Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix
Niarg) - arm.
armee n. (Gwaelic Elven) - army.
armee n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - army.
ar mel n. (Headlandish) - honey.
arne (before consonants) 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - are.
arounde (Archaic Modern Niarg) - around.
arrachtach n. m. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - monster.
arrdsey (trollish) - first.
Arrdseyphnyrma (trollish) - Firstmother.
Arrdseyphnyrpheyfne (trollish) - Firstfather.
art 2nd pers. sing. pres. ind. (be) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - are, be.
artow (Archaic Modern Niarg) - art thou.
arwes (Archaic Modern Niarg) - arrows.
arwr n. m. (Old Niarg Standard) - hero.
aryved (Archaic Modern Niarg) - arrived.
as (Gwaelic Elven) - and.
as (never used as the first word in a sentence) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - as.
askellou an nenvou (Headlandish) - wings of the heavens, winged harbinger of the Fates - the equivalent of an angel.
a-slepe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - asleep.
assaile inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to assail.
asuyntey (a-suy-nt-ey) (trollish) - right.
asyde (Archaic Modern Niarg) - aside.
asyn n. m. (Old Niarg Standard) - donkey.
athair (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - father.
atte (Archaic Modern Niarg) - at.
auncetrye (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ancestry.
auncyen (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ancient.
aura (Archaic Modern Niarg) - aura - magical wind or emanation.
avel n. (Headlandish) - wind.
Avel a zo hiziv? (Headlandish) - Will it be windy today?
avyse 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - advise.
avysen 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - advise.
avysing (Archaic Modern Niarg) - advising.
awaite (Archaic Modern Niarg) - await.
awaken 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - awake.
awakyth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - awakes.
awayten 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - await.
awe, oh 1st sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - owe.
awefull, awfull (Archaic Modern Niarg) - awful.
awey (Archaic Modern Niarg) - away.
awfull, awefull (Archaic Modern Niarg) - awful.
Awst (Old Niarg Standard) - August.
axe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ask.
axe 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - I ask.
axed (Archaic Modern Niarg) - asked.
axen after hym (Archaic Modern Niarg) - asking about him.
axist thou (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ask you.
axynge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - asking.
Ay! Ye! (Gwaelic) - Hoy! Hey!
Ayd ben? (Gwaelic Elven) - Your Wife?
aynt (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ain't.
ayther, eyther (Archaic Modern Niarg) - either.
baase n. (Gwaelic Elven) - death.
babai n. pl. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - babies.
baban n. (Old Niarg Standard) - baby.
babban n. (Gwaelic Elven) - baby.
babelynge (Archaic Modern Niarg) - babbling.
babi n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - baby.
badde (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bad.
badh (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - drowned.
Bailitheoir Cailli (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Collector Witch.
Baineor Buile Cailli (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Mad Reaper Witch.
bagage n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - baggage.
bakke (Archaic Modern Niarg) - back.
bakward (Archaic Modern Niarg) - backwards.
bal (Archaic Modern Niarg) - ball.
balley cheerey n. (Gwaelic Elven) - country town.
ballis (Archaic Modern Niarg) - balls.
banrigh n. f. (Goblish-Beakish) - queen.
bar 3rd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bore.
barke n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bark.
barreres (Archaic Modern Niarg) - barriers.
Bata Millteanach (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Horrible Baton (Great Staff of Power).
battes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bats.
be 1st pers. pl., 2nd sing. subj., 3rd pers. sing. past, 3rd pers. pl. pres., 3rd pers. sing. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be.
be 3rd sing. pres. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - is.
Bec'h a zo warnoc'h! (Headlandish) - You are responsible!
bed n. (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bed.
bedd n. (Old Niarg Standard) - tomb.
bedde n. (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bed.
bede 2nd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bid.
beden, bidden (to beden) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to bid.
been 3rd pers. sing. past, 3rd pers. sing. fut. (hee wol been) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - as, to be.
beeren 3rd pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bore.
beest n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - beast.
begge 1st pers. sing., 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - beg.
begge (to begge) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to beg.
beggyng (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - begging.
beggynge (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - begging.
Beidh tu briseadh mo chroi. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - You'll break my heart.
beisht n. (Gwaelic Elven) - worm.
ben 3rd pers. sing. past, 3rd pers. pl. past (ther ben), 3rd pers. sing. fut. (hee wol ben) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be (was) (were), to be.
bene, buen inf. (to bene, to buen) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to be.
ben-rein n. (Gwaelic Elven) - queen.
beoth 2nd pers. pl., pres. imp. sing., pres. imp. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be.
beren inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to bear.
bereth 2nd pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bears.
berthen, burden (Archaic Modern Niarg) - burden.
beryng v. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bearing.
bese 1st pers. sing. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be.
besquites (Archaic Modern Niarg) - biscuits.
beste (Archaic Modern Niarg) - best.
besynesse (Archaic Modern Niarg) - business.
beth (before vowels) 2nd pers. sing. fut., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be, is, shall be.
beth (before vowels) 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - are, be ye.
bethe (before consonants) 2nd pers. sing. fut., 3rd. pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - be, is, shall be.
bethe (before consonants) 3rd. pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - are, be ye.
bewtee (Archaic Modern Niarg) - beauty.
beyng, beynge v. sbj. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - being.
beynge n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - being.
beyonde (Archaic Modern Niarg) - beyond.
bicche, bytche (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bitch
bidde 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bid.
bidden, beden (to bidden) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to bid.
biddeth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bids.
biden inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to bide, to stay.
bifore (Archaic Modern Niarg) - before.
bihan a. (Headlandish) - small.
bileve 1st pers. sing., 2nd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - believe.
bileven (to bileven) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to believe.
bileveth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - believes.
billey (Gwaelic Elven) - trees.
bilonged (Archaic Modern Niarg) - belonged.
bilongeth 3rd. pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - belongs.
biloved (Archaic Modern Niarg) - beloved.
birthe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - birth.
biskee (Gwaelic Elven) - biscuit.
bit (befor
e vowels), bitte (before consonants) n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bit.
bitseach n. f., bitsi a. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - bitch.
bitwix (Archaic Modern Niarg) - between.
blacnesse n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - blackness.
blak (before vowels), blake (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - black.
blanketis (Archaic Modern Niarg) - blankets.
blede 3rd pers. sing., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bleed.
blode (Archaic Modern Niarg) - blood.
blewe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - blue.
bo (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - cow.
boayl arrey n. (Gwaelic Elven) - look out.
bo Ciarrai (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Kerry cow.
bodhran n. m. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - an open backed, shallow drum with a 16"-18" head, played with a short double-headed stick.
body - bodi n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - body.
bodith 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bodes.
boille (to boille) (Archaic Modern Niarg) - to boil.
bondes (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bonds.
bonheddig (Old Niarg Standard) - noble.
bok n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - book.
boon n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bone.
bord (Archaic Modern Niarg) - board, table.
boter (Archaic Modern Niarg) - butter.
bothe, bathe (Archaic Modern Niarg) - both.
bothem (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bottom.
Boull c'hurun! (Headlandish) - Thunderation!
bounsing, bounsyng (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bouncing.
bour n. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bower.
boye (Archaic Modern Niarg) - boy.
boylid (Archaic Modern Niarg) - boiled.
brammer (Headlandish) - farter.
Bramm hep trouz na c'hwezh a zo labour difrouez, Kaoc'h ki glas! (Headlandish) Flatulence without noise or force is pointless, you excrement of a blue dog!
bramm ki du (Headlandish) - dog fart.
bran n. (Old Niarg Standard) - crow.
bras a. (Headlandish) - big.
brat (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - cloak or mantle.
braunche (Archaic Modern Niarg) - branch.
Brav! (Headlandish) - Bravo!
breeth (Archaic Modern Niarg) - breath.
breke 2nd pers. sing. pres., 3rd pers. sing. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - break.
breke fast (Archaic Modern Niarg) - breakfast.
breman (Headlandish) - now.
brenhines n. f. (Old Niarg Standard) - queen.
brenin n. m. (Old Niarg Standard) - king.
bretheren (Archaic Modern Niarg) - brethren.
brid, briddes pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg) - bird.
briseadh mo chroi (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - break my heart.
brod n. (Gwaelic