning, expecting to see Alec, it was Marcus.
“Calm down Aimee.” Marcus said quietly as he was holding my arms, like he would handcuff me. It might as well be handcuffs; his grip was strong.
"Get off me." I growled at him. Spinning myself around and out of his grip, I lunged at Marcus, who was just as fast and pinned me to the ground.
"Aimee, don’t cause a scene. No one sees you at the moment. Let’s keep it that way."
I stopped fighting him; the fire was ebbing away as he got off me. Marcus helped me to my feet, while Holding my wrist firmly as we walked toward the exit and passed the people enjoying themselves, clearly not aware of me, and I was grateful for that, feeling ashamed at my predicament.
"We can’t talk here,” he said, almost like he read my mind. “I’ll take you back to your room."
He continued to hold my wrist all the way back to my room, making me feel like I was a prisoner.
"How did you find me?" I asked, happy that the drink and anger were wearing off. I was left feeling extremely nauseous.
“I was patrolling the area and I felt you."
Felt me? I thought. “What do you mean?"
"Your anger, it vibrated in the ground. As a werewolf, I am very aware of the senses and emotions of the earth. Slight emotional changes;, I can feel them. That’s how I found you. I never felt something like that before, though. I could literally feel the anger, and how strong you were. I was surprised you didn’t combust."
We reached my room, my mind was racing. Combust? Who was I? I felt completely lost. I’m not this angry, sinister person. I was leaning on the wall and slid down it to sit. I sat staring at the wall across from me. "Am I going crazy? I never felt that way before and ... I pushed him really hard; I didn’t even know I had that kind of strength in me."
“You are not crazy; your body is confused. Not being changed as a werewolf or a vampire has it effects on you. The two are fighting to come out. The stronger one will eventually leak out."
“But I’m not a werewolf; I mean, I don’t have the same gene like I do of a vampire. And all Derek did was erase my mind,” I said, anxious.
“Hmmmm, well, it seems you have something else that is giving you such an edge. Have you acted like this before?” Marcus asked.
I tried to think back. I did have anger, sometimes so strong I felt I was on fire. But I never acted on it.
“I have had that burning angry feeling before. But not to this extent,” I said, as I put my face in my hands. "Do you think he’s really hurt?'" I glanced up at Marcus through my hair. He was smiling coolly.
“He will live … May have a bad headache, but he deserved what he got. Do you have any idea about the drink he gave you?"
"No," I said quietly.
"And you drank it anyway?” Marcus said, looking at my face, which probably looked as if I would cry. He changed his tone. “It’s got wolf blood, that’s what gives it the kick."
That was exactly what I hadn’t wanted to drink, and yet I drank blood after all.
"How did they get that?" I asked.
"I’m sure they have their sources."
"Do you think that’s why I acted the way I did?" hoping that was the reason for my outburst.
I leaned on my knee. Marcus’s features from this angle where very nice.
"I don’t know, Aimee. Like Teeker said, most Yurnlings who are captured don’t stay that way; they are turned shortly after being captured. Everything about you is new."
My life seemed so complex, nothing was simple or could be explained, it was infuriating and frustrating. I started to cry out of frustration, I couldn’t help it. My body began quivering. Marcus knelt down next to me, and placed a nervous hand on me.
“I don’t know how it feels, but you aren’t alone. You will get through this!"
My mind wandered to Alec and what he told me not to do, and he was right. Anthony wasn’t any good.
"I’m such a fool!" I spoke out.
"I ran off without thinking again. Alec told me to think bef
ore I act, and I failed."
"It’s not a test, Aimee, but it’s good advice. He really is loyal to you," Marcus said.
"How do you know that?"
"Because I can feel it, and, well, see it. I’m pretty sure he would do anything for you," Marcus said, smiling.
I knew Alec would if I asked, even if I didn’t, I couldn’t get him to leave even if I wanted him to.
"I’m so lost, Marcus. I feel like my body is being torn in two. I don’t want to be either a werewolf or vampire. I want to stay me. And I don’t even know who me is anymore. I’m so angry, and I can’t control it." Passion filled my voice.
"Listen, that time will come one day, but until then, just take it one day at a time. Live for today; tomorrow will have its own worries. As for the anger, you have a lot to deal with. Learning where you came from and who you are is hard in itself, and adding the wolf and vampire to the mix just creates more fuel for the fire." His eyes were dark green, and had so much compassion in them.
Why did people believe in me so much? I didn’t deserve any of it.
He wiped a tear from my cheek, and helped me stand up.
Without thinking, I gave him a hug. After a moment of uncertainty, he placed his hands on my back. He was warm and rock solid. I didn’t have romantic feelings for him, but he was a friend, someone I could trust. He understood the wolf side of me I didn’t, if there was a wolf side. But I couldn’t deny how good looking Marcus was. Pulling away, I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, Marcus, for the help."
He patted my head. “You’re welcome, my friend. You should get back inside before Alec or Iva find us together." He opened the door for me as I stepped in.
“Night, Aimee. We will talk again soon," Marcus said, smiling.
I glanced around my room, and then swiftly began walking toward my bathroom, kicking off my heels as I took my clothes off. I turned the shower on and had yet another knock on the door. I put a towel around myself. What did Marcus have to say this time? Smiling as I opened the door, I saw ice grey eyes, wavy brown hair, that perfect face. Alec stood in my doorway; clearly he was shocked at the state I was in, looking down to make sure I did have a towel on.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were ... well....” He blushed, but didn’t move or hide the admiring stare he cast at me.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
“No, I just had a feeling, that’s all, and I wanted to make sure you were all right."
He wasn’t too far off; if he had come five minutes earlier he would have seen me with Marcus.
"I’m fine," I assured him.
"Okay, well, I will let you get back to your shower or whatever you were about to do." He made it sound like I was doing something secretive in my room. I smiled at this thought. I could invite him in; would it give the wrong message? As if Alec could sense what I was thinking, he said, “Can I come in?" His voice sounded uncertain, almost as if he didn’t want me to say yes.
“Ummm, I guess. Just give me a second to change." I let him into the room as I ran to the bathroom, turning the shower off and putting a robe on.
He sat on his usual chair. It was becoming a ritual. Being in my room at night and him sitting on that same chair that looked so uncomfortable.
I took my usual seat on my bed. It was a safe distance.
"Aimee, I wanted to talk to you about something," he said, not looking at me.
"Okay," I said.
"About that night of the ball. You were right to want to be able to ... do whatever you were going to do with Anthony. It wasn’t my place. Just because we were together in the past doesn’t mean anything, and I’m sorry."
It wasn’t his place, but he was right about Anthony—he was a creeper.
“And about the kiss...." He looked into my eyes.
"I don’t regret it," I said quietly.
"You don’t? I rushed things, and I’m sorry. It’s been hard for me; you have no idea."
"I don’t regret it," I said again firmly.
He sat up straighter in his chair, relief on his face.
“I don’t want to make you confused," Alec said softly.
It was confusing, but the more I saw Alec and talked with him, the more my feelings grew.
“Derek was in your life for six years; you must have feelings for him still. And the bond you have with him. It’s hard for me to change that."
“I do have a lot of emotions, Alec, with everything, not just Derek, but with who I am. I feel so … lost," I said. “But learning what Derek is, and what he was planning for me. Well it’s overwhelming.”
“Do you wish you were married?"
His question caught off guard a bit. I hadn’t been thinking of marriage. It was way off topic. Now that he brought it up the pang in my chest came to surface. I hadn’t been able to grieve fully the end of the relationship, if that’s what you could even call it.
"Not now, not after I found out that Derek and his dad were the ones who took me. I am grateful for your rescue."
He hesitated before standing up and then made his way to the door. Alec was acting strange, strange as far as Alec goes, anyway. He looked back to me, hand on the knob. “It’s late, and I’m sorry for bothering you." I stood up and rushed to the door, placing a hand on his wrist.
“Do you still love him?" he asked.
This question really caught me by surprise. Did I love Derek? The answer would hurt Alec, because no matter what I told myself, that part of me longed for Derek. How do I shut off a feeling that I had for so long? I didn’t know if I should answer him. This feeling I had with Alec, it was different, natural, and I could be myself. Flaws and all. The feeling with Derek was something else, I couldn’t even begin to describe it.
Alec nodded,; taking my silence as his answer, he turned the knob. I pushed the door shut. He was so stubborn.
“What do you want me to say, Alec?"
"I understand, and that’s why I need to leave."
"Leave where?"
"Your room." He spun around so fast, his eyes so full of fire, a hungry fire.
"It’s not love I feel for Derek. What I feel with you is something natural, like I’m complete. I just ... need ... time." I didn’t want him to leave me. I wanted to kiss him so bad, his soft lips were inches from me. I was feeling the warmth between us again. He nodded at me and opened the door; grabbing his shoulder, it took strength to turn his body to face me. Standing on my toes I reached for his face and kissed him hard.
He froze, then began giving in to me. He held me in his arms while kissing me with that same intense passion. My heart was racing, as well as my pulse.
Releasing me, he looked me levelly in the eyes, which revealed so much to me. “Goodnight, Aimee,” Alec said, leaving my room.