The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)
Anastasio, _a Gentleman of the Family of the_ Honesti, _by lovingthe Daughter to_ Signior Paulo Traversario, _lavishly wasted a greatpart of his substance, without receiving any love from her againe. Byperswasion of some of his kindred and friends, he went to a Countreydwelling of his, called_ Chiasso, _where he saw a Knight desperatelypursue a young Damosell, whom he slew, and afterward gave her to bedevoured by his Hounds._ Anastasio _invited his friends, and hersalso whom he so dearely loved, to take part of a dinner with him, wholikewise saw the same Damosell so torne in peeces: which his unkindLove perceiving, and fearing least the like ill fortune should happento her; shee accepted_ Anastasio _to be her Husband._
The eighth Novell.
_Declaring, that Love not onely makes a man prodigall, but also anenemy to himselfe. Moreover, adventure oftentimes bringeth such mattersto passe, as wit and cunning in man can never comprehend._
So soone as Madam _Lauretta_ held her peace, Madam _Philomena_ (by theQueenes command) began, and saide. Lovely Ladies, as pitty is mosthighly commended in our Sexe, even so is cruelty in us as severelyrevenged (oftentimes) by divine ordination. Which that you may thebetter know, and learne likewise to shun, as a deadly evill; I purposeto make apparant by a Novell, no lesse full of compassion, thendelectable.
_Ravenna_ being a very ancient City in _Romania_, there dwelt sometimea great number of worthy Gentlemen, among whom I am to speake of onemore especially, named _Anastasio_, descended from the Family ofthe _Honesti_, who by the death of his Father, and an Unkle of his,was left extraordinarily abounding in riches, and growing to yeeresfitting for mariage, (as young Gallants are easily apt enough to doe)he became enamoured of a very beautifull Gentlewoman, who was Daughterto _Signior Paulo Traversario_, one of the most ancient and nobleFamilies in all the Countrey. Nor made he any doubt, but by his meanesand industrious endeavour, to derive affection from her againe; forhee carried himselfe like a brave minded Gentleman, liberall in hisexpences, honest and affable in all his actions, which commonly arethe true notes of a good nature, and highly to be commended in anyman. But, howsoever Fortune became his enemy, these laudable parts ofmanhood did not any way friend him, but rather appeared hurtfull tohim: so cruell, unkind, and almost meerely savage did she shew herselfe to him; perhaps in pride of her singular beauty, or presuming onher nobility by birth, both which are on her blemishes, then ornamentsin a woman, especially when they be abused.
The harsh and uncivill usage in her, grew very distastefull to_Anastasio_, and so unsufferable, that after a long time of fruitlesseservice, requited still with nothing but coy disdain; desperateresolutions entred into his brain, and often he was minded to killhimselfe. But better thoughts supplanting those furious passions,he abstained from any such violent act; & governed by more manlyconsideration, determined, that as she hated him, he would requite herwith the like, if he could: wherein he became altogether deceived,because as his hopes grew to a dayly decaying, yet his love enlarged itselfe more and more.
Thus _Anastasio_ persevering still in his bootelesse affection, andhis expences not limited within any compasse; it appeared in thejudgement of his Kindred and Friends, that he was falne into a mightyconsumption, both of his body and meanes. In which respect, many timesthey advised him to leave the City of _Ravenna_, and live in some otherplace for such a while; as might set a more moderate stint upon hisspendings, and bridle the indiscreete course of his love, the onelyfuell which fed this furious fire.
_Anastasio_ held out thus a long time, without lending an eare to suchfriendly counsell: but in the end, he was so neerely followed by them,as being no longer able to deny them, he promised to accomplish theirrequest. Whereupon, making such extraordinary preparation, as if hewere to set thence for _France_ or _Spaine_, or elsee into some furtherdistant countrey: he mounted on horsebacke, and accompanied with somefew of his familiar friends, departed from _Ravenna_, and rode to acountry dwelling house of his owne, about three or foure miles distantfrom the Cittie, which was called _Chiasso_, and there (upon a verygoodly greene) erecting divers Tents and Pavillions, such as greatpersons make use of in the time of a Progresse: he said to his friends,which came with him thither, that there hee determined to make hisabiding, they all returning backe unto _Ravenna_, and might come tovisite him againe so often as they pleased.
Now, it came to passe, that about the beginning of May, it being thena very milde and serrene season, and he leading there a much moremagnificent life, then ever he had done before, inviting divers to dinewith him this day, and as many to morrow, and not to leave him tillafter supper: upon the sodaine, falling into remembrance of his cruellMistris, hee commanded all his servants to forbeare his company, andsuffer him to walke alone by himselfe awhile, because he had occasionof private meditations, wherein he would not (by any meanes) betroubled. It was then about the ninth houre of the day, and he walkingon solitary all alone, having gone some halfe miles distance from hisTents, entred into a Grove of Pine-trees, never minding dinner time, orany thing elsee, but only the unkind requitall of his love.
Sodainly he heard the voice of a woman, seeming to make most mournfullcomplaints, which breaking of his silent considerations, made himto lift up his head, to know the reason of this noise. When he sawhimselfe so farre entred into the Grove, before he could imagine wherehe was; hee looked amazedly round about him, and out of a littlethicket of bushes & briars, round engirt with spreading trees, heeespyed a young Damosell come running towards him, naked from themiddle upward, her haire dishevelled on her shoulders, and her faireskinne rent and torne with the briars and brambles, so that the bloodran trickling downe mainly; shee weeping, wringing her hands, andcrying out for mercy so lowde as shee could. Two fierce Blood-houndsalso followed swiftly after, and where their teeth tooke hold, did mostcruelly bite her. Last of all (mounted on a lusty blacke Courser) camegallopping a Knight, with a very sterne and angry countenance, holdinga drawne short Sword in his hand, giving her very vile and dreadfullspeeches, and threatning everie minute to kill her.
This strange and uncouth sight, bred in him no meane admiration,as also kinde compassion to the unfortunate woman; out of whichcompassion, sprung an earnest desire, to deliver her (if he could)from a death so full of anguish and horror: but seeing himselfe tobe without Armes, hee ran and pluckt up the plant of a Tree, whichhandling as if it had beene a staffe, he opposed himselfe against theDogges and the Knight, who seeing him comming, cryed out in this mannerto him. _Anastasio_, put not thy selfe in any opposition, but referreto my Hounds and me, to punish this wicked woman as she hath justlydeserved. And in speaking these words, the Hounds tooke fast hold onher body, so staying her, untill the Knight was come neerer to her,and alighted from his horse: when _Anastasio_ (after some other angryspeeches) spake thus unto him. I cannot tell what or who thou art,albeit thou takest such knowledge of me: yet I must say, that it ismeere cowardize in a Knight, being armed as thou art, to offer to killa naked woman, and make thy dogges thus to seize on her, as if she werea savage beast; therefore beleeve me, I will defend her so farre as Iam able.
_Anastasio_, answered the Knight, I am of the same City as thou art,and do well remember, that thou wast a little Ladde, when I (who wasthen named _Guido Anastasio_, and thine Unckle) became as intirelyin love with this woman, as now thou art of _Paulo Traversarioes_daughter. But through her coy disdaine and cruelty, such was my heavyfate, that desperately I slew my selfe with this short sword whichthou beholdest in mine hand: for which rash sinfull deede, I was andam condemned to eternall punishment. This wicked woman, rejoycingimmeasurably in mine unhappie death, remained no long time alive afterme, and for her mercilesse sinne of cruelty, and taking pleasure in myoppressing torments; dying unrepentant, and in pride of her scorne, shehad the like sentence of condemnation pronounced on her, and sent tothe same place where I was tormented.
There the three impartiall Judges, imposed this further infliction onus both; namely, that shee should flye in this manner before mee, and I(who loved her so deerely while I lived) mu
st pursue her as my deadlyenemy, not like a woman that had any taste of love in her. And so oftenas I can overtake her, I am to kill her with this sword, the sameWeapon wherewith I slew my selfe. Then am I enjoyned, therewith to openher accursed body, and teare out her hard and frozen heart, with herother inwards, as now thou seest me doe, which I give unto my hounds tofeede on. Afterward, such is the appointment of the supreame powers,that she re-assumeth life againe, even as if she had not bene dead atall, and falling to the same kinde of flight, I with my houndes amstill to follow her, without any respite or intermission. Every Friday,and just at this houre, our course is this way, where shee suffereththe just punishment inflicted on her. Nor do we rest any of the otherdayes, but are appointed unto other places, where she cruelly executedher malice against me, being now (of her dear affectionate friend)ordained to be her endlesse enemy, and to pursue her in this manner,for so many yeeres, as she exercised monthes of cruelty towards me.Hinder me not then, in being the executioner of divine justice; for allthy interposition is but in vaine, in seeking to crosse the appointmentof supreame powers.
_Anastasio_ having attentively heard all this discourse, his hairestoode upright like Porcupines quils, and his soule was so shaken withthe terror, that he stept back to suffer the Knight to doe what he wasenjoyned, looking yet with milde commiseration on the poore woman. Whokneeling most humbly before the Knight, & sternly seised on by the twoblood hounds, he opened her brest with his weapon, drawing foorth herheart and bowelse, which instantly he threw to the dogges, and theydevoured them very greedily. Soone after, the Damosell (as if none ofthis punishment had bene inflicted on her) started up sodainly, runningamaine towards the Sea shore, and the Hounds swiftly following her, asthe Knight did the like, after he had taken his sword, and was mountedon horseback; so that _Anastasio_ had soon lost all sight of them, andcould not gesse what was become of them.
After he had heard and observed all these things, he stoode awhile asconfounded with feare and pitty, like a simple silly man, hoodwinktwith his owne passions, not knowing the subtle enemies cunningillusions, in offering false suggestions to the sight, to worke hisowne ends thereby, & encrease the number of his deceived servants.Forthwith hee perswaded himself, that he might make good use of thiswomans tormenting, so justly imposed on the Knight to prosecute, ifthus it should continue still every Friday. Wherefore, setting a goodnote or marke upon the place, hee returned backe to his owne people,and at such time as hee thought convenient, sent for divers of hiskindred and friends from _Ravenna_, who being present with him, thushee spake to them.
Deare Kinsmen and Friends, ye have a long while importuned mee, todiscontinue my over doating love to her, whom you all think, and Ifind to be my mortall enemy: as also, to give over my lavish expences,wherein I confesse my selfe too prodigal; both which requests ofyours, I will condiscend to, provided, that you will performe onegracious favour for mee; Namely, that on Friday next, Signior _PauloTraversario_, his wife, daughter, with all other women linked in linageto them, and such beside onely as you shall please to appoynt, willvouchsafe to accept a dinner heere with mee; as for the reason theretomooving mee, you shall then more at large be acquainted withall. Thisappeared no difficult matter for them to accomplish: wherefore, beingreturned to _Ravenna_, and as they found the time answerable to theirpurpose, they invited such as _Anastasio_ had appointed them. Andalthough they found it somewhat an hard matter, to gain her company whomhe so deerely affected; yet notwithstanding, the other women won heralong with them.
A most magnificent dinner had _Anastasio_ provided, and the tableswere covered under the Pine-trees, where hee saw the cruell Lady sopursued and slaine: directing the guests so in their seating, that theyong Gentlewoman his unkinde Mistresse, sate with her face oppositeunto the place, where the dismall spectacle was to be seene. About theclosing up of dinner, they beganne to heare the noise of the pooreprosecuted Woman, which drove them all to much admiration; desiringto know what it was, and no one resolving them, they arose from thetables, and looking directly as the noise came to them, they espied thewofull Woman, the Dogges eagerly pursuing her; and the armed Knighton horseback, gallopping fiercely after them with his drawn weapon,and came very nere unto the company, who cryed out with lowd exclaimesagainst the dogs and the Knight, stepping forth in assistance of theinjuried woman.
The Knight spake unto them, as formerly hee had done to _Anastasio_,(which made them draw backe, possessed with feare and admiration)acting the same cruelty as hee did the Friday before, not differing inthe least degree. Most of the Gentlewomen there present, being neereallyed to the unfortunate Woman, and likewise to the Knight, remembringwell both his love and death, did shed teares as plentifully, as if ithad bin to the very persons themselves, in visiall performance of theaction indeede. Which tragicall Scene being passed over, and the Womanand Knight gone out of their sight: all that had seene this straungeaccident, fell into diversity of confused opinions, yet not daring todisclose them, as doubting some further danger to ensue thereon.
But beyond al the rest, none could compare in feare and astonishmentwith the cruell yong Maide affected by _Anastasio_, who both saw andobserved all with a more inward apprehension, knowing very well, thatthe morall of this dismall spectacle, carried a much neerer applicationto her then any other in all the company. For now she could call tomind, how unkinde and cruell she had shewn her selfe to _Anastasio_,even as the other Gentlewoman formerly did to her Lover, still flyingfrom him in great contempt and scorne: for which, shee thought theBlood-hounds also pursued her at the heeles already, and a sword ofdue vengeance to mangle her body. This feare grew so powerfull in her,that, to prevent the like heavy doome from falling on her; she studied(by all her best & commendable meanes, and therein bestowed all thenight season) how to change her hatred into kinde love, which at thelength shee fully obtayned, and then purposed to prosecute in thismanner.
Secretly she sent a faithfull Chamber-maide of her owne, to greete_Anastasio_ on her behalfe; humbly entreating him to come see her:because now she was absolutely determined, to give him satisfaction inall which (with honour) he could request of her. Whereto _Anastasio_answered, that he accepted her message thankfully, and desired no otherfavour at her hand, but that which stood with her owne offer, namely,to be his Wife in honourable marriage. The Maide knowing sufficiently,that hee could not be more desirous of the match, then her Mistresseshewed her selfe to be, made answere in her name, that this motionwould bee most welcome to her.
Heereupon, the Gentlewoman her selfe, became the solicitour to herFather and Mother, telling them plainly, that she was willing to beethe Wife of _Anastasio_: which newes did so highly content them,that uppon the Sunday next following, the mariage was very worthilysollemnized, and they lived and loved together very kindly. Thus thedivine bounty, out of the malignant enemies secret machinations, cancause good effects to arise and succeede. For, from this conceite offearfull imagination in her, not onely happened this long desiredconversion, of a Maide so obstinately scornfull and proud: but likewiseal the women of _Ravenna_ (being admonished by her example) grewafterward more kinde and tractable to mens honest motions, then everthey shewed themselves before. And let me make some use hereof (faireLadies) to you, not to stand over-nicely conceited of your beauty andgood parts, when men (growing enamored of you by them) solicite youwith their best and humblest services. Remember then this disdainfullGentlewoman, but more especially her, who being the death of so kinde aLover, was therefore condemned to perpetuall punishment, and hee madethe minister thereof, whom she had cast off with coy disdaine, fromwhich I wish your minds to be as free, as mine is ready to do you anyacceptable service.