Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix
(privy mucker) at Castle Goll.
Fuzz - Karlton Strong, known as Karlton to some and as Fuzz to others.
Galor - an Elf in Oyster Cove who directed Razzmorten to find Unicorns in Fen.
Ganet-Pounner Roparzh - royal sculptor for the House of Dark who carved Spitemorta's marble throne.
Ganf - son of Dyr's first sow, Drfnyrifyrry. He may have been murdered by Dyr's second sow, Fnarryirrny.
Ganf - troll captain under Fnadiphnignyd.
Gart - Captain of the Palace Guard of the Beaks.
Gastro - son of Gastron, was an apprentice to wizard Razzmorten, married Ugleeuh and was turned into a sea serpent by her.
Gastron - Gastro's father, had Razzorbauch as an apprentice. Razzorbauch poisoned Gastron and took the Great Staff of Power.
Gawain - assumed name used by Sulacha in Niarg.
Gearr Anuas - (Cut Down) Neron's other sword, a claymore.
Gearr Teigh Sios - (Cut Down) Neron's first sword, a claymore which he gave to Lukus.
Girom - Beak captain who captured Mary, Myrtlebell, Demonica and Spitemorta and visited the Dragon Caves.
Gnfnophny - Fnanar's shaman.
Gnophn - Worm, King of the Marooderyn Imshee (troll) after the death of his brother, Fnanar, and brother of Nafnarrfafyr. He is slain at Ash Fork, attacking the Hebraun's army.
Gnydy - Gwaelic troll who lived when Neron fled the Eastern Continent.
Gnydyaf - trollbrute of Fnanar's who stayed in the Strah to guard Elf captives.
Goldy - yellow-headed female offspring of Hubba Hubba and Pebbles's second brood.
Gourmet - epicurean anteater, offered Rose and Lukus chocolate covered ants.
Graham, Talamh Coille - court herbalist and apothecarist at Oilean Gairdin, murdered by Ugleeuh.
Grandma Bethan - see Bethan. Princess Rose's reference to Bethan.
Great troll Goddess - see Fnadiyaphn.
Greedigut - King of the Gobblers, the form assumed by King Talorg of the Beaks when he was enchanted by Ugleeuh.
Greenwood - see Meri Greenwood.
Guardians of the Woods - three old Fairies: Celeste, Nacea and Alvita.
Guene - wife of Piggy Eyes.
Gwawr - female diatryma of Gerddi Teg, sister of Mentrus (male) and Meinir (female).
Gweltaz - small naked dragon dignitary who met Razzmorten, Rose, Lukus, Hubba Hubba and Pebbles at the pier in Dragonsport.
Gwenn - a sergeant under Lieutenant Joran at Darcastle.
Gwenole - Demonica's mount, a roudenneg unicorn.
Gwenyth - lover of the First Wizard, mother of Razzmorten and Razzorbauch.
Gwir - (Headlandish) Truth, dragonet.
Gwrtheyrn - Niarg derivation of Vortigern, whom they called Gwrtheyrn the Thin.
Gwynt - Herio's Dulish-cyflymder stud unicorn.
Gwyrdd - see Meri Greenwood.
Gwyth - Vortigern's page.
Gyr Gwartheg, squire - (cattle herd) a well known cattle breeder near Goldtown.
Heart Father - (Herte Fader) Teeuh's name for King James.
Heart Mother - (Herte Mooder) Teeuh's name for Queen Mary.
Hebraun - King (Brenin) of the House of Niarg, Rose's father.
Hedfan - bat in Fuzz's den who helped haul away the Heart.
Hedyn - sergeant who brought news about trolls to Coel.
Helina - Queen of Niarg, wife of King Henry and mother of Prince Hebraun.
Henry - King of Niarg, husband of Queen Helina and father of Prince Hebraun.
Hensnape, Sergeant - Niarg royal armorer (who made suits of armor) who helped Razzmorten set up his oregano distillery.
Herio - plucky youth from Ash Fork, was charged by King Hebraun with protecting Queen Minuet.
Hero Boy - Bedivere's reference to Herio.
Herri - a prisoner in Demonica's keep.
Herte Fader - (Heart Father) Teeuh's name for King James.
Herte Mooder - (Heart Mother) Teeuh's name for Queen Mary.
Hoel-Meriadeg - one of the two most powerful shamans of the last age on the Dark Continent who helped to lock the Cias within the Hanter Koadou.
Homer - assailant in the Suds and Steer at Sweet Pea who stabbed Jerund's shoulder with a sword.
Hot - dragonet.
Hubba Hubba - Minuet's double yellow headed Amazon parrot, stolen and turned into a crow by Ugleeuh.
Hubba Hubba and Pebbles's second brood - Dandy (male), Flirt (female), Goldy (female), Maxi (male), Morty (male), Pebbs (female), Sunnie (female) and Bill (male) and Mic (male) died in the collapse of Razzmorten's tower.
Huna - private Gwaelian mercenary, yeoman to Colonel Yestin, commandant of Castlegoll. Named Worryface by Spitemorta.
Ian - Elven driver of the wain which bore King James, who was killed when a tawny lyoth attacked them at the Spouts.
Iason - fabled Gwaelic Elven healer, very much further back than Slaney.
Iason - fisherman from Fen.
Illiam - one of Neron's elder sons.
Inney - Gwaelic Elven austringa (strike falconer) of Sheshey the shawk spoogh (strike falcon).
innkeeper at the Suds and Steer in Sweetpea - reedy and red haired at first, white haired six years later.
innkeeper's wife at the Suds and Steer in Sweetpea - obese and might have bathed with a bottle brush.
Isbal - Oisin's great aunt who lived with her sister Reina and their pet troll, Darragh.
Itis - a Beak lieutenant under Captain Gart, possessed by Devi.
Jake and Wilmer - see Poopkink and Poopdink.
Jamali - Rose's owl-eyed cat.
James - King of Loxmere-Goll, son of Edmond and Ruella, Spitemorta's Husband. He was betrothed to marry Rose, but married Spitemorta instead. He eventually married Mary the White Witch.
Jamys - brother of Sigurd.
Janed Bro-Saoz - mother of Nose (Corporal Amheus).
Janet - widow of Ian.
Jarund - Elf, brother of Soraya, Danneth and Strom.
Jeelys - male shawk spoogh (strike falcon) of Tramman, Inney's friend and austringa mentor.
Jerome - head butler at the great hall of Castle Niarg.
Jigs - donkey which pulled James's wain (cart).
Joan Dee - see "Powder Face."
Jockford - mercenary captain of the privateer fleet of ships hired by Demonica to haul trolls to the Northern Continent and to provide transport for Gwaelian mercenary soldiers.
John - king of Ellsmore, husband of Ann, father of Fannimore.
Joran - Lieutenant who saved Yuna and led the coup to take Darcastle back from Spitemorta.
Kadeg - the big Firehead dragon from the Mammvro, who led the search party to find Laora's clan.
Karlton - Biggand Karlton Strong, known as "Fuzz," former Captain Strong (Sir Karlton Strong) of the Niarg Royal Guard.
Karl-Veur - Yann-Ber's brother, second in line by birth to the Throne of Pennvro (Head).
Karr-nij (Breton) - Aeroplane, solitary dragon who visited Queen Vorona after Razzorbauch captured the dragons.
Kast - naked dragon who met Yann-Ber at Dragonsport with Gweltaz.
Keg Rider - Ugleeuh's name for one of her guards.
Kie - old pysgotwr (fisherman) Elf in Fen who raised Unicorns.
Kieran - Elf youth who went with Oisin, Olloo and Mian to rescue from the trolls the seedling gathering party he was with. He was Vorona's grandson.
Kiger - sergeant under Lieutenant Joran at Darcastle.
Kink - (Poopkink, Jake) Frankin's brother.
Lady Squeak - Squeak's mate.
Lagasek - Spitemorta's guard who shot Daniel with a poisoned dart.
Laidir Borb Mathan - (Strong Fierce Bear) Donnel's protector.
Lance - King James's retainer since he was boy and his best friend.
Laora - dragonet, feathered daughter of Spark and Lipperella. Formed a bond with Edward.
Largeguard - castle guardsman who brought Yann-Ber before his father, Emperor Azenor.
Leeuh - Talamh Coille Graham's pet name fo
r Ugleeuh.
Leigheas - Elf healer driven from Niarg by the citizens during the great plague. He healed Minuet.
Liadan - (grey lady) Talamh Coille Graham's hired lady.
Lhigey - Obbree's Doolish unicorn.
Light - dragonet.
Lilee - Elf girl traumatized into shock by the trolls who made her help Doona turn the spit to cook their friend, Renny.
Lilly - scullery maid at Niarg Castle, who knew nothing about tea with Captain Bernard.
Lily - Rose and Fuzz's daughter, born at the New Dragon Caves.
Lipperella - naked dragon, Truth-Bearer (Truth-Teller) for dragons, Spark's wife.
Lira - King (Brude) Talorg's wife, mother of Myrtlebell (by King Theran of Bratin Brute), Tramae and Donnel.
Lizzie - naked dragon captive of the Gobblers.
Lladdwr - diatryma, husband of Ceidwad, Arwr's father.
Llafn Da - (Good Blade) King James's saber.
Llais, Rhyddid - (Freedom Voice) a printer who routinely posted broadsheets of news all over Niarg during the last days of the reign of King Henry (Hebraun's father).
Llewyrch - (Light) the soldier with the torch who helped Owain free King James.
Loach na Cait Dia - (Warrior Cat God) Tramae's protector.
Loeiz - Gweltaz's wife.
Longbark - the name of the Fairies' sage old oak, an everwaking oak, wide awake oak or derwin hollol effro, Quercus claudo-ilex R.
Longlee - Prince of Boneshire, Fannimore's escort at Rose's 16th Birthday party.
Lostgwyns - (Tailwind) the ship which took Captain Bernard and some of his men to Pirate Isle and thence to the beach east of the Port of Niarg, along Tnassip Road.
Lukus - Rose's brother, King Hebraun and Queen Minuet's son.
Lulach - little Elf girl captured during the first wave of the troll raid in which Doona died.
Lwch, Padell - Minuet's new chambermaid at post-Spitemorta Niarg.
Madadh-Allaidh Neartmhor - Mighty Wolf, deity, protector of King (Brude) Talorg.
Madog (Welsh) (Old Niarg) - the courier who delivered the plague infected kitten to Princess Branwen for Ugleeuh and who was tortured to death by Ugleeuh and Demonica.
Mael - a Cia in Demonica's service.
Mali - short for Jamali, Rose's