Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed
Chapter Six
The room was dark but Trevor knew that it was the same room as before. The altar was in front of him with the old men sitting around it. The four beasts were still sitting around it. The floor made of glass so smooth it was like crystal.
The slain lamb stood with the book with the seven seals in front of him. The one that had been opened in his dream before was still open.
Sparks seemed to flare when the slain lamb went to break the second seal. A mighty red horse flew out. The horseman was a great being which carried a mighty sword.
Trevor backed away from the book. He felt like the horseman was flying towards him.
Trevor woke up and just laid there. He had no idea what he dreams meant. Could he even tell anyone about his dream?
The world was taken by surprise when the sky lit up again. Most of the world had tried to go on with their lives. The president starting a whole new war didn’t stop the people.
No matter what the people was doing at the time, when the sky lit up for the second time everyone stopped what they were doing. People claimed to have seen actual flames shoot through the clouds.
They didn’t notice that another horseman had been released upon them. He rode his red horse and carried a mighty sword through the flames.
The horseman would fly around the world with only one purpose. He was sent to take peace from mankind. The president had already helped him out. When the president attacked the other countries, all the peace treaties were broken.
Trevor had to get out of the house. His dream and the sky going red again were messing with his head.
Trevor drove around checking things out. The bad weather had done a lot of damage. There were things that were starting to get to him.
He decided to stop by Terry’s house. He felt like he needed someone to talk to. There had to be a way to make sense to how he was feeling.
Trevor stood and waited after he knocked on the door. He knew that Terry was home because her car was in the driveway. Then he had seen her peeking out the curtains. She never had to check to see who was at the door.
She let him in and they sat down on the couch. Her grandma was in taking a bath.
“Did you see the sky again this morning?” Terry asked.
“I think everyone did,” he said. “The world has been going crazy.”
“That it is,” she agreed. He could tell that something was on her mind. “How’s Ashley been doing?”
“I guess alright,” Trevor said. “I haven’t seen her since the weather got so bad.”
“Hopefully you’ll get to see her soon,” she said.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “You alright? You seemed to have something on your mind?”
“Well,” she said. She didn’t know if she should tell him about Robert, but she figured he would find out anyways. “Robert stopped over yesterday.”
“Really?” Trevor was surprised. “What did he want?”
“I don’t know really,” she said. She found it hard to get out the words. “He tried to force himself on me.”
“What?” He couldn’t believe it.
“He tried to kiss me and put his arms around me.” She noticed the look of shock on his face. “Then he started insulting me when I said no. So, I made him leave.”
“That’s messed up,” Trevor said. “I can’t believe that he would be an ass like that. Hell, I thought you two were friends.”
“So did I,” Terry said. “Well, maybe not the best of friends.”
“Yeah, but still,” he said.
He could tell that she was surprised by his reaction to what happened. He did think it was wrong of Robert to force her to do something that she didn’t want to do.
“You alright?” Terry had a look of concern of her face. “You appear to have something on your mind too.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” he said. That was only the tip of the iceberg. But, could he tell her everything? “I’ve been having some strange dreams.”
“What kind of dreams?” Terry asked. She had hoped that she would have been on his mind. She had to set that aside. Her friend needed to talk. “Are you having nightmares?”
“They’re not nightmares,” Trevor said. They hadn’t been scaring at all when he really thought about it. “They’re dreams where I keep going back to the same room. Then there’s this book.”
“Okay,” Terry said. She didn’t know what to say. “What kind of book?”
“It’s weird,” Trevor started. He hadn’t spoken a word about the dreams to anyone. “The book appears to be locked. It’s all sealed up with golden straps.”
“That’s not too bad,” Terry said.
“No,” he agreed. “But, it has been the same dream. One seal gets opened in each dream. That’s not the strangest part.”
“Really?” Terry said. “What’s the strangest part then?”
“Each time I wake up,” Trevor started. “Something weird has happened.”
“Like what?” Terry asked. She could tell that he wasn’t making it up. “Is everything okay?”
“The sky,” he said. “Each time something’s happened with the sky. I dreamed about the book before the bad weather started. Then each time the sky had done weird things I had a dream about a strap being undone.”
Terry didn’t know what to say to him. She wanted to put her arms around him. She always wanted to put her arms around him.
“It is revelations.”
They both looked over to see Terry’s grandma standing in the hallway. She had on a flowered dress. The Bible held closely to her chest.
“You’re dreaming of the revelation,” she said. “God is trying to bring you to him.”
“I don’t know about that,” Trevor said.
“It’s not the time to lose faith.” She took a step forward. “It is time for you to come back to the church.”
“Well,” he started. He didn’t know how to reply. “Maybe someday soon.”
“Grandma,” Terry interrupted. Her grandma was embarrassing her. “We’re trying to talk, privately.”
“You’ll see my dear,” her grandma said. She turned to go to her room. “You will soon see like the rest of the heathens.”
Terry and Trevor just looked at each other. Trevor didn’t want to talk anymore.
“I should be heading home,” he said.
“Okay,” she said. She walked to him to the door. “Give me a call later. Okay?”
“I will,” Trevor said.
As he walked to his car, he knew that she was watching him. He knew how she felt about him. She didn’t want him to leave.
He wasn’t going home. He decided to go see Robert.
Peace had been lost in Mexico and South America. The horseman had laid down his mighty sword.
The cartels were to take over and head to America. They had killed thousands of innocent people. The horseman watched as blood flowed the streets.
They made sure that anyone who tried to keep the peace was removed. Law enforcement was being hunted down.
Over in the foreign countries the terrorist were doing the same. The fire red horse had done ridden over their lands.
The horseman had only begun to take peace from the world.
Trevor beat on Robert’s door till it opened. Robert didn’t look happy to see Trevor.
“What’s up?” Robert said.
“What’s up?” Trevor repeated back. “You can’t even say hi or let me in?”
“Well,” Robert said. “I was about to jump in the shower. You should just call me later.”
“Whatever, Robert,” Trevor said. “I just got a question for you, anyways.”
“What?” Robert said.
Trevor thought about stepping back. Robert looked like he could snap at anytime. But, Trevor stood his ground.
“What happened over at Terry’s house the other day?” Trevor was trying to look into Robert’s avoiding eyes. “She said you were acting all messed up and things. You even tried to kiss her.”
“What?” Robert said. “That’s between her and me. Is that all you stopped by for?”
“You shouldn’t mess with her like that?” Trevor didn’t like his attitude. “You scared her.”
“Ok well,” Robert.
Robert didn’t even care. He wasn’t even going to try and argue about it. He had never acted this way towards Trevor.
“Ok, well,” Trevor repeated.
“You’re not her boyfriend.” His attitude was starting to surface. “You should be trying to see how I am doing instead of asking about her.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Trevor started.
Robert turned and then the door shut in Trevor’s face. There were sounds of the deadbolt being locked. He had ended the conversation.
Trevor pounded on the door. He knew that Robert wasn’t going to open it again. He just wanted to pound on it.
Trevor didn’t know why he was so frustrated. Why was he so upset with how Robert acted with Terry?
He left Robert’s house still upset. It was just another messed up day in the messed up world.
The horseman flew and made his presence known over the United States. He was fulfilling his part of the prophecy by continuing to take away peace.
The gangs started attacking other gangs. Then they started attacking their cities. They couldn’t be stopped.
Old family feuds restarted. Families were shooting at and killing other families.
People had to lock their doors. The horseman had sent fear into the bodies of the innocent.
In Mississippi, they were battling the floods and violence. Nobody wanted to leave there flooded homes.
The local Catholic Church in Saint Perish Mississippi was being attacked by everyone. People were ordering that the church’s doors be locked for good. They had been investigated and their doors will remain open.
Father John, the one who done the investigation, had hoped for some time off. There was never time for him to relax in his line of work.
John was forty-one years old and full of ideas. He had crazy ideas that he thought could change the image of the Catholic Church for good.
He had packed his things to head up north. There had been some rumors going around about a church parish in Anderson, Ohio. His orders had been handed down by the highest of saints. There was a priest in Anderson that caught everyone’s attention.
Father John had requested time off. He tried to talk to his superiors about putting off the trip. They insisted that he go as soon as possible.
John walked out of his apartment with a hand full of stuff. He had almost packed everything that he owned. There was a chance that he might not come back to Mississippi for a while.
He was walking across the sidewalk when a group of men came running around the corner. They were out raising hell and Father John had gotten in their way.
They didn’t stop running and went right over John. John hit the ground and dropped everything. The group of men stopped when the realized what they had done.
They didn’t try to help him up. They stomped on him. They yelled at him and called him a child molester.
A middle aged Puerto Rican man pulled out a knife. He stabbed Father John five times.
They searched his pockets for money and kicked his things out into the street. Then they took off running.
Pain soared through John’s body as he turned over on his back. Blood seemed to pour out of his body.
A young woman had come running from across the street. She had watched it happened, but didn’t want involved.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
Father John couldn’t answer her. He had died in the streets of Mississippi.
Robert sat in his chair quietly. He knew that there was something strange going on with him. He had started hearing a voice in his head. The alcohol wouldn’t even drown out the voice.
It was the same weird voice over and over. It kept going on about some war with some holy land.
Trevor stopping by didn’t help things out. Trevor doesn’t like Terry. Then he comes over and acts like he’s her boyfriend.
Robert didn’t know why he acted the way the he did at Terry’s. It was something he felt like he should do.
He decided that he needed to get out of the house. He needed a way to find some food.
Robert walked a few blocks to some mom and pop store. They had tried to sell off everything they could. There was a store clerk still there. Robert when in even though he didn’t have any money.
“We’re closed,” the old man said. He was standing behind the counter. “You need to leave, sir. We’re no longer open for business.”
Robert looked at all the shelves that were practically empty. There were a few things that he wanted.
“What are you going to do with the rest of this?” He asked without looking at the man.
“Save it for my family,” the old man said. “Don’t know when we’ll get some more. All the strange happenings have driven all the prices sky high. Can’t afford to keep things stocked anymore.”
“I need some things,” Robert said. “I’m going to need a bag.”
“Like I said,” the clerk started. “We’re closed for business.”
“I’m not asking,” Robert said. He pulled out the pistol that his dad had given him. “Please, I don’t want to hurt you. I will though if I have to, because I really need some things.”
“Alright now,” the clerk said. He grabbed a bag from the counter and held it out. “Just hurry before my wife comes out.”
Robert took the bag and filled it up with whatever he could grab. All the batteries and flashlights had been taken. There were some candles left and he took all of them. The electricity would come and go, so he needed something for light.
After he grabbed what he could carry, he went up to the counter. The old man was scared and worried about his wife. Robert knew that he had to hurry.
“Cash,” Robert said. He had a croaked grin on his face. “Hand the cash over, quickly.”
“Come on,” the old man said. “I got a family that needs things just like you.”
“Don’t care,” Robert replied. He pulled the hammer back on the pistol. “Cash, now.”
Reluctantly the old man opened the drawer. They had a good day and there was a lot of cash in the drawer. It was probably the best day that the store had ever seen.
“You’ll go to hell for this,” the old man said. He handed Robert the cash. “The Lord says thou shalt not steal.”
Robert thought about what the man had said. He found it funny that the man would say that. He pulled the trigger and shot the man in the head.
“I’m already heading to hell anyways.”
Robert took off out of the store with his hands full. He had to run straight home. Killing a man wasn’t on his list of things to do.
He had to stop a half block away from his house. He had to catch his breath.
“Oh shit,” he said. “What in the hell did I just do?”
He didn’t wait for an answer. It was time to get home. He hoped that nobody was watching him run down the street.
When he got home, he threw everything on the kitchen table. His blood was still racing through his body.
He went around the house and shut the curtains on all the windows. He was going to have to stay hidden.
Images of the bullet hitting the guy’s head kept going through his mind. His soul had been damned.