The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10)
Whereon all the Discourses, passe under the Rule and Government, of theHonourable Ladie LAURETTA. And the Argument imposed, is, Concerningsuch Wittie deceyvings; as have, or may be put in practise, by Wives totheir Husbands; Husbands to their Wives: Or one man towards another.
The Induction.
Earely on the Sonday Morning, _Aurora_ shewing her selfe bright andlovely; the Sunnes Golden beames beganne to appeare, on the toppesof the neere adjoyning Mountaines; so, that Hearbes, Plants, Trees,and all things else, were verie evidently to be discerned. The Queeneand her Companie, being all come foorth of their Chambers, and havingwalked a while abroad, in the goodly greene Meadowes, to taste thesweetnesse of the fresh and wholesome ayre, they returned backe againeinto the Palace, because it was their dutie so to do.
Afterward, betweene the houres of seaven and eight, they went to heareMasse, in a faire Chappell neere at hand, and thence returned to theirLodgings. When they had dined merrily together, they fell to theirwonted singing and dauncing: Which beeing done, such as were so pleased(by License of the Queene first obtained) went either to their rest,or such exercises as they tooke most delight in. When midday, and theheate thereof was well over-past, so that the aire seemed mild andtemperate: according as the Queene had commanded; they were all seatedagaine about the Fountaine, with intent to prosecute their formerpastime. And then Madame _Neiphila_, by the charge imposed on her, asfirst speaker for this day, beganne as followeth.