see you took the train. We should fly to Alice's Springs, and get lost. Just a few days.
Miranda: A week.
What you think; a Leica, a Red?
Miranda: A Red.
Of course! A Red and no questions. There is a huge clock in me. The Universe.
Miranda: I'll respect you.
I'll respect you too.
Miranda: Thank you.
Miranda: Write poetry. You are in the mood. What's playing?
Creedence Clearwater Revival, I don't recall "to the big" title. The whole album apparently. The good is mood tonight at Mark's. Like delivered by that boat hanging on the ceiling.
How rare. A table of Russian speakers. Young, bright, simpatico. Maybe there are Romanian. Slovak! Me and that no silly questions game. How poetrif. We are sailing well, Captain. The sea is smooth, gently undulating. Father is happy. The oath in HIS hands.
Miranda: I fell HIM.
What a brag.
Miranda: Sacred photos.
Heavens... there is coconut in this chocolate bar. Next time I got to buy some with mint. Twinnings! Get English smart in a mouthful. Now that's childhood. Hey, what about we take the kids with us around Urulu? Plus, Lucas' fiancée, a bite of your family, and a full blooded HD satellite. The last one will not be an option. Sorry. But I let you decide the rest! And the kitchen. I am only allowed to sharpen the knives. I am sure our dear readers are enjoying these lines. The mood wagon. Paprika, anyone?
Miranda: It's inventive.
It's a puff of smoke. Zorro on Hulu's movie night.
Quality time. I guess it's like being sit by you.
Miranda: It's like discussing with you.
An Aboriginal festival. Around Alice Springs. Christian. Pilchards welcome. To reconcile everybody. Mystic and logic. Tweet sent to Pampena. I crushed a Russian bear yesterday. Right on his head. Crack! We're best friends now. From afar! Just in case I had to hit him on the head again. Proetka! It's Vladimir. Monday just landed. I am back at the 3 Kings again. We all live between the lines. Or we keep on living from day to day if you prefer. Chevelure. I got to explain that. Chevelure and parure. Chevelure it's all the hair on your head. Your chevelure. Chevelu is head-hairy. La chevelure d'une femme, c'est sa parure. The chevelure of a woman, it's her parure. I wanted to say it. Your chevelure is sublime. I love standards. God. We're switching to mystic. God mode. I'd like to create clothes for you. Once. You say nothing?
Let me put some music. Have you heard that Giant steps' remix in C? I'd like to listen to it again tonight. Later. There is Rock & Roll again in the air. Tasty atmosphere. Let's not talk about your hair anymore. I flatter you too much, parure of pearls you.
Miranda: Stop the car.
Good idea. What did you saw?
: A nice spot.
It's just... you are so magic. I don't know if I should speak any further. Even just to say your name. God I love your smile. I am sorry to interrupt this silence, but I got to keep on writing this book.
: It's a love song.
Lol, I forgot.
: Say my name again.
But how am I supposed to call you now?
Sweetie: Sweetie.
Sweetie: It's still a pleasure to read.
Thank you, Sweetie. I am so lucky. Hey, maker of pleasures-to-read, who would complain? With that I guess that my English makes you laugh sometimes. The unintentionally way. It's a mix of all the way up to high-school school English, a dash a funky funk, and all these songs. Salad! You are dang right, Sweetie, you got to cook better than me. It is going to be beautiful. I can't wait to taste it. 8:32pm, let's soon head back home. It is such a war in there. Let's not brag about it. Please, send me a magic square, Sweetie. Or pass me salt if you can. I am on my way away from keyboard. How do you say thank you in didjeridoo?
Sweetie: It's inventive.
Thank you for the clue, clever you.
Sweetie: *smiling*
Thursday, Phew, It is raining, 2014; a quarter to eight. Walking to the 3 Kings to write to you is a pleasure, Sweetie. Nobody is watching the olympics. These untouchable babies. They are supposed to be those who change the world. Sportsmen can. Useless tv. God said that it was better before electricity. We cope with it HE just said. I am going to have to find another title. Or, come on, drop a miracle, I know that you are going to do a magic instagram. You majestic, you are torturing me with that wait. Pump up the volume! Saint first, Saint alway! I did my best. Way above and beyond the call of duty. Bouah! I even have the World of Warcraft achievement in addition of saving the world. Top dpser of the battle and all. YouTube it! 1080p, fullscreen. The Blood Saints and that 12 minutes long remix. Tacatac! What you think, we let them decide, the blond on my left, and the brunette on our right, we let them decide who do they take home in order to build a lifelong love with? I am sure that if I'd tell him that, he would laugh. He is drinking his second mojito, and still look like he is well intentioned. He almost look like a guardian angel with his white hair. The universe owe me that now. A miracle earned by a vision of Paradise on two legs. I pray for him! I got to say: Santa-Maria. To equilibrate. Leave a trace. La vitta e bella. Mirandamatica.
Sweetie: I am all women.
Good. Show me. I can't wait to meet you. I am tired of sub-men. I am tired to lose. I want to sing my Angel's love. There is no neighbor like you. From when you open my eyes in the morning, to when you close them, I should smile to you. You are that seventh wave. We truly are sea foam. I miss you. Your eyes are eternal prose to me.
Sweetie: You, you, you.
Ah... sweet you. Ok. Let's get back to work. I didn't even told you that, since I am tired to lose, it's wednesday, and I am at Mark's again. Coffee, check. Glass of water, check. Gum, check. iPad, check. Lion chocolate bar, new! Leaving a trace in life really is better than leaving a doubt. Once you know about the Prophecies and the Miracles that God gives me, I am sorry, it is going to be asked to you with who do you really are. It is basically the big deal. The surprise is big. You are in the Matrix now, me friend. Heaven of heavens, how good is this electric guitar is? I have never heard this man. Whiskey in the jar says Soundhound; Thin Lizy, live obviously. Such tension. Excellent! It is just like usually. I am always surprised by how soulful foreigners are compared to the French. With Irish's it's like they all have the Holy-Spirit with them. English's are quite cool too. I mean they give you the impression that you are meeting human beings. There is a Japanese that maybe still have a selfie of him and I doing the "Pulp Fiction" fork fingers by the eye gesture backed up somewhere. Who would't start talking to people from a million miles away, sit there just next to you? Once, four Mancunians thought I was a cop. Had to reassure them. They couldn't believe that I was a DJ in fact. Had to pop the webpage to prove it! Even the earbuds. We had a funny moment. The lady was like, super hot. I am crazy about English girls. Australian women were once the ultimate. They still are rarities. You never find one in Tours. They are too beautiful to step in here. I remember a June 22, 1994, or 1993, or 95, whatever, in Amsterdam. You won't believe it. Jesus, in Amsterdam, in a coffee shop by the hotel. Don't ask me which one. I can't recall neither the hotel nor the coffee shop. But how much I remember that Australian beauty. Boy, oh boy. Action! So, I barely slept. 24 hours before I was about to play bass in the streets of Tours with The Spicies. I did and then took the 8 hours long all-nighter ride to Amsterdam after the show. As I said, I am exhausted. We visited Amsterdam. It's me time! It is okay if I disappear an hour. Madam is exhausted too. She is resting her royal derriere. I am not far anyway. I deserve it. I visited Amsterdam too. Patient! Van Gogh museum included. He painted Japanese stuff!? You see. How cool. The coffee shop is charming. They have a first floor, and some under floor too. Like two three steps down. I am buying the best hashish I guess. Like everybody, at the counter. Arrive Miss-Milky wa
y. Hallelujah. She has opals instead of eyes and all. Google that right away. I can't tell how many colors there is in these eyes. There is too many of them. You bet I propose my help. Sweetheart is buying weed. She doesn't know how to roll. I am a French tourist, yes, but of the decent kind. Clearly not a junkie. Mam risk's nothing with me. Perfect stranger. That's stop the coffee shop guys. We sit together. My school English is good enough for her to understand me. Sad she has a default. She eats too much. All the time. She is fatty. She'd be an eleven otherwise. These damn joints are too strong, and I am a stoner. Dutch qualitwat! I am surprised by how destroyed I am after just a few puffs. Wow. The same happens to her. Oh. Like, there is nothing we'll can really do now. She can't really talk anymore, I don't see what else I could say. You are alone? At this point, it is or I leave the place and return to the hotel, or we marry. The magic is there. The Sky wants to save us. If only I had let HIM do.
So, you design coffee cups. Yes, it is Thursday, now. I just told Mark that I am making him famous. It made him smile. I won't tell him there is going to be Saint-Mark's churches. I let him guess, absorb the