A Modern Love
Chapter 17
Now you know David really loves his morning runs. He enjoys the challenge of each step. As he's begun training for the 5K fun runs he's found himself even more enthralled with the running game. David thinks it's quite rewarding to push himself; finding that perfect pace for the first mile (David sometimes prefers to train in miles rather than kilometers ? this is Kentucky, USA). A pace that is fast enough to warm you up but not so fast that you lose your breath or your calves start to burn. Then maintaining that pace, simply holding on, for the second mile. David's found that it actually feels like you are speeding up when really you are just maintaining the first mile pace, because you are starting to feel some fatigue. At the end of the second mile (or several paces past the third kilometer, if he's using them) is when it really gets interesting. Take off time! This is when David speeds up significantly. Lots of pain but he can fight through it. Then sprint the last two tenths of a mile.
Each day he compares his actual running to his plan I mentioned earlier. He's not following it to the letter because he's progressing faster than he thought he would. He's conservative when he thinks about his abilities. He uses this conservatism to build his confidence as he beats his plan. A mental trick he capitalizes on.
But we've already gone over David's thoughts about his training plan before. What's different about it now is that he decided to spice up his running with a new route about town. Same distance, just a different route. His reasoning for this was twofold. First, running the same route can get boring, plain as that. Second, running the same route can make you feel uncomfortable on other routes, simply because you are so accustomed to the landmarks and ups and downs of one route. That is especially bad when you get on the race course and you feel uncomfortable. So David decided to run a different route to keep his mind fresh and open to new things and therefore more relaxed on the race courses to come. Pretty good logic don't ya think?
To David's surprise, and joy, as he started out on his new route, by pushing the button on his watch timer and taking off, he noticed Jennifer about a half a block ahead of him. He thought, maybe I should sprint ahead and say hello but then decided just to run his normal pace and if he caught up he would give a howdy do.
After about, oh four or five blocks David was coming up beside Jennifer. Purely by accident he startled her a little bit as he came into her peripheral vision. She stepped sideways away from him slightly and stuttered her steps.
"Oh, sorry 'bout that; didn't mean to sneak up on ya," David said with a smile and a little breathing laugh.
"Oh that's OK," said Jennifer laughing a little at herself. "I thought I was the only person that ran in this town, haven't seen anyone out running until today."
"I usually run a different route but thought I'd try a new one today," David said matter-of-factly.
"Well I'm glad you did," Jennifer replied thinking that may have come off a little strong. After a little awkward silent moment went by she continued. "You know I don't think I've gotten your name."
David thought to himself; thought back to their first meeting in the parking lot and realized he had failed to give it. He blushed a little realizing he had not even properly introduced himself to Jennifer. She had given her name but he had not; all his thoughts about her since their first meeting and she didn't even know his name.
David kind of turned sideways as he ran and put out his hand to shake hers, saying "Hi, I'm David Kerr". It was an odd thing to do and didn't feel comfortable during a run. Jennifer didn't seem to mind though and played along.
Jennifer stopped and faced David as he came to a stop. "Jennifer Holmes nice to meet you David Kerr," said Jennifer with a little dip in her knees like someone might do when meeting a prince or something. She meant it as humor and David recognized it and appreciated the personality she showed in the strange moment he had created by coming to a full stop. They stood there and looked at each other with funny grins for several seconds then just as they both started to feel heat in their faces they laughed a little and turned back to running. It was actually kind of a sweet moment; cornball, but sweet.
Now you can call it a coincidence or think of it irrelevant. You can argue that opposites really attract and that's where true romance lives. But ? having things in common is what makes a relationship work in the end; at least in my opinion. I mean if you are attracted to someone but you like to do different things during your regular daily life; how long can it really last? Well?
Anyways, where was I ? yah what I'm getting at is both Jennifer and David were thinking how great it was to find that they both had running in common. It may seem trivial to a non-runner but to a dedicated runner it's pretty cool. Understanding the runner's high, eating properly (or at least healthy most of the time), holding back on the alcohol, NO SMOKING, etc. These things are important to runners, of which David and Jennifer shared these things.
Hell, just having a habit of rising before the dawn is a pretty good thing to have in common. I mean I know some people could make it work, but I'll bet in the long run most can't; that is if one mate is a night person and sleeps late while the other person is a morning person and gets up early, waking them up, banging around the house and all. Elizabeth and I are both early (well fairly early) risers. I couldn't imagine it any other way. We start and end our days together. I think it kind of creates a closer bond and helps that we don't run on different schedules.
Also, don't you think that, well at least in your early twenties, physical fitness is important? We all know the first thing that attracts us is appearance and mannerisms. It's only later that we come to know the person on the inside. Anyways, Jennifer and David are both physically fit, both eat well, both drink rarely, don't smoke, rise early, bed down early, enjoy the sunrise and such. These are pretty good things to have in common. I think.
Getting off of my soapbox of what it takes to spawn a great connection between the opposite sexes; David and Jennifer were enjoying their first run together. In their first little meet and greet it was casual, subtle and wholesome. Not planned or even thought out well.
This chance encounter was not planned either but it had different undertones. The brisk running as the sun peaks its way into horizon, the physical activity with sweating, heavy breathing and small choppy talk has sexual overtures and brings the spark of romance to them both. What I mean is it's a little reminiscent of sex. Ok, Ok I know this just might be on oversexed guy thing but bear with me.
You don't have to say that running and sex are in the same ball park but you do have to admit they are in the same league. Well I guess you don't but hear me out. Here are the common factors of both (at least when a man and woman that are attracted to each other run together as compared to ? well sex if they had it): a connection, intense physical activity, panting, sweating, moving to heavy breathing, also a slow warm up period followed by a steady rolling motion, ending with a sprint to the end and then a sense of completion and relaxation. Ok, maybe I'm just being a little goofy in trying to compare intense physical exercise with opposite sex to, well sex with the opposite sex; but I think you get my point. Don't you? Well if you don't then try this ? go to a gym sometime and workout with a guy or girl (preferably the one opposite to your sex, ha ha) you are attracted to. See if you don't have thoughts beyond the simplicity of the workout once the panting and sweating starts. Just try it. You'll understand where I'm coming from.
All I'm really saying is these thoughts and feelings were running through both Jennifer and David's minds at the same time. Yet another thing they have in common. A mutual attraction and mutual interests can be a good catalyst to begin a romance, and they both felt good about it.
Each step felt like slow motion but not slow enough. The time together was a joy but when you don't want it to end it seems to fly by. They were both experiencing one of the easiest runs they've ever had. If you've ever tried to run hard while you talk to someone you know how i
t can take your breath away. It didn't matter in this case as the excitement of the moment and the great small talk allowed David and Jennifer to keep their minds off of the run and on each other, thereby not feeling the normal fatigue of a brisk jog. It was quite invigorating.
"So ? how long have you been running," asked David while keeping his eyes on the road ahead?
"Don't you know? You're the one with the watch on aren't you timing us?" Jennifer hoped David didn't take her sense of humor as too sarcastic.
David let out a friendly laugh. "No, no I mean how long have you been running as a ? a hobby." Hobby or sport what is running really, thought David? Probably sport.
"Oh, I know I was just kidding witcha'. I've been running several years now I really enjoy it." Jennifer seemed to quicken her pace a bit as she said "enjoy it". David kept in step.
"Me too ? I mean for years and enjoying it and all. I can barely rise in the morning without my run. When I have to rest on my off days it's hard to function sometimes."
"I know what you mean, it's like you don't sleep as well and the morning just drags without that daily run," Jennifer replied with a quick glance over to David then back to the street.
As they came to a patch in the road with no visible traffic coming their way Jennifer took a longer glance over at David as he ran. She couldn't help but notice that he appeared to be in peak physical condition; an athlete's condition, not just your average morning jogger. Perhaps she was being too generous in her assessment but she was alright with that. Jennifer also noticed that David was keeping in step with her pace. Based on what she knew: years of running, love of running, appearance of being in great shape; she's pretty sure he runs fast. At least faster than they were running then, probably faster than her anytime.
He's showing good social etiquette by caring more about me than his workout, Jennifer thought to herself with a smile. She recalled running with a few diehard runners that can't seem to focus on anything except their workout. Seemed to be more so in the men. She's found they either try to push you to run faster, or they simply run off and leave you. Doesn't make much sense to say "hey let's go run together" and then they run off and leave you running alone. I can run alone anytime, she thought.
"Thank You," said Jennifer after a long quiet moment of nothing but foot falls and choppy breaths.
"You're welcome ? Umm, what did I do," asked David realizing you take your thank you's when you can get them?
"Running my pace, I'm sure you usually go quite a bit faster than this ? David." Jennifer put a nice cutesy inflection on his name.
"Oh no, this is fine with me ? a good pace ? good run."
Jennifer again appreciated the polite nature David exuded. She thought, it's not every day you find someone so aware of other people's feelings; especially, in a young man.
"Soooo ? why haven't I seen you out running before," asked Jennifer just trying to keep the conversation going.
"Oh, I've been running another route ? but I think I'll run this one more often now," David replied with a smile while turning a little sideways as he ran, providing Jennifer with some meaningful eye contact.
"Gosh, you already told me about running another route didn't you?" Jennifer felt a little silly when she realized she had asked David a question he'd already answered.
"That's Ok; it's not a very memorable route anyways ? not as pretty as this one." David was trying to be slick now. He was sure, as Jennifer seems quite intelligent, she'll get his point of what really makes this route more pretty. She did get it and blushed just a little.
"Flattery will get you everywhere," said Jennifer with a soft giggle.
"Ev-er-y-where," replied David with a quick glance to Jennifer and a saccharine little wink. He immediately wondered if it was too much.
Jennifer laughed, so David laughed and they continued running along that Owensboro, Kentucky street with these goofy little grins on their faces. Ah, the joys of young hope and possibly the beginnings of young love.
Now, my thoughts are that the spark that has been lit between David and Jennifer is a good thing. Jennifer seems like a nice person and David is too. They are a good match. There commonalities run fairly deep and that will bode well for a stronger bond than ever could have been reached between David and Amy. I'm not going to put Amy down again but she and David are just too different to make it. Amy really has no desire for a lasting and meaningful relationship anyway. David needs this. He's not interested in "playing the field". That's an overrated game in my opinion. I could have played around for years before I settled down with Elizabeth but that would not have made me feel any better about myself than finding Elizabeth and falling in love. Just knowing she's there for me and believes in me is much more fulfilling than sewing any wild oats. Deep down most men know this. Foolin' around is just a waste of time. Life is about relationships, love, companionship, thinking about someone besides yourself, two making one and then growing into a family. Listen to me getting all mushy and such!
Also, apparently runners are kind of like a fraternity, or at least a tight nit group, and Jennifer and David having this in common is a big deal. I suppose only a runner would know how big a deal it really is. I guess what might seem trivial to me is important to them. Then again I once read that as much as seventy percent of people meet their spouse in the workplace. That's sure a commonality, or at least a similar interest or life direction, so I guess I can understand the importance of doing the same things together. Do you think it's not the common interest of the type of work, but rather simply the fact that the people are together so much in the workplace? Maybe I'll pick Miss Donna's brain about that sometime as well. Or maybe I'll just chalk it up to "you can't believe everything you read".
If simply running wasn't enough David and Jennifer found even more in common:
"So how far do you normally like to run," asked Jennifer starting to get some wind in her voice?
"Oh, three or four miles will usually cure what ails ya." David thought he sounded witty with this reply.
"You're kidding; me too," replied Jennifer with a deep breath. David slowed up just a bit when he noticed Jennifer getting tired. She noticed and appreciated this.
"Next you're going to tell me you run even when it's raining," Jennifer said while settling into a more comfortable pace.
"Well, you're not a real runner if you let Mother Nature keep you down." David didn't usually run if there was ice on the road, or serious snow, but other than that he was out there.
"You got it," replied Jennifer with a laugh.
They both thought it would be great to have a running partner. Running is so much more fun with a partner. After all they both run at about 5:30am, even if raining, for the same distance and well ? almost the same pace. It really was exciting to them.
Finishing the trip out was always more like the warm up of the run. As David and Jennifer made the turnaround to head back towards The Villa they made direct eye contact and David said this is where the fun starts. Jennifer was up for it as they sped up a half step. No pain no gain.
I remember a few years back I'd been eating too much; a lot too much really, so Elizabeth decided to put me on an exercise regimen. This included running every other day. I was Ok for ? oh about a minute and a half. Then I ran out of steam. Now, I'm sure with time running gets easier, but when you're carrying a little extra baggage around and you're not in the best shape in the first place it ain't no fun. I didn't complain to Elizabeth though. I didn't keep running though either. I switched from regular Dr. Pepper to Diet Dr. Pepper. It tasted nasty at the beginning but kind of grows on you over time. Anyways, I usually drink six or eight each day (I know I know I should drink more water but hey, I like to taste what I drink) so cutting out the one thousand or so empty calories took the weight off. Elizabeth was happy, therefore so am I. She didn't mind my appearance, she's not like that, she was just worried about my health. Gotta love her for ta
king care of me.
As Jennifer and David put most of the run behind them and neared within two blocks or so of The Villa they glimpsed at each other and nodded. I'm guessing it's a common signal for runners, 'cause they knew what each other meant without even saying a word. Off they went, speeding up considerably, almost at a full speed sprint. Holding this speed for, oh say two-tenths or maybe even a quarter of a mile, is quite an accomplishment I think; especially after about three miles of brisk running beforehand.
Huffing and puffing as they entered the courtyard they slowed to a walk and kept going around the gazebos in a small lap. They continued this a few times and then they both did these funny little stretching exercises. I know it's so they don't cramp up later, but it still looks kinda silly. Anyways, they then smiled at each other and said good run and provided each other with a sappy little high five as they parted to return to their respective apartments. Quite cute. They both looked back at each other as they reached their apartment doors. They felt good inside and couldn't wait for the next morning run; to see if the other shows up at the same time and same place. Their butterflies weren't just because of the hard sprint at the end of the run.