The Fall of Dragons
Demetrios Former Duke of Thrake and son of Antiginos, who tried to make himself emperor. Killed by the Red Knight.
Derkensun, Harald Sword bearer (Spatharios) and captain of the Nordikaans. Friend of Morgon Mortirmir.
Desiderata The Queen of Alba.
Dhu, Donald Rival and friend of Tom Lachlan.
Diodora, Master Elena A Morean paper-maker living in Harndon.
Doge Mikal Loredan Husband of the Duchess Giselle, lord of Venike, friend of the Sultan of Dar.
Donne, Master A master alchemist of Harndon.
Duke Journeyman of Harndon, former street rat and now officer of the militia and a gonner.
Dvor, Mikal Officer of the Vardariotes from the very farthest east of the Antica Terra Steppes. Well, almost. Klugthai has come from even farther. The Steppes are vast; yet another battleground between the Wild and man, separating the Empire of Qin from the Alamain Borders.
E.2 An imperial messenger bird.
E.34 The most famous imperial messenger bird, the “Savior of Arles.”
E.49 An imperial messenger bird.
Elaran Irk and archer of the company.
Elder Flower A Golden Bear.
Elisabeth, Sister A sister in the Order of Saint Thomas.
Eu, Guillaume, Count of De Vrailly’s right hand, his cousin and friend. A great knight, and a modest man undeceived by Ash.
Ewald, Ser Calvin von Captain of the Alamain knights who go with the Great Crusade through the gates.
F.34 An imperial messenger bird.
53Exrech Former chieftain of Ash’s bogglins.
Fitzalan, Ricar Veteran ranger and Aneas Muriens’s lover.
Fitzroy, Ser Ricar Bastard son of the “Old King” and captain of the royal household.
Flarch Veteran archer of the company.
Flint A Golden Bear so powerful that he is viewed as a “Power of the Wild.”
Françoise, Father A chaplain of the company.
Gadgee Veteran archer of the company and veteran complainer.
Gang, Jon A page in the emperor’s household.
Gardunsag A wyvern.
Gareth Ser Gavin’s warhorse.
Garter, Quill An Outwaller ranger.
Garth No Toes A veteran Jack with no toes.
Gas-a-ho An Outwaller sachem and philosopher.
Gentile, Ser Giovanni A knight of the company.
Gilchrist A Hillman, and senior ranger in the green banda of the company.
Giselle, Duchess The Duchess of Venike, wife of the Doge, Mikal.
Gold, Empress Blanche The Empress of Man; former laundress, lover of the Red Knight.
Goldsmith, Adrian Artist and veteran mercenary.
Goody, Sarah Woman of the company.
Gower, Master Master craftsman of Harndon.
Gregario, Ser, Lord Weyland A great knight and senior officer of the Alban Army of the North; commander of the knights of the alliance.
Grey Cat Outwaller scout and sometime archer of the company.
Griatzas, Giannis Ser Gavin’s Morean squire.
Gropf Archer of the company and former master tailor. No one knows how he lost his business.
Guisarme, Ser Tancred High constable of Galle.
Half Arse An archer of the company.
Hamwise A page of the company.
Hand, John An officer of the royal foresters.
Harmodius, Magister Now in the body of Askepiles. Probably the greatest living human magister.
Hartmut, Ser The Black Knight.
Hasty, Robin An archer.
Helen, Sister A sister of the Order of Saint Thomas.
Helewise de Roen, Mistress Also sometimes called Mistress Heloise. Lady of the Middle Hill manor, lover of Ser John Creyford. A survivor who leads a party of other survivors to reestablish her farm in the North Albin. Mother of Phillippa. Her back garden holds a terrible surprise.
Helli, Hukas An irk who serves Ash as a volunteer.
Heron An Outwaller ranger serving in the company as an archer.
Hewitt, Rob An archer of the company.
Hoek, Conte de The Count of Hoek. Ruler of the land of fens and marshes north of Galle, where wool is felted and knights are plentiful.
Hoek, Jamie Le Former squire of Ser John Creyford, a brave young man for whom war is not the sole purpose of life.
I.31 An imperial messenger bird.
Irene of Liviapolis, Princess Porphyrogenetrix, Heir of the Empire and former empress, now just nineteen years old. Probably killed her father.
Iris An irk archer of the company.
Isabella, Novice Member of the choir of Lissen Carak.
Jane, Lady The old king’s mistress.
Jehan, Ser A veteran mercenary, one of the Red Knight’s early instructors in the art of war. Dead since the events of The Red Knight, but still remembered.
Julia, Dame A famous, perhaps mythological, astrologer from two or three centuries ago, who predicted the opening of the gates and the times and some of the places. A founding member of the conspiracy of mages that created “the plan.”
Julius, Master Notary of the company and functioning Chancellor of the Empire. A very quiet, competent man.
Katheryn, Sister Mistress and leader of the left choir of Lissen Carack, where the design of the ancient chapel allows two choirs to sing together, comparable to Saint Mark’s in Venice.
Kearny, Jeff Knight and lance-leader of the green banda of the company.
Kerak, Lord A Saurian (or warden or adversarious) magister, of enormous powerful. A “Lord of the Wild.”
Kessin An archer of the company.
Klugthai A Vardariote, the easternmost man in the company, and the only one who has seen the Empire of Qin, although no one thinks to ask him about it.
Kriax Woman officer of the Vardariotes, one of the best warriors in the army.
Kronmir, Jules The master assassin who narrowly misses killing the Red Knight and ends up running his intelligence service.
Kwoqwethogan A Saurian mage, brother (egg brother, not gland brother) to the Duchess Mogon.
Lachlan, Hector Bad Tom’s cousin, or perhaps brother; a hero of the men of the Green Hills and the Drover. The clan chief of the Lachlans, and a vassal of the Wyrm of Erch. Bad Tom has sworn to avenge his death on Ash.
Lachlan, Ranald Master of the royal household. Cousin of both Hector and Bad Tom; a fearsome axe fighter and lover of Lady Rebecca.
Lachlan, Ser Thomas Also known as Bad Tom, or the Drover. Primus Pilus of the company, friend of the Red Knight, and eventually Earl of Northwall, lover of Sukey. Well, and a few others, not to be named here. Afraid of nothing, but not altogether fond of worms.
Landry, Master A master bronze caster and bell maker in Harndon.
Langtree A Golden Bear, apprentice shaman, and warrior.
Lantorn, Ricar Archer of the company, brother of Kaitlin, and bodyguard of Princess Irene.
Leary, Donald Apprentice of Harndon and gonner in the militia.
LeFleur, Ser Shawn The Grand Squire. Friend of Ser Gregario, formerly senior squire of the king, now Captain of Albinkirk.
Lessa, Mary Magdalene An aristocratic young woman, Alban, and now a Jack.
Lewen An irk ranger.
Lilly A Golden Bear, companion of Berrydrunk.
Livia, Empress The original conqueror, of almost unimaginable antiquity, who, according to legend, led the first armies of man to the world and founded the empire. Liviapolis was named after her, and she won many victories and built the wall. The irks claim she lost the battle of Dykesdale.
Long Paw Also known as Ser Robert Caffelo. A former archer, now knight of the green banda of the company. The best swordsman of the company.
Long Peter A ranger.
Long Sam An archer of the company.
Long Tail A veteran archer of the company.
Looks-at-Clouds An ungendered or perhaps “all-gendered” individual (pronouns: s/he, hir). A powerful magister, a shaman of the Huran, although s/he hirse
lf is thought to be from the far west. Author’s note: These books were written before the author was fully conversant with the current conventions for gender neutral pronouns and the initial “created” pronouns s/he and hir were kept for consistency. Second note: The Western Outwallers have a whole empire west of Occitan, which was originally going to be part of the books. Their capital is at Cahokia, and Looks-at-Clouds is a mico (noble) of that empire.
Lorenzo Tucchi, Captain Ranger officer of the Venikan ranger regiment. Venike has a corps of rangers who guard the great woods of Dalma in the east so that Venike can harvest the old trees to build her ships.
Lostenferch An albino warden, or adversarious, or daemon; Ash’s “White Captain” in the northern war against Mogon. Lostenferch’s egg was culled as defective but his mother defied Mogon, hatched the egg, and raised it to maturity. Lostenferch hates Mogon and intendeds to displace her entire lineage with his own. So many stories still to tell!
Lot Master Smythe’s “dragon name.”
Lowper An archer of the company.
Lucca, Master Fernando Kronmir’s assistant and lieutenant.
M’bub Ali A spy and warrior of the Sultan of Dar as Salaam.
MacGilly, Jock A Hillman serving in the imperial household.
Macgitchie, Magdalene Also known as Mag the Seamstress, Old Mag, or Mag. A former military camp follower and goodwife, small holder in Abbington, and one of the greatest latent talents of the era, Mag was the lover of John le Baillie, a knight of the company, the head woman of the company, and a self-taught sorceress powerful enough to face Ash. Mag is probably the daughter of Master Smythe and the once-famous witch Ninnie Macgitchie. Mag’s daughter is Sukey (Susan) Macgitchie.
Marche, Charles de la A Gallish sea captain, who served under Ser Hartmut and was martyred by him for refusing to accept the massacre of Outwallers. Brother of Oliver de la Marche.
Marche, Oliver de la A Gallish merchant and sea captain with wide-ranging experience with sea monsters.
Maria Magdalena, Novice Novice in the Order of Saint Thomas.
Maria, Ser An imperial messenger. The messenger corps incorporates not just the birds but also their handlers, who serve as heralds, ambassadors, and occasionally, assassins.
Mary, Lady, Hard Heart Daughter of Count Gareth and lover of Ser Gavin, as well as one of the queen’s closest friends, exiled by the Galles but now returned to court.
Mary, Sister One of the choir of Lissen Carak.
Matteos, Ser A knight of the company.
Maymum, Magister Bin A powerful magister and astrologer from Iberia, a Yahudat theologian and rabbi. Yahudat is the third major religion in the world of the Red Knight, a highly intellectual monotheism with complexities that form social conventions comparable to medieval Judaism.
Michael, Archangel Also known as Saint Michael, Holy Saint Michael, Saint Michael the Commander of Paradise, and Taxiarchos. In the Christian mythos, he is the captain of the hosts of angels, the commander of the phalanx of God.
Milett, Ralph Captain of the Redesdale militia of northern Albin.
Milus, Ser Commander of the white banda of the company, originally the company standard bearer and sometime captain of Liviapolis. The company has three colors—red, white, and green—and three banda—the red and white, which form the main body, and the green, or scouting, banda. Each banda has at least a hundred lances and sometimes more; the company grows with success and is always recruiting. A lance is composed of a knight or senior unknighted man- or woman-at-arms, an armored squire, a half-armored page, and an archer.
Miriam, Abbess Also known as Sister Miriam, the abbess. The head of the great fortress abbey of Lissen Carak. Of common birth, she rose to lead based purely on hermetical and administrative brilliance. A woman of great faith and uncommon sense.
Mitla, Duke of The ruler of the great city-state of Mitla, one of the most powerful and richest states in Antica Terra.
Mogon Texetererch Duchess of the West. An ancient Saurian, and a great power of the Wild, with hermetical skills and legendary fame as a warrior and politician, and bearer of the sword-axe “Stonekiller,” an artifact of the wars with the Rhank before the humans came.
Monteverdi, Alessio Musician and trumpeter for the company.
Montjoy, Gareth Count of the Borders, father of Lady Mary, commander of the Western Army of Alba, and faithful knight of the queen.
Monts, John de A royal forester.
Mortirmir, Ser Morgon A young prodigy of hermeticism. Mortirmir’s intellect brought him to the notice of the great Academy in Liviapolis; his power appeared late, and was only fully harnessed when Harmodius seized his body and reordered his memory palace, a crime according to some. Technically, a knight of the company.
Motte, de la Galle and Alban ranger. One of the founders of the Outwaller and Gallish town of Kebec, but that’s another story…
Muiscant, Eufemmie Initiate squire of the Order of Saint Thomas; on her way to be the first female Knight of the Order.
Muriens, Ghause Mother of the Red Knight, Duchess of Westwall, sister of the former king and plotter extraordinaire as well as one of the great powers of the Wild and a master magister. A very powerful woman indeed.
Muriens, Ser Gabriel Also known as the Red Knight, the Red Duke of Thrake, the Emperor of Man, the emperor. Son of Ghause and her brother the king, brother of Gavin, lover of Blanche. Intended to be the Dark Prince of the Wild by his mother, he rebelled and became the Red Knight.
Muriens, Ser Gavin Earl of Westwall, the Green Earl. The Red Knight’s brother, also known as Hard Hands and the Green Knight, a captain of the alliance, one of the most feared knights in Alba, and lover of Lady Mary. Sometimes called Ser Gawain.
Musquogan A powerful Saurian lord.
Necromancer, the An amalgam of “taken” personalities and rebel Odine, sometimes called the Rebel, an ancient voice of dissent in the hive mind.
Nicodemus, Master The steward of the imperial household, a Morean.
Nikos, Master Master grammarian of the Imperial Academy. A Morean mage of great and precise skill, with less direct power than some but more precise control than any. Even Ash. That’s the importance of grammar…
No Head An archer of the company and self-taught military engineer. A common-born man with a genius for design, the author of the fortifications at Gilson’s Hole, and also the architect of the new imperial palace.
Oak Pew An archer of the company, formerly a great lady of Galle and somewhat given to drink. Her name on the roster is Sarah de Charny, and a few friends call her Sally.
1Exrech Bogglin chieftain, sometimes known as a wight; a faithful member of the alliance and perhaps the only bogglin ever to achieve the rank of “Power of the Wild.”
Orcsbane, Ser Ricar A junior knight of the Order of Saint Thomas, sometimes, but not always, silent. A friend of Pavalo Payam.
Orley, Kevin Also known as Ota Qwan, the Black Captain, and by a variety of other fell names. The last survivor of the House of Orley, destroyed by the Muriens family in a feud.
Parcival, Ser One of the captains of the Alamain knights from the eastern edge of Galle who joined the emperor’s crusade. Like the Empire of Cahokia, the Alamain Borders were originally an important part of the story, the land of a thousand princes and a thousand castles.
Parmenio, Captain A Venikan merchant, sea captain, and adventurer. In no way related to the archer Robin Carter.
Patriarch of Liviapolis, the The Christian polity is split between the Patriarch of Rhum, who controls, for the most part, the Antica Terra, at least for religious matters, and the Patriarch of Liviapolis, who claims universal control of the church but is recognized only in the empire and Alba and sometimes in Occitan. The principal difference is that the Patriarchate of Liviapolis practices in High Archaic and approves of the use of hermeticism, and the Patriarchate of Rhum practices in Low Archaic and has no toleration for any form of magic.
Patriarch of Rhum, the Lucius di Bicci, the most senior religious l
eader of the Antica Terra.
Payam, Ser Pavalo Also known as Ser Payamides. A Mamluk of the Sultan of Dar, friend of the Red Knight, admirer of the Empress Blanche, and commander of the armies of Dar; bearer of the last known Fell Sword from the First Making. Pavalo has known Harmodius since boyhood; was the military slave, servant, and friend of Al Rashidi; and led the expedition that brought back the information about the gates that allowed the creation of “the plan.”
Pearl, Master A craft master of Harndon.
Petite Moulin A page and later a squire of the company.
Petrarcha, Magister The most powerful mage of the Antica Terra, a friend of both Harmodius and Al Rashidi; an architect of “the plan.”
Plangere, Richard Also known as Thorn. Once the court mage of Alba; rival, with the king, for the favors of the king’s mistress; a brilliant, driven man who rose to high office by sheer talent and then turned to the Wild, betraying the cause of humanity—or perhaps realizing that humanity needed to be stopped to preserve balance. He is dead and subsumed inside Harmodius, yet perhaps not entirely gone…
Porte, Pierre La Knight marshal of the Kingdom of Arles, captain of Arles (fortress) and hero of the siege, and a loyal supporter of Queen Clarissa.
Prudentia The Red Knight’s tutor in the ars magika, murdered by the Red Knight’s mother, Ghause, and now a statue inside the emperor’s memory palace. Dead? More than dead? It’s hard to know, in the aethereal.
Pye, Master A master craftsman of Harndon, whose craft work is so good that many of his creations seem to be magical; lately interested in large-scale bronze casting.
Qin Another mostly human empire far across the world, of legendary wealth and power. There was originally an entire plotline in Qin, and maybe someday I’ll write the Qin version of the opening of the gates.
Qwan, Nita Once the Ifriquy’an Salim, then the slave Peter, and finally the Outwaller war leader Nita Qwan. A survivor, a fine warrior, and an excellent cook.
Qwan, Ota See Orley, Kevin.
Rafik, Ali-Mohamed el The exiled Mamluk of Dar, now in service to the Patriarch of Rhum as a mercenary.
Random, Ser Gerald One of the richest of the Harndoner merchants. Ser Gerald’s rise to great wealth and political power has been tied to daring guesses and a heavy investment in Morea and the fur trade. In effect, he has invested in the Red Knight and the company. Knighted for bravery at the first siege of Lissen Carak.