The Mystery of the Fires
"Is there anything I can do to help you people?" inquired Jane of MaryLouise the following morning at the breakfast table. "Pare potatoes--orsomething?"
"No, thanks, Jane," returned her chum. "We're getting along fine. I wouldlike to have you pull a load of dishes over to the Ditmars' for me,Freckles," she added, turning to her brother, "in your wagon."
"O.K., Sis," was the cheerful reply.
They left soon after breakfast, promising to be back again in time forlunch. It was a beautiful day, and Mary Louise was in high spirits,anxious to get everything arranged for the opening of the dining room thefollowing morning. Naturally, she expected Adelaide Ditmar to feel thesame way; she was therefore taken aback when the young woman came to thedoor with a distressed expression on her face and actual tears in hereyes!
"That husband of hers has done something," Mary Louise thoughtresentfully. "Oh, why can't he behave himself?"
"Come in, Mary Lou," invited Adelaide, repressing a sob. "You too,Freckles, if you can keep a secret."
"Of course I can!" replied the boy proudly.
They entered the charming little house, and their hostess closed the doorbehind them. Then she reached into the pocket of her apron and took out acoarse piece of paper which she handed to Mary Louise.
"Read that," she said.
Mary Louise held the paper in front of her so that her brother could seeit at the same time. The message was printed in pencil, and the wordswere misspelled, but there could be no mistaking its meaning:
"_Clos up your place rite away, or expeck FIRE!_"
Mary Louise read it twice before she handed it back to Adelaide Ditmar.
"How did this come?" she demanded.
"I found it under the back door," replied the young woman in a hoarsewhisper.
"But you didn't see anybody?"
"When did you find it?"
"Early this morning. About half-past seven."
"Did you show it to your husband?" asked Freckles.
"Not yet," replied Adelaide. "He's been so nervous, you know, and thiswork has just been wonderful for him. Oh, I can't bear to give it up! Itmeans more than money to us--it means an occupation for Horace, savinghim from melancholia, perhaps. Mary Lou, what can we do? Isn't there somepoliceman we can get to watch our house?"
"Shady Nook never had one," replied the other girl. "I certainly do wishmy Dad were here!"
"Your father? What could he do?"
"He's a detective," explained Mary Louise.
"The best detective in the world!" added Freckles.
"Oh, where is he?" sobbed Adelaide. "Can't we send for him?"
"I'm afraid not. He's out West somewhere, on a case. No, I don't see whatwe can do except watch. Never leave the house." She turned to herbrother. "You boys scan the woods for suspects, Freckles--and keep ahidden guard around the cottage.... I'm going to look for TomAdams--something made me suspicious of him yesterday. Don't let him intothe place, Adelaide.... And you'll have to tell Horace, because he willneed to be on guard too--especially at night."
"It's the work of a maniac, I'm sure," said Adelaide. "Nobody else wouldwant to burn down all these cottages."
"Of course, it may be," agreed Mary Louise. "But I don't believe it'sRebecca Adams who's doing it. She's sick in bed.... Of course, she mightbe up and around by this time--but I don't think so. Anyway, I'm goingover there this afternoon to engage Hattie for the job here, and I'llmake it a point to find out about Rebecca then. In the meantime, let'sget on with our work."
Adelaide dried her eyes, and Freckles rushed off to round up his gang.Mary Louise settled down to work; when Mabel Reed came over an hourlater, and Horace Ditmar returned in the car with his purchase ofsupplies, they were both amazed at the progress which had been made. Thelittle house had been transformed into a tea room!
With trembling hands Adelaide showed the threatening message to herhusband. She chose a time when Mabel Reed was out of the room, for MaryLouise had urged secrecy. No use frightening people away from the diningroom!
Horace Ditmar did not appear to be alarmed.
"I think it's just a practical joke on the part of those Smith kids," hesaid, "or maybe those Harrisburg boys. The best thing we can do is ignoreit. I don't think we need to worry." And he smiled so confidently thatMary Louise wondered for a moment whether Horace Ditmar could have setthose other cottages on fire himself and because of this fact feelperfectly safe about his own?
But, no, that wasn't possible, she felt sure. She had a new clue now:someone was objecting to the serving of meals to Shady Nook people. Thesame person who had destroyed Flicks' Inn by fire--the only person whocould possibly resent the project. It was Frazier, she thought, Frazierwho was guilty. The hotelkeeper could not bear to lose his business, andhe was bribing Tom Adams to start the fires.... But how could Mary Louisepossibly prove this fact?
However, she said nothing of her suspicions to the Ditmars or toFreckles, but she warned the boy not to mention the threat at home, forfear of alarming her mother. So the Gay family had a pleasant lunch thatday, little thinking of the danger that was lurking so terribly near.They talked happily of the opening of the dining room on the morrow andof their plans for that afternoon.
"We're all going to play tennis on the hotel court after lunch,"announced Jane. "The boys said they wanted to use it while they have thechance, because they're going to put up their tents over here tomorrowmorning. And Frazier will probably be so mad about losing them that he'llrefuse us all the use of the court."
"We've got a court of our own," observed Mary Louise.
"Yes, but it's not so good as the Royal's. Still, it will do," agreedJane. "I don't suppose you'd have time to play with us this afternoon,would you, Mary Lou?"
"I don't know," replied her chum. "I have to hunt up Hattie Adams--orwe'll have to do all the dish-washing ourselves tomorrow at the diningroom. I'll paddle across the river with you--she may be working at theRoyal Hotel. If she isn't, I'll have to come back and go see her at thefarm."
"You certainly do like to work on a hot day," yawned Jane.
"After all, it's not nearly such hot work as tennis--with those strenuousboys," returned Mary Louise.
"Well, if you do go to Adams' farm, be sure to get back in time for aswim," urged Jane.
About an hour later the two girls put their tennis rackets into the canoeand paddled across the river. The tennis court was around behind thehotel, away from the shore. Here they found half a dozen young people,four of whom were playing doubles.
The two extra boys on the bench moved over and made room for Jane andMary Louise.
"They'll be through in a minute--the score's five-two now," announced oneof the young men. "Then we four will have a set."
"I don't believe I had better play now," replied Mary Louise, "because Ihave to go hunt up Hattie Adams."
"Who's she?"
"A girl we want to get to wash dishes at our dining room. She may beworking here now. Or perhaps I can find her brother. Do you happen toknow Tom Adams? A fellow who does odd jobs around the hotel sometimes?"
The boy nodded.
"Yes, I know the guy you mean. Big brute with light hair? I think he'sback in the garage now, fixing up Frazier's truck."
Mary Louise jumped to her feet: this was just the information she wanted.She would rather see Tom Adams than his sister, although she didn'tactually want to talk to him. Just to check up on his movements!
"Be back in a few minutes!" she called as she disappeared through theclump of bushes behind the tennis court.
In her sneakers she skipped along noiselessly, unconscious of the factthat an outsider might regard her actions as "snooping." Yet when shestopped just outside of the garage door because she heard men's voicesinside, she realized then that she was really eavesdropping.
Immediately she identified the voices as belonging to Mr. Frazier and TomAd
ams. The latter was evidently changing a tire on the truck.
"I tell you I've got to have that money tonight!" snarled Tom Adams. "Iowe a guy a hundred bucks, and I need the rest myself."
"I can't pay it all now," whined Frazier. "I just haven't got it. I canlet you have three hundred and the rest when the job is finished."
"Oh, yeah? Well, the job ain't a-goin' a be finished till you cough up!All the dough."
Frazier's tone became more whining. "Business isn't any too good----"
"What would it have been without me to help?" retorted the younger man."Did I--or did I not put money in your pocket?"
"Oh, sure you did. And I'm willing to pay you for it."
There was silence for a moment, while Mary Louise waited breathlessly.She could not see the men's faces, but she had no difficulty in followingtheir conversation. She heard the rattling of paper money and knew thatFrazier must be paying Tom something.
"Want a receipt?" demanded Tom presently.
"Good Lord, no!" cried the other. "Nothing in writing, Tom. It might beused against us. Guess I can trust you."
"We've got to trust each other," sneered the younger man. "That's why Isay you have no right to hold out on me. I'm doin' the dirty work."
Mary Louise felt that she had heard enough. Everything was perfectlyclear to her. The only thing required was to wire the Albany police.Forgetful of her own danger and her need for secrecy until her discoverycould be announced, she ran across the front of the garage to the kitchendoor of the hotel. But not lightly enough: both Frazier and Tom heard herand stepped out of the garage to see who she was.
"What do you want, Mary Louise?" demanded Frazier, wondering whether ornot she could have overheard their conversation. "Lost a tennis ball?"
"No--no--I'm--looking for Hattie. Hattie Adams." Her voice was trembling;she did her best to make it sound unconcerned.
"Hattie doesn't work here," replied Mr. Frazier. "Hasn't for a long time.What gave you that idea?"
"I thought maybe she would, after she lost her job with Flicks'."
"Well, she doesn't. And I'd thank you to keep out of my kitchen and otherplaces where you don't belong, Miss Mary Louise Gay!" returned Frazier.Like all guilty people, he was angry at the innocent, and he glared atthe girl with hate in his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Frazier," replied Mary Louise. Turning to Tom sheasked, "Is Hattie over at the farm?"
"Reckon so," muttered the young man.
Mary Louise turned about and went back to the tennis court. Another setwas in progress. Jane was playing now, and Mary Louise did not like tointerrupt the game. So she merely picked up her tennis racket and toldthe young people on the bench that she was going home.
"I'll have to take the canoe," she said. "But I guess some of you peoplecan see that Jane gets across the river in case I don't return in time."
"O.K.," agreed the boys.
Mary Louise walked rapidly toward the river, trying to formulate a planas she went. But it was very difficult. Since there were no police atShady Nook, and the only telephone anywhere near was at the Royal Hotel,she didn't know how to proceed. There could be no doubt that Frazier andTom Adams were guilty of starting the fires at Shady Nook, but what werethe first steps she should take in having them arrested? Whom should sheinform first? Oh, if her father were only here to help her!
"They'll burn the Ditmars' down if I'm not quick," she thought. "And theymay do something to me, because I think both men suspect that I overheardthat conversation. Oh, what shall I do?"
She paddled across the river and tied the canoe to the dock. Then shewent inside the bungalow, debating whether or not to take her mother intoher confidence.
But that question was answered for her. Mrs. Gay was not at home, sothere was no opportunity to tell her.
Mary Louise sat down at the little desk in her bedroom and took out hernotebook. While the conversation between the two men was fresh in hermind she'd write it down, to show to the police when they arrived. Wordfor word, just as Frazier and Tom Adams had spoken.
After she had finished that, she sat still for a while, thinking. At lastshe decided upon a plan.
"I'll go to Adams first and make sure Hattie will be over tomorrow," shethought. "Because I mustn't let Adelaide down. Then I'll drive on to therailroad station and wire the police in Albany. Maybe I'll send Mrs.Hunter a telegram too, so that she can help me out on the other end."
She glanced at her costume--a red-and-white sports dress, which sheusually wore for tennis because of its short, full skirt. That would do,although it was a little conspicuous--easy for Tom Adams to identify incase he wanted to know what she was doing. She'd change her shoes,however, for she liked pumps better than sneakers.
Ready at last, she went through the back door of the bungalow to thegarage. But here she met with a disappointment she had not expected. Thecar was not there!
Then she remembered. Her mother had promised to take Mrs. Partridge andher sisters to a country fair that afternoon and would be gone until sixo'clock!
"So there's nothing for me to do but walk," she concluded. "Oh, if Cliffwere only here so I could borrow his!" But if Cliff were here and hishouse had not been burned, there would be no necessity of sending thatwire.
She started at once, cutting across a field and walking as fast as shecould, in spite of the heat, for it was almost four o'clock now, and sheand Jane had promised her mother that they would prepare the supper. ButJane was a good scout, Mary Louise thought; she'd go ahead just the sameif she were alone, so that part needn't worry her. The important thingwas to get that telegram to Albany before anything disastrous happened.
Yet her fears were entirely for the Ditmars as she trudged up the longhill to the Adams farm. Never once was she afraid for her own sake--notuntil her own horrible fate descended upon her with the suddenness of aclap of thunder. Then, and then only did she realize what a risk she hadtaken by coming to this lonely place by herself. Away from her friends,her family--everybody--alone, with a cruel enemy and a crazy woman!
For Mary Louise Gay was forcibly prevented from going to the station thatafternoon to send the wire to the police in Albany!