gets in her way.
While I’ve interviewed La Evans several times, I was most eager to conduct this chat because it’s the first time I’ve had my Tina Lord Roberts back in my life old school-style since the 80s. Yes, for most of us it’s hard not to put your fan girl hat on when you’re interviewing someone as incomparable and inspiring as this gorgeous actress — the woman with the famous big, beautiful eyes, ginger hair, and adventurous, criminal strut.
Before we talk about your perfect, fabulous comeback to One Life, I must first ask, how are you feeling?
Oh, I’m doing great. I’m cancer free. I’m a survivor. I’m feeling great.
Was it a big scare?
We were lucky to catch it early during my routine mammogram. Luckily, we knew we’d survive it, but no one wants to endure the treatments. I encourage all women to get their annual check-ups. Early detection is everything. People are so scared of the word ‘cancer,’ but the fact is you can live — if you catch it fast enough.
What was the timeframe of your diagnosis? Were you on B&B? Or had you already agreed to re-join One Life for its swan song?
I was on B&B. I went back and finished up my storyline for Bradley [Bell] two weeks after my surgery. It was very difficult, but I wanted to do that for him. I didn’t want to return to work so I could recover, but with the news of One Life’s cancellation, I confided in [One Life executive producer] Frank Valentini what my situation was and we worked it out. One Life wanted me to return to Llanview in the summer, but we decided I would come back at the very last possible minute for them and the first possible minute for me. And that’s what we did.
Well, I think the timing worked out beautifully because you filled the void Robin Strasser and Trevor St. John left after their abrupt departures. You simply knocked it out of the park. I never thought I’d get my old-school Tina back on my show, but head writer Ron Carlivati made up for that Mendorra mess! Are you thrilled with your comeback story?
I’m thrilled! I came back for the fans. I had only finished chemo two weeks before I returned. I was flying back and forth which is very difficult. One day, I had to film 37 scenes! I was so tired, but I wanted to do it for the fans. If the show was going down, I didn’t have a choice. I loved what they wrote for me. While it was a struggle energy-wise, I had so much fun.
You have to submit yourself this year for Emmy consideration. The episode where Tina gave up the Lord fortune was one of my all-time favourite One Life moments. Are you happy and proud Tina finally grew up?
Absolutely! She’s always wanted to do the right thing, but somehow wasn’t able to do it before. Her version of what was right wasn’t right, but she finally got it in the end. Again, that’s what I wanted the fans to have. They have been so supportive and love Tina — and they’ve loved other characters I’ve played — but what’s special about Tina is she’s always wanted to do the right thing.
She’s this charming and lovable yet sometimes infuriating woman child…
Even though I didn’t think she had to give up the entire Lord fortune to prove she had changed! After all, she is a freakin’ Lord!
Exactly. She is a Lord. And she’s married to a Buchanan. But it’s not like she has to work at a McDonald’s! [Laughs] Still, for a girl like Tina, there is never enough money!
No, of course not. That’s my girl. The irony is, in many ways, Tina is richer than ever — even without the money.
Absolutely. It was so great. I also loved having Tallulah [the dog who plays Little David Vickers] back. The whole story was a homerun. The fan response I’ve received has been overwhelming.
Tallulah even stole a scene or two from you! How dare she! [Laughs]
I’m a pet lover, so I don’t mind that she stole a scene or two from me! I love working with Tallulah. She’s very sweet.
I loved the fact that you voiced Little David Vickers! You and Michael Easton voiced it perfectly. So much fun! I think LDV and Liam may be Llanview’s next super couple.
[Laughs] That’s funny! It was fun. It was an extra-added bonus.
When I first saw your wig, I thought it was real and an homage to Tina’s big ‘80s hair. I actually liked it. But fans on Twitter were mean… not knowing you had just battled cancer and endured chemo. Were you hurt?
Not so much hurt…. I was just shocked at how people jumped on it that way, you know? As a society, we need to be kinder to people. I was in chemo two weeks before that and I had lost my hair and eyelashes. Due to the wonderful talents of Renatta Long, my best friend in the world, and my fabulous make-up artist, you could never tell. So, the wig was the least of my worries. Quite often, women wear wigs for reasons.
My only reaction was: “Wow, Andrea’s hair is blonder this time around…”
The wig is strawberry blonde. It’s not very easy to find red wigs. It’s not a common colour, which is why we went that route. That’s my work wig! I just did a film with the wig. Until I think my hair looks good again, I’ll continue to use the wig.
2011 was a whirlwind year for you: You returned to B&B, One Life was cancelled, you battled breast cancer, and returned to Llanview in a spectacular fashion. What did you learn this year?
The biggest lesson in this is: just live your life and don’t sweat the small stuff. I mean, truly. That’s the blessing in anything life-threatening that comes along. It puts everything in perspective. I was really depressed about One Life’s cancellation. I grew up on One Life. I’ve never been an adult without the show in my life.
Me either.
I think the only other actress who may understand what I am going through is Genie Francis on GH. The show is like a family member in a way. Then, the cancer thing happened — and you know what? — Life goes on. I’m sorry to hear One Life is going, because it breaks my heart, but we have to move on.
And you and John Loprieno still had “it!” Was it easy to reignite that sizzling chemistry? I think it was better than ever…
Totally easy! And John and I don’t see each other for years at a time. Actually, we competed against each other in a high school speech contest! [Laughs]
Really? Wow. I don’t think anyone knows that…
We grew up 15 minutes away from each other. One day, John came in and showed me some high school yearbook pictures…. We have a lot in common. We have a wonderful chemistry. I thought it really worked. And I think it’s because Ron didn’t write us like teenagers. They wrote us as the people we are and as the characters the audience knows, but in a way which was appealing to the younger audience, too. To see two middle-aged people, who still look pretty good and still have chemistry and romance, well, isn’t that what we all want? We don’t want all of that to disappear when we hit 30.
Insanity means doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, but Tina did something different this time around and the whole world opened up for her. I’m so proud of Ron and Frank! I also really liked your chemistry with Jerry verDorn. You worked really well together. Jerry reminded me of Phil Carey a bit in those scenes where Tina stood up to the Buchanan bully. Was that the first time you worked with Jerry?
I worked with Jerry a couple of times three years ago. I’m happy Tina stood up for herself, too. She really ‘got it’ this time around.
For a few shows there, I was really angry at Viki for being mean to Tina when she first hit town. But luckily, I saw the arc of the story Ron was telling and I was so proud Tina stood up for herself. I mean Todd’s a rapist and a killer — and Viki’s always forgiving him!
I thought those scenes with Erika were really great. Viki’s forgiven Todd for far worse than anything Tina’s ever done.
You definitely have a handful of material to consider for next year’s Emmy race. Are you going to throw your name in for consideration as Outstanding Supporting Actress? You better…
I’m hoping to! I definitely am. That elusive Emmy has always eluded me. Heck, I’ll even take a Lifetime Achievement Award! It’s so funny becau
se they always say, “We’d love to give yourself a Lifetime Achievement Award but you’re too young!”
Forever young. This was the first time you worked with Roger Howarth, right?
Yes. The whole dynamic of Tina having a brother was new to me. Other Tinas played opposite Roger, but I really, really enjoyed it. It was nice to have a sibling closer to Tina’s age. And we also have the same mother so it brought a whole new dynamic for me as Tina. Unlike Tina and Viki, Tina and Todd have more of a sibling rivalry.
Victor Lord was one sexist pig! Why is it always Todd or Victor who is the Lord heir apparent? Last time I checked, Viki and Tina were his oldest living children.
I know!
I loved, loved, and loved Barbara Rhodes as Irene. I was disappointed Irene was killed so early on because I was dying to see the beats played in Irene and Tina’s relationship.
Yeah. That’s what is so great about this return: Tina arrived on the show when Irene died. Or she thought Irene died. It was really full circle for the character. Probably more so than any other character on the show.
Did Cord and Tina’s surprise and impromptu wedding surprise you? Did you go in blindly?
No, I knew. Frank told me what the arc of the story was; I just didn’t know how we’d get there. I