One Hundred Poems, Volume IX
of comic called Fathom popped up?
It seems a superhero fight happened on a beach,
Thus one by one people online showed their reach,
And gave their thoughts in the form of speech,
Wherein lies a very good lesson to teach.
It showed an online reaction that was realistic,
Not a fake caricature carved out of lump of plastic,
But rather a multitude of people being agonistic,
How these controversies tend to be hedonistic.
Some simply stepped forth to make a case serious,
While others joked in a manner close to being delirious,
And while some views might be seen deleterious,
The sum of it all is not all that hideous.
Most of all: I can imagine it happening in real life,
It was not propaganda shoved down a throat with a knife,
I did not cringe hard enough to flee to distant Recife,
Just chuckled upon the accuracy more than rife.
So - I guess that is how politics is done right?
Lego Batman
It was not terrible,
It was oddly enjoyable,
Nonsensically impossible,
Breaking things unbreakable,
Leaping on with action excitable,
Its gravely charm is almost adorable,
And though some aspects are debatable,
My enjoyment of it is almost unbelievable,
But I wonder who is first to call it deplorable?
Is the fringe left going to shriek about white supremacy,
Or is the fringe right going to shriek about sexual degeneracy?
After all - everyone ended up wearing nothing but white,
And the 'two dad' jokes weren't exactly sleight.
Thy name comes from hypocrisy
To turn a blatant virtue signaller into a crook,
You do not need much of a bait and hook,
Just glance at what lies in their nook,
Give the spotlight a gentle shook,
And that was all that it took.
Why not house those refugees into your mansion,
After all: words are not louder than action,
Show us the extend of your passion,
Or was it borne out of fashion?
No one should demand others to improve the world,
Only your own work sees visions unfurled,
So lift up your arse or remain curled.
It is how one well known author revealed her hypocrisy,
When radio silence became her own policy.
Thus proving a famous age old adage; life comes at you fast.