LOKUS by Dobry Łobuz Copyright 2012 Dobry Łobuz The name loku derives from haiku. Haikus are sophisticated, elegant and erudite. Lokus are the opposite. The rules for a loku are simple: there are five lines, the first four of which have two words while the last has one. At least one of the words in each of the last four lines must rhyme with at least one of the words in the first line. A loku cannot contain any words created by hyphenation unless such words are standardized in the language, and a loku cannot have a title. in Aix all sex has effects via onyx dildex with fid removed lid which hid his kid's id during demise his eyes showed surprise abjuring theoretically otherwise Cinderella paws a fella named Pamela who gnaws mortadella ulica Łobzowska szósta godzina pies szczeka mężczyzna czeka pada in France ants have pants and prance along Resistance obesity is propensity to density from purely rabid gluttony since politicians aren't logicians their mathematicians subtractions produce additions one June claire lune dark coon silent loon Saskatoon więcej krów ma Gdów niz Kozłów nie mów idiotów oh, yes the dress I confess for less guess towering peaks snake seeks tall leeks predators' beaks louring summer bear little care crop share dirty hair lair que tal en total femme fatal igual en principal fog dog or smog low log sog jump splog minks' cocks white fox black socks gruff lynx blinks rattle corn big horn cattle crowds battle shrouds shorn green crew loyal true checker slew petting zoo anew l'heure verte porte ouverte Simone couverte peur maintenant inerte shadow birds cardboard turds paper surds tissue girds herds nervous dingus on Lesbos verbose women lingos anticipating cunnilingus from Argentina name's Roena -- Erich's bambina family Fromm -- Concertina religious restrictions social constrictions mental frictions physical rictions jaundice raped more on floor between Zor and Fenor sore flirty women turgid seamen dirty linen driven sins forgiven gajowe byki nosią kolczyki biorąc owocowe łyki z papriki I differ with her zipper dipper's flipper gripper sigh the days of maize lost gaze in haze blaze blaze in maize causes haze that stays days always two octopi together lie and sigh and die goodbye alone so the drone should go phone his crone Simone beautifully hones his bone from moan to groan dirty rice in dice so nice to slice splice let know will go along Po so slow Moe kaffir lime in time will rhyme with fear dear germans true people knew evil crew therefore slew Jew on ground was found all bound no sound profound heavy door bashful whore sticky floor wash more bore I died I sighed I cried I died dead Karmelicka. deszcz mężczyzna stoi kurtka mokra hańba glęboko jasna my dear I fear you'll hear those near clear plastic city spastic teaty gloomy ditty itty bitty shitty me rabbit carried honey funny smile friendly eye sunny feel jowl his bowel his dowel an eel foul Merciful God old sod radiant nod yet odd bod łosie mają kalosze ktore mają łososie ktore posiadają włosie this being is seeing what's fleeing as peeing Darjeeling if ire set fire to byre and lyre dire borborygmi tango flatus fandango peristalsis sango cecum mango bango jeer jeer he's queer oh dear so near fear Bach Johan baa sheep bah humbug baja California rumba dear dear I fear so near his leer beer chuligan made marcepan from chrzan while bocian occupied tapczan at zoo elephant poo bat goo tiger schmoo phoo sweet Sue in blue she knew
> her crew heat light wine so fine on time from vine align me blinks she stinks me thinks the hairy minx c d b off m p 3 on g the revulsion to evolution primitive mentation spiritual etiolation ablation new gentry have sentry who blew through rear entry that remark prince dark in Denmark so stark park komar chce być homar mieć sonar ale pływanie, koszmar monkey do monkey see doggie see doggie doo shoe I dread he's dead so red he bled head yesterday wish in Bombay Buddhist dish priest flambé knish the bee distant tree saw me clearly what folly creeping rat spat at sleeping bat alerting eating cat slowly bleeding creeping rat darkness evading ripping cat waiting found it sound it bound it around it Hobbit I roam on dome of loam and foam home hippo drome dogo drome cato drome rato drome syndrome this bore is more than for the whore adore the wife in grief from strife cruel knife life bidden Cancun one noon the moon too soon hidden shark fin soup bin huge din no win gin hurricane shudders hurricane sputters hurricane flutters hurricane mutters utters o bama lo mama ke nya bots wanna bwana many ways many days many plays in maze craze reveal heiress in Paris most embarrass on ferris wheel Padre Isles always smiles amongst denials with wiles beguiles his whompy was whimpy flippy floppy softy too ofty reverse thread feminine head obverse said perverse straight ahead ulnar drift palmar shift grift by dorsoradial planar lift his differential potential was essential in causal matters mathematical Napa Valley chardonay chablis pinot gris some unfortunately vinegary men hide what's inside dogs abide what's outside pride semper fi brave guy will die five high magpie yankee doodle ate poodle with noodle calling she Macaroni the fox loves lox wears socks and knocks politely don't sneer and leer and jeer and peer, dear the seer near here heard deer sip clear beer ass port pass port gas port re sort cohort great! expect to rate your fate too late mate steel lust to dust it must become just rust silicone teats it fits my mitts. phone, you crone afraid so dear Joe can't mow the snow no southern crudity southern obesity southern stupidity indubitably are brethren many days green ways in bays through cays maze feeling fat the gnat sat on a kneeling mat big gnat so fat stupidly sat where bat at O. J. Po' J. much woe will pay hurray know cold in snow blow wind driven slow flow golden daze of maize a blaze haze for days klapki nie chcą adaptki do babki matki mojej żonaki roses red violets dead pansies dread smiling centipede head heated lair bare bear without hair never there dare Socrates winked Demosthenes blinked Pericles clinked Sophocles sinked Euripides Oscar Wilde perhaps mild nevertheless failed his defiled child the rum made dumb numb still some can see the source of divorce could be Norse of course Christians intertwine moslems exertwine heretics untwine serpents thine serpentine no way that Faye will stay all day hey beneath dairy we bury milk teeth fairy named Harry do season within reason after you slice on bison a blow red snow injured slow falling go low cream flower power turned sour: syphilis and lsdream scream br /> in aeries with fairies eating cherries berries and canaries that twardziel his bell will ring in Hell well she led his head to bed instead of Fred black curls hair whorls opalescent burls liquid pearls girls big deal my eel felt ill when peel wheal this queer deer has strange gear in near rear Polacy mają kace i dziwnie jacy wyrzucają ich tace jutting out his rutting cutting member like devout snout Arlan Andrew has cockatoo who will argue with you the hairy fairy had Jerry and Larry to bury those who pose in clothes while snow blows knows since edentulous his finch prince will mince his blintz in caboose a noose held goose but moose loose pizza piper pickled pepper lonely ripper of kipper's flipper atheist's suture kept preacher from non-deist crippled creature future mellow gin hit chin after din made swallow pin mex book hex book tex book sex book took remember in september great pretender and magnificent gender bender an oriole poked pole in hole at sole mole chigger's little jigger is bigger than nigger's whatchama thigger contraband dealers hire steelers with feelers not bland revealers lo, sex workers credo: your needo speedo rapido finito ziobry pewnie istnieją wyłącznie przy browarach jako chimery polskie retired whore has store for sex battered toys galore Yak butter better udder Tibetans mutter creamy stutter flutter my ESET was beset and upset by viral reset in honey quietly funny bunny lost money with
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