The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery; Or, The Christmas Adventure at Carver House
All wrought up over the idea of the strange midnight visitor stilllurking down in the passage, Nyoda made Sherry and the boys armthemselves and search the tunnel and the cave thoroughly, but they foundno sign of anyone hidden down there.
"It must have been a ghost that unlatched the door, after all," saidJustice. "Most likely the ghost of the fellow that put the latch on. He'sprobably detailed to look after all the latches he put on doors!--goesaround with the ghost of an oil can and keeps them from squeaking.Yesterday must have been the date on his monthly tour of inspection. No,it couldn't have been a spook anyhow," he contradicted himself. "There'sthe can of paint and the footprint on the stairs. Ghosts don't leavefootprints. That was real paint. He's a live spook, all right."
"But where is he now?" asked Nyoda nervously. "I'm afraid to open a tabledrawer, for fear he'll step out. Does he fold up like an accordion, Iwonder, or turn into smoke like the Imp in the Bottle? I declare, I'mgetting curious to see him. I'm sorry now I made you barricade the doordown there beside the ladder; I've half a notion to sit on the stairs allnight and see if he won't appear."
"I know an easier way than that," said Justice gravely. "Just grease thestairs and then come when you hear him fall. It'll save you the troubleof sitting up."
"You might recommend that method to the cat, instead of her watchingbeside the mousehole," replied Nyoda, laughing.
Then she heard a familiar fumbling at the back door. "Here comesHercules," she said hastily. "Quick, close up the landing. Don't anybodymention finding the secret passage to him, or he'll make life miserablefor me from now on, worrying for fear his old friend, the devil, willcome in and carry us all off. Come, get away from the stairway, and don'tact as if anything unusual had happened.
"What is it, Hercules?" she asked, as the old man shuffled into thekitchen. "Is your cold worse?"
"I was jest goin' to ask yer could I have some coffee," said the old manin a plaintive voice. "I got the mizry so bad it's jest tearin' me terpieces, an' when it gits like dat it don' seem like anything'll help it'xcept drinkin' hot coffee."
Nyoda smiled at this novel cure for rheumatism, but she replied heartily,"Why, certainly you may have some coffee, Hercules. Just sit down thereat the kitchen table and I'll get you a cup. There's some left in thepot; it'll only take a minute to warm it up."
She heated the coffee and motioned Hercules to a seat at the kitchentable, but he took the steaming cup and edged toward the door.
"I'll jest take it out an' drink it gradual," he said. "Never seems terhelp de mizry none 'less I drink it gradual an' keep my feet in hot waterde while. Tanks, Mist' Sher'dan, I don' need no help. I kin git along bymyself."
Hercules shuffled out to the barn with his cup of hot coffee and Nyodawaited until he was out of earshot before she laughed aloud.
"That man certainly is a character!" she exclaimed. "Whoever heard ofcuring rheumatism by drinking coffee 'gradual' and holding your feet inwater? I never know what queer notion he's going to have next. I put apot of bright red geraniums in his room once to brighten it up and hepromptly brought it back, because, 'Jewraniums am powerful unlucky, Mis''Lizbeth. I was plantin' jewraniums dat day de goat got killed.' Poor oldHercules, he does miss that goat so! He was simply inconsolable at first,and finally I resigned myself to a life of misery and told him to go andget himself another goat, but he wouldn't do it. Nothing could take theplace of that fiendish old animal in his affections. I believe he'llmourn for him all the rest of his life."
"Let's invite him in for Sylvia's birthday party to-morrow night,"suggested Migwan. "That'll cheer him up and make him forget all about his'mizry' for a while. Let's find a masquerade costume for him, too, so hecan be one of us."
Nyoda smiled brightly at Migwan. "Thoughtful child!" she said fondly."Always thinking of someone else's pleasure. Certainly we'll ask Herculesto the party.
"Now, all you menfolk clear out of this kitchen, or we won't get anydinner to-night!"