The Complete Poems
And wove them bodies calling them her belovd sons & daughters
Employing the daughters in her looms & Los employd the Sons
In Golgonoozas Furnaces among the Anvils of time & space
Thus forming a Vast family wondrous in beauty & love
And they appeard a Universal female form created
From those who were dead in Ulro from the Spectres of the dead
And Enitharmon namd the Female Jerusa[le]m the holy
Wondring she saw the Lamb of God within Jerusalems Veil
The divine Vision seen within the inmost deep recess
Of fair Jerusalems bosom in a gently beaming fire
Then sang the Sons of Eden round the Lamb of God & said
Glory Glory Glory to the holy Lamb of God
Who now beginneth to put off the dark Satanic body
Now we behold redemption Now we know that life Eternal
Depends alone upon the Universal hand & not in us
10 Is aught but death In individual weakness sorrow & pain
[Daughters of Beulah describe] We behold with wonder Enitharmons Looms & Los’s Forges
And the Spindles of Tirzah & Rahab and the Mills of Satan & Beelzeboul
In Golgonooza Los’s anvils stand & his Furnaces rage
[The hard dentant hammers are lulld by the flute lula lula The bellowing furnaces blare by the long sounding Clarion]
Ten thousand demons labour at the forges Creating Continually
The times & spaces of Mortal Life the Sun the Moon the Stars
In periods of Pulsative furor beating into [bars] wedges & bars
Then drawing into wires the terrific Passions & Affections
10 Of Spectrous dead. Thence to the Looms of Cathedron conveyd
The Daughters of Enitharmon weave the ovarium & the integument
In soft silk drawn from their own bowels in lascivious delight
With songs of sweetest cadence to the turning spindle & reel
Lulling the weeping spectres of the dead. Clothing their limbs
With gifts & gold of Eden. Astonishd stupified with delight
The terrors put on their sweet clothing on the banks of [the Moon] Arnon
Whence they plunge into the river of space for a period till
The dread Sleep of Ulro is past. But Satan [receives] Og & Sihon
Build Mills of resistless wheels to unwind the soft threads & reveal
20 Naked of their clothing the poor spectres before the accusing heavens
While Rahab & Tirzah far different mantles prepare webs of torture
Mantles of despair girdles of bitter compunction shoes of indolence
Veils of ignorance covering from head to feet with a cold web
We look down into Ulro we behold the Wonders of the Grave
Eastward of Golgonooza stands the Lake of Udan Adan In
Entuthon Benithon [it is] a Lake not of Waters but of Spaces
Perturbd black & deadly on [the] its Islands & [the] its Margins [of this Lake]
The Mills of Satan and Beelzeboul stand round the roots of Urizens tree
For this Lake is formd from the tears & sighs & death sweat of the Victims
30 Of Urizens laws. to irrigate the roots of the tree of Mystery
They unweave the soft threads then they weave them anew in the forms
Of dark death & despair & none from Eternity to Eternity could Escape
But [All] thou O Universal Humanity who is One Man blessed for Ever
Recievest the Integuments woven Rahab beholds the Lamb of God
She smites with her knife of flint She destroys her own work
Times upon times thinking to destroy the Lamb blessed for Ever
He puts off the clothing of blood he redeems the spectres from their bonds
He awakes the sleepers in Ulro the Daughters of Beulah praise him
They anoint his feet with ointment they wipe them with the hair of their head
We now behold the Ends of Beulah & we now behold
Where Death Eternal is put off Eternally
Assume the dark Satanic body in the Virgins womb
O Lamb divin[e] it cannot thee annoy O pitying one
Thy pity is from the foundation of the World & thy Redemption
Begun Already in Eternity Come then O Lamb of God
Come Lord Jesus come quickly
So sang they in Eternity looking down into Beulah.
The war roard round Jerusalems Gates it took a hideous form
20 Seen in the aggregate a Vast Hermaphroditic form
[Heaving ? tw] Heavd like an Earthquake labring with convulsive groans
Intolerable at length an awful wonder burst
From the Hermaphroditic bosom Satan he was namd
Son of Perdition terrible his form dishumanizd monstrous
A male without a female counterpart a howling fiend
Fo[r]lorn of Eden & repugnant to the forms of life
Yet hiding the shadowy female Vala as in an ark & Curtains
Abhorrd accursed ever dying an Eternal death
Being multitudes of tyrant Men in union blasphemous
30 Against the divine image. Congregated Assemblies of wicked men
Los said to Enitharmon Pitying I saw
Pitying the Lamb of God Descended thro Jerusalems gates
To put off Mystery time after time & as a Man
Is born on Earth so was he born of Fair Jerusalem
In mysterys woven mantle & in the Robes of Luvah
He stood in fair Jerusalem to awake up into Eden
The fallen Man but first to [rend the Veil of Mystery] Give his vegetated body
[And then call Urizen & Luvah & Tharmas & Urthona]
To be cut off & separated that the Spiritual body may be Reveald
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The Lamb of God stood before [Urizen] Satan opposite
In Entuthon Benithon in the shadows of torments & woe
Upon the heights of [Entuthon that] Amalek taking refuge in his arms
The Victims fled from punishment [that] for all his words were peace
[He] Urizen calld together the Synagogue of Satan in dire Sanhedrim
To Judge the Lamb of God to Death as a murderer & robber
As it is written he was numberd among the transgressors
Cold dark opake the Assembly met twelvefold in Amalek
Twelve rocky unshapd forms terrific forms of torture & woe
10 Such seemd the Synagogue to distant view [around] amidst them [stood] beamd
A False Feminine Counterpart of Lovely Delusive Beauty
Dividing & Uniting at will in the Cruelties of Holiness
Vala drawn down into a Vegetated body now triumphant
The Synagogue of Satan Clothed her with Scarlet robes & Gems
And on her forehead was her name written in blood Mystery
When viewd remote She is One when viewd near she divides
To multitude as it is in Eden so permitted because
It was the best possible in the State called Satan to Save
From Death Eternal & to put off Satan Eternally
20 The Synagogue Created her from Fruit of Urizens tree
By devilish arts abominable unlawful unutterable
Perpetually vegetating in detestable births
Of Female forms beautiful thro poisons hidden in secret
Which give a tincture to false beauty [therefore they were calld
The daughters &] there was hidden within
The bosom of Satan The false Female as in an ark & veil
Which christ must rend & her reveal Her Daughters are Calld
Tirzah She is namd Rahab their various divisions are [namd] calld
The Daughters of Amalek Canaan & Moab binding on the [Stems] Stones
Their victims & with [songs] knives tormenting them singin
g with tears
30 Over their victims Hear ye the song of the Females of Amalek
O thou poor human form O thou poor child of woe
Why dost thou wander away from Tirzah why me compell to bind thee
If thou dost go away from me I shall consume upon the rocks
These fibres of thine eyes that used to wander in distant heavens
Away from me I have bound down with a hot iron
These nostrils that Expanded with delight in morning skies
I have bent downward with lead molten in my roaring furnaces
My soul is seven furnaces incessant roars the bellows
Upon my terribly flaming heart the molten metal runs
40 In channels thro my fiery limbs O love O pity O pain
O the pangs the bitter pangs of love forsaken
Ephraim was a wilderness of joy where all my wild beasts ran
The river Kanah wanderd by my sweet Manassehs side
[To see the boy spring into heaven sounding from my sight]
Go Noah fetch the girdle of strong brass heat it red hot
Press it around the loins of this expanding cruelty
Shriek not so my only love
Bind him down Sisters bind him down on Ebal mount of Cursing
Malah come forth from Lebanon & Hoglah from Mount sinai
50 Come circumscribe this tongue of sweets & with a Screw of iron
Fasten this Ear into the Rock Milcah the task is thine
Weep not so sisters weep not so our life depends on this
Or mercy & truth are fled away from Shechem & Mount Gilead
Unless my beloved is bound upon the Stems of Vegetation
Such are the songs of Tirzah such the loves of Amalek
The Lamb of God descended thro the twelve portions of Luvah
Bearing his sorrows & rec[iev]ing all his cruel wounds
Thus was the Lamb of God condemnd to Death
They naild him upon the tree of Mystery weeping over him
And then mocking & then worshipping calling him Lord & King
Sometimes as twelve daughters lovely & sometimes as five
They stood in beaming beauty & sometimes as one even Rahab
[In which is Tirzah untranslucent an opake covering]
Who is Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots
[And Rahab stripd off Luvahs robes from off the lamb of God
Then first she saw his glory & her harlot form appeard
10 In all its turpitude beneath the divine light & of Luvahs robes
She made herself a Mantle
Also the Vegetated bodies which Enitharmon wove in her looms
Opend within the heart & in the loins & in the brain
To Beulah & the dead in Beulah descended thro their gates
And some were woven one fold some two fold & some threefold
In head or heart or reins according to the fittest order
Of most mournful pity&compassion to the spectrous dead]
[She] Jerusalem saw the Body dead upon the Cross She fled away
Saying Is this Eternal Death Where shall I hide from Death
20 Pity me Los pity me Urizen & [build] let us build
A Sepulcher & worship Death in fear while yet we live
Death! God of All from whom we rise to whom we all return
And Let all Nations [in] of the Earth worship at the Sepulcher
With Gifts & Spices with lamps rich embossd jewels & gold
Los took the Body from the Cross Jerusalem weeping over
They bore it to the Sepulcher which Los had hewn in the rock
Of Eternity for himself he hewd it despairing of Life Eternal
40 [And] But when Rahab had cut off the Mantle of Luvah from
The Lamb of God it rolld apart, revealing to all in heaven
And all on Earth the Temple & the Synagogue of Satan & Mystery
Even Rahab in all her turpitude Rahab divided herself
She stood before Los in her Pride [above] among the Furnaces
Dividing & uniting in Delusive feminine pomp questioning him
He answerd her with tenderness & love not uninspird
Los sat upon his anvil stock they sat beside the forge
Los wipd the sweat from his red brow & thus began
To the delusive female forms shining among his furnaces
50 I am that shadowy Prophet who six thousand years ago
Fell from my station in the Eternal bosom. I divided
To multitude & my multitudes are children of Care & Labour
O Rahab I behold thee I was once like thee a Son
Of Pride and I also have piercd the Lamb of God in pride & wrath
Hear me repeat my Generations that thou mayst also repent
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And these [Were] are the Sons of Los & Enitharmon. Rintrah Palamabron
Theotormon Bromion Antamon Ananton Ozoth Ohana
Sotha Mydon Ellayol Natho Gon Harhath Satan
Har Ochim Ijim Adam Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naphtali
Gad Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin David Solomon
Paul Constantine Charlemaine Luther Milton
These [were their] are our daughters Ocalythron Elynittria Oothoon Leutha
Elythiria Enanto Manathu Vorcyon Ethinthus Moab Midian
Adah Zillah Caina Naamah Tamar Rahab Tirzah Mary
10 And myriads more of Sons & Daughters to whom [their] our love increasd
To each according to the multiplication of their multitudes
But Satan accusd Palamabron before [Los] his brethren also he maddend
The horses of palambrons harrow wherefor Rintrah & Palamabron
Cut him off from Golgonooza. But Enitharmon in tears
Wept over him Created him a Space closd with a tender moon
And he rolld down beneath the fires of Orc a Globe immense
Crusted with snow in a dim void. here by the Arts of Urizen
He tempted many of the Sons & Daughters of Los to flee
Away from [Los] Me first Reuben fled then Simeon then Levi then Judah
20 Then Dan then Naphtali then Gad then Asher then Issachar
Then Zebulun then Joseph then Benjamin twelve sons of Los
And this is the manner in which Satan became the Tempter
There is a State namd Satan learn distinct to know O [Mortals] Rahab
The Difference between States & Individuals of those States
The State namd Satan never can be redeemd in all Eternity
But when Luvah in Orc became a Serpent he des[c]ended into
That State calld Satan Enitharmon breathd forth on the Winds
Of Golgonooza her well beloved knowing he was Orc’s human remains
She tenderly lovd him above all his brethren he grew up
30 In mothers tenderness The Enormous worlds rolling in Urizens power
Must have given Satan by these mild arts Dominion over all
Wherefore [Rintrah &] Palamabron being accusd by Satan to Los
Calld down a Great Solemn assembly Rintrah in fury & fire
Defended Palamabron & rage filld the Universal Tent
Because Palamabron was good naturd Satan supposd he feard him
And Satan not having the Science of Wrath but only of Pity
Was soon condemnd & wrath was left to wrath & Pity to Pity
Rintrah & Palamabron Cut sheer off from Golgonooza
Enitharmons Moony space & in it Satan & his companions
40 They rolld down a dim world Crusted with Snow deadly &dark
Jerusalem pitying them wove them mantles of life & death
Times after times And those in Eden sent Lucifer for their Guard
Lucifer refusd to die for Satan & in pride he forsook his charge
Then they sent Molech Molech was impatient They sent
Molech impatient They Sent Elohim who created Adam
To die for Satan Adam refusd but was compelled to die
By Satans arts. Then the Eternals Sent Shaddai
Shaddai was angry Pachad descended Pachad was terrified
And then they Sent Jehovah who leprous stretchd his hand to Eternity
50 Then Jesus Came & Died willing beneath Tirzah & Rahab
Thou art that Rahab Lo the Tomb what can we purpose more
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Lo Enitharmon terrible & beautiful in Eternal youth
Bow down before her you children & set Jerusalem free
Rahab burning with pride & revenge departed from Los
Los dropd a tear at her departure but he wipd it away in hope
She went to Urizen in pride the Prince of Light beheld
Reveald before the face of heaven his secret holiness
Darkness & sorrow coverd all flesh Eternity was darkend
Urizen sitting in his web of dece[i]tful Religion [was? darkend]
30 [He] felt the female death a dull & numming stupor such as neer
Before assaulted the bright human form he felt his pores
Drink in the deadly dull delusion horrors of Eternal death
Shot thro him Urizen sat Stonied upon his rock
Forgetful of his own Laws pitying he began to Embrace
The Shadowy Female since life cannot be quenchd Life exuded
His eyes shot outwards then his breathing nostrils drawn forth
Scales coverd over a cold forehead & a neck outstretchd
Into the deep to sieze the shadow scales his neck & bosom
Coverd & scales his hands & feet upon his belly falling
40 Outstretchd [over] thro the immense his mouth wide opening tongueless
His teeth a triple row he strove to sieze the shadow in vain
And his immense tail lashd the Abyss his human form a Stone
A form of Senseless Stone remaind in terrors on the rock
Abominable to the eyes of mortals who explore his books
His wisdom still remaind & all his memory stord with woe
And still his stony form remaind in the Abyss immense
Like the pale visage in its sheet of lead that cannot follow
Incessant stern disdain his scaly form gnaws inwardly
With deep repentance for the loss of that fair form of Man
50 With Envy he saw Los with Envy Tharmas & [Urthona] the Spectre
With Envy & in vain he swam around his stony form
No longer now Erect the King of Light outstretchd in fury
Lashes his tail in the [wide] wild deep his Eyelids like the Sun
Arising in his pride enlighten all the Grizly deeps