The Little Lame Prince
This book is prepared for and dedicated to "the girls." It is for theirgirl friends to write in, being left with many inviting blank spaces forthe answer to interesting questions about their favorite people, songs,amusements, plays, books and other things one naturally wants to knowabout. The sum total of all these queries not only furnishes lots of funat the time of writing, but also gives a good character study of thewriter and a souvenir of one's friends, which every girl will be glad totreasure.
It is said that life is made up of little things. Certainly, as we lookback, these trifles often seem of most interest and value to us. And itis in order to preserve some of these stray bits of gold dust that thisCHARACTER BOOK has been prepared--at the suggestion of one clever girl.
Cloth, 12mo, 75c. Persian ooze, boxed, $1.25.