30d. Torture (Keith's point of view)
Keith was surprised to find himself more intrigued than anything elseat the scene through the observation room window. What she'd calledthe third-stage room resembled, more than anything else the youngSandeman could think of, was a museum exhibit of a twentieth-centuryoperating room he'd seen once, with cabinets of supplies and equipment,monitoring machinery, even a surgical table. But operating roomsdidn't have chains hanging from the ceiling, and patients weren't heldspreadeagled, naked, between those and eyebolts in the floor--and he'dhad no particular feeling toward the doctor in the display, where he'ddeveloped a strong fondness for the Inquisitor.
A couple of minutes after they entered, Odeon glanced toward theobservation room, raised a hand in acknowledgement, and said somethingto Cortin. She turned toward them. "Colonel Bradford?"
"Yes," Bradford said, "with Ranger Medart and Lt. DarElwyn."
"If you'd care to, you're welcome to join me in here."
"Thank you, Excellency." Bradford switched off the intercom and turnedto the others, looking surprised. "That's a first; she doesn'tnormally allow anyone in there except Captain Odeon or otherInquisitors. The disadvantage is that you can't avoid her prisoner'sscreams by shutting off the intercom."
"Even so," Medart said thoughtfully, "if an invitation's that rare, weought to accept."
The three entered the larger room, which smelled of antiseptic--ratherto Keith's surprise. Why should Her Excellency care about infection inpeople she was torturing to death? He might ask her later, if itlooked like she wouldn't mind discussing her work.
"The interview went all right?" Cortin asked.
"Quite well," Bradford replied. "I'll get the operation moving as soonas I get back to my office."
"Good--thanks, both of you." Cortin turned back to her prisoner, stilladdressing the observers. "This one's nothing special, except in thenumber of his crimes and the fact that he wanted witnesses until he gotto the last victim in each series. It was the rapes that were hisparticular thrill; the murders were enjoyable, but more of a sideeffect. So I'll be concentrating on the punishment for rape."
Keith watched attentively. These were the preliminaries, obviously,but he was interested in anything and everything she did. It wasseveral hours before she was satisfied with the prisoner's generalcondition: his entire body except the genital region so bruised orabraded that even a light touch brough curses--and by that time, Keithwas admitting to himself that what he felt for her was more thanfondness.
Cortin stepped back to survey her prisoner, then smiled at heraudience. "That takes care of the preliminaries; now we can get to thereal punishment." She went to a cabinet, removed a vial and syringe.
"This is eroticine," she said, forcing the liquid in the vial down herprisoner's throat. "In small doses, it's a male aphrodisiac. Inlarger ones, like this, it forces an erection and increases semenproduction by several hundred percent. He has no way to stimulateorgasm, so that is forced out by simple hydraulic pressure--quiteuncomfortable, I've been assured. This dose is oral, so he'll be thatway for about twelve hours." She picked up a syringe, cleared it ofair. "And this is algetin, a pain-enhancer that's most effective onswollen tissue such as an erection. It's a combination I thinkparticularly appropriate for a rapist."
"An intriguing combination," Keith said. It sounded rather like apeculiar form of induced need, with no intent of release--and he had toagree with the Inquisitor; it did seem appropriate for a rapist. Thatreaction made Keith more than a little surprised at himself. Sincethis was a punishment situation, the prisoner's nudity hadn't botheredhim; that was a normal part of punishment for serious violations ofcustom at home. But that didn't include sexual arousal, evendrug-induced. He should have been seriously embarrassed, to the pointof having to leave; instead, he found himself intrigued by thephenomenon as the man's erection firmed and grew moist. "Is thatwetness normal, or is it a drug effect?" he asked curiously.
Cortin glanced at him. "Neither, Lieutenant; it's a side effect of thesatyr plague."
"I see." Keith continued watching, pleased by the prisoner'sincreasing discomfort, his moans and small spasms as semen beganoozing. "You said he can't bring himself to climax, Excellency, andthis does seem effective--but what would happen if he did? Would it bea temporary relief, or would the algetin make it as much an agony as itusually is a pleasure?"
After several seconds, Cortin said thoughtfully, "We're cautionedagainst it in training, since it's presumed orgasm would bring relief;if anyone had experimented and found otherwise, it should've beenreported in the professional literature. Since I've never read aboutsuch an experiment, I doubt it's ever been tried--but now that yousuggest it, the idea seems plausible. If you'd like to try,Lieutenant, be my guest."
"No," Medart said firmly. "He can observe, since this is within yourlaw; taking part would go against a number of the laws that govern theImperial military." He turned to the Sandeman. "What's wrong,Lieutenant? You're not acting like any warrior I've evermet--including yourself, a couple of days ago."
"I feel fine, sir--I'm just not embarrassed by his display, the way I'dhave expected, and I . . . admire Colonel Cortin's work, which Iwouldn't have expected at all." And herself, to an even greaterdegree . . .
"Just how strong is this admiration, Lieutenant?"
Keith looked from Ranger to Inquisitor and back, certain his expressionwas answering Medart's question before he spoke. "Strongly enough thatif I thought there was any chance of acceptance, I would offer her myfealty."
Cortin looked at him thoughtfully, then smiled. "If that means what Ibelieve it does, Lieutenant, you'd be in no danger of refusal."
Keith returned the smile, feeling a blast of elation, then acted on herpromise and knelt. "Colonel Joan Cortin, I wish you as my chosen lady,if that should be your will. I offer all that is in me to give: bodyand mind, will and honor, whatever courage is mine. And death itselfmay not deny the service I offer, in whatever afterlife is to come."
She extended her hands, smiling again. "I accept your service andyourself with thanks, warrior."
Keith took her hands and rose, wishing he could display his elation,but that would be improper with others around. Instead, he bowed toher. "You do me great honor, Thakur."
"The honor is mine," Cortin replied. "Are there any formalities thatneed to be taken care of?"
"I'll handle those when we finish here," Medart said. "His releasefrom service, back pay and allowances--but it'll be up to you to notifyhis clan and make arrangements for his tattoo."
"When we're done here, as you say." Cortin turned to her new swornman. "To give you a status recognized here, I'm commissioning you aRoyal Enforcement Service officer. Now, would you like to test yourtheory?"
"Very much, Thakur." Keith paused, then continued apologetically."I'm afraid I don't know how, though. One of our strongest customsforbids any same-sex physical intimacy. Since it seems yours doesn't,that no longer applies to me, of course--but the fact remains that Ihave no such experience."
Cortin chuckled. "That can be remedied easily enough, if you decideyou want to, but for your present purposes you don't need experience.All you have to do is take hold of him, snugly enough to provide afriction surface but not tight. The eroticine will make him take careof the rest."
"That sounds simple enough." Keith reached for the prisoner.
He grasped slippery flesh, pleased when the man winced and tried topull away. That should be a good sign. He followed the flinch,keeping the snug hold his thakur had recommended--and she was right,the prisoner began pumping, almost immediately accompanied by cursingand moans. For a bit, Keith remained still, getting used to the feeland rhythm. This was all he had to do, she'd said, and Keith was sureit would have the desired effect--but she wanted the man to suffer asmuch as a human could. Sure that there had to be a way to elicit morepain on the way to its peak, he tried modifying his grip, going withthe prisoner's movem
ents, kneading gently at the end of each thrust.
He was rewarded when moans grew louder and curses became incoherentcries. He wanted to turn, see if his thakur was pleased, but he didn'tallow himself the distraction, contenting himself instead with a briefsmile. He was surprised at the ease with which he'd been able to makeeven this sort of sexual contact with another man, but his primaryemotion on that subject was gratitude; since his thakur clearly had noobjection to man-loving, even seemed to actively approve, he had to doso as well, and it was kind of the gods to make such a drastic changeso easy for him.
He was less surprised, though still a bit so, by his unexpectedenjoyment of a painmaster's role, since Sandeman did have somecircumstances where such was appropriate, though it had noprofessionals. That was a fortunate turn, since it saved him anotheradaptation--though if he were to serve his thakur properly in thiscapacity, he really ought to get some training; a true painmastershould be getting at least some screams by this time.
The prisoner's movements became faster, more urgent, and Keith smiledagain. A few more seconds . . . yes, good! The prisoner convulsed,thrashing as wildly as his bonds would permit, but warrior reflexes letKeith keep his grip while the man climaxed in a prolonged series ofspasms, his screams eloquent testimony to his agony. Keith felt asense of accomplishment at that, a deep pleasure that didn't end evenwhen the climax was over, the flesh in his hands softened slightly, andthe prisoner sagged, going limp but kept from fainting by the algetin.
Keith turned to his chosen lady. "Was that satisfactory, Thakur?"
"Most satisfactory," Cortin said with unconcealed admiration. "You'vejust given me--all Inquisitors, once I get it published--what promisesto become an extremely useful standard technique, especially withrapists. I'll see you're given full credit, of course." She smiled atKeith. "You've also changed my plans for him. That degree of pain,administered repeatedly, can be lethal--and I can't think of a morefitting end for a rapist. We'll let him drip overnight, then give hima fresh dose and see how many times he can take what he forced onothers. What do you think?"
Keith was flattered that she asked his opinion, but . . . "I don'tshare your expertise, Thakur, so my opinion may not be valid. Still,it sounds appropriate to me."
"So be it, then." Cortin smiled at him, approvingly. "Would you liketo help? You seemed to enjoy yourself as much as an Inquisitor would,and Mike doesn't have that particular quirk; he helps because he lovesme, not because he likes the work."
Keith hesitated briefly before answering. "It surprises me, Thakur,that I did enjoy it. But I would not displace Captain Odeon fromsomething that brings you two close."
Cortin looked at her second in command. "What do you think, Mike?"
"If he wants it, he's got it," Odeon replied promptly. Turning to theSandeman, he went on. "As she says, I don't have the mental quirk thatlets me like hurting people; I'd be glad to get out of the job."
"It seems I do," Keith said. "At least since she wants this one tohurt, I took a great deal of pleasure in causing him as much pain as Icould."
"It's all yours, then," Odeon said promptly. "With my thanks, by theway--which I'll demonstrate later, if you want."
"In the meantime," Cortin said, "I'm hungry. Let's go up to supper."
Return to main storyline: 31. Explanation
31a. Tattoo
To Keith's amusement, the artist did his work after using a topicalanesthetic, saying it was to prevent a flinch from spoiling the design.Remaining still and with no more than minor sensations of pressure onhis face, though, seemed to be making him more receptive to what had tobe his thakur--the things he was feeling certainly couldn't have hadtheir origin in a properly-raised warrior!
For one thing, the idea of the Family's sexual activity no longerbothered him, even with the certainty that it would include man-loving.His thakur's approval and enjoyment of watching such things meant heshould as well, and he seemed to be making the adjustment. He mightnot be able to take part himself just yet, though the men on histhakur's team were beginning to seem more desirable . . . It wasgenerous of the gods, he thought, to make even such a drastic change tohis thakur's values and standards so easy for him.
Eventually the artist was finished, and handed Keith a mirror. "Whatdo you think?"
Keith studied his cheek for a moment, then nodded. "Your skill isworthy of my thakur. I thank you."
"You're quite welcome." The artist turned, bowed to Cortin. "By YourExcellency's leave?"
"Granted; Lieutenant Degas will take you to your home or your studio,as you prefer." She turned to Degas. "Tony, give him his fee--plus abonus for the house call and inconvenience. Double should be aboutright."
"I'd say so," Degas agreed. "Maybe a little extra since Keith's happywith it?"
Cortin grinned. "Triple, then. And get back as soon as you can."
"Yes, ma'am." Degas returned the grin, then escorted the artist out ofthe common-room.
As soon as they were gone, Keith got his first experience of Familyinformality; within minutes, he was the only one in the room withclothes on, and he seemed to sense his thakur's desire that he also benude. That wasn't what she said when she smiled at him, though. "Ifyou'd rather not join us, Keith, we'll all understand; you're free todo what you wish. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"I'm not, Thakur." To his gratified surprise, that was true; his onlydiscomfort was being dressed when she wasn't, and that was easy enoughto correct. When he did so, he could feel her approval--and herarousal, as she looked at his genitals. "Thakur . . ."
Cortin smiled at him. "Take it easy, Keith. You're a beautiful man,and I'd like to have sex with you--but I don't want to get you in justbecause you feel obligated from having sworn to me. Is that clear?"
"Perfectly, Thakur." Keith smiled. She seemed to be projecting theidea that sex in any consenting form was good, but she also didn't wanthim doing anything he considered wrong. That was simple, since bydefinition nothing she wanted of him could be wrong for him, and herwords confirmed what he seemed to be feeling from her. "Now?"
"We have a family religious ceremony first. I know you're not aCatholic, and this is an extension of the Catholicism practicedelsewhere, so if you'd rather not attend, I don't want you to. Thechoice is entirely yours."
"I appreciate that, Thakur. I don't think I'd be comfortableparticipating, at least not yet; may I simply watch?"
"Of course. If it makes you uncomfortable, and you want to leave, goahead."
"I will, Thakur, but I don't expect to."
Cortin smiled. "Somehow I don't expect you to, either. Right now I'mthe object of that ceremony, as acting Protector, but I've beenpromised the true one will appear soon, so don't be upset when someoneelse takes over. I sure won't be; I'm looking forward to it." Shegrimaced. "I don't mind being the Herald, but I have to admit I don'tlike being Protector. It's more of a burden that I feel capable ofcarrying, even as long as I have."
Keith knelt, looking up at her. "If it is a burden I may free you of,Thakur, I would do so gladly."
Cortin studied him for a moment. If she'd known this might happen, shewouldn't have accepted his fealty--while she wasn't fond of beingProtector, she wasn't fond of passing the burden along to anyone else,either.
Keith was fully aware of her thought this time, and he smiled up ather. Freeing his chosen lady of an unwanted burden would be a joy, notan imposition! "You wouldn't be, Thakur--as Ranger Medart said, inaccepting my oath you made me your other self. Let this part take overand rejoice in what that one finds intolerable."
"Oh, dear God." Cortin felt a sudden surge of power, her hands goingto his head on what felt like their own accord. "You better mean that,because it's happening."
"I mean it with all my heart, Thakur."
Odeon watched as the two began to glow, and went slowly to his knees.So Keith was the permanent Protector! That would be a relief forJoanie, but the Sandeman's apotheosis meant the co
nfrontation--whatShayan called the decision point--was imminent, and that frightenedhim. It meant the war or massacre she had to make some decision aboutwas also imminent, and with Shayan afraid enough of that to promotedevotions to his Adversary and His saints . . .
He was never sure how long the apotheosis took, but when it ended,there was no doubt of either Joanie's relief or Keith's new power.What was going to happen now?
Keith rose, turning and smiling at him. "You please me, Michael, butthere is much you must learn yet. It might be wise for you to visitRanger Medart, this evening; I will conduct my own service."
"As you wish, Lord." Odeon rose and bowed, then left the common-room,grabbing a robe on the way out.
Return to main storyline: 33. Discussion 2
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