Games of the Powerful
The meeting hall is the largest building in the village with its massive mortared ruff cut stone walls, two large fireplaces halfway down each of the sidewalls and two wood and steel supported front doors and one at the rear. The roof was first made of thatch but since then it was tiled in granite over stout wood and the front and back gables are made of heavy black oak. The wooden stoop runs the whole length of the front of the building leading to a wide covered porch where men and dwarf alike are sitting at round tables eating beef and vegetables, drinking ale enjoying each other’s company. Where there had been tension between the two groups, none was in evidence now with many telling like stories of heroic battles against the orcs laughing at the tall tales.
Inside the main room of the hall, men and dwarf alike are sitting around the same round tables and wooden chairs found on the porch enjoying food and drink. Animal skins and an occasional tapestry depicting a battle with orcs in the mountains cover hard black oak floors and walls. Near the back wall is a long bar almost the width of the building save for doors on either side leading to the kitchen, storage rooms and the back door leading out to the baths. Above the two doors, stag antlers adorned the wall. Behind the bar mounted on heavy wooden racks are tapped kegs of ale where two volunteers serving drafts of ale and talking with the drinkers along the bar. Filling the once silent hall with merrymaking and laughter, the din is raucous at times, gladdening men and dwarf alike reveled in happiness where once this hall was empty of life and joy, the sound of goodwill is heard across the village. Strongtooth, Gilia, Dulgar, Hairytoes, Bjorngrim and his second-in-command a heavily muscled human with long black hair and beard sat at a table eating and drinking getting to know each other.
“Dulgar teel uir friends about yer plans fur defendin' th' village sae we may discuss how tae accomplish thes feat before th’ sprin' thaw?” Strongtooth asked after taking a drink from his mug of ale.
“Lang term we would like a palisade built aroond th' entire village but we dinnae have enough stout timber tae accomplish 'at. In th' meantime we ur diggin' a trench an' buildin' a berm 'at we would need sharpened poles tae try an' slow th' orcs advance. Ah hae a letter 'at Gilia will tak' tae th' duke requestin' supplies, an' materials tae be sent tae us,” Dulgar concluded taking a drink from his mug smacking his lips at how good it tasted earning a look from Gilia.
“A sound plan Dulgar but I fear it is a daunting task that we will need far more soldiers and supplies than we have to undertake this feat. In two weeks we could have more clansmen here from the villages but what of the woman and children, do we endanger them by bringing them here or do we leave them in the villages in hopes the orcs pass them by,” Bjorngrim questioned.
“Brokk sent word tae aw of th' villages includin' humans, an' trolls tae abandon them an' come here coz th' passes an' valleys in which they lie ur th' same passes 'at th' orcs will follaw tae come here an' then move soothward. At leest here we can aw die together fightin' thes scoorge,” Strongtooth replied with determination in his voice.
“Can we count on the trolls to come?” Bjorngrim’s, second-in-command asked.
“They ur a reclusive lot but if the orcs hae killed any ay them as they hae done tae us then they will be more apt tae fight an' not sit thes one out,” Dulgar replied.
“What of the elves will they commit any forces to the field,” Bjorngrim inquired.
“Brokk has gone tae see Aelfdane tae speak tae heem aboot that. Ah fear 'at it might be th' same as wi' th' trolls if they have not bin bloodied they might sit thes out in favur ay joinin' th' fight” Hairytoes said joining the discourse.
“It is truly a concern that we share and I know Aelfdane not well mind you, but I think he will heed the warning and join the fray. They have huge concerns with their fleet and trading as much as anyone does. Crystalwyn Island is impenetrable and it would take a fleet to take it but the inland villages throughout the Liewelyn Forest will be in danger. I do not think he will act on a whim but for him to fail to act would jeopardize his concerns the same as any of us," Bjorngrim paused taking a long drink before continuing. “My question is why all of this slaughtering of innocents? Why has someone stirred up the orcs so much that come spring the orcs would consider doing something they have not done in thousands of years risking the fragile peace that exists and move south? This could have simply been youthful orcs out of control looking to prove their mettle in battle.” Bjorngrim concluded looking around the table. Hairytoes took that moment to relate the story of finding Celedryl on the trail with her newfound friends from another world. As with every telling it has the same results, people are first wanting to disbelieve the story then are astonished that such a thing could happen.
“Thes is a distraction tae somethin' bigger. Th' orcs are tae hold us haur if not tae destroy us completely so 'at we cannae reinforce th' sooth against an attack. Ah think th' real objective is fur Castle Qenildor tae fall an' kill th' duke an' his entire fowk. Thes is bigger than us far bigger,” Dulgar speculated.
“The duke and his forefathers have kept us from cutting each other’s throats and even civil war among us humans for hundreds of years. You have Duke Unther of Faycastle and Duke Thoric of Whitepine Castle somewhere in the mix to be king if King Vanderghast fails to have children before he loses his head by a court assassin. As you say, Duke Gawain would need to have an early death, as would his entire family before they would be in line to be king. I do not see the aforementioned dukes wanting to kill Duke Gawain they have it too good. Besides, Duke Unther would expect justice to be served for anyone that would harm Duke Gawain and his family. So if not them who would want to be king bad enough to kill the duke?” Bjorngrim asked.
“Some of th' old stories, now they ur jist stories min' ye say 'at humans from anither warld will come tae our warld in a great time ay need an' thaur will be two 'at play a prominent role in th' fight against darkness. Thaur will be one 'at leids us dwarfs in battle bearin' Bloodaxe an' thaur will be anither 'at will be at his side as his protectur. Thaur are two humans frae anither warld haur 'at we are aware ay but whit their purpose is we cannot know but like it ur not th' battle fur th' south starts wi' us,” Strongtooth surmised taking a long drought himself all this talking was making them thirsty.
“I know the stories all of us do. There is one who will come and lead us humans in battle defeating the darkness threatening us, the same campfire stories we have told our children for well-nigh hundreds of years. Our concern for the near future is how to protect ourselves from the orcs and defend our families and villages. From what you have told me I can see that evil is encroaching and trying to gain a foothold in our realm and by defeating the orcs we will help defend the south against this darkness and our families at the same time.”
“Aye, 'at we will Bjorngrim. So whit say ye dae we make a stand here together an' see whit th' future holds fur us?” Strongtooth asked hopeful that Bjorngrim would agree.
“Aye, Strongtooth that we do. I will send missives to all the clans to leave their villages and to make haste to arrive here before the next winter storm comes. I fear they will either not come or not get out in time to reach here before the next winter storm.”
“Ah have th' same concerns mah friend.”
Shortly after noon sups Gilia, Hairytoes, Beldor, Beerthumb, Donella, Mummbleflump, and Rockspliter packed their things and made ready to travel south in search of Celedryl. The good-byes were a might tearful but at the same time, Gilia knew that finding Celedryl was of utmost importance to her, and no one could change her mind.