Gaddis, William Thomas (father), 15, 25, 78, 79, 82, 245, 247, 264, 503
Gagosian, Larry, 460-61
Gallimard, Claude, 384
Gallimard, Éditions, 249, 276, 281, 286, 347-48, 384, 400
Galsworthy, John, 523
Gambling, John B., 134
Ganja and Hess , 9, 277
Garbo, Greta, 69
Gardiner, Charles, 42, 45-46, 47, 48, 79
Gardner, John, 316-17, 325, 337-38, 348, 358, 365-66, 374, 442, 455, 463-64, 475
Garrett, Mr. and Mrs., 34, 45
Gaslight , 472-73
Gass, Mary, 319, 343-44, 348, 355, 358, 361, 413
Gass, William H., 9, 10, 310, 319, 321, 332, 340-41, 343-44, 347-49, 355, 358, 361, 367, 386, 413, 420, 423, 459, 464, 477, 479, 481, 489-90, 507, 528
Gassner, John, 47
Geismar, Maxwell, 232, 273
George VI, 200
Gibbon, Edward, 212
Gide, André, 89, 234, 371
Gifford, Barry, and Lawrence Lee, 390
Gilbert, Stuart, 82, 245-47
Gill, Brendan, 245-46, 387-88
Ginna, Robert, 122
Ginsberg, Allen, 139, 342, 407, 527
Giroux, Robert, 371-72, 385
Girson, Rochelle, 222
Giselle (Adam), 84-85
Gladstone, Mike, 60, 65, 200-201, 260, 402
Glenville, Peter, 376-77
Gloucester, William Henry, Duke of, 212
Goerner, Lee, 311, 313, 353
Goethe, Johann von, 89-90, 93, 97, 110, 220-21, 447
Gold, Jack, 334, 343-44, 347, 355-56, 373
Goldberg, Howard, 466
Goldman, Erika, 474
Goldsmith, Oliver, 43
Goldwater, Barry, 254
Goncharov, Ivan, 205, 338, 431-32, 490
Good Will Hour , 25-26
Gorky, Maxim, 387
Gottlieb, Robert, 295-96, 303-4, 310, 313-14, 318, 361-62, 363, 433-34, 436, 456, 513
Gould, Glenn, 167
Gould, Stanley, 44, 527
Gourmet , 208
Granga. See Way, Ida Williams
Grant, Cary, 43
Graves, Robert, 123-24, 132, 135, 140, 161-62, 211, 245-46, 265, 272, 306, 378, 379-80, 481, 491
Greco, El, 116
Green, Dick and Ruth, 298
Green, Henry, 438
Green, Jack, 219, 232-33, 236, 240, 244, 247, 254-55, 282, 369, 371, 373-74, 383, 395, 406, 478-79, 481
Greene, Graham, 144, 146, 329
“Greensleeves,” 171-72, 199, 201
Gregor, Manfred, 254
Gregory XIII, 144, 145
Gresham’s Law, 517-18
Greyson, Joshua, 320
Grimm Brothers, 177-78, 457
Grosz, George, 67-68, 75-76
Grunberg, Adrian, 264-65
Guber Peters, 460-61
Guerard, Albert, 376
Guggenheim Foundation, 208, 323, 334, 361-63, 367, 372, 377, 415, 458
Gummere, Richard M., 34
Gunn, Bill, 277
Gunnarsson, Ólafur, 318-19, 335, 338
H. M. Pulham Esq ., 23
Haas, Dan, 320
Haas, Dolly, 90-91
Haefele, Madame, 163, 167
Haggerty, Gerald, 31
Haile, Lucia, 377
Hall, Charles, 71-72, 112, 115, 143, 145, 146
Halpern, Daniel, 286
Halverson, Janet, 296, 384
Hamilton, Ian, 451, 491
Hampton, Lionel, 44
Hand, Learned, 450-52, 516
Hanser Verlag, 249
Harcourt, Brace and Co., 199, 205, 206, 208-9, 211, 214-15, 218, 222, 226, 236, 239, 241-42, 245, 273-74, 282, 369, 381, 383-85, 386, 394-95, 397, 399
Hardwick, Elizabeth, 429
Harper’s , 84-85, 86, 104, 295-96, 360, 362, 405
Harper’s Bazaar , 83
Harrington, Alan, 305
Harris, Jean, 377
Harrison, George, 451
Hart, William B., 171-72
Harvard Magazine , 502, 519-20
Harwood, Anthony, 308-9
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 481-82
Hawkes, John, 348-49, 376
Hawkins, Tom, 254-55
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 378, 439
Haydn, Joseph, 122
Haygood, William Converse, 132, 134, 147, 153, 189, 203, 215
Hays, Samuel Fischer, 62-63, 82-83
Hazelton, Richard, 345
Heaney, Seamus, 507-8
Hegarty, George, 338-39
Heggen, Tom, 146-47
Heidegger, Martin, 291-92
Heiserman, Arthur, 257
Heller, Clemens, 171-72
Heller, Joseph, 279, 281, 330, 419, 498-99
Hellzapoppin’ , 55, 56
Hemingway, Ernest, 8, 139, 405, 481-82
Hemingway, Mary, 481
Henderson, Frances, 92
Henderson, Miss, 55, 56
Henley, William Ernest, 36
Heraclitus, 336
Herbert, A. P., 174-75
Herod, 22-23
Herodotus, 526-27
Hesse, Hermann, 73
Heydrich, Reinhard, 481-82
Hibernian , 365
Hicks, Granville, 232, 244, 248, 273, 373, 379, 384
Hielscher, Martin, 420, 443
Highet, Gilbert, 244
Hilgart, Arthur A., 503-4
Hills, Rust, 234, 319, 320-21, 429
Hilton, James, 411, 525
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 501-2
Hirschfield, Berte and Alan, 399
Hoffman, Abbie, 359-60
Hogan, William, 245
Holdridge, Jeff, 449
Holdridge, John, 448-49
Hollerith, Herman, 454
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 7, 495
Home, Kibby, 47
Homer, 526
Homes, Henry, 291
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 453
Horizon , 381
Housman, A. E., 101, 104, 191-92, 283, 372-73
Houston, Noel, 60, 65
Howard, Gerald, 406
Howes, Jeanne G., 278
Hubbard, L. Ron, 460-61
Hudson Review , 108
Hugo’s Spanish Simplified , 123-24
Hume, David, 67-68, 94
Humphrey, George, 306-7
Humphrey, Hubert, 360
Humphry, Dick, 208
Hunt, Nelson and William, 356
Hurst, Fannie, 346
IBM, 285, 311, 343, 359, 454
Ibsen, Henrik, 33, 144, 146, 295-96, 306, 482
Index Librorum Prohibitorum , 159
Ingendaay, Marcus, 457
Ingendaay, Paul, 457, 500, 528
Ingram, Rex, 48-49
Iowa Review , 495-96
Irving, John, 432
“I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” 316-17
Jablow, Richard, 263, 265, 313
Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 454
Jaffee, Marc, 303-4
James, William, 159-60
Janklow, William J., 410-11
Jenkins, Tom, 233-34, 236-37
Jenks, Peter, 53
Johnson, Lyndon B., 256, 293, 400
Johnson, Samuel, 91
Jonathan Cape Ltd., 298-99, 312
Jones, Gloria, 403-4, 407, 468
Jones, Jim, 342-43
Jovanovich, William, 239-41, 273-74, 371, 383-85, 399, 513, 530
Joyce, James, 220, 241, 245-46, 251, 255, 256, 262-63, 278, 280, 286, 291, 297, 339, 361-62, 366, 372, 387-88, 482, 484
Jung, Carl Gustav, 177
Kabel, Philip, 268-69
Kafka, Franz, 473
Kagemusha , 359-60
Kakutani, Michiko, 498-99, 501, 521
Kalem, Theodore E., 220-21, 246-47
Kant, Immanuel, 40
Kaplan, Johanna, 310
Karageorgievich, Elizabeth, 350
Karl, Frederick A., 378, 397, 401-2, 416, 478-79
Kask, Mrs., 405-6
> Kazin, Alfred, 344-45, 361, 369
Keating, Mr., 35
Keats, John, 431-32, 495-96
Kelly, Sir Gerald, 180-81
Kennedy, John F., 328, 350
Kenner, Hugh, 8, 405, 443
Kerouac, Jack, 9, 44, 212, 390-92, 407, 527
Keynes, John Maynard, 466
Kiefer, Warren, 292
Kiell, Matthew, 353
Kiely, Robert, 519
Kierkegaard, Søren, 447
Kim, Jeannie, 507
King, Alexander, 240
King, Ben, 110
Kingsbury, John and June, 85-86, 426-27
Kingsmill, Hugh, 283, 285
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 393
Kirkus Reviews , 414-15
Kissinger, Henry, 397
Kizer, Carolyn, 262
Klawans, Stuart, 473
Knight, Christopher, 525
Knopf, Alfred A., Inc., 293-94, 295-96, 298, 300-301, 304, 313-14, 318, 331, 334, 343, 348, 349, 355, 358, 363, 382, 433-34, 436, 511
Knowlson, James, 518
Koenig, Peter (later David), 278-79, 306, 351, 383, 387, 392
Kolata, Gina, 512-13
Kraft, Joe, 358, 407
Kraft, Polly, 358-59, 407
Krantz, Judith, 358, 359
Kreymborg, Alfred, 46
Krim, Seymour, 240, 458
Kuehl, John R., 255, 356-57, 368-69, 373-74, 375-76, 377, 381, 385, 387, 395, 397, 401-2, 404, 525 Laffont, Éditions Robert, 281
Lafitte, Jean, 62, 65
Laing, R. D., 455
Lamarr, Hedy, 61
Lambert, Jean, 233, 276-77, 281, 348, 371, 400
Landa, Michel, 249
Lang, Andrew, 263, 306
Lannan Foundation, 493, 497, 506-7
Lannan, Patrick, 493
Lapham, Lewis, 296
Large, John, 320, 370
Larrabee, Eric, 84, 86
Laurence, Michael J., 251-53
Lauzen, Sarah E., 415-16
Law Dictionary , 437
Lawrence, D. H., 89, 96, 98
Lawrence, Gertrude, 308, 362, 498-99
Leacock, Stephen, 508-9
LeClair, Tom, 353, 357-58, 361, 364, 369, 381
Legge, Francis, 166-67, 172
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 299-300, 416-17, 428, 451-52, 485
Leighton, Dean, 20, 37
Lenin, Vladimir, 326
Lennon, John, 515
Lethaby, William Richard, 301
Leval, Pierre, 437, 453, 460, 479, 491-92
Leverence, John, 282, 290
Levine, Joseph E., 258
Levitas, Mitchell, 466
Lewis, Sinclair, 332, 459, 484
Library Journal , 272
Life , 55
Lin Yutang, 101, 104, 157
Lindsay, John, 291-92
Literatura na Swiecie , 367-68, 375
Livelli, Vincent, 110, 386-87, 527
Logan, Marie-Rose, 367-68, 404-5, 438
London, Jack, 452
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner , 286
Long Voyage Home , 133, 134
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 144-45, 483
Looks, Bernard J., 196, 204, 291
Los Angeles Times , 313, 354, 499
Lost Boundaries , 166
Love, Kennet, 407
Low, Hunter, 251, 253, 275
Lowry, Malcolm, 235, 237, 239, 273, 280, 337, 406-7
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 102, 104
Lumet, Pidie, 468
Lumet, Sidney, 404, 468
Lundgren Caj, 442
Luther, Martin, 202 MacArthur, Douglas, 160, 166
MacArthur Foundation, 274, 378-80, 388, 390, 406, 410, 431
MacDonald, Charles B., 265-66
Macdonald, Dwight, 273
Macdonald, Ross, 396-97
MacDowell, Edward, 331-32
MacDowell Colony, 331-32
MacGibbon & Kee, 215, 240, 243-44, 246, 371, 383, 385
Macrae, John, 344-45
MacNeice, Louis, 214-15
Madden, David, 325-26
Madero, Captain, 100, 110
Madonna, 480
Mailer, Norman, 51, 267, 272, 330, 361-62
Malle, Louis, 412-13
Mann, Thomas, 97, 98, 338
Mansfield, Katherine, 95, 98, 306
Manteuffel, Hasso von, 254
Mantovani, Vincenzo, 250, 277
Markova, Alicia, 84-85
Markson, David, 11, 233, 234-39, 241-42, 251, 258, 260, 266, 272-73, 294, 299, 337, 362, 366-67, 379, 458
Markson, Elaine, 266, 294, 340
Marquand, John P., 23
Marquis, Don, 508-9
Martinelli, Sheri, 9, 104, 114, 206-7, 366, 386-87, 527
Marx, Karl, 366
Maschler, Tom, 312, 433
Matthiessen, Peter, 410-11
Matson, Harold, 95
Maugham, W. Somerset, 63, 65, 84-85, 106-7, 109
Mayhew, Alice, 518-19
Mayo, Gerald, 466
McCaffery, Larry, 353, 415
McCarthy, Cormac, 498-99
McCarthy, Joseph, 203
McCarthy, Mary, 310, 386, 429, 449, 479-80
McElvar, Miss, 427
McKinley, William, 400
McMurtry, Larry, 343, 345
McNamara, Eugene, 282
McNamara, Robert, 454
Mdivani, Nina, 308-9
Mead, Clifford S., 426
Medal, Saturnino, 101
Meese, Ed, 466
Mehta, Sonny, 433-34, 436
Melville, Herman, 182, 215, 235, 365-66, 378, 382, 384, 444, 448, 452, 456, 464, 514
Menen, Aubrey, 247-48
Meredith, James, 227
Meredith, Solomon, 227
Meridian Books, 236, 239-42, 272, 282, 371, 374, 383
Merricourt School, 14-16, 388, 426-27
Mesrobian, Arpena S., 404
Messiah (Handel), 91, 202
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 122, 210, 456
Mexico City Herald , 66
Michener, James, 361-62, 419, 446
Milk, Harvey, 342-43
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 46, 172
Miller, Alicia Metcalf, 300-301
Miller, Arthur, 446
Millman, Michael, 494, 500-501
Milosz, Czeslaw, 217
Milton, John, 172, 191
Minkoff, George Robert, 495
Minkoff, Robert, 301, 305, 351, 409
Mirkowicz, Tomasz, 367-68, 369-70, 375-76, 400-401, 438
Mithraism, 380, 491
Miyamoto, Yokichi, 316-17
Modern Fiction Studies , 353, 463
Modern Language Association, 397, 399, 401
Modick, Klaus, 420, 443
Monaghan, Charles, 122, 231-32, 240, 243, 246-48, 299-300, 497
Monahan, Matthew, 380
Mondadori Editore, Arnoldo, 249-50, 371, 384, 400
Monde , Le , 286, 290-91, 510
Montague, John, 382
Moore (musician), 264
Moore, Steven, 351, 363, 368-69, 371, 373, 377-78, 379-88, 390-92, 394-95, 397, 399-402, 404-6, 409, 411, 425-26, 438-39, 453, 455, 478, 505, 527
Morales, Eulalio Abril, 137-38, 182, 186
Morgan, Bill, 407
Morgan, Ted, 372, 522 -23
Morris, Ivan, 211-12
Morris, James M., 506
Morton, Brian, 352-53
Morton, Charles W., 168-69, 175, 181, 183, 186, 188
Morton, Jelly Roll, 487
Moscow on the Hudson , 437, 440, 461
Motley, Constance Baker, 448, 450, 460
Moynihan, Patrick P., 393, 399-400
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 309, 322, 334, 443
Muriel , 286
Murphy, Eddie, 517
Murphy, Julia, 350, 437
Murphy, Muriel Oxenberg, 210, 348-52, 353, 357, 360, 372, 375, 402, 419, 421, 425, 431, 437, 449, 461-62, 482-83, 486, 492, 497, 506, 511-13
Musil, Robert, 457
r /> Nabokov, Ivan, 430, 449-50, 479
Nabokov, Vladimir, 310, 450
Naipaul, V. S., 310
Napper, John and Pauline, 158-59, 160, 163, 165, 176, 179-81, 183-85, 190-92, 199, 208-10, 211, 216, 219, 230, 265, 267, 283, 299, 312, 315, 323, 327, 329, 335, 346-47, 351, 372-73, 378-79, 381-82, 408, 421, 458, 473-74, 514-15, 531
National Book Awards, 310-14, 331, 386-87
National Book Critics Circle, 510-11
National Endowment for the Arts, 262, 314, 513
Naumann, Michael, 500
Nemerov, Howard, 391
Nesbit, Lynn, 331, 355
Neumann, John von, 454
New Directions, 391, 473
New Republic , 69, 345, 361, 374, 498
New World Writing , 199, 265, 386, 392
New York Daily News , 522
New York Review of Books , 317, 325, 365, 374, 455, 463, 498-99
New York Times , 15, 292, 299, 333, 346, 348, 359, 361, 364, 366, 378, 384, 399, 402-3, 405, 466, 492, 498
New York Times Book Review , 83, 232, 241, 245, 247-48, 279, 291, 298, 300, 411, 416-17, 440-41, 464, 472, 480, 499, 501, 514
New York Times Magazine , 412-13, 435-36, 440
New Yorker , 7, 44, 56, 57, 60, 95, 108, 135, 143, 148, 215, 245, 308, 326, 359, 386, 387-88, 437, 439-40, 446, 454, 461, 471
Newman, Paul, 346
newspaper , 232-33, 244, 371-72
Newsweek , 298
Newton, Robert, 221
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 358-59
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 40, 481-82, 485
Ninotchka , 69
Nixon, Richard M., 293, 403
North, Sterling, 273
Nostradamus, 96
Nottman, Naftali, 391
Nussbaum, Shari, 320
Oates, Joyce Carol, 382, 410-11
O’Brien, Flann, 241
O’Brien, John, 369, 375-76, 380
Observer Weekend Review , 251
Ockene, Robert M., 239
Odets, Clifford, 45
Ohannessian, Griselda, 473
O’Keeffe, Timothy, 240-41, 248, 497-98
“Ol’ Man River,” 129, 131
Olsen, Ole, and Chic Johnson, 55, 56
Omar Khayyam, 33
O’Meara, Donn, 496
Once Upon a Honeymoon , 43
O’Neill, Eugene, 8, 36-37, 47, 48-49, 92, 134, 485, 516-17
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 218-19
Oresman, Donald, 422, 422, 432, 437, 450, 452, 459-61, 484
Orph ée (Gluck), 213
Ortega y Gasset, José, 118, 121, 518
Osborne, Jim, 45, 46, 114, 125
Osbourne, Mac, 48, 52
Ouida, 346-47
Outward Bound , 112
Ozick, Cynthia, 417 Palmer, Fred, 215
Panamá Am érica , 76
Paris Review , 381, 420, 439
Parke, James, 487-88
Parke, Miss, 119
Parker, Bruce and Tommy, 139-40, 174
Parker, Helen, 139, 147, 173-74, 205
Paris Passion , 407
Paris Review , 381, 446, 448
Partisan Review , 206, 217, 330, 331, 386-87