Past Will Be Future
The Land of Punt is for Egyptians what the Heaven is for us. I hear in the Land of Punt the echo of the Land of Pont. The Pont civilization occupied the territory at the Black Sea. It was a high developed society whose cultural level was incomparable with the Neanderthal one. However, in about 30.000 BC the level of Pont or the Black Sea rose and flooded the land, destroying everything on its way to the interior. The Pont civilization vanished in the water cataclysm. Those who were lucky enough to escape it, fled to Europe and Asia Manor.
In Europe the Ponts are called Cromanions.
The memory of this wonderful Black Sea civilization, memory of the heavenly Pont survived in Egyptian’s Land of Punt. Egyptian aristocracy became obsessed with this land and so in the time of Moses the Pharaoh Hatshepsut sent her fleet to the sea to find it. The sailors never returned and it is not known whether they had found the Promised Land or not.
Simultaneously with the Pharaoh Hatshepsut Moses too set out with the Israelites in search of the Promised Land, however, he didn’t go in the search of the Land of Punt but of Canaan. At that time some important events took place on the Earth:
-minus 1629 there was a huge earthquake on Crete; (the period following it is known as the period of ten Egyptian plagues)
-minus 1584 Nibiru neared the Earth;
-minus 1595 Saturn in Jupiter are in the axes;
-minus 1575 there was a big revolt in Egypt
Some historians oppose those who claim that the Israelites had ever been in Egypt and they even do not believe in Moses, saying that there is not enough evidence for that. But I think differently. I find the evidence of the presence of the Israelites in Egypt in Sinhuet, a historically grounded figure in the time of Senvosret II. and Joseph of Egypt. Both, Sinhuet and Joseph of Egypt gave to the Pharaoh Palestine as a gift. At that time it was named Jaa.
In the continuation I am going to explain why I connect the Neanderthals and Ponts with the present day carnival figures in Slovenia.
The Neanderthals and Ponts are two civilizations, which crashed into one another. The first was, at least by appearance, in comparison with the second more animal-like. I see this duality in Kurents and Shrovetide figures.
In Slovenia there are two types of carnival figures, one are Kurents and the other are figures dressed up in masquerade costumes like everywhere in the world. (Among the most known and most beautiful carnivals are the carnivals in Brazil, Italy etc.). The Kurents are carnival figures from Ptujsko polje, Slovenia. They are dressed up in massive sheepskin garments and a chain with huge bells around their waists. The Shrovetide figures, carnival figures are dressed up in usually nice masquerade costumes. They all drive away winter and celebrate spring and the beginning of the new life. And at the end of the ceremonies, i.e on Ash Wednesday a Shrovetide figure is symbolically set on fire while Kurent is not.
The duality in appearance, animal-looking versus good-looking human, is first mentioned in the Old Testament. Esau and Jacob were twins, Isaac’s sons. Esau was all hairy, while Jacob’s skin was smooth. Therefore, I can draw parallels among Neanderthals and Kurents and Esau as well as among Ponts, Shrovetide figures and Jacob.
Let’s take a closer look at Jacob.
Isaac’s son Jakob reached a symbolic apotheosis (exaltation of a particularly deserving man to deity) in the word Neter. We can find the word Neter in esoteric texts and means revitalized from dead. The easiest way to understand this word is if we take a look at a parallel word for the revitalized Osiris, which is Nefer.
Jacob was given the name Israel by an angel with whom he had a furious fight. In this fight, which is in fact a fight of man against God (explained in the Bible), the angel hit Jacob’s hip and thus dislocated its articulation.
I am offering a new explanation of the word Israel and that is As-Ar-il (Azrail is in Islam the Angel of Death). The angel did not kill Jacob because he yielded to God’s will. That’s why he is given a second name Neter by the Esotericists. The one who survived.
There are some other words that keep the word Pont or Punt alive:
Pontius Pilate: Punt and Pont respectively is kept in the word Pontius, while Pilate derives from Vedic Pipalad, who is one of the greatest seers of all times. (Pilate thought of himself as the King of esotericism, hence his cry of surprise to Jesus: Are you the King?)
There are other words that have close connection to the word Pont: pontica, patagan, pacov (Serbian word for a rat), pons (pontis), pontifex. I connect Ponc and Pontifex with the word podgana (Slovenian word for a rat – pontica)
Podaga (Slavic Goddess)
My guess is that the words Pont/Punt are very near the pre-word, (the aborigine word)
I have mentioned words of Pont orgin; pontica, pontifex and Pontius. These words need some explanations:
Pontica: The European Neanderthals named the rat pontica, which suggests that they themselves did not know rats and so they lacked their own word for it. When they saw it with the Ponts they named it after them: pontica.
The Romans made a step further. Probably watching the rat, its behavior etc. they named it rattus, meaning sense. I believe that the word pontica regarding its age is equivalent to the dual Pont/Punt. If the pontica is Pont/Punt and therefore a sacred being, then rattus, as a rational being is not. Thus rats drifted away from heaven, from abstraction. Such is the case with all animals. There would be no profit in abstraction for the animals. Man’s freedom was deformed by abstraction to such a degree that he belongs neither to the heaven nor to the animal world on the Earth. Here is another advantage of the rat over the man – man’s knowledge is not genetically passed on his descendants, while animal’s is. It is known that the alphabet was created by copying the signs on butterflies’ wings and this is another example of animals’ victory over men.
Pontifex, Latin pons, Pontis derives from the word pontica. Pontifex is the one collecting bridge toll and is of course a lord and the pioneer of economy. A lord, a representative of the authority over the Neanderthals, the newcomer Pont. The Latin word pontifex retained the older word Pont, which excellence cannot be doubted taking into account that the pontifex today is Pope.
Pontius Pilate: duplication of the pontic sense and authority. Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor, served as the perfect of Judaea. By washing his hands and acknowledging Jesus’ superiority over himself, his character glitters in the history with all its glory. Pialad is a character from Vedas, written in Sanskrit, meaning a topmost scholar. Ancient word Pipalad combined with the ancient word Pontius – this reveals deep knowledge of power and meaning of words.)
This are three levels of the word Pont or Punt (pontica, pontifex, Pontius), all of them radiating more back to its source, toward its pre-word (aborigin word) than forward into our time.
I am dealing with different roles of women (Biblical or early historian) in this essay, as well as with the attitude of men towards women and vice versa, the attitude of the Church and the civil society towards women, and with their important role that I foresee in the future.
Let me begin with two exclamations of Jesus to Mary, his mother: ‘Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come!’ and ‘Woman, behold thy son!’
All biblical apocrypha as well as the prominent theosophy, a theory that has its own public school, keep explaining these two Jesus’ exclamations directed to his mother Mary as the son talking to his lover, who is at the same time his mother, which used to be a custom among the pagans. I strongly object to this that’s why I decided to explain in the existent essay how I understand both exclamations.
In the Gospel is written:
‘Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come!’
Woman, behold thy son!
The word woman in these exclamations does not mean a woman literally, a female but a human being, man (not male). That is what we often hear in some exclamations:
Du, Mensch! (ge
Zensko nogometno mostvo (Slovenian: women’s football team – team is a masculine gender)
If theosophist explanation of both Jesus’ exclamations were correct, then the attitude of the New Testament towards Mary would be highly profane. What gives to think is that it is not profane towards other women it mentions.
Let’s look at an example: There in the Bible, in the Old as well as in the New Testament, other women are mentioned, many not just as holy as we would expect. They are Eve, Luluwa, Sarah, Pharaoh's daughter, Rebecca, Leah, Mara Naomi, Ruth, Deborah, Jahela, Judith, Magdalene, the Queen of Sheba Bilqis, Makeda respectively. Some of them were even whores with God’s consent, some murderers. From today’s point of view such act, whether committed by a man or a woman, is not acceptable. However, the Bible declares them heroines.
On one side there are heroines who should be punished, on the other inhumane attitude towards the women who don’t deserve it. That’s what I find unacceptable or weird.
Adam tells on Eve to God as if he weren’t as guilty as she. He even goes further blaming God for giving him a woman like that. And God punishes Eve in her further life with bigger troubles than Adam.
The unfortunate destiny of Lot’s wife (Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt, yet nothing happened to their daughters who later had an intercourse with their