Un billet de loterie. English
Sylvius Hogg was the name that the stranger inscribed upon theinn register, that same evening, directly underneath the name ofSandgoist, and there was as great a contrast between the two namesas between the men that bore them. Between them there was nothingwhatever in common, either mentally, morally, or physically. One wasgenerous to a fault, the other was miserly and parsimonious; one wasgenial and kind-hearted, in the arid soul of the other every noble andhumane sentiment seemed to have withered and died.
Sylvius Hogg was nearly sixty years of age, though he did not appearnearly so old. Tall, erect, and well built, healthy alike in mind andin body, he pleased at first sight with his handsome genial face, uponwhich he wore no beard, but around which clustered curling locks ofsilvery hair; eyes which were as smiling as his lips, a broad foreheadthat bore the impress of noble thoughts, and a full chest in whichthe heart beat untrammeled. To all these charms were added aninexhaustible fund of good humor, a refined and liberal nature, and agenerous and self-sacrificing disposition.
Sylvius Hogg, of Christiania--no further recommendation was needed.That told the whole story. And he was not only known, appreciated,loved and honored in the Norwegian capital, but throughout the entirecountry, though the sentiments he inspired in the other half of theScandinavian kingdom, that is to say in Sweden, were of an entirelydifferent character.
This fact can easily be explained.
Sylvius Hogg was a professor of law at Christiania. In some lands tobe a barrister, civil engineer, physician, or merchant, entitles oneto a place on the upper rounds of the social ladder. It is differentin Norway, however. To be a professor there is to be at the top of theladder.
Though there are four distinct classes in Sweden, the nobility,the clergy, the gentry, and the peasantry, there are but threein Norway--the nobility being utterly wanting. No aristocracy isacknowledged, not even that of the office-holder, for in this favoredcountry where privileged persons are unknown, the office-holderis only the humble servant of the public. In fact, perfect socialequality prevails without any political distinctions whatever.
Sylvius Hogg being one of the most influential men in the country, thereader will not be surprised to learn that he was also a member of theStorthing; and in this august body, by the well-known probity of hispublic and private life even more than by his mighty intellect, hewielded a powerful influence even over the peasant deputies elected insuch large numbers in the rural districts.
Ever since the adoption of the Constitution of 1814, it may betruly said that Norway is a republic with the King of Sweden forits president; for Norway, ever jealous of her rights, has carefullyguarded her individuality. The Storthing will have nothing whatever todo with the Swedish parliament; hence it is only natural that the mostprominent and patriotic members of the Storthing should be regardedwith distrust on the other side of the imaginary frontier thatseparates Sweden from Norway.
This was the case with Sylvius Hogg. Being extremely independent incharacter, and utterly devoid of ambition, he had repeatedly declineda position in the Cabinet; and a stanch defender of all the rightsof his native land, he had constantly and unflinchingly opposed anythreatened encroachment on the part of Sweden.
Such is the moral and political gulf between the two countries thatthe King of Sweden--then Oscar XV.--after being crowned at Stockholm,was obliged to go through a similar ceremony at Drontheim, the ancientcapital of Norway. Such too is the suspicious reserve of Norwegian menof business, that the Bank of Christiania is unwilling to accept thenotes of the Bank of Stockholm! Such too is the clearly defined lineof demarkation between the two nations that the Swedish flag floatsneither over the public buildings of Norway, nor from the masts ofNorwegian vessels. The one has its blue bunting, bearing a yellowcross; the other a blue cross upon a crimson ground.
Sylvius Hogg was a thorough Norwegian in heart and in soul, andstoutly defended her rights upon all occasions; so, when in 1854 theStorthing was discussing the question of having neither a viceroynor even a governor at the head of the state, he was one of the mostenthusiastic champions of the measure.
Consequently, though he was by no means popular in the eastern part ofScandinavia, he was adored in the western part of it, even in the mostremote hamlets. His name was a household word throughout Norway fromthe dunes of Christiansand to the bleak rocks of the North Cape, andso worthy was he of this universal respect that no breath of calumnyhad ever sullied the reputation of either the deputy or the professor.But though he was a Norwegian to the core he was a hot-blooded man,with none of the traditional coldness and apathy of his compatriots;but much more prompt and resolute in his thoughts and acts than mostScandinavians, as was proved by the quickness of his movements, theardor of his words, and the vivacity of his gestures. Had he been bornin France, one would have unhesitatingly pronounced him a Southerner.
Sylvius Hogg's fortune had never exceeded a fair competence, forhe had not entered into politics for the purpose of making money.Naturally unselfish, he never thought of himself, but continually ofothers; nor was he tormented by a thirst for fame. To be a deputy wasenough for him; he craved no further advancement.
Just at this time Sylvius Hogg was taking advantage of a three months'vacation to recuperate after a year of severe legislative toil. Hehad left Christiania six weeks before, with the intention of travelingthrough the country about Drontheim, the Hardanger, the Telemark, andthe districts of Kongsberg and Drammen. He had long been anxiousto visit these provinces of which he knew nothing; and his tripwas consequently one of improvement and of pleasure. He had alreadyexplored a part of the region, and it was on his return from thenorthern districts that the idea of visiting the famous falls of theRjukan--one of the wonders of the Telemark--first occurred to him. So,after surveying the route of the new railroad--which as yet existedonly on paper--between the towns of Drontheim and Christiania, he sentfor a guide to conduct him to Dal. He was to meet this guide on theleft bank of the Maan; but lured on by the beauties of the Maristien,he ventured upon the dangerous pass without waiting for his guide. Anunusual want of prudence in a man like him and one that nearly costhim his life, for had it not been for the timely assistance renderedby Joel and Hulda Hansen, the journey would have ended with thetraveler himself in the grim depths of the Rjukanfos.