br />
52rooky i.e., full of birds
III.3 Outside the castle
2He...mistrust we need not mistrust this man
3offices duties
4To...just according to the precise instructions
6lated belated
7gain...inn reach the inn in good time
11within...expectation on the list of those invited
13His...about i.e., he's walking his horses
23Was't...way wasn't that the plan
III.4 The great hall of the palace
1degrees relative rank, order of precedence
4society the company
6keeps her state remains seated in her chair of state
10encounter greet
19nonpareil absolute best
21perfect flawless
22founded solidly based
23broad and general unconfined and omnipresent; casing enveloping
24cabined pent up; cribbed boxed in
25saucy insolent; safe safely disposed of (i.e., dead)
27trenched deep-furrowed
29worm snake
32hear ourselves speak together
33give the cheer toast the company; sold i.e., not freely given
34vouched affirmed
35To...home i.e., mere eating is best done at home
36From thence away from home
42challenge for accuse of
58extend his passion prolong his seizure
63air-drawn i.e., fashioned of air
64flaws outbursts
65to in comparison with
67Authorized told on the authority of
73our monuments i.e., our only tombs
74maws of kites bellies of ravens
77purged...weal rendered the state civilized
82murders on their crowns murderous wounds on their heads
92him we thirst him whom we long for
93all to all each toast the others
96speculation vision
98thing of custom i.e., nothing out of the ordinary
102Hyrcan from Hyrcania (classical name for the area on the south coast of the Caspian Sea; its tigers were proverbially fierce)
103but that i.e., but that of Banquo's ghost
105dare...desert challenge me to fight you in the desert
106If...inhabit if I make a habit of trembling
107The...girl a baby girl, or a girl's doll
111admired amazing
112overcome pass over
113-14You...owe you estrange me from my true nature (as a brave man)
114owe own
120Stand...going i.e., don't bother about precedence
125Augurs auguries; understood relations comprehensible relations of causes to effects
126maggotpies, choughs magpies, crows (both, like rooks, capable of imitating speech, and all three birds of ill omen)
127secret'st man of blood best-hidden murderer
131by the way casually; send send a messenger
133fee'd paid to spy
134betimes (1) speedily, (2) early
135bent determined
141scanned analyzed
142season (1) the best time (when nature is "in season"), (2) the seasoning (what makes life palatable)
143self-abuse delusion, hallucination
144initiate beginner's; wants hard use needs much practice
III.5 An open place (a non-Shakespearean scene; see the Introduction)
2beldams hags, witches
7close secret
8bear my part participate
11wayward willful, disobedient
15Acheron one of the rivers of Hades
18vessels cauldrons
24a vap'rous drop profound a misty "exhalation" with deep, hidden properties
26sleights artifices
27artificial (1) deceitful, (2) produced by artifice
29confusion damnation
32security overconfidence only you are missing
43'noint anoint myself (with a magic ointment)
46cull hug
64water's breach breaking waves
III.6 Somewhere in Scotland
1My former speeches what I have just said; hit coincided with
2interpret farther draw their own conclusions
8cannot...thought can avoid thinking
10fact crime
13thralls slaves
17borne carried off
19an't if it
21from broad words because of his blunt speech
25holds...birth withholds his birthright
29his high respect the great esteem for him
30upon his aid on Malcolm's behalf
31Northumberland, Siward (the English county bordering Scotland, and the family name of the Earl of Northumberland)
36free untainted
42cloudy angry
44clogs burdens
45-46Advise...provide caution him to keep as safe a distance as he can manage
IV.1 The witches' cave
1brindled striped
3Harpier (a familiar spirit, like Graymalkin and Paddock) poisonous sweat generated while asleep
12fenny marsh
16fork forked tongue; blindworm adder
23mummy mummified flesh; maw and gulf devouring stomach; gulf anything voracious
24ravined ravenous
31Ditch-delivered born in a ditch; drab whore
32slab thick, semiliquid
33chawdron guts
38 s.d. to 64 (the Hecate section is a non-Shakespearean addition)
46Mingle mix together (but with an obscene overtone: have intercourse; see l. 49)
50Firedrake will-o'-the-wisp
70black evil, malevolent
72that...profess your profession, witchcraft
75yeasty foaming
77bladed...lodged ripe wheat be flattened
79slope bend
81Nature's germens the essential seeds of nature
82sicken surfeit
85masters instruments, agents, experts (the spirits through whom they communicate with the occult world-a master is a skilled workman)
87nine farrow litter of nine; sweaten exuded
90office function
96harped hit the tune of
106take a bond of secure a guarantee from crown
117impress conscript
118bodements prophecies
121lease of nature full life span
121-22pay...custom be obligated only to age and normal death
124issue offspring
133 mirror
138Start burst, start from your sockets
143twofold...scepters two orbs and three scepters (the British royal insignia)
145blood-boltered matted with blood
147-54 (a non-Shakespearean addition)
149sprites spirits
152antic round grotesque dance
166anticipat'st forestall
167flighty fleeting hand i.e., I shall act at the moment I feel the first impulse
175trace follow; line family line
IV.2 Macduff's castle at Fife
4traitors i.e., betray our interests
7titles rights, what he is entitled to
9wants lacks
14coz (from "cousin," an affectionate diminutive)
15school control
16-17knows...season understands the violent conditions of the time
18-19we...ourselves we are considered traitors and do not know that we are
19-20hold...fear believe rumors based on what we fear
22Each way and none i.e., move every which way but in no settled direction
24will cease i.e., can get no worse
29my disgrace (because he would weep)
35lime birdlime (a sticky substance used to catch birds)
36gin trap
42sell deceive them
43-44with...thee indeed, you are witty enough
48swears and lies takes a vow and violates it
57enow enough
66in...perfect I am well aware of your nobility and virtue; state of honor (1) high status, (2) honorable character
67doubt fear
68homely plain
71fell deadly
72nigh near (i.e., I frighten you to save you from the worse cruelty threatening you)
83shag-haired unkempt, uncouth
84, 84egg, fry offspring of birds and fish, respectively
IV.3 In England, at the court of King Edward the Confessor
3fast tightly; mortal deadly
4downfall fallen; birthdom (1) homeland, (2) inheritance
8Like...dolor the same cry of grief
10to friend befriending me (i.e., propitious)
12sole name name alone
15wisdom you may consider it wise
19recoil hold back, withdraw
20In...charge (1) in an imperial military engagement, (2) under royal orders
21transpose change
22the brightest Lucifer
23wear...grace put on the appearance of goodness
26rawness suddenness, rudeness
29jealousies suspicions
32basis foundation
34The title is affeered (1) your claim is legally confirmed, (2) the valid claimant is frightened (afeard) of you
38as...fear entirely in fear
41withal moreover
43England the King of England
51particulars varieties; grafted implanted
52opened revealed
55confineless limitless
58Luxurious lecherous
59Sudden violent
64continent restraining
67nature human nature
71Convey manage
73-76There...inclined i.e., when you are king, more women will willingly offer to serve your lust than you can possibly consume
77ill-composed affection ill-regulated passion
78stanchless insatiable
79cut off execute
82that I should forge so that I would fabricate
86summer-seeming i.e., transitory and hot
87sword...slain cause of death of our
88foisons plenty
89mere very; portable bearable
93lowliness humility
95relish trace
96division variations
99Uproar throw into chaos
104untitled not entitled to rule
107interdiction prohibition
108blaspheme his breed slander his heritage
111Died i.e., turned away from this life
116scruples doubts
118trains plots
119modest cautious; plucks restrains
125For as
125-26am...woman have never slept with a woman
135at a point fully prepared
136we'll together we'll go on together
136-37the chance...quarrel let our good fortune match our just cause
140anon soon
142stay await; convinces overwhelms
143assay of art attempts of (medical) science
146the evil the King's Evil, scrofula (a painful inflammation of the lymph nodes, often accompanied by ulcerations)
150strangely visited seriously afflicted
152mere utter
153stamp coin or medal
154-56'tis...benediction it is said that he bequeaths the healing power to the monarchs who succeed him
156virtue power
159speak declare
162betimes quickly
166nothing no one
169marked noticed
170modern ecstasy commonplace emotion
171for who for whom it tolls
173or ere before; relation report
174nice particular
175hiss mock
176teems brings forth
182heavily borne sadly brought
183out in arms
184-85Which...afoot i.e., the fact that I saw Macbeth's troops on the march confirms my belief that his enemies, too, are mobilized
195latch catch
196-97fee-grief/Due private grief belonging (from "fee simple," absolute legal possession)
206quarry heap of game
208upon your brows down over your eyes
209speak i.e., speak to other people
210Whispers whispers to
212from thence away from home
219fell savage
220Dispute confront, contend with
225Naught wicked
230play...eyes weep
232intermission interval; Front to front face to face
236power army
237Our...leave we lack only formal permission to depart
239Put...instruments urge on their agents
V.1 Macbeth's castle at Dunsinane