The Forest of Mystery
Good News
When he had made an opening barely large enough to see into the store,Pong Lee stepped forward and peered out, holding the pistol with agrip of steel.
For the first time Bob and Joe saw how dangerous this harmless-lookingChinaman could become. They were indeed glad he was their friend andnot their enemy.
Bob cautiously glided over beside the Chinaman, although well aware ofthe grave danger. The youth looked through the opening, and then hisjaw dropped.
There, running rapidly but quietly toward the door, was a tall, slimOriental, a plait of black hair reaching halfway down his back. It wasevident that he knew he had been discovered, for he ran indesperation.
_Bang! Bang!_ Pong Lee's pistol spoke twice in rapid succession butwithout result. The intruder escaped unharmed.
The moment he disappeared through the doorway, Pong Lee dashed outinto the room.
"We must shoot him!" cried the little Chinaman, reaching the outside.
Bob, hesitating to follow because of the peril, watched closely untilPong Lee was out of sight. Joe too had parted the curtain to see whatwas going on.
They heard several pistol shots, but no other noise followed.Apparently Pong Lee's aim was not true.
A moment later the Chinaman returned, holding the smoking weapon.
"Gone, yes." Pong Lee was facing the boys. "Man he leave queek. I notgave a chance to shoot him."
"He sure went out of the store quickly," commented Bob. "Must havebeen barefooted or something."
The remark provoked a smile from Joe, but not from the Chinaman. Thatthe latter was still greatly worried was clear to the youths.
Had the invader, whoever he was, seen where the valuable jewels werekept? Did he intend to return later? Pong Lee's mind was in a whirl.He felt that it would be necessary to find another hiding place forthe valuables, one that could not be located by anyone.
"I should think this fellow, or someone else, would come in and makeyou tell them where you keep this stuff," remarked Joe. "Even threatento kill you if you didn't tell."
The Oriental shook his head.
"They know I not tellee, even if I get killed," he explained. "That dothem no good, no."
"Then you ought to feel fairly safe," laughed Bob. "Your life isn't inany great danger, anyway. Do you wear any of the jewelry?"
"I keepee good luck ring on finger all tlime," Pong Lee returned."Only once I had bleeg excitement."
"How was that?" asked Joe.
"I was knocked down by a man that he want ring. I get run flom him. Hethlow hatchet at me. It miss my head by many few parts of inches."
"A close shave, all right," said Bob grimly. "Here's hoping Joe and Idon't have such an experience tonight."
The youths remained in the building for nearly an hour talking withthe amiable Chinaman. Then, as they realized that it was past ten,they departed, after having again thanked the man for the rings.
While still in that vicinity they remained quiet, slinking along likewolves. They feared all too much that the sinister Moy Ling, of whomPong Lee spoke, might cause them trouble. But as time passed they losttheir apprehension and became their natural selves again. Thus far noOriental had stopped them.
"I had a hunch that Chink wanted to give us something," remarked Bob,breaking the silence. "But of course I had no idea what it would be."
"Wouldn't doubt that these rings are really worth a lot," Joe said.
"You don't mean they'll actually bring us good luck?" asked Bob, verymuch amused.
"Not that," was the answer. "I mean worth something in money. Pong Leesaid they were. Do you suppose they're gold?"
"More than I know. I'm not going to sell mine, though. I'd rather keepit to remember this experience with Pong Lee."
"I'll bet you really think it will bring good luck," teased Joe.
"Quit your kidding. I'm not unusually smart, but I've got more sensethan to believe that."
There was a general laugh.
"Do you know," began Joe, a little later, "I'm beginning to wondersomething."
Bob glanced up expectantly.
"Pong Lee said there is a big secret connected with those rings," Joeresumed.
"That's right. He did."
"Then--there's a chance that they are worth more than their actualgold value. Get my point?"
Bob's face lightened.
"Golly, Joe. You may be right. But what could the secret be?"
"That's the mystery of it all. Maybe," Joe continued, struck with asudden thought, "there's a piece of paper or something concealed inthe rings. I'm going to find out. It's light here under this streetlamp."
"Don't, you sap!" cried Bob, whirling his friend around. "Why, theremight be a dozen Chinks spying on us. It would about be our finish ifyou'd go to examining that ring here at this late hour."
Joe laughed sheepishly.
"I must be crazy," he smiled. "Funny, but I never thought of that.We'll wait till we get back to the hotel."
Although it was late, the friends walked idly along Grant Avenue,desiring to see everything that had previously escaped their eyes.They wanted to "go off the beaten path," as Joe expressed it, to see apart of Chinatown that was not spoiled by the Occidental. But as itwas late they knew this could not be done.
The chums finally came to Market Street and turned toward the hotel,walking along silently.
The naturalists looked up quickly as the boys entered. They regardedthe latter quizzically.
"We're anxious to know just what that Chinaman wanted of you," saidMr. Lewis with a smile. "Sit down and tell us."
Bob removed the good luck ring from his finger. He passed it to Mr.Lewis.
"He just wanted to reward us for getting him out of that wreckedautomobile," Bob explained. "Gave us rings. And, say, there's somesecret connected with them. He wouldn't tell us, and we haven't beenable to find out."
"Hmm." Joe's father examined the ring eagerly while Mr. Holton lookedover Joe's.
"No secret openings in them, are there?" inquired Bob.
"Apparently not," his father returned. "Each has a lot of Chineseletters and figures on it, though. Perhaps if you knew what they meanyou could solve the mystery."
Joe yawned and stretched.
"Whatever it is, I'm not going to stay up any longer to find out, evenif I could," he said.
Without further discussion all retired, eager to get all the sleep thenight would afford them.
Late the next morning, Bob and Joe were awakened by their fathers.
"Whazzamatter?" demanded Bob drowsily.
"We have some news for you," Mr. Holton said, his eyes twinkling."Thought maybe you'd like to hear it."
All the sleep knocked out of them, the chums sat up quickly, wonderingwhat was meant.