The LOMMETRUS Chronicles: Book One: The Abduction of William Baxter
Chapter 22
Our transporter stopped in front of a dwelling made of stacked rocks and shoots from plants native to the region---these shoots were thatched together to form a roof. The sleek ALVERON transporter looked abnormal and futuristic among the modest dwellings it was situated next to. The door opened to the dwelling and a blond girl; a child, appeared in front of us. She spoke to DRUCKER who responded with a tender tone in his voice. This is his daughter---this is DRUCKER’S home; I realized.
“We’ll need to get some clean water and bandages for that gash,” KATRAVIN said to Miles.
Miles nodded.
“We’ll need elements for the remedy too,” KATRAVIN added.
We carefully placed Sonya in a room that had a bed which gave the impression of being worn out at first glance but was significantly cushioned. The blood had dried and her wound took on a new severity when the bulky rock fragment was pulled from Sonya’s side. A loud scream followed by the surge of more blood that spilled out over Sonya’s stomach. Miles shifted his weight so that he applied pressure to the wound. Sonya reached for Miles’ arm and clenched it tightly. DRUCKER came into the room with a GLYSTIN metal cup full of liquid. He placed one hand under her head, gently elevating it for Sonya to drink. After the first sip she coughed and made noises of disgust.
“No, No…I can’t,” Sonya said. Tears streamed down Sonya’s face.
“You must,” KATRAVIN insisted.
She took the cup from DRUCKER. DRUCKER propped Sonya’s head up with padding and then used both hands to force her mouth open. KATRAVIN poured the liquid on Sonya’s gash and then down her mouth as Miles reached with one arm to hold Sonya’s nose. She feebly fought KATRAVIN’S attempt to pour the drink down her throat. I stood there; feeling helpless and curious at what I was witnessing. I was unaware at the time that the liquid she was fighting them would ruin Sonya’s sense of taste for an extended time. The main ingredient was mordant in its raw state but vital to her complete recovery and it would clean the wound quickly; chemically cauterize the wound and ultimately, save her life. The remedy had to be drunk for its fullest effect. It was a miracle element that the human body responded positively to.
When the medicine had been consumed thoroughly, Sonya went into a deep rest that would keep her asleep for days while her body recovered. The effects of the remedy were already evident in the appearance of Sonya’s vicious hack to the flesh but it was explained to me by Miles, her vitals went into a shock after she was wounded. Time was precious and the concoction DRUCKER brought was going to need time for a complete heal.
“We would have preferred using a manufactured alternative that is similar to the one which helped you recover but none was available,” Miles said.
“How long will it take? Or rather…how much time will she need before we try to leave through the portal,” I said?
“It depends on her but she might be recovered enough in a few days.”
“A few days…but we haven’t got that much time. The ALVERONS are closing in,” KATRAVIN said.
Miles then added; “Maybe we’ve bought ourselves at least that much time moving into the village. It will take them time to sort through every dwelling in the village.”
“Maybe…but what if they begin their search on this side of the village,” I asked?
DRUCKER then said something to Miles. The two talked and I looked to KATRAVIN for an interpretation.
“They are talking about an underground hiding location they constructed shortly after the SCHWEXION storm. It is near this place. Wait now…what?”
KATRAVIN ended the interpreting for me and spoke directly to Miles in her native language. The two seemed to be arguing now. I looked at DRUCKER who had his own words to add but I still didn’t know what was upsetting KATRAVIN.
Finally, I stepped between them and said; “What’s going on?” I looked to KATRAVIN who then turned away and then to Miles.
“I don’t think we should risk the opportunity of getting you and KATRAVIN out of here. I want you guys to continue with the plan of leaving through the portal tonight. I will stay with Sonya and bring her back to Earth when she is well,” Miles said.
I had considered the possibility that Miles wouldn’t even attempt to come back to Earth---content with leaving KATRAVIN safe on Earth and away from the ALVERON council. This new development meant he had to get back to Earth. He wouldn’t risk the council finding Sonya and eventually using her for their schemes against Earth or even just killing her. I knew this would be difficult for KATRAVIN though.
“We can wait a few days---hide in the location that DRUCKER mentioned,” I said.
Miles shook his head. “It will be easier to protect and hide one person. I need you to get my sister to safety. We’ll leave for the portal tonight,” Miles said.
Miles then moved over to where DRUCKER was---standing by Sonya’s side---and the two continued in conversation. I embraced KATRAVIN---she was upset even after Miles explained his reasons for KATRAVIN and me to continue without him.
Miles devised a plan from the blueprints of the facility that ARCHINE retrieved. The plan would get us past the two GARGIAN’S at the main door and into the room with the portal. All of this would be done without detection; albeit, KATRAVIN and I would be worlds away before the use of this machine went noticed. A critical area of design in the blueprints revealed a GLYSTIN vapor valve located directly above the main door of the lab room where the portal is presently kept. If this valve was released from the main computer, the GARGIANS and anyone else standing directly below it, would at the very least be knocked unconscious for a moment. Access to the main computer would also work in allowing KATRAVIN and me to get through the main door---as well as powering the portal. And an added benefit to having an ALVERON guard helping us---the main computer room could be accessed using ARCHINE’S GLYSTIN metal security clearance bracelet. Once inside; it would be a similar situation to what happened at the facility on ALVERON. KATRAVIN and I would have to just wait for the locked doors to be breached from the control room---then we’d run into the lab and go through the portal.
Our transporter was cleared for entry into the FLASHCIN facility and it landed between the main building and docking station. Miles pointed at a building that was situated inconspicuously behind three transportation shuttles.
“According to DRUCKER; the portal is in that building,” Miles said.
“So we just walk through the front door,” I said dryly.
“No, you will need to be more discrete than that as the security scans will not allow either of you into the building.”
“Well then, how do we get in?”
“There is a waste disposal outlet that runs beneath the building. Your point of entry is over there.”
Miles pointed to an access door which had a familiar quality of appearance and of size to the man-hole plates I’d walk over on my way to work---except this access door was made of GLYSTIN metal. It was also positioned on the side of this building and not in the ground.
“Once you pass through the entry, you will need to crawl fifteen…twenty feet where access grating can be pushed through for entry into the building. This should bring you into a hallway. Take precaution in traveling down the hall past the lab rooms. When you get to the end; around the corner will be the main experimental lab with the highest security for clearance and most likely; our anticipated GARGIANS in front of those doors. Wait for the vapor to release. The vapor will be overpowering to the senses so you will need one of these to pass into the lab room.”
Miles handed KATRAVIN and I a face cover that was the size of a surgical mask. I tried it on; fitting it over my nose and mouth.
Miles continued; “It may take several minutes to power the portal. This is where the plan goes into uncertainty for me. Hopefully; between ARCHINE and me, we’ll be able to operate this portal technology.”
This admission of unknowing by Miles gave me the opportunity to express a concern I’d h
ad since finding out about the portal; something I was sure CHANAH hadn’t thought of.
“Once we pass through the portal and reach the destination on Earth…I mean…where exactly will KATRAVIN and I end up? Earth is a big planet. And is there any way you can ensure we don’t end up somewhere in the middle of an ocean or even arrive at some meeting among a group of Taliban?”
“What is Taliban,” KATRAVIN asked?
Miles didn’t answer KATRAVIN but continued; “There is just no way of knowing anything for sure until I get in there William. Look; this is your only way out of the LOMMETRUS. I trust what CHANAH said to us about DRUCKER---about coming here. Somehow or someway---I just know this works. I can’t explain it in detail but…just trust me. Both of you will be fine.”
Miles pep talk wasn’t the same inspirational stuff made from Knute Rockne speeches but I did realize then that I wasn’t the only one who believed in CHANAH’S purpose for coming to NOBI. He was right. No matter what we encountered on this planet, we could trust that CHANAH was somehow aware of what could happen---that by sending us here to NOBI, there was at least a chance that all of this works out for the good. It was the name DRUCKER that CHANAH spoke of and DRUCKER the man sent us to this place.
“Okay. I trust you Miles. KATRAVIN and I will see you on Earth,” I said.
I moved toward Miles and embraced him.
“Thank you,” Miles said.
I pulled away and looked at him. He gave me a nod of assurance. Tears were coming from KATRAVIN’S eyes now. She put her hands on top of Miles’ head.
“You’ll be safe on Earth and I will be joining you soon,” Miles said.
KATRAVIN didn’t say anything but nodded. However, when she did say something, it was directed at ARCHINE.
She gave a nod to ARCHINE who then placed his hands on top of KATRAVIN’S head and spoke his own words.
He released his hands from KATRAVIN’S head and gave a nod. I then felt compelled to embrace ARCHINE. Miles facial expression appeared pleased at this. Miles also seemed amused at ARCHINE’S own confused facial expression.
When I released from him, he put his hands on top of my head and said, “MACHTU MACHTU WILL…UM.”
KATRAVIN and Miles both smiled at this.
Then the transporter door opened and KATRAVIN was the first to step out. And it was just as I was getting out that Miles grabbed me by the arm.
“Don’t forget the package. Get to the package first,” Miles said.
The transporter door closed and it moved toward the main building. I stood there for a moment. Get to the package first---what does that mean? Is that the first thing I need to do when I get to Earth or perhaps---could there be someone else after the package? Someone else…but…who?
“Com’ on William,” KATRAVIN said.
She was already at the access door.
I rushed to her with this new idea on my mind---got to focus on getting back to Earth first. When I reached KATRAVIN; she already had the heavy GLYSTIN cover plate of the access tunnel off. I crawled in first. The space was bigger than the vent at the hotel as I could crawl hunched on the bottoms of my forearms and on my knees. My awareness promptly focused in the distance of that dark crawl space toward the tiny beams of artificial light that shot through the grid cover of the floor above me.
I could hear the faint murmur of conversation as I approached the cover. There was no telling from this spot just how close those voices were. I lay still now; unsure if it is safe to lift the cover. Maybe raise it for a peak but if by chance the eyes of those in conversation happened to be looking in this direction; KATRAVIN and I would be trapped. No---I had to be certain. I waited awhile till the voices were no more and even a short time after. KATRAVIN nudged me.
In a whispered tone she said, “We haven’t much time.”
I agreed---we didn’t. Miles and the others probably had control of the main computer now and the GLYSTIN vapor might have already been released. Just as I was about to push through the floor and slide the grid covering over; the sound of footsteps approaching halted my advances. It was in fact; many footsteps that I heard and they were running---running away from the main lab room. I now looked up and saw the hurried movement of feet race over the grid cover. Had the vapor already been released? I reached for my face cover and looked back toward KATRAVIN who had the appearance of being ahead of me in this thought.
The whites of KATRAVIN’S eyes danced; betraying the anxious thoughts streaming through her at that very moment. And then; it was as if she had the capacity to instantaneously ignore the fear, her eyes had steadied and she squeezed past me toward the grid covering. She pushed through the floor and climbed out onto the surface. When I pulled myself up, I saw the thick film of the GLYSTIN vapor at one end of the hall.
KATRAVIN put one hand over her mask to secure it---as did I. Then as we passed through the damp air and around the corner; two large hairy masses came into view---each laying flat in front of the open lab room doors. I couldn’t conjure up enough courage to view these creatures that had the hellish resemblance of the GARGIAN in the AVERWOODS. Instead; I hurried past them and through the doors---finally catching KATRAVIN who was standing just in front of the projected greenish abyss that loomed in the middle of the room’s floor. I reached for her and she clenched my hand with hers.
“Are you ready for this,” I asked? KATRAVIN responded with a nod of head but I knew probably better than anyone that nothing really prepares you for a visit to an alien planet.
Our eyes met. I wanted to tell her that she would be all right and that I would make sure she’d be protected on Earth as she had helped me stay safe in her world. It might have been the dangerous few days that had led us to this moment as well as the anticipated uncertainty inside the portal but I did something that even surprised me---and it surprised KATRAVIN. The GLYSTIN vapor had not reached the edge of the portal so I slipped the mask below my chin. I pulled KATRAVIN’S down past her chin. My eyes shifted toward her mouth. I raised the heels of my feet and then leaned toward her and kissed KATRAVIN on her lips. They were soft and warm. I felt a hesitation from her at first but it was brief. KATRAVIN pulled me in toward her. She embraced me.
I was removed from the insanity around us in that moment. The portal; the two GARGIAN guards waking up from their unconscious state and the alien galaxy that I was still in seemed a distant memory---only KATRAVIN stayed real. Our souls had finally connected. I can’t be sure how long we stayed in that place but it was the rousing of the GARGIANS that finally brought us back.
“WHAA GEE TAH BOOO, WHAA GEE TAH BOOO;” one of the GARGIANS shouted out!
KATRAVIN pulled away. I turned and saw one GARGIAN still on the floor but sitting up in a daze. The other was now standing. His black eyes were squinted and looking in our direction.
“We have to jump in before it’s too late;” KATRAVIN exclaimed!
For a second time now; I reached for KATRAVIN’S hand and clenched it in mine. We both turned toward the portal and looked down into it. An image of plunging into my aunt and uncle’s pond when I was younger culminated when I finally jumped into the eerie pale-green chasm that was the portal door to Earth.