Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix
short legged breed of Jutish Elven unicorn, sharing a common ancestor with the Gwaelic Elven Doolish unicorn.
duradan deannaigh (Jutish Elven) - speck of dust.
Du vyrs fnyf dyphndyyf (trollish) - I do not understand.
duyuy (trollish) - and.
dyde sing. subj. past (Archaic Modern Niarg) - did.
dyden pl. subj. past (Archaic Modern Niarg) - did
dyn n. m. (Old Niarg Standard) - man
-dyr (trollish) - great; large.
dyrgnyfn (trollish) - bitter.
dyrgnyfngnyrr (trollish) - see Elven ginseng.
Dyrija! (trollish) - Come!
dyrija (trollish) - you are coming.
dyrjiny (trollish) - wizard.
dyrjinyryy (trollish) - the one who is a wizard.
dyrney n. (trollish) - being; man; person.
Dyrney (trollish) - the People.
Dyrney dyrija! (trollish) - Dyrney come!
Dyrney Fnanar pirrfey! (trollish) - Dyrney headsmash (kill) Fnanar!
dyswryans (Gwaelic) - annihilation.
dyyp n. (trollish) - fool.
eagre (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eager.
ech (Archaic Modern Niarg) - each.
eeasteyr (Gwaelic Elven) - fisherman.
eeasteyryn (Gwaelic Elven) - fishermen.
eek, eke adv. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - also, moreover, too.
eere n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ear.
egge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - egg.
egges (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eggs.
eglos n. f. (Gwaelic) - church.
eglos-derowek (Gwaelic) - oak grove church.
eke, eek adv. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - also, moreover, too.
eke adj. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - greater.
eke v. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - lengthen.
eld (Archaic Modern Niarg) - old.
elde (Archaic Modern Niarg) - old.
eldefadir (Archaic Modern Niarg) - old father.
eldeste (Archaic Modern Niarg) - oldest.
eldre, aldre (Archaic Modern Niarg) - older.
elles, ellys (Archaic Modern Niarg) - else.
ellyses (Archaic Modern Niarg) - else's.
Elves, Elven pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - Elves.
Elvyssh a. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - Elvish, Elven.
enchauntement (Archaic Modern Niarg) - enchantment.
enchaunten (to enchaunten) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to enchant.
ende n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - end.
ende inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to end.
endede, endide 3rd pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - end.
endeles (Archaic Modern Niarg) - endless.
endyth 3rd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ends.
enez (Headlandish) - island.
ennoil n. (Gwaelic Elven) - beloved.
enjoye (Archaic Modern Niarg) - enjoy.
entendist (Archaic Modern Niarg) - intend.
enterrupted (Archaic Modern Niarg) - interrupted.
entre 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - enter.
entred (Archaic Modern Niarg) - entered.
entreth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - enters.
entryng (Archaic Modern Niarg) - entering.
entysinge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - enticing.
eny (Archaic Modern Niarg) - any.
Eochaid n. (Goblish-Beakish) - Great Unicorn.
erande (Archaic Modern Niarg) - errand.
ergh n. (Gwaelic) - snow.
Ergh gul ergh! (Gwaelic) - Snowing snow!
erly (Archaic Modern Niarg) - early.
erlyer (Archaic Modern Niarg) - earlier.
ers n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - rump.
erthe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - earth.
erthly (Archaic Modern Niarg) - earthly.
eryr (Old Niarg Standard) - eagle.
erys n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ears.
escapid 3rd pers. pl. past (Archaic Modern Niarg) - escaped.
escapist 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - escape.
escrye (to escrye), inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to scry.
especiallye (Archaic Modern Niarg) - especially.
esy (Archaic Modern Niarg) - easy.
ete 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. sing., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eat.
eten 3rd pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eat.
eterneel a. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eternal.
eternite (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eternity.
evene (Archaic Modern Niarg) - even.
evenyng (Archaic Modern Niarg) - evening.
ever (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ever.
evere (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ever.
everych (Archaic Modern Niarg) - every.
everych oon (Archaic Modern Niarg) - everyone, every one.
everydel (Archaic Modern Niarg) - every bit.
evn n. m., evned n. m. pl. (Headlandish) - bird, birds.
evned-kurun n. (Headlandish) - thunderbirds.
evyl (Archaic Modern Niarg) - evil.
exceden 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - exceed.
excedynge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - exceeding(ly).
excepciounal (Archaic Modern Niarg) - exceptional.
exemple (Archaic Modern Niarg) - example.
ey (Archaic Modern Niarg) - aye.
eyn (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eyes.
eyghtene (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eighteen
eyren (before vowels), eyrene (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - eggs
eyther, ayther (Archaic Modern Niarg) - either.
facryfys n. m. (Gwaelic) - sacrifice.
Fadayyrrphif (trollish) - Elves.
fadayyrrphif (trollish) - game; people hunt them.
fader (Archaic Modern Niarg) - father.
fafnafaf (trollish) - east.
Fafnyoydfyphn? (trollish) - What?
fafodyrrdrad (trollish) - they made a racket.
faicail n. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - tooth.
fainne leis an fhirinn innseadh (Gobblish-Beakish) - truth collar (ring to tell the truth).
faire (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - lookout.
famlagh (Gwaelic Elven) - kelp.
famlagh bolgan (Gwaelic Elven) - blister kelp.
fartyng (Archaic Modern Niarg) - farting.
faucones n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - falcons.
farwel (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bye, farewell.
Farwell! (Archaic Modern Niarg) - Farewell!
favore (Archaic Modern Niarg) - favor.
favorede (Archaic Modern Niarg) - favored.
favour n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - favorite, pet.
fayle 1st pers. sing., 2nd pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fail.
fayle n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - failure.
faylen 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fail.
faylynge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - failing.
fayr a. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fair.
feeacklagh a. (Gwaelic Elven) - toothy.
feamainn (Jutish Elven) - seaweed.
Fearann Ear (Gobblish-Beakish) - Eastern Continent (Eastern Land).
fechyn inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to fetch.
fedd 1st pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fed.
feden inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to feed.
fedist 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - feed.
fedyng, fedynge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - of feeding.
feele (Archaic Modern Niarg) - feel.
feende (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fiend.
feendly (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fiendly.
felawe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fellow.
feleth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - feels.
fenysch(e) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - finish.
fer (Archaic Modern Niarg) - far.
fere n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fear.
fere 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fear.
eren 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fear.
feste (Archaic Modern Niarg) - feast.
fetheres (Archaic Modern Niarg) - feathers.
fewe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - few.
Ffairye n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - Fairy.
ffirst (Archaic Modern Niarg) - first.
ffleden 3rd pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fled.
ffon n. f. (Old Niarg Standard) - staff.
Ffon Cryf Mawr (Old Niarg Standard) - the Great Staff of Power.
Ffon Mawr (Old Niarg Standard) - the Great Staff.
fforch n. (Old Niarg Standard) - fork (hay, manure, potato).
fforest n. f. (Old Niarg Standard) - forest.
fforydd n. f. pl. (Old Niarg Standard) - forests.
Ffwrdd a ni! (Old Niarg Standard) - Off we go!
ffynnon n. (Old Niarg Standard) - fountain.
fille inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to fill.
fioreun m., dealasach f. (Goblish-Beakish) - eagle.
fissh, fyssh n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fish.
fithel stikkes (Archaic Modern Niarg) - fiddlesticks.
flaumbe n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - flame.
fleen inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to flee, to fly.
flessh n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - flesh.
floure, flowre (Archaic Modern Niarg) - flour.
flowre, floure (Archaic Modern Niarg) - flour.
flyng, flynge inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to fling.
fmoo (trollish) - mom.
fnadiphnignyd n. (trollish) - thunderbolt; thunderclap.
fnadiphnigyd v. (trollish) - to defecate; to give birth.
fnadiphnyd (trollish) - I will eat.
fnadirrfanf n. (trollish) - buttock, rump.
fnadirryaphny n. (trollish) - witch.
fnadiyaphn (trollish) - witchcraft; enchantment; to perform magic; to bewitch.
fnadripf n. v. (trollish) - urination; urinate.
fnadsa nafarjor n. (trollish) - flatulence.
Fnadyrdifarr ja. (trollish) - I will quit it; I will give it up.
fnafodyrnyrtruf (trollish) - relax.
fnanafnyr n. (trollish) - enemy.
fnanar n. (trollish) - discord; enmity; eye; seed; war.
fnanarjyrrgnoph n. (trollish) - sty.
Fnaphnnty ntu! (trollish) - I am just fooling around!
fnarrsnephyrpi n. (trollish) - candy.
fnarryirrny n. (trollish) - prostitute, vamp, whore.
fnaryr n. (trollish) - magic; sleight of hand; trickery; supernatural power.
fnayirgy n. (trollish) - anus; rectum.
fnayooph n. (trollish) - vagina.
fndapffnyjyoyoynf (trollish) - It's time to eat.
foawragh a. (Gwaelic Elven) - giant.
folkes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - folks
followe 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - follow.
folweth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - follows.
folwynge 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - following.
fond 3rd pers. sing. (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg) -