Across the Zodiac
Time passed on, marked by no very important incident, while I madeacquaintance with manners and with men around me, neither one nor theother worth further description. Nothing occurred to confirm thealarms Davilo constantly repeated.
I called the ladies one day into the outer grounds to see a newcarriage, capable, according to its arrangement, of containing fromtwo to eight persons, and a balloon of great size and new constructionwhich Davilo had urgently counselled me to procure, as capable ofsudden use in some of those daily thickening perils, of which I couldsee no other sign than occasional evidence that my steps were watchedand dogged. Both vehicles enlisted the interest and curiosity ofEunane and her companions. Eveena, after examining with as muchattention as was due to the trouble I took to explain it, theconstruction of the carriage, concentrated her interest andobservation upon the balloon, the sight of which evidently impressedher. When we had returned to the peristyle, and the rest haddispersed, I said--
"I see you apprehend some part of my reasons for purchasing theballoon. The carriage will take us to-morrow to Altasfe (a town someten miles distant). 'Shopping' is an amusement so gratifying to allwomen on Earth, from the veiled favourites of an Eastern seraglio tothe very unveiled dames of Western ballrooms, that I suppose theinstinct must be native to the sex wherever women and trade co-exist.If you have a single feminine folly, you will enjoy this more than youwill own. If you are, as they complain, absolutely faultless, you willenjoy with me the pleasure of the girls in plaguing one after anotherall the traders of Altasfe:" and with these words I placed in herhands a packet of the thin metallic plates constituting theircurrency. Her extreme and unaffected surprise was amusing to witness.
"What am I to do with this?" she inquired, counting carefully theuncounted pile, in a manner which at once dispelled my impression thather surprise was due to childish ignorance of its value.
"Whatever you please, Madonna; whatever can please you and theothers."
"But," she remonstrated, "this is more than all our dowries foranother year to come; and--forgive me for repeating what you seempurposely to forget--I cannot cast the shadow between my equals andthe master. Would you so mortify _me_ as to make me take from Eunane'shand, for example, what should come from yours?"
"You are right, Madonna, now as always," I owned; wincing at the nameshe used, invariably employed by the others, but one I never enduredfrom her. Her looks entreated pardon for the form of the impliedreproof, as I resumed the larger part of the money she held out to me,forcing back the smaller into her reluctant hands. "But what has theamount of your dowries to do with the matter? The contracts are meant,I suppose, to secure the least to which a wife has a right, not to fixher natural share in her husband's wealth. You need not fear, Eveena;the Prince has made us rich enough to spend more than we shall carefor."
"I don't understand you," she replied with her usual gentle franknessand simple logical consistency. "It pleases you to say 'we' and 'ours'whenever you can so seem to make me part of yourself; and I love tohear you, for it assures me each time that you still hold me tightlyas I cling to you. But you know those are only words of kindness.Since you returned my father's gift, the dowry you then doubled is myonly share of what is yours, and it is more than enough."
"Do you mean that women expect and receive no more: that they do notnaturally share in a man's surplus wealth?"
While I spoke Enva had joined us, and, resting on the cushions at myfeet, looked curiously at the metallic notes in Eveena's hand.
"You do not," returned the latter, "pay more foe what you havepurchased because you have grown richer. You do not share your wealtheven with those on whose care it chiefly depends."
"Yes, I do, Eveena. But I know what you mean. Their share is settledand is not increased. But you will not tell me that this affords anystandard for household dealings; that a wife's share in her husband'sfortune is really bounded by the terms of the marriage contract?"
"Will you let Enva answer you?" asked Eveena. "She looks more readythan I feel to reply."
This little incident was characteristic in more ways than one.Eveena's feelings, growing out of the realities of our relation, wereat issue with and perplexed her convictions founded on the theory andpractice of her world. Not yet doubting the justice of the latter, sheinstinctively shrank from their application to ourselves. She wasglad, therefore, to let Enva state plainly and directly a doctrinewhich, from her own lips, would have pained as well as startled me. Onher side, Enva, though encouraged to bear her part in conversation,was too thoroughly imbued with the same ideas to interpose unbidden.As she would have said, a wife deserved the sandal for speakingwithout leave; nor--experience notwithstanding--would she think itsafe to interrupt in my presence a favourite so pointedly honoured asEveena. 'She waited, therefore, till my eyes gave the permission whichhers had asked.
"Why should you buy anything twice over, Clasfempta, whether it be awife or an amba? A girl sells her society for the best price herattractions will command. These attractions seldom increase. Youcannot give her less because you care less for them; but how can sheexpect more?"
"I know, Enva, that the marriage contract here is an open bargain andsale, as among my race it is generally a veiled one. But, the bargainmade, does it really govern the after relation? Do men really spendtheir wealth wholly on themselves, and take no pleasure in thepleasure of women?"
"Generally, I believe," Enva replied, "they fancy they have paid toomuch for their toy before they have possessed it long, and had ratherbuy a new one than make much of those they have. Wives seldom look onthe increase of a man's wealth as a gain to themselves. Of course youlike to see us prettily dressed, while you think us worth looking atin ourselves. But as a rule our own income provides for that; and _we_at any rate are better off than almost any women outside the Palace.The Prince did not care, and knew it would not matter to you, what hegave to make his gift worthy of him and agreeable to you. Perhaps,"she added, "he wished to make it secure by offering terms too good tobe thrown away by any foolish rebellion against a heavier hand or aworse temper than usual. You hardly understand yet half the advantagesyou possess."
The latent sarcasm of the last remark did not need the look ofpretended fear that pointed it. If Enva professed to resent myinadequate appreciation of the splendid beauty bestowed on me by theroyal favour more than any possible ill-usage for which she supposedherself compensated in advance, it was not for me to put her sincerityto proof.
"Once bought, then, wives are not worth pleasing? It is not worthwhile to purchase happy faces, bright smiles, and willing kisses nowand then at a cost the giver can scarcely feel?"
Enva's look now was half malicious, half kindly, and wholly comical;but she answered gravely, with a slight imitation of my own tone--
"Can you not imagine, or make Eveena tell you, Clasfempta, why womenonce purchased think it best to give smiles and kisses freely to onewho can command their tears? Or do you fancy that their smiles aremore loyal and sincere when won by kindness than...."
"By fear? Sweeter, Enva, at any rate. Well, if I do not offend yourfeelings, I need not hesitate to disregard another of your customs."
She received her share willingly and gratefully enough, but her smileand kiss were so evidently given to order, that they only testified tothe thorough literality of her statement. Leenoo, Eirale, and Elfefollowed her example with characteristic exactness. Equallycharacteristic was the conduct of the others. Eunane kept aloof tillcalled, and then approached with an air of sullen reluctance, as ifsummoned to receive a reprimand rather than a favour. Not a littleamused, I affected displeasure in my turn, till the window of herchamber closed behind us, and her ill-humour was forgotten inwondering alarm. Offered in private, the kiss and smile given and notdemanded, the present was accepted with frank affectionate gratitude.Eive took her share in pettish shyness, waiting the moment when shemight mingle unobserved with her childlike caresses the childishreproach--
"If you can buy kisses, Clasfempta, you don't want mine. And if youfancy I sell them, you shall have no more."
I saw Davilo in the morning before we started. After some conversationon business, he said--
"And pardon a suggestion which I make, not as in charge of youraffairs, but as responsible to our supreme authority for your safety.No correspondence should pass from your household unscrutinised; andif there be such correspondence, I must ask you to place in my hand,for the purpose of our quest, not any message, but some of the slipson which messages have been written. This may probably furnishprecisely that tangible means of relation with some one acquaintedwith the conspiracy for which we have sought in vain."
My unwillingness to meddle with feminine correspondence was the lessintelligible to him that, as the master alone commands the householdtelegraph, he knew that it must have passed through my hands. Iyielded at last to his repeated urgency that a life more precious thanmine was involved in any danger to myself, so far as to promise theslips required, to furnish a possible means of _rapport_ between the_clairvoyante_ and the enemy.
I returned to the house in grave thought. Eunane. corresponded by thetelegraph with some schoolmates; Eive, I fancied, with three or fourof those ladies with whom, accompanying me on my visits, she had madeacquaintance. But I hated the very thought of domestic suspicion, and,adhering to my original resolve, refused to entertain a distrust thatseemed ill-founded and far-fetched. If there had been treachery, itwould be impossible to obtain any letters that might have beenpreserved without resorting to a compulsion which, since both Eunaneand Eive had written in the knowledge that their letters passedunread, would seem like a breach of faith. I asked, however, simply,and giving no reason, for the production of any papers received andpreserved by either. Eive, with her usual air of simplicity, broughtme the two or three which, she said, were all she had kept. Eunanereplied with a petulance almost amounting to refusal, which to somemight have suggested suspicion; but which to me seemed the very lastcourse that a culprit would have pursued. To give needless offencewhile conscious of guilt would have been the very wantonness ofreckless temper.
"Bite your tongue, and keep your letters," I said sharply.
Turning to Eive and looking at the addresses of hers, none of whichbore the name of any one who could be suspected of the remotestconnection with a political plot--
"Give me which of these you please," I said, taking from her hand thatwhich she selected and marking it. "Now erase the writing yourself andgive me the paper."
This incident gave Eunane leisure to recover her temper. She stood fora few moments ashamed perhaps, but, as usual, resolute to abide by theconsequences of a fault. When she found that my last word was spoken,her mood changed at once.
"I did not quite like to give you Velna's letters. They are foolish,like mine; and besides----But I never supposed you would let merefuse. What you won't make me do, I must do of my own accord."
Womanly reasoning, most unlike "woman's reasons!" She brought, withunaffected alacrity, a collection of tafroo-slips whose addresses boreout her account of their character. Taking the last from the bundle, Ibade her erase its contents.
"No," she said, "that is the one I least liked to show. If you willnot read it, please follow my hand as I read, and see for yourself howfar I have misused your trust."
"I never doubted your good faith, Eunane"--But she had begun to read,pointing with her finger as she went on. At one sentence hand andvoice wavered a little without apparent reason. "I shall," wrote herschool-friend, some half year her junior, "make my appearance at thenext inspection. I wish the Campta, had left you here till now; wemight perhaps have contrived to pass into the same household."
"A very innocent wish, and very natural," I said, in answer to thelook, half inquiring, half shy, with which Eunane watched the effectof her words. I could not now use the precaution in her case, which ithad somehow seemed natural to adopt with Eive, of marking the paperreturned for erasure. On her part, Eunane thrust into my hand thewhole bundle as they were, and I was forced myself to erase, by anelectro-chemical process which leaves no trace of writing, the wordsof that selected. The absence of any mark on the second paper servedsufficiently to distinguish the two when, of course without statingfrom whom I received them, I placed, them in Davilo's hands.
When we were ready to leave the peristyle for the carriage, I observedthat Eunane alone was still unveiled, while the others wore theircloaks of down and the thick veils, without which no lady may presentherself to the public eye.
"'Thieving time is woman's crime,'" I said, quoting a domesticproverb. "In another household you would; be left behind."
"Of course," she replied, such summary discipline seeming to her asappropriate as to an European child. "I don't like always to deservethe vine and receive the nuts."
"You must take which _I_ like," I retorted, laughing. Satisfied orsilenced, she hastened to dress, and enjoyed with unalloyed delightthe unusual pleasure of inspecting dresses and jewellery, and makingmore purchases in a day than she had expected to be able to do in twoyears. But she and her companions acted with more consideration thanladies permitted to visit the shops of Europe show for their masculineescort. Eive alone, on this as on other occasions, availed herselfthoroughly of those privileges of childhood which I had alwaysextended to her.
So quick are the proceedings and so excellent the arrangements ofMartial commerce, even where ladies are concerned, that a couple ofhours saw us on our way homeward, after having passed through theapartments of half the merchants in Altasfe. Purposely for my ownpleasure, as well as for that of my companions, I took a circuitousroute homeward, and in so doing came within sight of a principalfeminine Nursery or girls' school. Recognising it, Eunane spoke withsome eagerness--
"Ah! I spent nine years there, and not always unhappily."
Eveena, who sat beside me, pressed my hand, with an intention easilyunderstood.
"And you would like to see it again?" I inquired in compliance withher silent hint.
"Not to go back," said Eunane. "But I should like to pay it a visit,if it were possible."
"Can we?" I asked Eveena.
"I think so," she answered. "I observe half a dozen people have gonein since we came in sight, and I fancy it is inspection day there."
"Inspection?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied in a tone of some little annoyance and discomfort."The girls who have completed their tenth year, and who are thought tohave as good a chance now as they would have later, are dressed forthe first time in the white robe and veil of maidenhood, and presentedin the public chamber to attract the choice of those who are lookingfor brides."
"Not a pleasant spectacle," I said, "to you or to myself; but it willhardly annoy the others, and Eunane shall have her wish."
We descended from our carriage at the gate, and entered the grounds ofthe Nursery. Studiously as the health, the diet, and the exercise ofthe inmates are cared for, nothing is done to render the appearance ofthe home where they pass so large and critical a portion of theirlives cheerful or attractive in appearance. Utility alone is studied;how much beauty conduces to utility where the happiness and health ofchildren are concerned, Martial science has yet to learn. The groundscontained no flowers and but few trees; the latter ruined in point ofform and natural grace to render them convenient supports forgymnastic apparatus. A number of the younger girls, unveiled, butdressed in a dark plain garment reaching from the throat to the knees,with trousers giving free play to the limbs, were exercising on thedifferent swings and bars, flinging the light weights and balls, orhandling the substitutes for dumb-bells, the use of which forms animportant branch of their education. Others, relieved from thisessential part of their tasks, were engaged in various sports. One ofthese I noticed especially. Perhaps a hundred young ladies on eitherside formed a sort of battalion, contending for the ground theyoccupied with light shields of closely woven wire and masks of thesame material, and with spears consisting of a reed or grass
aboutfive feet in length, and exceedingly light. When perfectly ripened,these spears are exceeding formidable, their points being sharp enoughto pierce the skin of any but a pachydermatous animal. Those employedin these games, however, are gathered while yet covered by a sheath,which, as they ripen, bursts and leaves the keen, hard point exposed.Considerable care is taken in their selection, since, if nearly ripe,or if they should ripen prematurely under the heat of the sun whensevered from the stem, the sheath bursting in the middle of a game,very grave accidents might occur. The movements of the girls were soordered that the game appeared almost as much a dance as a conflict;but though there was nothing of unseemly violence, the victory wasevidently contested with real earnestness, and with a skill superiorto that displayed in the movements of the actual soldiers who havelong since exchanged the tasks of warfare for the duties of policemen,escorts, and sentries. I held Eveena's hand, the others followed usclosely, venturing neither to break from our party without leave norto ask permission, till, at Eveena's suggestion, it was spontaneouslygiven. They then quitted us, hastening, Eunane to seek out herfavourite companions of a former season, the others to mingle with theyounger girls and share in their play. We walked on slowly, stoppingfrom time to time to watch the exercises and sports of the youngerportion of a community numbering some fifteen hundred girls. When weentered the hall we were rejoined by Eunane, with one of her friendswho still wore the ordinary school costume. Conversation with ornotice of a young lady so dressed was not only not expected butdisallowed, and the pair seated themselves behind us and studiouslyout of hearing of any conversation conducted in a low tone.
The spectacle, as I had anticipated, was to me anything but pleasant.It reminded me of a slave-market of the East, however, rather than ofthe more revolting features of a slave auction in the United States.The maidens, most of them very graceful and more than pretty, theirrobes arranged and ornamented with an evident care to set off theirpersons to the best advantage, and with a skill much greater than theythemselves could yet have acquired, were seated alone or by twos andthrees in different parts of the hall, grouped so as to produce themost attractive general as well as individual effect. The picture,therefore, was a pretty one; and since the intending purchasersaddressed the objects of their curiosity or admiration with courtesyand fairly decorous reserve, it was the known character rather thanany visible incident of the scene that rendered it repugnant orrevolting in my eyes. I need not say that, except Eveena, there was noone of either sex in the hall who shared my feeling. After all, thepurpose was but frankly avowed, and certainly carried out more safelyand decorously than in the ball-rooms and drawing-rooms of London orParis. Of the maidens, some seemed shy and backward, and most weresilent save when addressed. But the majority received their suitorswith a thoroughly business-like air, and listened to the terms offeredthem, or endeavoured to exact a higher price or a briefer period ofassured slavery, with a self-possession more reasonable than agreeableto witness. One maiden seated in our immediate vicinity was, Iperceived, the object of Eveena's especial interest, and, at first onthis account alone, attracted my observation. Dressed with somewhatless ostentatious care and elegance than her companions, her veil andthe skirt of her robe were so arranged as to show less of her personalattractions than they generally displayed. A first glance hardly didjustice to a countenance which, if not signally pretty, and certainlymarked by a beauty less striking than that of most of the others, wasmodest and pleasing; a figure slight and graceful, with hands and feetyet smaller than usual, even among a race the shape of whose limbs is,with few exceptions, admirable. Very few had addressed her, or evenlooked at her; and a certain resigned mortification was visible in hercountenance.
"You are sorry for that child?" I said to Eveena.
"Yes," she answered. "It must be distressing to feel herself the leastattractive, the least noticed among her companions, and on such anoccasion. I cannot conceive how I could bear to form part of such aspectacle; but if I were in her place, I suppose I should be hurt andhumbled at finding that nobody cared to look at me in the presence ofothers prettier and better dressed than myself."
"Well," I said, "of all the faces I see I like that the best. Isuppose I must not speak to her?"
"Why not?" said Eveena in surprise. "You are not bound to purchaseher, any more than we bought all we looked at to-day."
"It did not occur to me," I replied, "that I could be regarded as apossible suitor, nor do I think I could find courage to present myselfto that young lady in a manner which must cause her to look upon me inthat light. Ask Eunane if she knows her."
Here Eive and the others joined us and took their places on my right.Eveena, leaving her seat for a moment, spoke apart with Eunane.
"Will you speak to her?" she said, returning. "She is Eunane's friendand correspondent, Velna; and I think they are really fond of eachother. It is a pity that if she is to undergo the mortification ofremaining unchosen and going back to her tasks, at least till the nextinspection, she will also be separated finally from the only personfor whom she seems to have had anything like home affection."
"Well, if I am to talk to her," I replied, "you must be good enough toaccompany me. I do not feel that I could venture on such an enterpriseby myself."
Eveena's eyes, even through her veil, expressed at once amusement andsurprise; but as she rose to accompany me this expression faded and alook of graver interest replaced it. Many turned to observe us as wecrossed the short space that separated us from the isolated andneglected maiden. I had seen, if I had not noticed, that in no casewere the men, as they made the tour of the room or went up to any ladywho might have attracted their special notice, accompanied by thewomen of their households. A few of these, however, sat watching thescene, their mortification, curiosity, jealousy, or whatever feelingit might excite, being of course concealed by the veils that hid everyfeature but the eyes, which now and then followed very closely thefootsteps of their lords. The object of our attention showed markedsurprise as we approached her, and yet more when, seeing that I was ata loss for words, Eveena herself spoke a kindly and gracious sentence.The girl's voice was soft and low, and her tone and words, as wegradually fell into a hesitating and broken conversation, confirmedthe impression made by her appearance. When, after a few minutes, Imoved to depart, there was in Eveena's reluctant steps and expressiveupturned eyes a meaning I could not understand. As soon as we were outof hearing, moving so as partly to hide my countenance and entirely toconceal her own gesture from the object of her compassion, she checkedmy steps by a gentle pressure on my arm and looked up earnestly intomy face.
"What is it?" I asked. "You seem to have some wish that I cannotconjecture; and you can trust by this time my anxiety to gratify everydesire of yours, reasonable or not--if indeed you ever wereunreasonable."
"She is so sad, so lonely," Eveena answered, "and she is so fond ofEunane."
"You don't mean that you want me to make her an offer!" I exclaimed inextreme amazement.
"Do not be angry," pleaded Eveena. "She would be glad to accept anyoffer you would be likely to make; and the money you gave me yesterdaywould have paid all she would cost you for many years. Besides, itwould please Eunane, and it would make Velna so happy."
"You must know far better than I can what is likely to make herhappy," I replied. "Strange to the ideas and customs of your world, Icannot conceive that a woman can wish to take the last place in ahousehold like ours rather than the first or only one with the poorestof her people."
"She will hardly have the choice," Eveena answered. "Those whom youcan call poor mostly wait till they can have their choice before theymarry; and if taken by some one who could not afford a more expensivechoice, she would only be neglected, or dismissed ill provided for, assoon as he could purchase one more to his taste."
"If," I rejoined at last, "you think it a kindness to her, and aresure she will so think it; if you wish it, and will avouch hercontentment with a place in the household of one who does not desireher, I wi
ll comply with this as with any wish of yours. But it is notto my mind to take a wife out of mere compassion, as I might readilyadopt a child."
Once more, with all our mutual affection and appreciation of eachother's character, Eveena and I were far as the Poles apart in thoughtif not in feeling. It was as impossible for her to emancipate herselfutterly from the ideas and habits of her own world, as for me toreconcile myself to them. I led her back at last to her seat, andbeckoned Eunane to my side.
"Eveena," I said, "has been urging me to offer your friend yonder aplace in our household."
Though I could not see her face, the instant change in her attitude,the eager movement of her hands, and the elastic spring that suddenlybraced her form, expressed her feeling plainly enough.
"It must be done, I suppose," I murmured rather to myself than tothem, as Eunane timidly put out her hand and gratefully claspedEveena's. "Well, it is to be done for you, and you must do it."
"How can I?" exclaimed Eunane in astonishment; and Eveena added, "Itis for you; you only can name your terms, and it would be a strangeslight to her to do so through us."
"I cannot help that. I will not 'act the lie' by affecting anypersonal desire to win her, and I could not tell her the truth. Offerher the same terms that contented the rest; nay, if she enters myhousehold, she shall not feel herself in a secondary or inferiorposition."
This condition surprised even Eveena as much as my resolve to make herthe bearer of the proposal that was in truth her own. But, howeverreluctant, she would as soon have refused obedience to my request ashave withheld a kindness because it cost her an unexpected trial.Taking Eunane with her, she approached and addressed the girl.Whatever my own doubt as to her probable reception, however absurd inmy own estimation the thing I was induced to do, there was nocorresponding consciousness, no feeling but one of surprise andgratification, in the face on which I turned my eyes. There was ashort and earnest debate; but, as I afterwards learned, it arosesimply from the girl's astonishment at terms which, extravagant evenfor the beauties of the day, were thrice as liberal as she hadventured to dream of. Eveena and Eunane were as well aware of this asherself; the right of beauty to a special price seemed to them asobvious as in Western Europe seems the right of rank to exorbitantsettlements; but they felt it as impossible to argue the point as asolicitor would find it unsafe to expound to a _gentleman_ thedifferent cost of honouring Mademoiselle with his hand and beinghonoured with that of Milady. Velna's remonstrances were suppressed;she rose, and, accompanied by Eveena and Eunane, approached a desk inone corner of the room, occupied by a lady past middle life. Thelatter, like all those of her sex who have adopted masculineindependence and a professional career, wore no veil over her face,and in lieu of the feminine head-dress a band of metal around thehead, depending from which a short fall of silken texture drawn backbehind the ears covered the neck and upper edge of the dark robe. Thislady took from a heap by her side a slip containing the usual form ofmarriage contract, and filled in the blanks. At a sign from Eveena, Ihad by this time approached close enough to hear the language ofhalf-envious, half-supercilious wonder in which the schoolmistresscongratulated her pupil on her signal conquest, and the terms she hadobtained, as well as the maiden's unaffected acknowledgment of her ownsurprise and conscious unworthiness. I could _feel_, despite theconcealment of her form and face, Eveena's silent expression of paineddisgust with the one, and earnest womanly sympathy with the other. Thedocument was executed in the usual triplicate.
The girl retired for a few minutes, and reappeared in a cloak and veillike those of her new companions, but of comparatively cheapmaterials. As we passed the threshold, Eveena gently and tacitly butdecisively assigned to her _protegee_ her own place beside me, and puther right hand in my left. The agitation with which it manifestlytrembled, though neither strange nor unpleasing, added to the extremeembarrassment I felt; and I had placed her next to Eunane in thecarriage and taken my seat beside Eveena, whom I never permitted toresign her own, before a single spoken word had passed in thisextraordinary courtship, or sanctioned the brief and practicalceremony of marriage.
I was alone in my own room that evening when a gentle scratching onthe window-crystal entreated admission. I answered without looking up,assuming that Eveena alone would seek me there. But hers were not thelips that were earnestly pressed on my hand, nor hers the voice thatspoke, trembling and hesitating with stronger feeling than it couldutter in words--
"I do thank you from my heart. I little thought you would wish to makeme so happy. I shrank from showing you the letter lest you shouldthink I dared to hope.... It is not only Velna; it is such strange joyand comfort to be held fast by one who cares--to feel safe in hands askind as they are strong. You said you could love none save Eveena;but, Clasfempta, your way of not loving is something better, gentler,more considerate than any love I ever hoped or heard of."
I could read only profound sincerity and passionate gratitude in theclear bright eyes, softened by half-suppressed tears, that looked upfrom where she knelt beside me. But the exaggeration was painfullysuggestive, confirming the ugly view Enva had given yesterday of thelife that seemed natural and reasonable to her race, and made ordinaryhuman kindness appear something strange and romantic by contrast.
"Surely, Eunane, every man wishes those around him happy, if it do notcost too much to make them so?"
"No, indeed! Oftener the master finds pleasure in punishing andhumiliating, the favourite in witnessing her companions' tears andterror. They like to see the household grateful for an hour'samusement, crouching to caprice, incredulously thankful for barestjustice. One book much read in our schools says that 'cruelty is astronger, earlier, and more tenacious human instinct than sympathy;'and another that 'half the pleasure of power lies in giving pain, andhalf the remainder in being praised for sparing it.' ... But that wasnot all: Eveena was as eager to be kind as you were."
"Much more so, Eunane."
"Perhaps. What seemed natural to her was strange to you. But it was_your_ thought to put Velna on equal terms with us; taking her out ofmere kindness, to give her the dowry of a Prince's favourite. _That_surprised Eveena, and it puzzled me. But I think I half understand younow, and if I do.... When Eveena told us how you saved her and defiedthe Regent, and Eive asked you about it, you said so quietly, 'Thereare some things a man cannot do.' Is buying a girl cheap, because sheis not a beauty, one of those things?"
"To take any advantage of her misfortune--to make her feel it in myconduct--to give her a place in my household on other terms than herequals--to show her less consideration or courtesy than one would giveto a girl as beautiful as yourself--yes, Eunane! To my eyes, yourfriend is pleasant and pretty; but if not, would you have liked tofeel that she was of less account here than yourself, because she hasnot such splendid beauty as yours?"
Eunane was too frank to conceal her gratification in this firstacknowledgment of her charms, as she had shown her mortification whileit was withheld--not, certainly, because undeserved. Her eyesbrightened and her colour deepened in manifest pleasure. But she wasequally frank in her answer to the implied compliment to hergenerosity, of whose justice she was not so well assured.
"I am afraid I should half have liked it, a year ago. Now, after Ihave lived so long with you and Eveena, I should be shamed by it! But,Clasfempta, the things 'a man cannot do' are the things men do everyday;--and women every hour!"