Lady Waiting
We will not have learned the value of sharing – the exchanging
Of encouragement, support, knowledge and wisdom. We will have
Missed the opportunity of giving our time to someone whose
Need for it is greater than our own. Though determination
Will grant us our goals, its method dictates we celebrate them alone.
Far better to climb without considering time;
The prize is not on the summit but in each step of the climb.
For the delays in the journey don’t put you behind -
You find instead, you’ve gained a mountain of time.
Empty hands
The desert is a sea of sorrow,
An endless barren land.
The desert holds no tomorrow
If your fate is in its hands.
The desert is a wasteland,
Just scorching sun to end your pain.
The desert is a mystery planned
For rich seas flow beneath its grains.
Contentment is a lake of promise,
A soothing tranquil sound.
Contentment yields peace and solace
If you find its unmapped ground.
Contentment is a soft sound
That whispers through despairing cold.
Contentment is a mystery found
For empty hands hold hearts of gold.
The lighthouse
Atop a wall of rock is a single wall of stone.
Unadorned, oft overlooked, the lighthouse stands alone.
If you look beyond the plaster you understand
The purpose of its vigil, this jewel above the sand.
As we set sail in life the view is calm, crystal seas
But sadly things aren’t always the way they’re meant to be.
When, in the dark of night, the once calm sea turns cold, cruel;
It’s now we need the lighthouse, a solid rock to anchor to.
When you regain your bearings and reach the solid shore
Turn around, look seaward to those still in the storm.
Remember how you floundered and needed light to guide you through,
So don’t turn your back, turn on your light. Be a lighthouse too.
Red apples
At the table we sit, Matthew and I,
Discussing the science of colour and light.
Light absorbed or reflected determines
What’s seen by our eyes.
Thus red apples aren’t red in the darkness of night.
At creation God said: “Let there be light.”
Describing the darkness he called this void ‘night’.
God is light; he looked down and found all things
Good in his sight.
Reflectors by design, we must look up if we are to shine.
We come to the scene of Adam and Eve,
Beguiled by the tempter with fruit on a tree.
Eyes open, sun shining, each uttered: “I like what I see.”
Vision ironically has the power to deceive.
So sight led to blindness is the story we tell.
Temptation brought darkness; consequently they fell.
God warned them. He loved them – now dressed in blood
With heads bowed the knelt.
How close had they been led to the gates of hell!
Our choice
Life as a river pursues its course. Season and circumstance
Do little to curb its pace even less to deviate it from its destination.
Teeming with the new life it has spawned, this river is both the
Vehicle for progress and the cause of suppression.
For some the momentum it generates is their ticket to success.
Combining their own strength and ingenuity with the force of the
Flow they sail effortlessly along its course. Obstacles are no match
For their skill and changes in pace are greeted with enthusiasm,
Being seen as opportune breaks.
For others this unrelenting force of the river is not seen as a hand of
Assistance. Instead, through fear of being caught helplessly in its
Grasp they cling to the edge. Deprived of the wealth of possibilities
The flow offers, they stagnate and soon succumb to the murk of a pond
They cannot leave.
Water, though the essence of life itself, is contaminated by the life
It supports.
Life is the spirit of existence. Whether it remains pure and
Refreshing is dependent upon our relationship with it.
Life is a gift of God. The river of life is the means by which we
Reach our end.
Whether we swim - immersing our self through trust in the
Immeasurable flowing depths of God’s living waters which will
Carry us to him, the source and sustainer of all life;
Or, drown - choosing to go it alone only to discover
Our own strength will carry us through this life only,
Is our choice.
When rules are simple, boundaries are clear. Ten God gave us.
Ten Commandments that we might live in unison with him
And peaceably with each other.
Jesus simplified this further when he said: “The greatest
“Commandment is this: Love the Lord your God with all your
“Heart, all your soul, all your mind and with all your strength.
“And the second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself.”
Whichever version you read, these commandments
Define our hope in a life worthwhile.
Beyond this there is danger, darkness and death.
Throughout time a growing band has disputed the authority
Of the Author; even debating the need for such boundaries.
All over the world small groups vainly fight for their rights -
Rights stripped from them by those who respect neither God
Nor his Law.
Others counteract humanity’s path to self-destruction by promoting
Global unity. But what or who are we uniting against?
While those who desire supreme power repudiate God’s Law
There will not be safety for those under their rule.
For those who mock God there comes Armageddon.
Under Jesus’ love
Under Eastern flowing robes the flesh receives its balm.
The relentless sun though full of fury is robbed of wrath
To those beneath these robes.
Under Jesus’ love we’re clothed. With his blood the fabric spun.
Though Judgment Day is set to come, it’s on to glory –
There is no wrath for those who wear his robe.
More than a name
“In the name of Jesus,” the Pastor continues, “is not a
“Magic formula we tack on the end of our prayer to guarantee
“Results. It means we ask these things be done according to
“The nature of the One whose name we utter. A nature as God
“Himself is – Holy, righteous, just, omniscient, eternal, merciful,
“Compassionate, patient, long-suffering, loving, forgiving.
“If what we ask can be addressed within the bounds of the
“Character of our Lord we can ask anything in his name, and
“Believe it will be done.”
This thought she leaves with us: “In Biblical times, names
“Were given for their meaning; not so much the case now.
“What of our own names?
“Do we reflect the nature (the meaning) of the name by which
“We live?”
Christine I know means ‘a follower of Christ’. As a born-again
Believer in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Saviour of those
Willing to confess their
sins and accept him as Lord of their life
I am (admittedly after some years of waywardness), on the right
Track; walking his way as best I can on this road, my life.
Louise, my middle name is generally rendered ‘war heroine’
Or ‘warrior’. With terms such as ‘fiery’ and ‘stubborn’
Affixed to me almost daily in my youth I preferred to
Disarm my opponent with an attitude of indifference; failing
This I would resort to physical combat never willing to admit
Defeat. Through years of spiritual tempering, this volatile mix
Has been transformed into a determination more befitting a lady.
My French surname, Secretan, is a variation of Sacristan –
Caretaker of a church/one in charge of the contents of
The sacristy/man of the church. Throughout the generations
Before me, many sons have upheld the family name by
Becoming ministers of God’s Word. Similarly, many daughters
Thus moved married men of God.
Pondering all this, I realise the privilege bestowed upon me.
I pause to consider my birth into this divine calling.
Like those before me I too affirm that I will serve God with
More than my name. I will serve him with my heart.
11 Listen… God’s calling
Signpost “Lucifer’s Way”
“Why do they do it?”
“Don’t they know they’ll die?”
“Can’t someone stop them?
“At least try. Maybe some would turn away; be saved.”
“They can’t know what they’re doing, surely they can’t.
“Or are they so caught up in the throng they don’t think to escape?”
Seal of the prophets
No trumpet. No fanfare.
It is at the Lord’s call that the prophet steps forward.
Into to the palm of his hand a signature is pressed;
This is no token for with it comes risk.
Around its perimeter, inscribed are words that cannot be read.
Etched centre are the symbols of calling and tribe.
A gift for his journey this seal is a window through time.
Solemnly one question is asked:
“Do you understand the weight of this task…accepting
“You’ll forever be marked?”
The prophet responds with a reverent bow of his head
To feel the will of God burn in his flesh.
His burden, his joy is in being one with the voice of the Lord.
The Craftsman’s stones
How hard the heart of one whose eyes can’t see,
Whose mind cannot believe.
So proud the heart of those who God’s grace refuse
And trust in works to get them through.
So hard the stone that won’t be cut or moved
So is left and another used.
What fate the stones that the Craftsman once chose?
The work has not been abandoned, merely postponed.
Such honour is meant for whom
God’s Son was sent, to whom he’s calling yet.
God made
God made all things from his realm above.
He is the Creator. His medium is love.
God declared this love by creating the earth
So he could bring forth life from the dirt.
God pulled the day from the darkness of night
To prepare the stage for the wonder of sight.
God stretched a space to form above and below,
That through this vastness his greatness he’d show.
God moved the waters to the places that be
Then moulded the land around and beneath.
God adorned the earth with grasses and trees
Then for survival he gave something called seed.
God placed above us the heavenly bodies we see;
An intricate timepiece for man, land and sea.
God called forth creatures, all sizes and forms.
In pairs he did do this so more would be born.
God mirrored his image and called the form Man
And set them above all creatures to govern the land.
God purposed a message through Adam and Eve:
“Unity is eternal if you’ll look first to me.”
God made all things with one purpose in mind,
That once we beheld it our Creator we’d find.
Clouds gather. Clouds disperse.
The sun is hidden then again shines.
The rainbow is a promise that cannot be seen
Unless first the heavens are drenched,
Then after all rumblings cease
Nothing compares to the experience of peace.
Troubles beset us, our knees are bent.
God is gracious. God is just.
His mercy only revealed when our sin we repent.
Out of turbulent seas
Spreads of treasure are spewed along the shores.
Behind cascading falls
Mossy gardens grow in time-carved tranquil pools.
First breath to final yawn
Life parades both rainbows and storms.
When earth’s journey is over
And in his presence we’re immersed,
No experience will compare to this promised peace.
On my knees (Shalom)
Persistent thoughts from me depart,
On my knees I have no qualms;
Only peace is found in the Father’s arms.
May it be where I’ll always be,
On my knees, a heart seeking thee.
Here I know is where it comes –
Peace, peace, peace, shalom.
Kept in his love and feeling free,
On my knees my Lord sees me.
Here to sing his praise in song –
Peace, peace, peace, shalom.
Perfect me with your love
Call me into your presence
That I might know your peace O God.
Embrace me with fondness
That I might feel your boundless love.
Lead me with your guidance
That I might tread the path you’ve trod.
Goad me with persistence;
Nudge me with your shepherd’s rod
That I might be one you’re proud of.
Endure my wandering;
Perfect me with your patience
That I might be like you,
My ever-loving God.
Who is the Lord? Who has heard him speak?
Who is God? Who has dared him meet?
He is El Shaddai – God Almighty.
He alone is wise and mighty.
His purpose is perfect, his decision is final.
He created. He can also destroy.
Man is not worthy to escape from denial’s void.
Who then is worthy to come to his throne?
Who then can cleanse us if we can’t on our own?
He is Messiah. Yeshua is his name.
He alone is pure; his heart knows not sin’s stain.
Himself he sacrificed, for us he died in shame.
We have been washed, sanctified by blood he shed;
Thus God now views us through what Christ did.
Who can deny the price of redemption was high?
Who cannot now say: “Jesus’ love bought me eternal life.”
Scarred, not broken
“I didn’t mean it.” The plaintive words declared.
“I know.” The firm reply left unsaid the fact that here
Words had been dismissed.
“Can you get another one like it…please Mamma?”
Her little heart begging not to hear the truth.
The splendid form was one of a kind;
Designed specifically for the inner court’s v
”No; there is no other like this one, but I know the Sculptor
“Who made it. He will be very sad to see what has
“Happened to it but I’m sure if it is possible for it to be
“Repaired, he will be the one to do it.”
“Will he ask how it happened? Will you tell him Mama?”
“Even if I do not tell him and though I know he is able to do
“Such wonderful work fixing damage that most people never
“Notice it, you will always know. You may not want to look at
“His figure again…Perhaps if you are very brave and tell him
“Yourself, you will be proud of the restoration that will come.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…
“Mama, will I be allowed to sit by him to lean on him and read
“My books in his shadow, and have picnics on the big rock he
“Stands on, and…”
“Yes, I think he’ll like that very much.”
“Thank you Mama. I am going to tell the Sculptor that I’m sorry;
“ I love what he’s done very much.”
Eternity is forever
The dictionary defines eternity like this: ‘endless or infinite time’.
If you have ever pondered eternity in the biblical sense,
Often referred to as heaven, you are left with this thought:
“Endless or infinite time to do what?”
Maybe you just believe in heaven because it is better than believing in hell.
If so, you probably believe that so long as you are a ‘good’ person you deserve