Aetheric Elements: The Rise of a Steampunk Reality
Croaker Norge and Phoebus Buckroe stood in the Mayor’s foyer surrounded by police as Guillotte came down the wide staircase in a dressing gown and nightcap, rubbing his eyes.
“What is the meaning of this, Chief Johnson?” his Honor asked.
“Forgive the late intrusion, sir,” the Chief of Police, who had also been woken, said. “We found these men in the old tunnels committing atrocities in a horrible midnight ritual.”
“We didn’t do any such thing, you incompetent bastard,” Croaker muttered, loud enough to be heard by everyone. One of the duty officers hit him from behind with a billy club, dropping him to his knees.
“Ah, good officer, that will not be necessary. My manservant is just a bit rough and overzealous in his opinions, no matter if they hold truth or not,” Phoebus said as he took a step forward, holding his manacled hands out in a peaceful manner. The Chief looked confused as he attempted to determine if he had just been insulted.
“Buckroe!” The Mayor said, “Explain the meaning of this!”
“He said he was working for you, your Honor,” the Chief explained.
“And I am. And I have single handedly uncovered a plot so foul that it will shake the very foundations of this city,” Phoebus said.
“Do not be dramatic; just tell me what is going on,” the Mayor said.
“It seems the Telestic Krewe was up to dark deeds, but I have put a stop to it and rescued young Miss Remington from certain death and worse. The head of the Krewe was leading the rituals personally to summon things from the unknown.”
“You put a stop to it?” Croaker asked as he stood. “Perhaps you should tell them how one of the men was no other than Edward Burke, State Treasurer?”
The Mayor looked aghast and he turned to the Chief of police with a questioning look. Johnson nodded, showing that the man spoke the truth.
“Of course, Norge. They knew that. They arrested him with the other men.”
“Did they also know that he had been pilfering funds from the World’s Fair? That with forgery and fraud he had already embezzled more than one million, seven hundred thousand bites of Federation currency?” The room went silent. “Just a little something I found during my investigation. Oh, excuse me, your Lordship, your investigation. Was I remiss in mentioning the detail that I had searched his house when you were in your meeting with the Mayor, gaining his financial and political support in this matter?”
Phoebus’s mouth opened and closed as he tried to speak. Croaker stared at him with a smug smile.
“It was simple to see, if you are observant. I merely followed a trail of paper, instead of blood and mud. Perhaps we could be released and discuss this tomorrow after his Honor and the good Constable had a chance to finish their investigation?”
The Warm Glow of Companionship