Fire Prince
The portal site was buzzing with activity. Denizens of Eida, the Plane of Light gathered to say their goodbyes to their friends from the Plane of Fire. Merchants, exchange students, and adventurers alike all crossed the portal returning to their homeland. The last of the Plane of Fire citizens had crossed back over when the Captain of the Guard received news of the attack.
“Milady, a warrior from Beldur entered the tower vault and killed the priest guarding it,” the Captain knelt with his head bowed. Essa looked blankly at her Captain. The news shocked the goddess. “What… what was taken?” she asked, regaining her composure. The Captain answered, “The priests are inventorying the vault as we speak, although they say at first glance nothing is missing.”
Essa closed her eyes and searched for an explanation. She was certain the most valuable things in the vault were her sword and shield, the very weapons she held in her hands now. The Captain watched her silently, awaiting any orders. Her folded wings fluttered, revealing she had made a decision. The Captain stood at crisp attention while his goddess walked by resolute, headed for the portal.
Essa crossed through the inky black portal into Beldur. A similar host had gathered at the portal site in the Plane of Fire. Essa walked towards the largest tent. “Ah my dear, come for a goodbye kiss?” said Bellos, god of Beldur. Bellos was relaxing in a large pile of cushions. “One of your citizens broke into my tower vault and killed one of my priests,” said Essa dryly.
“I know nothing about it, what was taken?” Bellos asked curiously. “Nothing obvious, I’m sure the thief will make a break for the portal before it closes,” answered Essa. She continued, “I’d like to stop him in Eida to hold trial for his crimes.” Bellos nodded, “Of course, you know how I feel about things like this.” Essa’s face remained stoic, but her eyes began to wet.
As she was leaving the tent Bellos added, “If he does manage to cross, he will be held accountable here.” Essa paused then exited the tent. She took a moment to gaze at the jagged and icy terrain. It was gently snowing. One of the nearby volcanoes bled a steady stream of bright orange. She left Beldur.
The ticking of his chronometer was soothing. “Just a few minutes now,” the assassin said to himself. The young man had used the previous hour to destroy as much trace of his purpose and identity within the tunnel. Large portions of the small network were fully collapsed, it would take some time for the laborers of Eida to clear the tunnel; light magic did not lend itself well to excavation.
He snapped shut the chronometer, it was time. He looked up at the ceiling of earth and sighed. This would be his only opportunity to escape back to Beldur. The portal was due to shut.
On the surface of the portal site the Captain of the Guard had doubled security. Sentinels patrolled the skies, the largest ones mounted with archers. Essa watched as the portal began to heave and crackle. The portal began to close. “Get ready, it’s closing,” she said to her Captain. “Yes milady,” nothing else could be done.
Only the goddess noticed the subtle bulging of earth beneath their feet. “On me! He’s underground!” she shouted. The earth tore open and a massive wurm bellowed flame. With wild swings of its head the wurm lobbed gobs of magma around the portal site. “Bring it down!” the Captain ordered his archers; streaks of light pierced the lava wurm.
The portal was nearly shut; Essa flew towards the head of the wurm, sword and shield at the ready. This is just the decoy, she thought mid flight. The portal! She turned mid flight. The assassin appeared from within one of the cooling orbs of lava on the ground. He was only a few yards from the portal. She flew hard towards her prey. He slipped through the portal as it finally collapsed on itself.
“No!” she yelled. The wurm went limp upon his exit, its body quickly cooling into ash and rock. She kicked the pile of ash the warrior had hid himself within, the sparks mocked her anger. The Captain ran up, not knowing what to say.
“Anyone injured?” she asked. “No milady – the men are checking the tunnel the wurm came from now,” answered the Captain. “Advise them to proceed cautiously; with the portal closed there is no need to rush into a place so easily protected with traps.” The Captain saluted and took his leave.
Before a moment had passed the Captain returned visibly distressed, “Lady Essa, I’ve just received terrible news; Nobleman Eilef is dead.” Essa looked towards the ground and shuddered. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to tie together what her Captain had just told her.
Bellos awaited in the form of a dragon at the portal. The black disc shot off streams of energy as it shrunk. The god of fire was ready for anything to pop through. The assassin tumbled through the doorway just as it shut. Bellos waited until it was fully closed. He returned to the shape of a man and placed his hand on the assassin’s shoulder. “You’re back,” he smiled.
The warrior bowed his head, “Yes father, the Nobleman is dead.” Bellos smiled, “I heard you also managed to get into the tower vault, was it there?” Andin pulled the empty crystal from his jacket and handed it to Bellos. “Well done son, well done indeed.” The pair walked towards the palace in silence.